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corsicanguppy ,

Hasn’t Hezbollah been targeting Israel for decades?

It's just cute how much you left out, there, as if that's the only thing that's been going on.

"You see they hit us then we hit them. Then we hit them and they hit us, man. It's like a war, ya know what I'm sayin'" -- Ice-T

corsicanguppy ,

My chiro has all his training in physiotherapy. So is he a quack or is he a pro? I'm so confused!

corsicanguppy ,

This would be a handy way to get rid of half your staff, but the people you chase away are usually the ones you want to keep. As per the Dead-Sea Effect, the ones who will leave are the ones who generally are more able to, who will be your most employable people, and thus your most talented. Usually.

Making work suck, and letting the beat half of the staff bail, seems like stupid and a game show.

corsicanguppy ,

we really need someone outside the two parties

I love when it comes around to this part of the cycle, right after "one party is cruel and the other is stupid" and before "but if we split the vote we could lose our right to vote".

corsicanguppy ,


I wish people knew this wasn't a word.

corsicanguppy ,

Wait a sec. Mother Theresa was a saint for denying people medical care that was required and available, so they could experience a greater connection with her God and .... Do I have the wrong notes?

corsicanguppy ,

the people complaining about how awful it is to desecrate stonehenge also want to build a motorway right through it

I can't be the only counterexample of this ridiculous generalization.

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump ( )

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that......

corsicanguppy ,

Cheeto Mussolini

"Commander in chees-uh chief" -- kellyanne conway

corsicanguppy ,

He does supply a lot of nightmare fuel...

corsicanguppy ,

Wasn't he already found with a gun?

corsicanguppy ,

THE Ten Commandments?

Can we make new ones? Like, I've blown that one about shouting Jehovah in frustration, so we should just ditch it - too hard - and go with "don't be a dick -- wil Wheaton" - WITH the attribution - and maybe swap out some others too.

My neighbor's wife has a pretty donkey, if I'm honest, and I'm told gawking at it is verboten if it's also his. It's a lot of math, I think.

corsicanguppy ,

wasn’t exactly a tortured artist

You sure? Do you need to learn more?

corsicanguppy ,

In news related to this headline, America apparently running out of hyphens in addition to other observed punctuation supply shortages.

corsicanguppy ,

This happens on my country all the time of late . I can't even pronounce the letters in the new name of the hospital where I was born.

They're gonna name the town the same name, so I wonder whether I'll get a passport with a home town I can't say or spell, or a passport with a home town that no longer exists. Either way, I'm getting strip-searched .

corsicanguppy ,

That's what we were instructed to use to refer to a subset of our platoon-mates while working, in those rare cases where it made a difference. One of my DS, an MP from Halifax, would absolutely tear a strip off you if she heard you say 'girl' or 'woman', in barely comprehensible English out from under that scary red Beret, and you knew the woe was coming.

corsicanguppy ,

some people are just to dull

You're saying some people are there just to dull things out?

That's a weird job.

corsicanguppy , (edited )

under the yoke of the United States dictatorship

Just don't repeat the 2016 election fiasco and you have a chance to fix the other stuff. Otherwise, the border wall is almost done so come north while you can. It's mainly a trench filled with angrier geese, but we were stuck with them after they ate the alligators.

corsicanguppy ,

True story that seems to repeat every Friday.

I mean, it was totally fun to catch up on the issues you're experiencing, but helldesk is over there and the ticket they'll put into the system is the very next thing that can happen on this. No rush. I've got lots to do.

corsicanguppy ,

HP inkjets. Nightmare fuel.

corsicanguppy ,

Okay, you have my attention. What do you do where people think you Do write code, but of course you do not? It's web devel, isn't it?

corsicanguppy ,

If you keep it small-scale, I guess. But, sooner or later unless you work in one of those finger-paint kits like checkpoint, you're going to need to write some terraform, chef or - fuck no - Ansible. The latter is less code than codes, or perhaps a suicide note, but it's still out there.

Hell; my boss, leading a team in an org so big and old that it's got a dedicated AIX group, separate from its Solaris group, still writes perl for tooling and is only now worried who'll pick it up when she retires. Old IT, new IT, big IT; they all write something.

Speaking as someone who's been in IT from kernel 1.2.x, if you're not coding then you must be running the bucket truck. Do I win?

corsicanguppy ,

The question with the bad spelling tells me all I need to know.

corsicanguppy ,

My sister in law is a (not American) cop when she's not an EMT ... And she also moonlights as a volunteer fireman.

Where on the hero-bastard spectrum of cheap generalization you've devised does she sit?

corsicanguppy ,

Somehow Lennart is behind this further cancer, despite pupating into a Microsoft Employee as expected.

corsicanguppy , (edited )


I dunno what shysters you've all been going to. My chiro, with his kinesiology degree and full physiotherapy ticket in addition to his nationally-recognized certification, seems to do a lot more "do these stretches and stop sitting stupidly" guidance and reeeeally isn't interested in a "programme of wellness" grift that my friends in other regions worry about.

Downvotes? What, jealous my guy isn't an overt shyster quack like the horror stories? I hope when you need them, there's a good one out there for ya. I'm 30 years on a wicked back injury and I'm still limber so woo!

corsicanguppy ,

I refused blue light filter on my glasses, and the eye spectacle shop was shocked

I just ordered new specs and the opto was the same way. But, they were happy with the two pairs of presbyopic myopic astigmatic wtf-priced lenses I got - one tuned 'near' for terminal work - and sent me on my way with a valid PD ... which I'm gonna have checked before sending it off to Zenni for the super-high-index daily-drivers with those sweet-sweet Mongolia-made lenses we all know the regular optos are using anyway.

corsicanguppy ,

The following statements might be all true at the same time

  • USSR committed imperialist massacres
  • USA committed imperialist massacres
  • most of the Western European nations committed imperialist massacres

No one's refuting that 'both sides' logic. But if

  • I took a beer from the 2-4 in your garage
  • Pierre took a beer from the 2-4 in your garage
  • Ivan took 22 beers from the 2-4 in your garage

Then we're all bad house guests, but Ivan's a complete asshole.

corsicanguppy ,

The data shows that a vigilante will be a hero only in one of 7,000 cases of gun violence. I don't see data showing how often the instigator of gun violence has a carry permit.

But this tells us two things:

  • the rate of Good Guy Gun bros is super small

  • there are so many cases of mass shootings in America that 1:7000 can be calculated

Is America holding back on accessible healthcare because it would then need to address the prevalence of guns in America, or have they heard of mandatory multi-million-dollar 3rd party life insurance for gun owners? There's even a company named liberty that may insure them.

corsicanguppy ,

Found the pedantic gun nut.

corsicanguppy ,

You're arguing with an anti-gun audience that knows nothing about any of this. All they know is, "Guns bad!" (Wait till they find out about the shoestring conversion kit.)

Former infantry here.

Guns should only be used by trained professionals who know not to pull the trigger.

The AR-15 is a tool for people who can't aim well.

The only purpose for a bump-stock is to turn murder into mass-murder. It has no other purpose.

'Till' is a cash-drawer or a ploughing action.

Begin attacking my cred as per the trend.

corsicanguppy ,

English's biggest problem as a language is the efforts to break it even further. This idea that popular things push that state of the ever-evolving language is why we have 'mid' and 'based', which are completely detrimental no matter how fetch they seem. People who find apostrophes hard to use should not be driving the evolution of a language on some famewhore channel.

corsicanguppy ,

The reliable thing they hate vs the wildcat gamble? Okay, excellent viewpoint as usual.

corsicanguppy ,

And we'd apologize for it, of course.

corsicanguppy ,

This is an important hint around all the jargon that anglos grew up repeating; and I only sometimes realize how deeply it pervades our speech.

"So I had to hit the ATM for a PATH ticket to get to SoHo and venmo a new LCD for my s20 instead of hopping the turnstile but I found some susy-Bs in my 505s so I was mint" could make perfect sense to an anglo (living in Jersey City) but to an Icelander there's not much context to help dereference all the jargon.

Saying "'ATM' machine", with the jargon explained a bit, could definitely help. I gotta be less of a pedantic dick.

corsicanguppy ,

In 2001 we examined the packaging format of debian and found it lacked a validation feature available in RPM. This killed debian and all derivatives as an option by the build group of the unix vendor I worked with -- please tell me you understand why validation is a pivotal feature for build. The fact the validation carries hard sigs all the way down made the security group happier too. This hasn't changed.

So I'm running CentOS now, Rocky later, and PCLinuxOS once they get a good packer template.

corsicanguppy ,


Which is like the 1850s except with bad spelling.

corsicanguppy ,

A yearslong is a long slong. Here I thought it was years-long from the context.

corsicanguppy ,

As someone involved heavily in OS security after Y2K, I can only say, "FAFO". This is gonna be good.

corsicanguppy ,

How did you not see Pigs in Spaaaaaaaace?

corsicanguppy ,

The best kanban is the one you already have. It's like "the best camera is the one you have with you" -- Annie Lennox, I think.

For me, that's gitlab on-prem.

corsicanguppy ,

When has the party put up a new candidate to replace an incumbent with a term to go?

I'm not sure this was made clear, but THERE IS NO CHOICE 'C'. there's no "none of the above" that works. It's a binary choice, and we can't bargain around it. Vote for Biden or accept all of Trump. Every other choice other than voting for Biden is enabling Trump. Staying home? Trump. Spoiling a ballot? Trump.

That's it.

Yeah, it sucks. We get that. Largely, we agree. He's got faults. He's made mistakes. He's made concessions. Still, it's like this:

Vote for Biden or accept Trump.

corsicanguppy ,

No they don't.

Sure they do. But they don't right now.

They're not Trump. That's the vote. You can be a single-issue voter if you like, because we all are. Our single-voter issue is preserving the ability to vote other issues later.

RvW is important; my god, is it important. School-kid safety is important. Gun safety is important. Healthcare is important.

Democracy is crucial. It keeps those other things possible. We lose that and every.other.important.matter is dead. It's cutting off the nose to spite the face. It's fiddling while Rome burns. It's deck chairs on the Titanic. It's a lively sports discussion while you're landing the Hindenburg.

You want RvW? Vote Biden for a chance or it's not happening ever. I want strong gun safety regs and healthcare. Biden for a glimmer of hope or nothing at all.

The pattern is real. Every single-issue voter needs to protect their issue by voting not-Trump, and we argue our real issues once we can safely do so.

corsicanguppy ,

five times as long, cope.

Stop calling him Cope. That's a priestly scarf.

corsicanguppy ,

I think I have to say this carefully.

As a member of two protected DEI classes, Ms Gomez may want to go lightly on the "those people" talk.

I hope she realizes her status now is only after a hard-fought battle that is still going on, and she's on the wrong side.

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