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shalafi ,

I only have two ideas:

They're seeing what they can get away with. Or, and more likely, normalizing more and more aggression in pursuit of seeing what they can get away with.

shalafi ,

No surprise, I have a pet pig. Smartest animal I've ever known, bar none.

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  • shalafi ,

    Bullshit. They're taking an opportunity to collect more data. This should be applauded, but doesn't make for a juicy headline.

    shalafi ,

    Unsweet tea. Wife has made green tea for the last few batches, liking that even more.

    If I'm outdoors, kayaking or hiking or whatever, I carry frozen water.

    shalafi ,

    Used to mean hygienic care. "Performing your toilet" in the morning used to encompass washing your face, brushing your teeth, whatever it is that a given person does to clean up. Makes a good generic term for all that, without including particular acts.

    shalafi ,

    That particular thing is not a big deal, at all. If you're a man, you must register for Selective Service at 18. Been that way since I did it 35-years ago, had to go figure out how to do it manually. Not like you could formerly opt out and just not get drafted. "Well, damn. He's not on the list, guess we can't draft him! Clever bastard."

    This change merely automates the process. One less thing for a young man to worry about or get in trouble for.

    shalafi ,

    I'd pump out the MAGA merchandise. I'm talking grift of biblical proportions.

    Would you like a cherry on top? After becoming America's #1 purveyor, I'd go all out telling the world that I got rich suckering rubes.

    shalafi ,

    I can't imagine there's much to cover on the topic. Plus, it leaves the cop no way to claim ignorance if he fucks up.

    shalafi ,

    A coworker just bought a 1.5 bath, 2 car garage, 3 bed for $500,000+ in Portland, basically no yard/outdoor area.

    shalafi , (edited )

    You've bought the hype. Only something like 4% of guns deaths are from long guns, of which the AR-15 is a subset. The Virginia Tech shooter got most of his kills with a .22 handgun. Shouldn't you be railing against pistols?

    Also, the AR-15 has been around for civilian purchase since 1964. Isn't it odd how quickly, and how suddenly, it became popular? Maybe because the Democrats banned it? And if there's anything people want, it's what they can't have. Remember Columbine? Funny how mass shooters suddenly discovered the weapon at that time. And that leads us to...

    AR-15s make headlines. Remember that nut in Maine last year or so? Isn't it odd that none of the headlines mentioned the sort of gun used? I mean, if it had been an AR-15, that fact would have been splattered everywhere, because it always is. Took me a minute to find it when the story came out, but it was an AR-10. Huh. Guess that doesn't get people's juices flowing.

    I'm sure you're aware that most media in the US is owned by a couple of corporations and billionaires. Could it be that the oligarchs want us disarmed? Too much tinfoil on my hat?

    shalafi ,

    And insanely reliable, like a Honda Civic.

    shalafi ,

    a real alpha man like me


    shalafi ,

    Mine take as well. And pretty damned clever for filthy Russians. Surprised they've seen a laptop, let alone have fine screwdrivers.

    shalafi ,

    This sleazebag is my Congressman, well attainted with his sins. But can we stop acting like a 17-yo. is a child who was forcibly raped? Yes, "child rape" is technically correct, but the image we form from that term is not the reality.

    Anyway, the charges fell through. She wouldn't testify and opened an OnlyFans page, so the prosecution felt that was a non-starter. He got away with it.

    He's smarter than he looks, but he's basically a rich frat boy that flew too high, too fast. And not least, talked too much. Here's hoping his wings finally melt off and he makes a crater in Pensacola Bay.

    shalafi ,

    Thought much the same! I'm in NW Florida, and high up, as far as Florida goes high.

    Storm the other day turned black, like 8:30 at night black, solar lights came on.

    Grew up in Oklahoma, seen some thunder boomers and twisty clouds, no worries. But that one got me thinking, "A tornado could simply shred this house and I lose it all." And my wife was driving in it with a whopping 2-years driving experience. My heart was jumping for 10-minutes. Wife is from the Philippines, no stranger to wild weather. She was scared shitless.

    Been here 18-years or so. Never been this hot so soon, and so consistently. Only fun activities involve being on top or under water.

    shalafi ,

    So why can't Israel support itself after decades of the US pumping weapons and money?

    I'm 100% done with Israel, and that's coming from a middle-aged guy who was always a supporter. At this point, I honestly don't care if the Arab world stomps them flat. Who could I possibly give a shit any longer?!

    So thanks for bringing the plight of the Palestinians into my worldview and trashing the country's reputation. I get it now. Clearly.

    shalafi ,

    LiberalGunNut™ here! This is interesting in a few ways.

    Don't often carry, mainly in the boondocks and unfamiliar places/situations. I've often said that simply the act of carrying a deadly weapon heightens your situational awareness. You're looking for trouble to avoid. It truly changes the way you perceive your surroundings and the people in them. (The primary reason I carry is for 4-legged threats.)

    I've also often stated that guns are not as great for self-defense as gun nuts would have us believe. (Lots to unpack there, not getting into that ATM.) Still, better than a sharp stick.

    And here we are. A Secret Service agent, though not on duty, got mugged. And not any old agent, one attached to the Presidential detail! You would think such an agent would be the acme of situational awareness. And yet a gunman got the drop on them.

    Very strange story, but of course we weren't there and will never get all of it.

    shalafi ,

    Next article: Scientists Discover That Jamming More and More Food in Your Face is Bad for You! You Won't Believe the Solution!

    INB4: I seriously don't eat hardly anything and it's not my fault!

    If you're fat, you eat too much. Period. And BTW, your gluttony makes a huge impact on global warming.

    shalafi ,

    OP's wildly misunderstanding. The idea behind such laws is that some asshole doesn't divert acres and acres of rainwater for his personal use. I think one guy, ever, has been prosecuted, and that's exactly what he was doing.

    tl;dr: No one's coming for you after a rain barrel.

    shalafi ,

    I don't get these lawsuits. If the FTC says Adobe is breaking a law or regulation, give 'em $X days to comply. Done.

    shalafi ,

    The Industrial Revolution absolutely exploded the world, good call.

    shalafi ,

    OK, then I choose not to rent. You can go buy a house or rent or live on the street.

    Now what?

    How to make an old USB brother laser printer wireless?

    I have an old Brother laser printer that's been doing fine and doesn't need to be replaced, but it only supports USB. Is there a device besides an old computer/laptop that would make it a shared wireless printer that supports windows machines well? I'm pretty sure i could come up with something myself, but i would prefer an...

    shalafi ,

    Let me throw 12 Angry Men on the pile. I've rarely (maybe never) been so astonished at..., whatever that movie is. Grabs you by the short and curlies, won't let go. And the premise could hardly sound more boring.

    shalafi ,

    In the Discworld books witches are much like local doctors. There's a young witch that can't convince a family to move the privy away from the garden, which is making them sick. She tries to explain there are tiny, tiny animals that are coming from the poop and that's what's making them ill. They smile politely and don't change anything.

    The old witch comes along and it explains that the problem is the goblins in the outhouse and to move it far away from the garden. They happily do so.

    shalafi ,

    Maybe you can tell me if this is true, or still in line with modern thinking.

    Read a book 30 years ago about eating wild mushrooms. The author suggested that, if you weren't certain, you could chip a tiny piece off with your tooth, see how it goes. No stomach issues? Try a slightly larger piece. Rinse and repeat.

    Does that ring true? Always sounded perfectly reasonable to me. I've got 2.5 acres of swamp with all kinds of fungi, love to start trying some. Now and again I find monster shelf fungi that look good. And my god, I learned what stinkhorns are last spring.

    Also, is there any easy way to start leaning field ID? I'm familiar with the parts and terms, so I got that going for me.

    shalafi ,

    This shit didn't happen when I was a kid, and we had far fewer regulations. LOL, you could mail order a gun from Sears and carry it in the rear-window gun rack.

    But I'm sure a man would unload on a park is exactly the sort who would obey regulations.

    shalafi ,

    It should be automatic, and it is now. Why did I have to worry about it 40-years ago? Now? Now worries, done deal. Nothing has changed.

    Of course lemmy thinks that serving means you're on the front lines as a grunt with an M4.

    shalafi ,

    You're arguing with an anti-gun audience that knows nothing about any of this. All they know is, "Guns bad!" (Wait till they find out about the shoestring conversion kit.)

    Tell you what guys: Grab an AR-15 with a bump stock and I'll square off with mine, which is, well, stock. Good luck.

    It was a poorly written ruling with poor reasoning. If y'all want to bitch, bitch at Congress to create a solid definition of "machine gun" that's a little newer than the 1930s. I'd be right behind it.

    Or, we could forget the whole notion of "law" and "precedent", just go with "feels". (Which seems to be lemmy's take on anything more complex than jaywalking.)

    shalafi ,

    I said "miss happen" one time in front of my girlfriend. "What?"

    "You know, like badly shaped, deformed."

    "Misshapen?! BAH HAH HA HAA!"

    shalafi ,

    Check the totals, wasn't even close.

    Here is how these things work:

    Congressmen are not completely stupid, with 3 or 5 notable exceptions. The GOP knew they were losing this vote. They didn't try to pass anything. Hell, many, maybe most, either don't care or don't even want the cursed thing back.

    This is pure virtue signaling for their constituents. How many of the GOP "nay" votes do you figure are solid seats with no chance of getting primaried? How many "yea" voters were worried about being called out in a campaign ad? Be interesting to analyze.

    As to what that says about GOP voters, go nuts in the comments and remember to like and subscribe.

    shalafi ,

    Thanks! I was trying to work out how the hell it was supposed to work. Because it sure wouldn't stop me.

    shalafi ,

    New rules recently came into effect in the US which mean that brokers working from home must be inspected every three years.

    A spokeswoman for the firm said: "Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behaviour."

    If I had my druthers, Wells Fargo would have been parted out years ago. But I can't blame them for firing unethical employees.

    shalafi ,

    We voted for Obama. Twice. Kinda sick of you politically naive children bagging on us for the last few years.

    shalafi ,

    Y'all know that it's perfectly legal to pass a yellow light? Right?

    shalafi ,

    LOL, you're vastly overestimating company's IT abilities, funding and give-a-shit motivation. As to money, now you gotta hire people to watch people. No matter how automated, there's a cost and additional personnel need.

    And if the corporation is technically competent enough to manage all that mess, that's probably a company with skilled workers who will leave under such conditions.

    shalafi ,

    The flexible hours and paid childcare are probably the biggest part of the solution. Throwing money at people doesn't necessarily make them happier, and in fact may demotivate them, but those two items are big.

    (If you don't believe the "demotivate" part, this is one of the most eye-opening videos I've seen on any subject.)

    shalafi ,

    Carter is the only reason I own my home. Habitat for Humanity.

    It's not what many think, a free house for poor people, but I'd strongly suggest anyone interested call their local program. Just ask. If it sounds OK, go to the first meeting to learn about it. Just make the call, it's free and takes minutes. Changed my life forever.

    It's the only charity I give money to or volunteer for.

    shalafi ,

    We can't split up, all too interdependent. For example, I see people on here telling the red states to fuck off to themselves. Good luck eating food.

    How about military presence? Trying to split down on that is a hard stop, not even thinkable. The federal government ain't going to allow it, no matter what.

    Any Southerners wanting to try again are getting stomped far faster than last time. Even then, you got armed libs like me embedded in the countryside. And yes, it's worth my life to shoot "red shirts". (And that's easy for me to say. I'm older and understood my history classes.)

    shalafi ,

    Let me flip it:

    Only date a girl who wants this.

    shalafi ,

    Had a friend in the day named Mike. Mike was horrified when he found out the government burned worn out bills.

    "We should be giving that money to poor people!" By which Mike meant "ME!"

    "So Mike, do you realize the government could easily print $1,000,000 for every citizen and just give it to us?"

    "Fuck yeah man! Why don't they do that?"

    "I mow lawns for a living, $20 a pop (this was 90's money and I was cheap). If I had a million and you had a million, everybody had a million, fuck I want with $20?! Now it's $20,000 to even consider mowing your yard."

    Mike did not see the problem with this because my original price, $20, would still buy me a McDonalds meal. Mike was dumber than a rock.

    Tax the snot out them and spread it to the public good, but it's childish thinking 2 billion people would suddenly not be poor.

    shalafi ,

    Capitalism working as it should for once, even on a megacorp.

    shalafi , (edited )

    I was going to blast Fox News, but hell, pretty close coverage.

    Hunter's conviction.

    Trump's conviction.

    Fair enough I guess!

    No, I didn't read the articles, just pointing out the "severity" of the headlines were similar. And no, one thing isn't exactly like the other, I get that. Still, both were more than little newsworthy and you gotta admit, the fat pic of Trump with "GUILTY" plastered on there was hardly prejudicial.

    (Now if you had looked at on 01/06/21, yeah, radio silence until much later in the day. I checked, that day.)

    shalafi ,

    Agreed. All the drillers have to do is ride. OTOH, neither group would fare well learning to drill in microgravity.

    shalafi ,

    OK. We'll start using single-use plastic.

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