@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu cover
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar



15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)

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Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

I have so many questions about that freaking creature. Can it partially unfold to reach anything arbitrarily far away? And how would it go about washing it's infinite surface area?

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Judging by the image the centaura shrink with about a factor of two so the entire creature should be either infinitely long or just very very long.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

The problem with washing it is more with trying to scrub it then just submerging it in water. But as you pointed out it probably gets very brittle further out so you might hurt it if you try to scrub it

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Thanks, you solved the problem

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

And hello from Europe (sweden)! I visited Korea last year and whilst I wasn't using Lemmy then those time difference really made it hard to talk to anyone who happened to find them self in Europe.

And for a solution to the problem, maybe there are some Korean communities with a bit more activity during that time?

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Did you get a phone case with your pixel? I didn't when I bought my pixel 6a. Anyways, as others have suggested, you could slap some stickers on it. Or you could try to spray paint it if stickers are not your thing.

Maybe it would be possible to just grind the thing down a bit depending on how thick it is. But if you do that it's probably going to be hard to get a nice finish

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Nah, the pixel is quite unique looking. And also the P***l on the top glives a good hint, just like the "AI" text. And OFC that he doesn't want to name drop the company that made it (understandable, allot of people here hate Google)

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Also, the pixel is quite a good phone

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

What is your experience with the search quality of 4get?

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

From a Swedish standpoint, this is just nonsense. The Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Island and Denmark) are all in the top six most democratic countries in the world (according to The economist, England). These are were much socialist countries and most definitely democratic.

Then you have china, soviet and alike. Those are countries that call(ed) themself communist. I will argue that that's however mostly used as a label to legitimate the government and to obscure what they really are, in the same manner north Korea is formaly named the democratic people's republic of Korea (DPRK). Those countries does/did not operate as communist states the way that Marx and other political theorists imaginend them.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Jag hae inte läst Marx (men har en kompis som håller på med det) och jag är faktiskt 15. Men jag vet en del om vad han tänkte/skrev t.ex. att Marx inte uppmanar till att döda demonstranter och bygga murar för att stänga inne folk. Han beskriver ett samhälle styrt av arbetetarna, inte ett samhälle styrt av en liten majoritet med enorma klasskillnader som i dagens Kina.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Thanks, but what should i get out of this apparat from Soviet and Chinese history? What is it you are trying to say with this?

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Yes i know it's not perfect and the exact positions might not be completely accurate but I still think the overall picture it paints it useful. Maybe we aren't the most democratic countries but we're defently democratic. You can check this whit whatever source you happen to prefere

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

They Nordic countries type of socialism may not be a replacement for capitalism (I live in Sweden so I'd know) but works alot more like the type of socialism that's common in Europe.

This terminology might not be on spot but I still think the Nordic countries are what most people would refere to as at least a little bit socialist. Maybe the proper term is social democratic?

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

I think it was the guy with the hat that won that award but that was for another, arguably more than successful project a bit further south

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

who needs imagination when you have algorithms to do the thinking for you? 😜

This was chat GPTs attempt at writing a funny reply to this post.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Could we fix it by constantly increasing the (electro)magnets strength?

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Isn't it supposed to be a pile of rocks there? (Treriksröset) Or is it this block that is that's named Treriksröset? But a "röse" is supposed to be a like of rocks?

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Please define "we". This is a international community so you can't assume that everyone lives in the same country as you.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

That's the states for actually burned natural gas. Natural gas is basically methane and is therefore not too good for the climate when it leaks (which it does)

What's the most interesting traditional or formal politeness behaviour or table manners in your culture? Or for any service personnel, in your restaurant? ( kbin.social )

I love all the ritualized behaviour, secret meanings and unexpected taboos - standing up when someone of higher status stands, elaborate rules for serving and eating, tapping the table to thank the server, never refuse a toast from a superior, stuff like that....

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

This is just a small thing and I don't know if it's exclusively Swedish (or even done in the entierty of Sweden) but anyways.
In the grocery store all customers generally turn all products so that the barcode is facing forward, aka the way that's the most convenient for the cashier. Partially done to pay respect I guess but also makes the whole thing go faster.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

No! Not rest in pieces! It took me soo long to realise that rip stands for rest in peace and not rest in pieces

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

I have seen Gemini before but never tried it. Maybe i will but i do have a few questions first:

  • Is there a Gemini search engine?
  • Is there support for Forms/server side code
  • How big is it? Is there like just a few sites or a few hundred?
Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Or you just ban it completely for everything but hunting and regulate that strictly (ofc with exceptions for police and military). This is the way gun laws work in most European countries and most of them are indeed very save places to live in.

Your point here is a typical American one and just not any good. Guns in self defense rarely help anyone and do way more harm when random idiots who suddenly feel a need to kill someone finds themselfs already with a gun in their hand. Not to say that it's impossible to get your hands on a gun in (for example) Sweden but the price and complications that ce with it do stop a lot of people from doing stupid things.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Does that include a ban of UBI (universal basic income)? Because that is a idea I do indeed support

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Planes are by far the safest way to travel due to the extremely strict regulations, regulations that don't exist for other means of transportation

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

I've never seen anyone do it so I'm pretty sure it's illegal in all countries were I've found myself on a highway. The US and Germany (due to their free speed generally quite weird autobahns) come to mind as countries that might allow it.

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

May I ask were you live? I live in Sweden and would personally trust our medical system not to abuse such tools but depending on were you are I do understand that you might be worried.

Anyways I don't really see it as a problem with assisted death but with the system using it

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

I love the gray flowers in the top left corner

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

You'll need to add a ! In front of the community link to make it work

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Yeah I was so shocked when I saw it move!

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

@aihorde draw for me a deer with jeans fabric instead of fur/skin. This is a so called jeer. Only the jeers head and neck is sticking up from behind a small hill were the jeer is standing

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

This makes me think of Nimis, a large sculpture in southen Sweden. It and some other nearby artworka was illegally created in Kullabergs Nature reserve by Lars Vilks and declared as a independent state by there creator.

If you ever go to Sweden I recommend going there and seeing it, it's a really cool piece of art. Here are some images of it (from Wikipedia)

Nimis, 2010 by Andreas Lagerås: CC BY-SA 3.0 image from Wikipedia
Nimis, 2010 by Andreas Lagerås: CC BY-SA 3.0 image from Wikipedia
Nimis, 2002 by Sebastian Vidovic: CC BY-SA 3.0 image from Wikipedia

Just wanted to say a quick hello to all the other women out there on Lemmy

I've been happily posting away here on two accounts since just before the Great Migration, and have no problem being openly a woman on the internet. Up to and including correcting people who assume I'm a guy, and even occasionally acknowledging the existence of periods....

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Hello! May I ask what/what type of game your working on? All of your posts are about knitting so I really couldn't guess (if you're not making a game about knitting), but it's always fun to hear.

  • not a woman, just a random teen

Also, congratulations on international women's day 😀

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Well, there is nothing wrong with yarn games! There is that one with the red guy made from yarn unrolling himself while platforming. I can't remember the name though. (EDIT: it wasn't that hard to find. It's called unravel)

Also Solaria looks nice, solarpunk is a new concept for me. But I probably won't play it, it's not really my type of game

European Union: Designated gatekeepers must now comply with all obligations under the Digital Markets Act ( ec.europa.eu )

As of today, Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft and ByteDance, the six gatekeepers designated by the Commission in September 2023, have to fully comply with all obligations in the Digital Markets Act (DMA)....

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

In case of an infringement, the Commission can impose fines of up to 10% of the company's total worldwide turnover, which can go up to 20% in case of repeated infringement.

Okay, this good! It seams like they've created a (very good) law and also a way to enforce it

Hjalamanger ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Well great! I have been on vacation from school this week, but tomorrow I'll be back in school again. Then I'll have a big geography test that I'm studying for right now. Or like, I'm "studing". good bye I have to study (for real this time)

Hjalamanger OP ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Do you believe that we all share one nonlocal soul? Also the terms local and nonlocal doesn't really make sense if you don't believe in space and time, but it doesn't really matter (:

Hjalamanger OP , (edited )
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

If we made a exact copy of me I believe it would be me, at least for a split second until it experiences something that I don't and then we'd become two different persons

Hjalamanger OP ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

for all intents and purposes

That's good enough for me. That I'm not aware of my clones existence doesn't really change anything for me. We're (me and my clone) are both just meat robots doing our thing so even if we're not aware of one another we would be the same in the way that two identical rocks are the same.

I guess that "be" is the wrong term here. Once that clone is created were two separate objects, just identical and both without a soul described fully as the sum of our parts.

Hjalamanger OP ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

Yeah, I'd also really like a active philosophy community. The ones I found around here also didn't seam to do question asking, more "hey, here is a interesting read".

Hjalamanger OP ,
@Hjalamanger@feddit.nu avatar

I know I've already replied to you once here, but I've thought more since I wrote that. However, I'm going to keep it shorter this time (:

You and the person you will be tomorrow are not identical (you will have gained some experiencs and forgeten some things). But I still think that those two individuals are the same person, because you spring from the same person (more specifically; you, the one you are right know). The same thing would be true for a clone, your just separated by space instead of time.

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