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Got_Bent ,

If only that last panel still held true

Got_Bent , (edited )

Without looking, my guesses are Venezuela and Argentina. I'll go look and see how close I was.

Edit: It proves difficult to find a consensus ranking, but the top countries seem to consistently involve Zimbabwe, Sudan, Argentina, Venezuela, Lebanon, and Turkey. The order changes depending on the metric of what defines inflation and over what time period you're looking at.

Got_Bent ,

I remember getting my Texas instruments financial calculator circa 2009 for probably fifty dollars or so.

The professor told us that at the time, production costs for my fifty dollar calculator were roughly a dollar.

On the bright side, I'll bring that thing in whenever I buy a car and it truly fucks with the whole "what kind of payment are you looking for" routine they do. (Though these days, I'm more likely to bring a laptop with Excel. Same idea, but faster and better visuals)

Got_Bent ,

Meanwhile, the mantle is tailgating the hell out of the core wishing it would move over to the right lane

Got_Bent ,

My entire life has offered two options - time or money

Never both

In this phase, I've been making good money, but it's at the cost of working twelve to fifteen hours a day six to seven days a week for half the year, going down to a meager forty five to fifty hours for the other six months with no overtime.

Then I've got to be careful in making comments that I've got a few pennies saved because it makes other Lemmy users think I'm all bougie or whatever word it is that the kids use these days.

The reason I've saved money is that I have no time to spend it. My entire existence is either working or preparing to go to work via laundry/groceries/cooking. (Leaving the office for lunch is a mortal sin, so I bring my own daily and eat at my desk, never a lunch break)

I'll look at the transactions in my bank account and I'm surprised that I live on about a hundred and thirty dollars a week because of this. (This doesn't include housing expense)

It's unprecedented in my company, but I'm about to negotiate more time off in lieu of raise this next upcoming cycle.

I'm so




And no I can't just "get another job". There are no greener pastures, especially since I've crossed into the dreaded "in my fifties" zone

Got_Bent ,

Her job is done anyway. It'll be years before this case can proceed and if Adolf Donnie Trump weasels his way into office, it goes away forever. She's successfully delayed it into oblivion.

I'm honestly surprised she didn't just outright dismiss it from the getgo.

Got_Bent ,

Texas is that way to a point. Your primary residence gets enormous tax breaks. Any property after that, fuck you, pay up. The downside to that is that it contributes to the high cost of rent as the owner passes it along to the tenant.

Got_Bent ,

Yes homestead. I'm not sure how other states do it.

Texas increased from ten thousand to twenty five thousand to forty thousand to a hundred thousand in a short period.

So semantics. I say increase for other houses, you say discount for primary house. Either way you choose to phrase it, you pay less for your primary residence and more for other properties.

Got_Bent ,

I don't think pornhub wants your ID.

I live in Texas and just tested the site to see if anyone has changed. It hasn't since they essentially shut down here.

It's a full page statement about Texas politicians.

There's no option to submit an ID even if a person wanted to do so.

But maybe I've misunderstood who "them" is in your comment.

Got_Bent ,

This is a good little illustration of why his passing made me feel like I lost somebody I knew personally

Got_Bent ,

I can't watch him anymore either.

No issues watching old Robin Williams clips, but I just can't watch Anthony anymore.

Got_Bent ,

About ten years ago, I worked for a small firm where most of the partners attended this very church.

One of the reasons I left was that I felt completely out of place as they integrated their religion into the office culture.

When I left, the managing partner would send me handwritten letters for YEARS effectively telling me that while I had chosen damnation for myself, I owed it to my daughter to have the opportunity for salvation by attending this specific gateway Church in Southlake.

If I didn't have so much disdain and bitterness, I'd be tempted to send him this article.

Got_Bent ,

God I was going to UNT football games when Todd Dodge was there. It seemed like all of Southlake was attending those games. I hate him with a white hot intensity. I hate his acolytes orders of magnitude more.

The few times I've been through Southlake, I felt like a needed a shower with some 36 grit sandpaper as a loofa.

Got_Bent ,

Yeah, what I've found is that school personalities just transition into adult life. The bullies are middle managers, etc. Adults are every bit as childish as they were in school. It's just a different kind of playground.

Got_Bent ,

Was he the last surviving New York Giant?

Got_Bent ,

Who pays to watch these things? Like Fast and Furious part 47 is clearly making money as is Comic book hero vs other comic book anti-hero part 32.

I know I'm old, but I can't even name the year when I last paid to go see a movie.

Got_Bent ,

The only reason I ever took my kid to Disneyland was because we lived in southern California and knew somebody who worked there that gave us free passes.

It was a great day that my now adult daughter doesn't remember at all.

I loved my own childhood trip to Disneyland in 1979 when it was a much, much simpler and cheaper affair.

If I had kids today, Disney would be completely off the table.

Got_Bent ,

Growing up in coastal California, the uniform for all genders was shorts and a hoodie, often of the Mexican variety.

Now I'm old and my shorts wearing habit is apparently dad mode.

Whatevs with the dad thing. Be comfortable.

Got_Bent ,

Today is the first I've ever heard of anti shorts. The world is weird, man.

Got_Bent ,

When I was still watching that show, I was perplexed that Democrats would say that's the world Republicans want and Republicans would say that's the world Democrats want.

I'm firmly in the former camp and cannot for the life of me figure out how a conservative could agree with the latter.

Got_Bent ,

Off the top of my head:


Citizen Kane

It's a Wonderful Life

The Wizard of Oz

Ben Hur



Rebel Without a Cause

American Graffiti

The Graduate


North by Northwest

Got_Bent ,

I saw him live about ten years ago.

As per usual, he was about two hours late getting started. Once things got going I counted no fewer than sixty people traipsing about the stage in various stages of undress and demonstrating innumerable methods of erotic dance, including but not limited to a contortionist pimp with a dildo for a nose, all while George sat motionless on a stool in the center.

This went on for at least four hours at which point, we decided to take our leave.

As far as I know, that show is still going, never to conclude.

That shit was weird. Really weird.

Got_Bent ,

I think George might transcend spacetime and that it's possible that both your show and mine are still going on somewhere in a broom closet aboard the mother ship.

Got_Bent ,

I found a sample test with 133 questions. I got 126 of them for 94.74%.

There were a few history questions that threw me, specifically related to the federalist papers of which I've got scant little memory.

I felt like the rest of it was pretty straightforward. I also think recent divisiveness has made a lot of the questions related to how the federal government is structured a lot easier.

As to your assertion that most natural Americans would fail, I'd flip a coin on that. Maybe? Probably?

Got_Bent ,

Assuming most Americans couldn't pass it, that explains a ton of politician rhetoric. They say things that are functionally impossible, but if the voter Is entirely unaware of how the government is structured and functions, then they'll eat it up and cast their vote, frequently against their own well being.

Got_Bent ,

I'll credit Trump for one thing - he successfully broke me of my Scotch habit with his stupid tariffs

Now let's scale that up to, well, everything?

Bannon vows Trump’s opponents will be prosecuted in a second term | CNN Politics ( )

Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of Donald Trump, vowed investigations and prosecutions of those who have probed the former president and his political allies, declaring at a conservative gathering Saturday that Inauguration Day in 2025 will be “accountability day.”...

Got_Bent ,

If Trump gets in, it may very well turn into a totalitarian single party system.

Got_Bent ,

Scientists discover THIS many shots of vodka will inebriate you

Got_Bent ,

War monger kids and grandkids finagle indefinite deferments.

Got_Bent , (edited )

I wouldn't put it past the Republican party to bring conscription to the table. Probably with all kinds of exceptions and loopholes to either keep their own kids out of it entirely or guarantee cush domestic desk jobs to show how patriotic they are. Everybody else gets to line up with a rifle.

Edit: Well, while I was baselessly speculating, this happened to come up on Lemmy:

Got_Bent , (edited )

On those drug testing kits, does that mean I would be able to demand testing of every drink I order?

I've tried looking them up and the only reference I could find to price was from 2018 where they were retailing for five to seven dollars a piece.

It also appears to only be for a certain type of liquor license that sells spirits. I guess you can't roofie a beer or a glass of wine?

I like the idea, but I see a whole lot of kinks to get worked out.

Edit: I found twenty tests for fifteen dollars on Amazon, so maybe those 2018 prices were incorrect.

Got_Bent ,

I did that one

The other one I was embarrassingly called out on when I was a teen was pronouncing inevitable in eh VITE able.

Got_Bent ,

I didn't believe this was real. Looked it up. Here's a cool video. Don't worry, the chevrotain wins this one.

Got_Bent ,

Asserting that people can't have sex in a twin bed is to believe that college students are entirely celibate.

Got_Bent ,

I also would never think of simply putting the mattress on the floor to save breaking the frame. That would most certainly be against the rules.

Got_Bent ,

Next up, mandatory marriage? Like if you're single past age twenty one or so, you're criminally charged? Maybe sent as cannon fodder in the colonies?

Got_Bent ,

This can all be avoided with a pallet of paper towels and a sharpie.

Got_Bent ,

I saw a comment on that bastion of reasonable well thought out dialogue, Yahoo, that asserted if Caitlyn Clark were black, she'd be on the team.

To this I questioned where on the roster Angel Reese resides.

The US team is on a streak of what, seven or eight gold medals? I'll leave it to their organizers as to whom they would like to play.

Got_Bent ,

About these Lemmy poster bones.

Do you make stock with them?

Do you use the stock to finish a nice shit poster paella?

What's for dessert?

Got_Bent ,

Back when more than a fraction of a percent of the population smoked, there used to be PSAs about this on television. I'm not a hundred percent sure that my memory is correct, but I think Smokey the Bear got involved in the campaign.

Got_Bent ,

It takes congressional impeachment to bring any consequences whatsoever, right? So basically it's impossible for them to suffer anything. Of course they're throwing the middle finger.

Thomas looks like he enjoys a good cheese hamberder or twelve, so that's pretty much the only thing that will stop him.

Got_Bent ,

Hundred percent that thing shows up at high school football games to wild cheers

Got_Bent ,

So the prosecuting attorney of all people is all like, "yeah, I'm pretty sure I fucked that up," and the governor is all like, "nah bro. I've already got my killing poor black people pants put on and unzipped. I'm rubbing this one out no matter what."

Got_Bent ,

I thought this was North Korea for the following reasons:

The street is largely empty

There's a foreign car

The license plates are significantly different than what I remember

Never heard of Pangyo

Looking all of those things up (except the empty street) I realize I would absolutely not recognize the country I lived in thirty years ago

Got_Bent ,

Now I feel like the marketing department for the fashion industry back in the sixties missed an opportunity. It could've been a foxen coat or a foxen wrap.

Got_Bent ,

The head of Nixon in a jar must be super pissed right about now

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