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boonhet ,

Lots of people BUY their cars with 300k miles.

boonhet ,

Plenty of countries out there with lower income levels than the US, including much of Europe tbh.

boonhet ,

I myself recently went from a '19 car with 220k km to a '05 one with 460k km because I realized my car's getting driven so much recently, the depreciation is killing its' value. For context, in 2022 when I acquired the '19 car, it had 140k on it.

I'll have to do some wheel bearings, brake pads, belts and pulleys, etc, on the old beater, but all that is way cheaper than the depreciation on a newer car.

To be clear, I don't advocate most people do this, I already knew beforehand what the engine and transmission are capable of. And if need be, I'll even do engine repairs or get the transmission refurbished. The ONLY thing I'm afraid of is bodywork because I can't paint for shit lol

It's not all Kazakhstan either. I'm in Estonia and half of those "200k km" German cars that get imported here have had their odometer rewinded.

boonhet ,

You set out a container of water and wait for it to heat to 50C

But to be fair, the evaporation will cool it too much for this to work

boonhet ,

You also don't have to be completely PC if you're funny.

If you're making fun of marginalized groups and it's not even funny, that's when people start complaining imo

boonhet ,

Probably going to ask Uma Thurman to start a Feetfinder account

boonhet ,

Keto works, but whether the supposed science behind it is the reason it works, I have no idea.

People say something about ketones and so on, but for me, it's just that eating carbs makes me hangry again soon after I'm done eating them, so I'll want to eat again. Eat less carbs, get less hangry, easier to eat less.

boonhet ,

I was going to say something, till I realized you didn't mean sports coaches

Carry on

boonhet ,

So for shits and giggles I looked at the introductory video for Clickbank or whatever it was called, the affiliate marketing corp

The gist of it is that to be successful, you wanna sell people health, wealth or... I forgot what the third was, but it's probably beauty or sex lol

boonhet ,

Funny, every primary care provider in my country recommends you take Vitamin D, usually pretty huge amounts

Could be because we get barely any sunshine between like October and February. I'm talking 6 hour days, and even those mostly cloudy.

boonhet ,

If you want to get really strong, you might want protein and creatine supplements to speed up your progress, but even that's not necessary and they only speed things up a little.

boonhet ,

To be clear: I don't recline when there's someone behind me


As someone who gets lower back pains from sitting in an uncomfortable position for long, the recline function makes a huuuuuge impact.

boonhet ,

Learned English as my second language instead.

Yeah it's broken, but y'all have tenses that sorta make senses (in Estonian we have present and past - future is implied by context!) and you don't need 14 noun cases because y'all have prepositions.

At the same time, English borrows words from over 9000 different languages, nothing is pronounced the way it's written, and to be quite honest, I never bothered learning any of the rules in school. The rule for ordering adjectives so they wouldn't sound off was impossible to remember, but because I've been terminally online since I was like 7, it just came naturally.

TL;DR: English is a great language to just know natively, horrifying one to learn systematically.

boonhet ,

Definitely done 120 kg and beyond on pull downs. If you're a heavier dude, that's still easier than chin ups.

boonhet ,

No, outside of Indiana it's "Federal Department of Investigation", that's why they always say "FDI" in the movies, haven't you noticed?

boonhet ,

I'll go ahead and say it, the first one is a great movie even. It has a particular atmosphere of joy and hopefulness.

Then that entire vibe goes away and it just goes generic dark teenage fantasy with mediocre writing

boonhet ,

Depends on the situation. I'm working and my wife is currently a SAHM because the little one is quite tiny indeed. When I get home after work I take the baby off her hands for a while because I KNOW my wife had a more exhausting day than I did because of the little demonsangels. And anything the 3yo needs, I'll be there for her so she doesn't bother mom with everything.

Sometimes it does feel like I'm babysitting or giving her a break, because she for sure spends way more time and energy on them throughout the day.

boonhet ,

For real, does the entirety of a sexual encounter consist of penis-in-vagina for him? I prefer there to be like an hour of foreplay and I'm a dude. I mean I could go right away too, but the feeling is very, very different for myself too, not just my partner.

boonhet ,

It might power 36k households on average but definitely not during times of any serious load.

At night all I've got running for several hours is my fridge.

boonhet ,

Not me, but only because I've watched his videos on YouTube. The man is a brilliant comedian IMO.

boonhet ,

The money would be spent on necessary goods and services, allowing more companies to hire more people because their income rises. That's how capitalism works (when it works) and is why the rich suddenly poop their pants when people stop consuming.

The entire thing is a house of cards, but if you remove excess weight at the top and put it at the bottom, it's at least a bit more stable.

boonhet ,

Where did I say that?

More wealth being spent rather than sitting idle, generates economic growth.

What's your server wattage?

I'm in the process of wiring a home before moving in and getting excited about running 10g from my server to the computer. Then I see 25g gear isn't that much more expensive so I might was well run at least one fiber line. But what kind of three node ceph monster will it take to make use of any of this bandwidth (plus run all my...

boonhet ,

Operating system so TrueNAS in your case

boonhet ,

Battery degradation is ridiculously unpredictable. I've seen 100 cycle batteries at 75% and 2500 cycle batteries over 90%. I only dealt with like 5 MacBook models

boonhet ,

Did you use a Handy to write this comment?

boonhet ,

OP could just compare the E30 3-series and the G20 3-series and there would already be a size difference. Of course, much of it stems from safety features taking up extra space (hello crumple zones, airbags, etc) and there's also simply a little bit of more space in a modern car.

To truly make a point here, you might want to compare a pickup truck from the 80s or 90s vs the 2010s or 2020s. Those have gotten unnecessarily big with no excuse.

boonhet ,

Isn't "I" also a pronoun? Making this sentence 2/3 pronouns.

At least that's how it works in my native tongue.

boonhet ,

I of course don't speak ancient languages, but I believe pronouns existed 2000 years ago too.

boonhet ,

That's also true of Estonian and Spanish, but in the case of "I am he", you'd shorten away the actor, but not the target of the action, so you'd keep one pronoun still at least.

boonhet ,

See on väärt oskus, meid on lausa tosinaid!

boonhet ,

There are like 4 people in the world who are proud of owning an Opel and I know 3 of them

That tattoo has got to make you particularly identifiable

boonhet ,

simple, clever sensor

Somehow the part code was superceded like 10 times on the W211 Benz. Looks like they still took a lot of fine-tuning to get right

boonhet ,

That still makes you a young'un then, maybe just an old soul?

boonhet ,

If you Google it, the US actually bombed the hospital, rather than funding the construction. So no worries, they aren't getting the healthcare either

Which movies have aged like fine wine? (either in their message or cinematography)

I recently saw 'Don't Look Now' (1973). Good picture, a little slow perhaps by today's standards but worthy of any movie enjoyer's time! So this movie was shot in Venice. Venice itself being an already beautiful spot to film even today. The way we get to look in a time capsule of Venice in the 70s makes the movie that much...

boonhet ,

It's a novelty account. They promo the Barbie movie whereever possible.

boonhet ,

As an Estonian, I'd rather write C than Finnish too. Finnish just looks like you're writing Estonian, but had a stroke.

boonhet ,


Tbf with Estonian and Finnish, it's like they took what was weird about our language and amplified it lol

Umlauts everywhere!

boonhet ,

I know I suck at picking up on hints, unless it's someone I know very well - and even then I suck at it. I'm honestly just sorta scared that if I mistake a non-hint for a hint, then I'll ruin a great friendship or something.

However, there once was this one woman who made it fairly obvious she was attracted to me and, after a few dates, said something to the tune of "we're going back to your place now, or this isn't going to work out". So anyway, we're married now. Half the time her "hint" when she wants to have sex is asking me why I still have underwear on. Of course sometimes things still progress there naturally, but then she also makes it fairly obvious if she's truly in the mood.

Point of the story is, ladies, if you really like the man, feel like he likes you too, and he's not getting your hints, don't be afraid to be direct. Sure guys like the chase too, but to have a woman straight up tell you that she's really into you and feels a special connection with you that she's never felt before? It's just such a beautiful experience... There's just so much I'll never forget, even if our ways were to be parted one day.

boonhet ,

You mean: two hard things - cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors

boonhet ,

CICO is science, but your CO can change based on your CI and there are cases where it's very hard to keep CI down. For an example, I have ADHD, it's legitimately extremely difficult to keep track of what I eat, eating one meal a day was about the only thing that helped. I believe I was also prediabetic (based on my glucose levels before my weight loss) and eating a small meal, particularly if rich in carbs, made me go hangrryyyyyyy later, but in a fasted state I was completely OK. Now I've lost something around the neighbourhood of 30 kilos/65 lbs and don't need to do one meal a day anymore, because I feel sated from much less food AND stay sated way longer.

This is why different people need their different tricks for weight loss. Find out how to reduce your hunger first and foremost, then focus on actually reducing calories. If fasting leads to being able to handle caloric restriction, it's awesome. If not, try something else. But don't restrict calories in a way that makes you continuously feel hungry, because that just won't work long term.

boonhet ,

I haven't read any of her works. Any recommendation on where to get started?

boonhet ,

I thought Las Vegas was on Earth, but I could be wrong as I haven't been there (to Las Vegas I mean, I've been to Earth).

Anyway, if you're already building a tunnel, you might as well put a train in it, even on Mars.

boonhet ,

As an European I had to convert this and... 10996 square feet is absolutely MASSIVE and I don't mean just for an apartment in a tower in NYC either. It's massive for a house in the countryside.

boonhet ,

Welcome to my personal hell!

The house is divided into 5 semi-floors, but of those, one is basement level, and another is halfway underground. There are 3 above-ground floors. The entire thing is heated mainly using a furnace in the basement that drives hot water into the radiators and also a hot water tank that by default always runs into the toilet sink, but a switch can be made to use it in the other faucets too. Otherwise, the upstairs bathroom has its' own electric boiler, that can also be used downstairs in the kitchen, and also the sauna, but for it to run into the kitchen, you'd have to switch around some valves again - otherwise the kitchen and sauna use hot water from the stove in the kitchen, which also has a massive tank. The stove tank I believe is the only one that can't be used in the upstairs bathroom. I'd also like to add that there used to be a separate tank in the sauna that got its' heat from the sauna furnace and ONLY heated water for a single faucet in the sauna, but NOT the shower in the sauna. That's been gone a long time, because there was no real need for a faucet there, you can just get water out of the shower which has a faucet attachment anyway.

Now, insulation. The house has a total of 5 big windows and 10 small ones. The big ones are now double or triple glazed (they weren't all done at the same time, so 2 are double glazed), the small ones have two single pane window panels, which does technically create an air gap, but all the windows leak hair like crazy. The walls themselves are actually well insulated I believe. But the roof has been insulated using sawdust. Naturally, mice have carried it all away, there's none left. But also the upper half of the roof leaks water, so I can't add new insulation to that half until the roof's fixed. Also it's lined with asbestos-cement panels, so those are going to be fun to remove. Luckily the lower half was repaired years ago.

The kicker? The house being as big as it is, the furnace is absolutely massive and burns through wood like there's no tomorrow. It's meant to be used with long-burning coal, which was cheap in the soviet times. Now it's expensive and hard to find, so the heating benefits don't really outweigh all the drawbacks anymore.

Ah and if it gets really cold, there are two additional fireplaces I could make a fire in. You know, in addition to the furnace, stove and sauna.

Do I want a ground-source heat pump with under-floor heating? Hell yeah. Is it feasible? Not even close. The yard isn't big enough to fit a horizontal collector big enough for the house and I'm not sure I could have deep enough holes drilled for vertical ones. And even if I got the heat pump, it'd have to heat the existing radiators, because I'd simply lose my sanity installing under-floor heating here.

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