FRAnkly ,

How is abortion helping society? Can't afford a baby? Don't have intercourses. Masturbate, porn, tantra, condoms, pill contraceptives

stanleytweedle ,

How is abortion helping society?

It provides a safe and effective means for women to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

FRAnkly ,

Unwanted pregnancies comes from volountary actions as i already stated. Being less bitchy contributes to society. Giving away unwanted children through foster helps society. Not killing babies and selling the parts to military and pharmaceutical complexes so they can research ethnobioweapons. Safe, dig more you will discover it is not safe as many using abortion practices become sterile, effective, dig more and you will discover that many of the cancers now women fights stems from abortion practices.

stanleytweedle ,

Well shit- If I wasn't already pro-abortion for bodily autonomy I would be now for those sweet, sweet ethnobioweapons. Those sound awesome.

octopus_ink , (edited )

R doesn't even take legislative action that helps their own voters. Meanwhile, all the shit they fight against Dems doing would help plenty of R voters, too. Their entire platform is taking things away from people, culture wars, vilification of education, and making voting as difficult as possible.

If you are voting R at this point, it can be for no reason other than one or more of these labels applies to you: Bigot, Unrepentant Misogynist, or can't think any further than your own team winning.

Pic unrelated, because they didn't just allow, they helped. They insisted.

Gluten6970 ,

Oh boy more libshit lesser evilism! My favorite!

niktemadur ,

It doesn't matter what Democrats do (or attempt in a politically hostile environment that tries to sabotage anything and everything they do), the bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe assholes will ignore it, or flip it and force-jam it into their always lazy, cynical and oh-so-savvy, mediocre narrative.

Timecircleline ,

You were right below this comment, which made me giggle:

captain_aggravated , avatar

The one that says

This Year's Ballot:

___ Fascism

___ Snooze (4 years)

sums it up.

AA5B ,

I wish. There is no reason a country’s leadership should be exciting or dramatic. Get on with doing your job

blackstampede ,

*terms and conditions apply, must be an election year to redeem.

PugJesus , (edited ) avatar

My favorite part is where Hexbear decided this was worth brigading.

Love the people downvoting this. How dare I point it out? lmao

WldFyre ,

God they're so dumb lol

goferking0 ,

Really rent free in your head

PugJesus , avatar

lmao, sorry that it hurts your feelings.

goferking0 ,

Why do you think it impacted me?

FlyingSquid , avatar

"We brigaded a thread and someone noticed us! We're living rent-free in their heads!"

Ensign_Crab ,

Mostly in his head.

chemicalprophet ,

I love how you have to whatabout Biden to make him seem like an acceptable choice rather than the ‘just not the shitgibbon’ corporate despot that he is. I see a ton of middle ground here and licking the Biden boot’s pretty lame 😒

Deinonychusanti ,

Brigading is when people talk about stuff

Crikeste ,

1980 Biden: Kill their women and children if you have to.

2024 Biden: Vote for me or else they’ll kill more children than I allowed them to.

MJKee9 ,

Ok. Now do do Trump!

KevonLooney ,


Hackworth , (edited )

So he's grown as a person, or is that not allowed?

Melvin_Ferd ,

They're the same like a hockey team are the same.

rustyfish , avatar

So, next time someone starts with bOtH sIdEs or says the dems don’t do anything: They are talking out of their ass.

Diva , avatar

The dems are much better at rolling out the republican agenda tbh, it just takes a splash of blue paint and their diehards will go along with full on border walls, immigrant concentration camps, unlimited support for Israel, riot cops beating down protestors.

Biden even "ended covid" and did what Trump recommended - just stop testing!

hglman ,

Biden handling of COVID and the acceptance of it is wild. He just swept COVID under the rug, cut monitoring and said it was over when it's not over at all. It was a shitty move and Dems ate it for lunch when they not months before and been wild with anger over Trump's handling of COVID which wasn't good but better than Bidens.

KillingTimeItself ,

ok so if we're being political accurate with this meme, here.

Technically the "both sides are the same" thing should refer to the fact that both sides are focusing on getting power in order to further their agenda (usually policy)

But, i also hate centrists, so fuck both sides. Everything sucks. Nothing is doing it's job, though admittedly, one is doing a better job than the other.

usually this statement is interpreted in a broader, literal manner, which is interesting to me. Generally, it seems to be a very polymorphic statement in my experience. Sometimes referring to shit like "they're both slow, and they both suck" sometimes it's just people coping, because coping. Most of the time i see people say it, it's with regards to "how much bullshit they engage" and to some degree, they have a point. The problem here, and the reason i don't like it. Is because it's incredibly dependent on the way you define things, i.e. dems bad because joe biden or whatever the fuck. Usually, people saying this, particularly center right people, are fucking stupid. And don't seem to understand that while they complain about other people having implicit bias, that they also, inherently have implicit bias. Which they then further when they see people bitching about them, because "clearly, you're all assholes" or something. Centrism is fucking dumb. You're center right or center left. Sometimes you like dem policies, sometimes you like repub policies, it's that fucking simple. The only people who should be capable of calling themselves centrists are people in the government who get nothing done across their whole career. That's a true centrist.

if you're still reading this, politics isn't fun. Go learn a skill, seriously, i'm not joking, go learn to weld or something. It'll be fun.

pyre ,

what are you even

KillingTimeItself ,

an individual, on the internet, or at least that's what i pretend to be :)

Saledovil ,

Technically the “both sides are the same” thing should refer to the fact that both sides are focusing on getting power in order to further their agenda (usually policy)

You can't do anything without power.

KillingTimeItself ,

shocker, really. Now if only there were a way to push like, specific policy type legislation through the government.

My point there was mostly that it's less about policy and actually doing things, and more about securing power. Because of how the US government works.

TheFriendlyDickhead ,

Was this written with ai?

KillingTimeItself ,


goferking0 ,

Couldn't even give it an hour before vomiting it here?

BadlyTimedLuck ,

Me when my favorite color isn't red or blue:

bloodfart ,

I’ve never seen anyone say both sides are the same but lots of people say neither side is acceptable.

GladiusB , avatar

File this under "facts I just made up"

Mastengwe ,


capital ,

I've run across the latter too.

They're the ones you can't get to admit they're getting one of these whether they like it or not and try to convince others the worse of the two is more desirable for some fucking reason.

But they're "leftists" lol.

bloodfart ,

I’ve never seen anyone who thinks neither candidate is acceptable try to argue for one over the other.

I know personally plenty of people who advocate sitting this one out and some like myself who say we ought to vote third party (psl in my case) though.

I’m really surprised the dyed in the wool true believer dems aren’t pushing for ol genocide Joe to step down at the convention.

capital ,

like myself who say we ought to vote third party

You're exactly who I'm talking about then.

You're getting one of the two in the picture (Dem or Rep nominee). You can help mitigate damage or not. /shrug.

I'll just go ahead and post my next reply now to save us both some time:

"My vote doesn't matter because I'm in a $color state" said millions of people.

bloodfart ,

So what’s your red line? If genocide isn’t enough to get you to turn your back on the democrats at the very least unless they drop Biden from the ticket, how far is too far? How bad can it get before you decide it’s more important to support a third party you actually believe in?

Mine wasn’t even the genocide.

capital ,

I’m not sure what about the logic of “we’re getting one of these two” isn’t getting through.

  1. One of these two are going to be elected
  2. One is clearly better than the other
  3. Voting for the better of the two has a chance to mitigate damage and has already proven to be a better choice once before

As soon as #2 stops being true I’ll have to reevaluate.

I will celebrate #1 being false if I ever live to see first past the post die in this country but I’m not holding my breath.

I get over what I wish would happen and deal with facts.

bloodfart ,

Okay, but like I asked, when do you turn your back on that and work toward something else? When do you say to yourself “it doesn’t matter which of these two are better by whatever metric, I won’t stand by and assent to either of them”?

Surely some action by the Biden administration is far enough beyond the pale to make you look for a different option, right?

Even if you took a purely utilitarian approach, at some point both major parties are so far beyond what you consider acceptable that the effect of a third party vote cast with full knowledge that party won’t win is of greater utility than some poison compromise.

lapis , avatar

Surely some action by the Biden administration is far enough beyond the pale to make you look for a different option, right?

many liberals do not have a cutoff point here. if Democrats were having people executed in the streets, they would argue that more people would be executed in the streets under Republicans, so leftists who don’t vote Democrat are morally bankrupt and effectively on the side of the Republicans.

oh, wait, that’s literally their argument for this election, it’s just that said streets and people happen to not be the good ol’ US of A.

capital ,

Are you referring to the wholly justified war in which our allies regularly warn citizens with loudspeakers, dropped flyers, and phone calls where they’re headed next so civilians can evacuate?

bloodfart ,

Most Scratched Liberal

capital ,

Due to this well thought out reply I have reconsidered my position /s

bloodfart ,

do you really need five paragraphs and a topic sentence to not support the IDF?

lapis , avatar


capital ,

Surely some action by the Biden administration is far enough beyond the pale to make you look for a different option, right?

What other option?

This bullshit is exactly what I was talking about. “C’mon, let’s vote third party. I know we can’t win, but morals.”

And elect Trump? Fuck no.

bloodfart ,

I wasn’t framing a moral argument. Don’t you have a point Biden could cross after which you’d see more utility in building up a third party for next time?

What do you think will happen if trump is declared the loser?

capital ,

Don’t you have a point Biden could cross after which you’d see more utility in building up a third party for next time?

You keep acting as if #1 above won't be true at some nebulous point in the future. Why?

What do you think will happen if trump is declared the loser?

The same thing(s) that happened last time, probably. Rightoids will cry false election, lots of lawsuits, etc.

bloodfart ,

I keep acting like there’s a possibility of getting someone other than Biden or trump because there is.

I made reference earlier to Biden stepping down at the convention. That’s possible, although we’d need another ‘68 to prompt it. I think that’s more likely than trump not getting the nod at the rnc, but I’m sure they’ll be some subset of weirdos there calling for their own guy instead of him.

But let’s assume there’s no chance of getting a different candidate from one of the two parties. Even then, like I said earlier, Biden was past the pale for me years ago. Im not gonna vote for trump unless his platform changes wildly, so in that case im not acting like your assertion isn’t true, im acting like it doesn’t matter.

Because to me it doesn’t.

And I keep asking you where your limit is. Because everyone has one.

So how far is too far for you? When do you look at two distinct bad choices and say “no thank you”?

hark , avatar

A table full of money would be things like "government-provided healthcare" and "drugs legalized", not "one specific healthcare need made affordable" and "one of the most mild illegal drugs made slightly less illegal".

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