FRAnkly ,

Lowering admission standards is not helping the country, is dumbing it down.

djsoren19 ,

Sure seems like bOtH SiDeZ have started blatantly lying for their propoganda, and are trying their damnedest to villify the other by pretending that they are perfect. If you're demanding unquestioning loyalty, you're a fascist regardless of your label.

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

He's also going to fix all ice cream machines nationwide.

GaMEChld ,

I would like to see a more accurate one that actually just listed passed and proposed legislation for each one instead of just circlejerk fodder.

loonsun ,

Well that wouldn't really be a meme then but yeah this meme is kind of shit

Odd_so_Star_so_Odd ,

With the naming schemes going on for GOP legislation, that would only tell you that they do everything to hide the actual effects under some nice boilerplate names just to help sell it to their constituents, like if people they elect would never lie to them.

tearsintherain , avatar

Clinton is one of the worst. The party went, can't beat 'em, might as well join em.

Clinton essentially fulfilled some of the great Republican dreams of deregulation. See Glass-Stegall how he joined hands with Republicans. Which you can then fast forward to the banking and financial crisis that hit the world and screwed economies and brought austerity programs worldwide.

Dare ya to read up on all the congressional stock trading from not just Repubs but very much Dems as well.

The party went fully corporate with Clinton.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

It's not the 90s anymore. Right now the most pro-union president in history is running against a literal fascist.

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar

I don't disagree but it bears repeating. If you ignore the past, you never learn from it. You get repetition. Control of the narrative very much influences the present and therefore, the future.

The devastating illegal war in Iraq was not only costly to human life, but also to the social and economic damage to Iraq and the US afterwards. Ironically it helped create a more virulent terrorism in the region where there was none before. Falsified reports of terrorists in Iraq were a reason for the war mongers and war profiteers to go all out Dr. Strangelove and justify the war.

The financial crisis and the toll it took and its after effects weave right into life today. No one was charged, Bernie Madoff was a perfect fall guy for an entire financial and banking industry that fought against any changes to the way of doing things.

Obama's admin basically helped enshrine "Too big to fail" and they all got away with the damage they wrought.

Never any repercussions or prosecutions or accountability for people bringing humans to the brink, to one abyss or another. Whether it was Reagan and Iran-Contra, or even Clinton being impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice. Had Clinton been impeached, perhaps Trump would never have risen. But when people see powerful people getting away with 'it', whatever it is, then that creates a future where someone like Trump will get away with 'it'. You've undermined equal under the rule of law and that has blowback.

djsoren19 ,

It's why I especially hate this idea that you're not allowed to criticize the party you vote for without being some bOtH siDeS strawman for people. The Democrats fucking suck too, and the mess we are currently in is just as much their fault as it is the Republicans and the American peoples fault. That the Dems have gone to attacking their own voters and trying to censure them is incredibly worrying.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Clinton wasn't being impeached over a war, he was impeached for getting a blowjob in the Oval Office and lying about it afterwards. Note that during that impeachment thing he fired a bunch of cruise missiles into Sudan and Afghanistan. Obviously just trying to distract from the whole scandal, right? Except that strike was against a little known group called al Qaeda that led by some guy called Osama bin Laden. Had those strikes succeeded in taking out bin Laden it would have been considered completely about a distraction from a scandal.

At any rate, Clinton fired missiles at a bunch of different countries during his presidency. What exactly would have been the lesson had he been impeached for lying about a blowjob? The lesson would be kill whoever you want as long as you don't have an extramarital affair, or at least don't get caught! There are no lessons there about firing missiles at countries and the fact that one of those attacks could have prevented one of the biggest terrorist attacks in history, the lesson actually goes the opposite way. Maybe Kissinger was right, the attacks didn't go far enough.

Sure Clinton probably should have faced more repercussions given he was in a position of power over Lewinsky. But we all know the impeachment had nothing to do with that. Newt Gingrich was doing the same kinds of things after all. It was all just about impeaching Clinton on anything they could find to impeach him on and it was purely political. Had Clinton been removed from power there still would have been air strikes against bin Laden and against Saddam Hussein.

The intent behind Clinton's impeachment was 100% petty politics, there was no intent based on ethics, and what can we learn from it? Sexual harassment by a democrat will lead to scandal (but no real repercussions) while sexual harassment done by a Republican will not be a scandal and probably be rewarded by the base. But Clinton isn't running in this election but the "grab 'em by the pussy" guy is. So if you think Clinton should have been removed from power, why are you ok with Trump (who's at least as bad) regaining power?

tearsintherain , (edited ) avatar

But we all know the impeachment had nothing to do with that.

Yes, and now they'll say it has nothing to do with this. I get the sense you're implying it was just a blowjob, but then bring up "grab 'em by the pussy". You are driving my point home for me. These things have an affect, they can ripple through time, having left a bad taste in enough people's mouths and minds. That can then accumulate.

And I never said I was okay with Trump regaining power. That's just you saying I said something I didn't.
Lastly, Kissinger was a pretty horrible human being that you seem to casually quote. A lot of blood on his hands. You think he killed enough human life in Vietnam and Cambodia?

some_guy ,

Three strikes laws, too.

Cagi ,

"The era of big government is over" from his 1996 state of the union.

archomrade ,

OK who let the DNC get a account

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Sorry, it can't be tankies all day every day.

DaBabyAteMaDingo ,

I'm convinced that Lemmy is riddled with Russian bot farms trying to stir up shit. I'm mostly democrat and believe Biden is a net good over Trump, but I won't delude myself into thinking they care about me personally. How-fucking-ever, Trump is a literal threat to our democracy and if we can't rally against him by rallying for Biden, we're absolutely fucked. And you morons are just giving into this extreme lefty rhetoric because of people like Hasan? That mother fucker is a millionaire and lives like one too.

Lemmy is a worse echo chamber than reddit. I was proud when I came here during the API-bullshit and supported Sync for Lemmy but I can't do this shit any more. I'm actually embarrassed to come here and read all this anti Biden shit while you guys complain about roe v wade being overturned, billionaires (which trump made the biggest tax cuts in history to), Israel (which is somehow Biden's fault? 🤣).

I believe this post, OP. Whether you're trolling or not. Everyone else can go fuck yourselves. Go ahead and ban this one too, mods. Since we're not living in an echo chamber.

upandatom ,

It's just so exhausting, right? Im with you 100% on this.

Suppose we survive Trump, 60-40 ish. Who comes next? Is every future election going to be a fight to keep democracy?

some_guy ,


defedit , (edited )

it was 51-47 last time and it's been getting closer and closer each time.

the fact that you don't know either of this despite it being available in a 5 second google search proves that we're screwed and going to have to keep doing this until there is no longer a "lesser evil" to vote for.

EDIT: this isn't any kind of an indictment on you; i feel that your view is extremely common and felt the need to point that out.

archomrade ,

Counterpoint: lemmy is full of reddit bots making it seem like there's an echo chamber so that people abandon it to go back to reddit

Sho ,

Seems to happen more and more with the internet as a whole. There's always a douchebag or edge lord to come in and drop a post "bomb" just to watch ppl squirm. Hell I don't even think it's the internet that is bad, it's the ppl on it. Alot of us are sick in the head and it's depressing.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

Before the Reddit API exodus, Lemmy was a lot harder left leaning. Lemmygrad (literal communists) were the largest instance, and tankies on still make up a decent portion of the userbase. So don't be surprised that there's a lot more extreme viewpoints here.

some_guy ,

Many of us on the Left will vote for Biden because we're terrified of another Trump presidency but like to complain about how we resent having to do so. I want far more than dems give us. I want actual care for the people who make up our country. I know I'm not gettin' that, so I complain and vote for the less-bad of the two.

Finalsolo963 ,

Honestly, I think the left needs to lean into shit like this post. Just loudly pretend Biden is the best president ever and should be unanimously elected god-emperor of the earth for life. We can have the real adult discussion when some jurisdiction finally smacks Trump with something that'll bar him from office (or he kicks the bucket) and enough of the boomers have died off that the Republican party can't win purely by catering to the most deranged of them. Or at least wait until 2028 when we have Democrat primary.

I don't think that people are dumb, but most are too distracted, tired and disengaged to see "vote as harm reduction" as meaningful motivation to vote for someone. Nuance does not make for good propaganda, and while propaganda is distasteful, it's necessary.

Even if you're of the opinion that the only way to effect meaningful change is through violent revolution, the far left in this country does not have and is not in a position to co-opt the infrastructure necessary to do that, nor the widespread political support.

peteypete420 ,

I would not say both sides are the same, but this a bullshit oversimplification. The dems are not some ray of sunshine who have only made this country better.

Smoogs ,

Wrong argument. No one is saying they are faultless. They are responding to the both sides argument. The ‘both sides’ argument is a relative argument and oversimplified comparisons they are still clearly the lesser evil. Yes they could improve but this isn’t the argument it’s answering to.

peteypete420 ,

That what I was talking about. This post is a bad faith response to the both sides argument.

LordCrom ,

Don't be blind.... Every President gets more money for rich people in some way or another. Some just also try to help the little man sometimes.

All presidents kinda can't get to that level of power without some compromise of character

lud ,

The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarise: it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarise the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarise the summary of the summary: people are a problem.

antidote101 ,

If you look up the CPG grey video "rules for rulers" it logically explains exactly why that's necessary for anyone vying for the job. It's a necessary part of the current structure of mass governance unfortunately.

mlg , avatar

Saving Democracy

Biden was responsible for removing the democratically elected prime minister in Pakistan because he refused to follow the geopolitical whims of the USA. His entire party is dead in the water with several MNAs assasinated, hundreds tortured, and thousands of supporters still in jail without trial or bail.

So respectfully, fuck off with this shitty propaganda meme.

Crikeste ,

“But but but vote blue no matter who!”

Give me a fuckin’ break.

slimarev92 ,

How can Biden remove the PM of Pakistan?

Crikeste ,

According to one study, the U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known interventions in foreign elections during the period 1946–2000.

It’s not a new thing.

slimarev92 ,

Sure, but is there actual evidence Biden ousted the Pakistani PM?

Crikeste ,

This was reported after Imran Khan’s accusation toward America and America’s denial of it.

daltotron ,

I mean usually if you wanted to jerk off in front of other people, you'd pay like, an e-girl to watch you do it and give maybe a live football commentary or whatever. Guess shitposting also works though

XxXxZzZz , (edited )

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Cryophilia ,

    Massive difference between cutting taxes and giving investment grants. The latter has strings attached.

    Zanudous ,


    • Discontinued American Rescue Plan programs that helped low income Americans like the Expanded Child Tax Credit.
    • Did $1,200 payments during covid (-Promissed $2,000)
    • Did not actually do meaningful college debt relief ("muh, but the courts" - shut up, the Secretary Of education has the power, he really just doesn't care about it that much)
    • Still kinda sorta half asking the effort via another legal argument
    • Cabinet full of corporate ghouls
    • Based Lina Khan and NLRB
    • Unconditional support for Israel
    • Did not deschedule marijuana ("working" on it, believe when you see it)
    • Continued monetary incentives and subsidies for anti-union corps
    • Left Afghanistan
    • No challenge to the Supreme Court corruption
    • No real platform for re-election, no interviews, no debate, no primaries

    A bunch more.

    Literally nothing good. Just way worse all around.

    Crikeste ,

    Leaving Afghanistan was a bad move? Okay, sure buddy.

    Old_Fat_White_Guy ,

    Now now now..... don't let facts get in the way of feelings.....somebody's gonna cry

    calcopiritus ,

    Good or bad, it doesn't belong in that list. Trump made the decision to leave Afghanistan. By the time Biden had the power it was too late to stay there.

    JasonDJ ,

    Probably referencing how poorly leaving Afghanistan went, and the aftermath of it.

    Never mind that Trump handed him that flaming bag of shit, and Biden couldn't have stomped it out if he wanted to.

    Finalsolo963 ,

    There was never going to be a clean exit from Afghanistan from the moment the US decided to try to nation build there.

    People wanted blood after 9/11, and if we were honest with ourselves about who we really are as a country, after Bin Laden got away in Tora Bora we would've leveled Kabul and called it a day, for all the difference it ultimately ended up making. Not saying it would've been right, but it would've accomplished the exact same thing as what 20 years of occupation did, arguably with less blowback, and it could've been done without dragging the rest of our allies into it, but gotta keep up appearances.

    Zanudous ,

    Well shit. I totally fucked up the formatting. Leaving Afghanistan was a definite positive. People who grief him for it also seem to forget that it was Trump who made the agreement with the Taliban and set the thing in motion. Not sure if he would've actually gone ahead and fully withdraw though, but at least Biden followed through with it.

    JasonDJ ,

    Challenging supreme court corruption is Congress job. Impeaching a justice takes a simple majority in the house and then 2/3 in Senate.

    Not gonna happen. Not in a corrupt Congress. Only happened one time, nearly 220 years ago.

    Removing a member of Congress is also pretty impossible right now. Takes a 2/3 vote.

    Could vote out the worst apples. Tough with gerrymandering, but theoretically possible. But that's a prerequisite to anything else.

    PiratePanPan ,

    Don't forget Obama's work on a 2015 stimulus for the international Doctors without Borders program that allowed the construction of a brand new hospital in Kunduz, saving countless lives!

    For more information, Google "2015 Kunduz Doctors without Borders"

    eldavi ,

    Good to know that my tax dollars were spent on getting them the healthcare that I can't get as an American

    boonhet ,

    If you Google it, the US actually bombed the hospital, rather than funding the construction. So no worries, they aren't getting the healthcare either

    LazyPhilosopher ,

    So glad Obama gave us universal healthcare.... Oh wait.

    We all know this is bullshit right? Neither the Republicans or the Democrats give a shit about anything else then making rich people more money. I'm sorry to break it to you but the Democrats aren't your friends. I know they pretended to be but they're not. They are just as much your enemy as the Republicans. 😞

    UnrepententProcrastinator ,

    We know and the point of this post is that voting for one of them and grinding down the other is a clear message of what people want. Rich dude making his friends richer should have been a no-brainer but people keep using slimy tactics like the one you are using to distract the people from that fact.

    Deceptichum , avatar

    Both sides are rich dudes making rich dudes richer…

    UnrepententProcrastinator ,

    One is negociating with what the people want, the other is lying and laughing while doing whatever they want.

    Madison420 ,

    There's a big difference between stealing a pack of gum and literal nuclear secrets, don't be obtuse.

    We can agree they ignored some good Republicans did and very cleverly cut it off before Nixon creating the EPA, making dialysis ubiquitous when at the time a single treatment was ≈35k.

    Deceptichum , avatar
    Cryophilia ,

    Why do your graphs only go to 2016?

    Deceptichum , avatar

    Because that’s what Wikipedia has on hand?

    Fuck do you actually think things changed?

    Let me tell you how it’d look, a dip in overall wealth during COVID, with a sharp drop for the bottom 99% and large overall gains for the top 1%.

    Cryophilia ,
    Madison420 ,

    Notice I didn't mention any president. I mentioned a fact, don't be obtuse.

    Deceptichum , avatar

    Don’t deny reality.

    No matter who, it is the wealthy who prosper from either party at the expense of everyone else.

    Madison420 ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • Madison420 ,

    I never said anything different (rude name automod won't let me say). What's your actual (rude adjective) problem dude?

    LazyPhilosopher ,

    The rich people who pay them both through lobbyists know what the people actually want. We don't need to vote more clearly. 🙃

    I'm not using a slimy tactic. This is my opinion. Sorry you think that not agreeing with you is slimy.

    I'm a socialist. The Republican and Democratic parties are Siamese twins. They cannot survive without each other. They are completely dependent on the idea of voting for the lesser of two evils. Pretending like the Democrats actually cared about you or will do the things they say they will is an understandable coping mechanism for our situation but it's not real. 🤷

    UnrepententProcrastinator ,

    One is moving the Overton window farther to the right. And it's not like the other one is monolithic. They are forces within trying to do good but they have to negotiate with the institutions in place.

    LazyPhilosopher ,

    Yep it's a ratcheting effect. The Republicans moves us to the right and the Dems don't move at all. Together they shift the Overton window to the right over time. If the Democrats weren't in on it they would move the Overton window to the left when they come into power but they never seem to. Do you know why that is? It's because they are paid by the same ultra rich people to achieve the same agendas. The rest of it is a spectacle to keep the powerless fighting amongst ourselves.

    Also edit/add: love your user name.

    UnrepententProcrastinator ,

    I disagree. If the vote was clear towards the available left instead of a lack of votes, it would have an effect on the parties. It's the thinking within the democrats that they need to appeal to the right in some way because they vote way more than the left right now.

    LazyPhilosopher ,

    I mean you're free to disagree and think what you want, but it seems like the evidence points very clearly in the direction that the Dems have no intention of doing the things they say they will do.

    You can believe it's just a coincidence and that if you vote harder, they'll do the things you want but history doesn't seem to agree. 🤷

    Regardless of how we get there, I hope we get to a future where the US can actually have good leftist policies. Good luck ✌️

    FreddyDunningKruger ,

    At least you named yourself appropriately. Lazy. Otherwise, you would know that Obama attempted to provide a public option for healthcare. You do realize how politics works, right? You need a certain amount of votes and support in order to pass new legislation. If you don't have enough votes on both sides of the aisle, then you change NOTHING. So yes, one side, the Democrats, tried to provide healthcare that had a public option, and the other side, the Republicans, fought tooth and nail to stop it.

    And you blame Obama. <polite golf clap>

    LazyPhilosopher ,

    Personally attacking me right off the bat. Now that's a sign of intelligence! /s

    So my point is that the Democrats never do what they say they will do. So pointing out that there was an unsuccessful attempt to create a public option doesn't really undermine my point. It just illustrates it for me. Because the fact remains Obama didn't not bring universal healthcare to the USA. I wish he had. I also wish he would have closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised. But again the Democrats just say nice things they don't do them.

    I hate the Republicans too. I don't attribute anything good to them. The I just don't pretend that the Democrats actually care about working class Americans.

    I don't have a particular axe to grind with Obama but if you need help seeing him as a charismatic individual who works against us on behalf of capital I recommend you look into how he downplayed the lead poisoning in flint Michigan

    If you need help seeing the Democrats as a whole as ruthless and against you i recommend you read about their pied Piper strategy,It%20also%20might%20backfire%20spectacularly.

    Good luck rude stranger ✌️😎

    aidan ,

    If anyone's interested in actually good stuff Trump signed, two things off the top of my head are Right To Try Act and the Second Chance Act. He also opposed the renewal of the Patriot Act.

    EvacuateSoul ,

    The First Step Act he signed reauthorized the Second Chance Act, which was Obama. Still a good thing though.

    Spazz ,

    What, Trumpers have to lie about good things he did?

    No way!

    aidan ,

    Interesting, I didn't know that, thanks for clarifying!

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