
I guess it's time I filled this out.

I hesitate to call myself "old" because I don't feel old, so I'll use "vintage" as a descriptor

I come from a leftist and scientific view. I like logical arguments for conclusions, so right wingers fail to impress.

I'm a retired RN, a mostly retired professional gardener, and I have many hobbies. At the moment, I'm competing in ballroom dancing. Wish I could find a practice partner!

Interests include entomology, mycology, sustainability, etc, etc

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Aaron Blake reports that though support for same-sex rights has been one of the steadiest trends in the US in recent years, gains in this field have now halted and even reversed somewhat, "largely thanks to Republicans moving in the opposite direction — in some cases, sharply."


deepmud ,

@wdlindsy hey, all you gay Republicans! Do you just totally loathe yourselves? Is that why you dimwits vote Republican?

deepmud ,

@wdlindsy probably so. And then, so much for critical thinking. 🙄. When the US becomes a theocracy, those same fools can be burned at the stake, literally or figuratively.

lowqualityfacts , to random avatar
deepmud ,

@lowqualityfacts that's his right arm. His right arm weighs 130 pounds.

mastodonmigration , to random avatar

Really disappointed in Biden today. Believe given climate crisis we should be doing everything we can, including buying inexpensive EVs from China, to hasten the transition from carbon based fuels.

That said, certainly international relations are complex and we don't have all the information or know all the constraints he is wrestling with.

In any case, would never threaten to withhold electoral support. These issues pale measured against a Trump win and the incumbent end of democracy.

deepmud ,

@mastodonmigration thank you for not being a black and white thinker. I get disappointed in Biden from time to time, but in the end, he's a good guy and dump is not.

deepmud ,

@mastodonmigration absolutely right. I've never before seen so clear a choice between good and evil

Dump is EVIL, hence him telling the oil companies to give him a billion and if they do, hell dismantle environmental rules. 😱

Nonilex , to random avatar
deepmud ,

@Nonilex it's a tiny thuggish boot, but it seems effective on all those masculine GQP individuals. 🙄

sollat , to random avatar

A bit of a “good news, bad news” situation.

Some Exbury hybrid azalea flowers are open!

Caterpillars (small, thin green ones) are eating all the leaves again this year.

I give up. Nature may have her way.

#Gardening #Florespondence

deepmud ,

@sollat I suggest a short spell of gentle pressure washing, or a hard spray of water to dislodge those sawflies.

lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

If you're wondering why I haven't made any jokes about the worm that died in RFK Jr.'s brain, it's because the worm in my brain informed me that this is no laughing matter and we should be mourning the great loss of its fallen comrade.

deepmud ,

@lowqualityfacts I suspect it died either of starvation or mercury poisoning. Be sure to take better care of your worm.

lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

Do you get concerned whenever produce gets recalled over an E. coli risk? Vote Republican. They'll remove those pesky safety regulations so you can walk into the grocery store confident that everything is contaminated with E. coli.

deepmud ,

@lowqualityfacts that is so very true! There will be no more raw veggies in that dystopian society.

marcelias , to random avatar

As I told Brian Tyler Cohen, I don't compromise with Republicans because there is no middle ground between an arsonist and a firefighter.

deepmud ,

@marcelias that's a great analogy!

dillyd , to random avatar

I don't remember if I planned this color effect or if it just happened by accident during my usual careless planting method, but I'm loving it.

deepmud ,

@dillyd I rely on "happy accidents"! Enjoy them! Because the best laid plans don't turn out great all the time.

lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

That's so interesting.

deepmud ,

@lowqualityfacts they just split in half and reassembled themselves. Very simple

RadicalGraffiti , to random avatar

Anti-electoral poster spotted in Soho, NYC

deepmud ,

@RadicalGraffiti let me guess. Also, no more street signs so people like you can be literally run down by large trucks when we go to the grocery

No more police, so we can be robbed and murdered with impunity

People need to think more. We have these structures in place to protect us. They're not perfect but until people act better, they're the best we've got.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Mark Sumner discusses Trump's Gettysburg speech, in which Trump stated,

"Gettysburg, wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look, and to watch, and, uh, the statement of Robert Lee—who's no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor—'Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill.'"


"What an unbelievable, I mean it was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious, and so horrible—and so beautiful in so many ways."


deepmud ,

@wdlindsy the guys a dolt. Remember "manning the ramparts" etc? OMG!

CelloMomOnCars , to random avatar

How to spot five of the fossil fuel industry’s tactics

"When politicians talk about how much it will cost to act on , they almost always refer to economic models commissioned by the fossil fuel industry, which leave out the cost of inaction, which rises with every passing year."

deepmud ,

@CelloMomOnCars yep, I read all these scenarios about cost. Cost is getting greater. That's the cost of inaction, folks, it's only going to get worse.

If you had a cancerous lump, would you have it removed and treat it? Or would you prefer to just let it go and spread with inevitable consequences?

Me, I'd prefer timely action. Every. Single. Time.

dillyd , (edited ) to random avatar

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  • deepmud ,

    @dillyd it's certainly not a fungus, so I think it's sap.

    dillyd , to random avatar

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  • deepmud ,

    @dillyd you're nice. I hope she fell into a volcano.

    deepmud ,

    @dillyd we are talking about MTG, aren't we? If she were to fall into a volcano, which isn't actually possible, we'd not be hearing her saying stupid mean stuff anymore. Would that be a bad thing?

    deepmud ,

    @dillyd oh, ok, sorry! My mistake!

    Strandjunker , to random avatar

    Here’s the deal: Women stop having sex with men until Congress protects Roe v. Wade.

    deepmud ,

    @Strandjunker and, NO MORE VIAGRA.

    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    I'm just about as willing to listen to trolls babble re: how the unemployment and job growth numbers from the Department of Labor are "made up" as I am to listen to Marjorie Taylor Green babble about god and earthquakes and eclipses.

    Which is to say, try that with me, and my ears will just close.

    The refusal of many Americans to live in the reality-based world portends nothing but disaster if we let those folks sway public discourse.

    #Biden #unemployment #economy

    deepmud ,

    @wdlindsy me too, and there are quite a few people on here who call Biden "genocide Joe", despite the fact that Netanyahu is running the Gaza war. I get really tired of people who do not recognize that there are political realities that he can't just ignore

    They also conveniently ignore that there are other important issues, like women's rights, healthcare, and fair taxation, just to name a few.

    God help us if dump gets reelected, and God help Gaza is dump is reelected.

    GottaLaff , to random avatar

    Republican operative who accused American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp of sexual assault last year received a significant financial settlement in exchange for dropping his lawsuit against Schlapp, multiple sources familiar with the case told CNN.

    deepmud ,

    @GottaLaff but, did he learn anything? Most likely, he didn't, and we'll see this again. ☹️

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

    Today In Labor History March 27, 1904: The authorities kicked Mother Jones out of Colorado for “stirring-up” striking coal miners. Earlier in March, the authorities deported 60 striking miners from Colorado. In June, they arrested 22 in Telluride. For nearly 2 years, strikers, led by the Western Federation of Miners, were violently attacked by Pinkerton and Baldwin-Felts detectives. 33 strikers were killed. At least two scholars have said “There is no episode in American labor history in which violence was as systematically used by employers as in the Colorado labor war of 1903 and 1904.”

    deepmud ,

    @MikeDunnAuthor "Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living".

    lowqualityfacts , to random avatar
    deepmud ,

    @lowqualityfacts it's fair, though, as nobody really wants to live in Idaho.

    jeffowski , (edited ) to random avatar
    deepmud ,

    @jeffowski ok, I'll bite. How the dickens does a 4 month old sin? 🤨

    ElleGray , to random avatar

    This headline made me laugh out loud until I looked into those little black eyes and yep Derek's evil af

    deepmud ,

    @ElleGray that's what I thought! 😃

    GottaLaff , to random avatar

    They can't even stand being with each other.

    Via Rupar:

    the Republican parties aren't as fun in the post-Madison Cawthorn era

    Olivia Beavers:

    👀 Less than 100 House GOP members are going to the Republican retreat in West Virginia this week, per source familiar

    deepmud ,

    @GottaLaff they're odious. They're terrible.

    Imagine a dinner, with wine, and all of them bitching and posturing. ☹️

    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    "As soon as Senator Katie Britt started speaking, I knew exactly who she is. She is so many of the pastor's wives and Sunday School teachers I knew growing up in an Evangelical church. Be sweet. Obey."

    ~ Jess Piper

    And the reason this matters — should matter to all of us — is that these white evangelical women not only want this for themselves: they want to impose it on all the rest of women.

    But, hey, Biden's old!

    #women #WhiteEvangelicals #SOTU #KatieBritt

    deepmud ,

    @wdlindsy boy howdy did you nail it. I remember listening to her and feeling very weird. But I couldn't put it into words and I hadn't identified the reason. And you did both. 👏

    GottaLaff , to random avatar

    Stay to the very end.

    Then share like crazy.

    #Biden nailed it.

    deepmud ,

    @GottaLaff 🙄🙄🙄. Biden appears to be the "whipping boy" for these numpties.

    deepmud ,

    @GottaLaff there's a horrifying number of stupid people

    GottaLaff , to random avatar


    Via david.heath.writer on Threads:

    Journalist Jonathan Katz fact checked Katie Britt’s horrific rape story from her over-the-top rebuttal.
    Despite all the drama, it turns out to be a story that happened 20 years ago - and not in the U.S. but in Mexico. It’s a story that was recounted in Congressional testimony in 2015.

    Katie lied when she blamed this on Joe ’s border policies and when she said it happened in the U.S.

    deepmud ,

    @GottaLaff my thought when I heard Ms Britt talking was that in Texas where she supposedly met this poor gal, there are no abortions allowed, even for victims of human trafficking.

    She left that part out, didn't she? Victimized by cartels, and then shit on by Texas.

    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    Michael Tomasky thinks that Speaker Mike Johnson showed himself to be a tiny, weak man by his performance at SOTU:

    "Those eye rolls! He rolled his eyes more than a teenage girl listening to her father’s jokes (that’s an eye roll I know rather well).

    And the things he rolled his eyes at! Most conspicuously, January 6."

    deepmud ,

    @wdlindsy Mr Johnson appeared to be having gas pains to me. I think he was feeling very constipated.

    Maybe he needed Pepto bismol? An enema?

    selzero , to random avatar


    deepmud ,

    @philip_cardella don't blame Jesus for what his supposed followers did after he died. I share your disgust, but it's not Jesus who was to blame

    deepmud ,

    @philip_cardella oh, ok. That I agree with, but since there actuallyis no white Jesus, I wouldn't worry about it. Can't blame somebody who never existed, can you?

    deepmud ,

    @philip_cardella yes, myths are dangerous. But if you recognize them as myths, they lose their power over you. It's other people who are still stuck in them that are dangerous.

    I wouldn't worry too much about what happens after you die. Live the life that makes you feel happy, treat everyone as well as you can, and be at peace that you're as good as anybody

    rbreich , to random avatar

    Have a sweet tooth? You’re going to want to watch this. Here’s how candy barons are ripping you off.

    deepmud ,

    @rbreich I'd prefer to eat less candy and better candy. I'll pay more to get my candy from See's chocolate and Fortunato chocolate company. Not only is this much better candy, but it's likely to have less icky ingredients

    jeffowski , to random avatar
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  • deepmud ,

    @jeffowski this, too, with animal training. We must encourage incremental good behavior and not shut down anything unless we're certain we'll never want it!

    ai6yr , to random avatar

    NYTimes: "Patagonia’s Profits Are Funding Conservation — and Politics

    $71 million of the clothing company’s earnings have been used since September 2022 to fund wildlife restoration, dam removal and Democratic groups."

    (gift link!)

    #patagonia #GiftArticle #climate #wildlife #patagonia

    deepmud ,

    @philip_cardella Patagonia makes fantastic outdoor wear, but it's kind of expensive. Nonetheless, I bought a jacket at least in part because of their environmental goodness.

    lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

    Wow, that's so interesting.

    deepmud ,

    @lowqualityfacts that will explain the dirty looks worms are giving me when I dig in my garden.

    It was an accident, worms! I swear!

    vampiress , to random avatar

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  • deepmud ,

    @vampiress "I have stalked a grizzley bear, tracked a tiger to it's lair, killed a crocodile that dared to cross my path...but my blood runs cold to meet, in pajamas and bare feet, with a great big hairy spider in the bath!

    It ignores my every lunge, with the bath brush and the sponge, and simply goes on squatting in the bath"

    Flanders and Swann singing about the spider in the bath.

    lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

    I'm sure they will turn out fine.

    deepmud ,

    @lowqualityfacts that certainly explains a lot

    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    "If you’re thinking, 'Hey, isn’t this [continued slander of E. Jean Carroll on social media] even more defamation?' you’d be correct. The question of whether Trump sexually assaulted and defamed Carroll has already been settled by a jury. It is a legal fact. Each time he denies it, he opens himself up to more exposure."

    ~ Jay Kuo

    deepmud ,

    @wdlindsy trump may never get to prison. He may spend the rest of his worthless life in court for this one issue. 🙄

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