jordanlund , avatar

Osha on the cliff face:

"I didn't kill her!"

Bonus: She even escaped a crashed prison vehicle after being arrested for a crime she did not commit!

If Mae loses an arm now...

andrew_s , avatar

The Jedi are known for their disarming nature

Reach ,

The Jedi are SO competent with the force. Some memorable points (spoilers ofc):

  • The masters’ restraint in never igniting their lightsabers unless lethality is absolutely necessary, relying on the force as their primary defence.
  • The contrast between Yord’s anxious rule-focussed approach and Sol’s force-led approach.
  • Torbin’s impenetrable force aura whilst meditating - for over 10 years!!
  • Sol’s ability to restrain Mae in-place whilst using the force to figure out what she knows
  • Every single example of Jedi mind trick use
  • The lightsaber hilts and sounds each being more refined and elegant imo

Instantly sending me back to the pre-prequel era games, books & comics this series is. I am so glad that they chose to flesh out this era with the High Republic books first to ensure we have a vast array of literature and strong world building to draw from.

Naturally hyped for next week.
We’re eating well today.

lorty , avatar

Am I the only one that felt like they spoiled the whole plot in the first episode? Like the twin thing could have been a big mystery but we already know what's going on. Also we see the evil twin's master (whoever it is), so we know it's a Sith plot.

18+ davemenninger , avatar

I'm hoping this means they have gotten the "too obvious" plot points out of the way and can now dig into some other aspects of the story.

The twins and the Sith are both things anyone could have predicted, just from the trailers.

Fingers crossed: Sol has a really compelling character arc.

@lorty @setsneedtofeed

FuglyDuck , avatar

for the record, it could be a generic Dark Jedi, not a Sith.

We still don't know who they are. We also don't know why they're making a big deal about not using weapons. it could just be a generic assassin rite of passage thing... and it's Disney so they probably won't go any deeper there even if they set it up... but it could also be some sort of very intriguing philosophical beef.

jordanlund , avatar

I'm actually kind of glad they resolved the twin thing right away, dragging it out would have belabored the point.

NeptuneOrbit ,

So spoilers obviously.

We didn't learn much about the sith or the dark side (yet). Hopeful we will, as it's Sol's goal as well.

The twin thing is odd. I mean I can see why the actor doesn't want to be type cast as a villain. Hopefully it will make more sense later.... It is fun to see one person play two completely different characters but the plot of it becomes tiresome.

Death early on that might make people irrationally angry. I'm just sad.

Lots of bizarre choices. Like when they track Osha in the snow via the force and not via her foot prints...?

Definitely a lot of room for cool shit. Learning about this mystery master. Figuring out why both sisters thought the other was dead. New fighting styles for Star Wars, decent amount of action so far and not a light saber battle yet.

beebarfbadger ,

Lots of bizarre choices. Like when they track Osha in the snow via the force and not via her foot prints…?

That particular choice is one I can absolutely understand: when you're used to feeling your environment so much that it's among your default senses, you might get used to having it always-on. Like when you track your quest goal on the minimap despite having footprints and visual clues visible in a game.

What irked me more was the contrived stand-off when she split off from the party that was heading straight to Torbin. Did she want to beat them there? Why did she feel like she had to get there faster than the rest of the group [other than for the external reason that they had to find some contrived way to create the forced misunderstanding - which was pretty pointless anyway since it was resolved 20 seconds later, and added nothing but half a minute of runtime]).

The writing is... serviceable. But it's at a level I've come to expect from animated series aimed at a younger audience. It seems rather flat and a lot of it is just standing across each other and spewing exposition at their opposite, sometimes info they all already know, obviously just for the sake of the viewer.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Lots of bizarre choices. Like when they track Osha in the snow via the force and not via her foot prints…?

in windy/blizzardy conditions footprints last seconds, and they're hard to follow. Also, presumably, it was meant to highlight Sol's continued connection to her.

andrew_s , avatar

Interesting that that opening fight had both knives and blood - I think there was a time (before Andor) where both those things weren't really allowed in Star Wars. It felt like nothing that came after really lived up to that. Episode 2 had two writers, joined by the word 'and' rather than an ampersand, meaning that they worked on it separately, which doesn't bode well (the last time I saw that for a TV show was Secret Invasion, and that was rubbish).

It's okay, good enough to keep watching. It looks like it's getting review-bombed though, so there must be something about it that's upset people.

Also, as soon as my stupid brain heard that a character was called Osha, it didn't stop thinking about Star Wars Health and Safety violations:

Reach ,

Perhaps, though we mustn’t forget the first movie shows Luke’s adoptee parents as skeletons on screen and has blood when Obi Wan dismembers that alien in the Mos Eisley canteen.

setsneedtofeed OP Mod , avatar

Star Wars can be brutal when the production feels like it. I was still taken a little out of how overchoreographed the fights seemed, with many moments of total dramatic pauses seemingly so the character could again leap into a sudden action. I want the fight style to break out of this particular strange stylization.

andrew_s , avatar

Ha. Fair enough. I'm still of the view that there was some kind of 'no knives' rule until recently.

setsneedtofeed OP Mod , avatar

Oh no. I can't think of any small knives showing up in the original trilogy (there were spears, axes, and other melee weapons though), but I don't think that was out of any kind of ban.

In a lot of legends material, there are knifes being used. In the Thrawn books, which are some of the establishing EU, an officer under Thrawn has his throat slit in front of the crew. Visual depictions of knives, especially vibroblades could be found in games like Knights Of The Old Republic, and Republic Commando.

andrew_s , avatar

Yeah, I think you're right. And I've played KOTOR fairly recently too. I might just be misremembering something from a podcast.

setsneedtofeed OP Mod , avatar

This is off topic but your profile picture of an Ian Banks cover looks like a very dramatic Jedi.

andrew_s , avatar

Yeah, on some level, I think that's always been part of the appeal of it - I've used it for ages.

MagicShel ,

It looks like it's getting review-bombed though, so there must be something about it that's upset people.

Is it because the main character is a black woman? I have a feeling it might be.

I say this as a white dude: I don't care if there is never another white male main character in Star Wars again. Everyone who cares can see themselves out of the fandom and leave it to those of us who just genuinely love Star Wars.

andrew_s , avatar

At one point, Yord mentions her mothers, so I wondered if it was that was part of it too. Female show runner, too, of course. I could probably delve into YouTube and see what's stirred the bigots up, but I'd rather not get depressed finding out.

Squorlple , avatar

That one prisoner that Osha saved:

The premise of an evil doppelgänger framing the main character for murders seems trite to me, like an idea that was out of an ‘80s B-film. The One-Punch Man clad Jedi also seem to be making the worst plans for the sake of dragging out the plot, ex. sending in Osha alone to talk to the apothecary guy (whom they at the time didn’t know was unaware that Osha was alive), or somehow taking a long route and slow walk to the meditating Jedi even though they knew exactly where he was, or not sealing off the open roof above the meditating Jedi after he was attacked, or not using the stun gun on Mae during the attempted arrest. There were a few other nitpicks that I had.

The meditating Jedi was cool, though it feels like we needed more background on him. Sol is interesting, and I wonder why he claimed that he saw Mae die. I’d like further depth on Osha’s character, like her showing what makes her tick and what her aims are, rather than just pulling her through situations; her looking back to save the prisoner is a good example of what can help an audience understand a character’s personality, and her frustrated and crafty reaction to having to improvise surviving the landing is a good example of showing her skills and assets. I hope this series allows the characters to express their personalities more, rather than just be pushed from A to B by episodic plot. I’m not familiar with this era of the galaxy, so I look forward to further explanation within the show as to what sets the Jedi and High Republic government apart from how they are in the Prequel Trilogy.

TheRaven , avatar

To answer your last question: If you think of the Prequel Jedi like the English royals of the last few hundred years, think of the High Republic Jedi as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The Jedi at this time are at their peak. They are doing the most good, and in the eyes of the people, they are the best they ever were.

As for the government, the Republic is expanding and trying to incorporate more of the outer rim territories. There aren’t major corporations sitting on the senate, and the government is also at its peak.

Also, I totally thought the prisoner was Glenn Howerton until the parasite was removed.

FuglyDuck , avatar

As for the government, the Republic is expanding and trying to incorporate more of the outer rim territories. There aren’t major corporations sitting on the senate, and the government is also at its peak.

CorSec is probably short for Corporate Sector... so... uhm. something to think about.

NeptuneOrbit ,

When Osha took the shortcut to the guys room. 🤔

Squorlple , avatar

Like in Obi-Wan when Reva took the shortcut to the end of the tunnel

NeptuneOrbit ,

They just like to show guests the courtyard, no matter where in the temple they are heading.

setsneedtofeed OP Mod , avatar
MimicJar ,

I'm bummed that streaming shows on Disney premiere at "primetime".

I'd love to watch during lunch or after work but nope... Gotta wait till 9pm (EST)

I know HBO does it but they also have a real TV channel, but also I hate it there too.

TheRaven , avatar

Even on the West Coast, I’d love if it aired an hour earlier. If I were on the East Coast, I would probably just move.

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