@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar



Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.


Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

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VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

That they're a condescending and unpleasant person.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Thanks for that open letter. Very useful list of apps to never install :)

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

As a left winger myself...

.... I'm not sure Foss is inherently left wing. Inherently anti authoritarian for sure, but I can totally see a libertarian type making a pro-FOSS argument from a capitalistic-individualistic and it being rather sensible. (Aaaaas long as we ignore the ways it'd contradict other beliefs right wing liberals tend to hold, but yknow. Compartmentalisation is a human superpower)

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Winter but I live in Brazil, so winter just means it's not a temperature that euros would call deadly like it normally is

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


You can expect them to drop at maybe one more good product, as going public is what companies do when they want to raise a lot of funds for some project

But after THAT, when it turns out that the new product is just... Making money instead of making ALL the money, the investors will take over and from then on it's fucked.

But yeah RPi has alternatives now. No need to tie yourself to them when they DO sink.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Put it towards a stupid sounding investment scheme that will turn those 15 into 5 within the month

I never had the income to do that. It sounds exciting. It's like gambling except it's considered classy instead of trashy.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

First OS: DOS 4.something on dad's PCXT clone.

First Linux: Kurumin Linux

Writers of Lemmy, what good character qualities/virtues do your main characters have that you don't?

A fascinating question because I used to intentionally make my characters Mary Sues. As a former child who used to write, for a while I never understood why people would give character traits they disagree with to the character or characters who are supposed to represent what is right in your world, since they're the ones...

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Self confidence

Whatever other qualities I give them, whatever qualities or flaws I have, I write about characters who are comfortable being who they are and know what they want. Which is like the polar opposite of my terrified-of-my-own-shadow ass

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Deleted my previous comment, felt like I should give this a bit more attention.

To be honest I feel like all designs are good in their own way. I like the general vibe of Memphis, but being that I was born in the mid 90s, it's probably just that general energy you get from things that happened before you did, where they are "cool" due to how just-old-enough-to-be-old-but-not-old-enough-to-be-an-antique they are, yanno?

Y2K design -- Well. I like the transluscent plastic on Gameboys and Macs. Really underrated aesthetic, wouldn't mind having it back. The DreamCast had some very sleek angles too.

Frutiger Aero will never not "look like the future" to me. It was the age of computer interfaces having all sorts of fun colours and transparencies and animations, and it just LOOKED futuristic and neat. Don't care for the product designs of the era though. That shiny finish would draw in filth and fingerprints from accross the room and after a very short time it'd lose its prettiness.

Flat design I have issues with, like the hamburger menus and the abandonment of descriptive text in favour of abstract icons -- It is also a bit too serious, but I understand and accept that, even if I miss the playfulness of Frutiger. -- But it DID finally bring us dark mode. And my eyes are forever grateful.

... Just wish solarized themes were the norm instead, no idea why they must have such high contrast. I'd even give light mode its time of day if it was a solarized light instead.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Plus they could announce the rebrand by replacing the weird dog chewing on a brush with the same weird dog lifting weights

Hitting the GIM.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Brushes with bellpeppers attached to them

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Libre Graphics Manipulation App


VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It's not quite emulating the game's moves and such

But some years back I played so much SMT IV on the 3DS (which is a quite striking-looking game with the stereoscopic effects on. Characters are anime art but everything has depth and it looks real neat) that whenever I'd look at a plan wall, I'd see patterns moving back and forth as though they were objects in the game's stereoscopic effect.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

The American government will defend this.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Flat-earthers, and I see it as the most unhinged for one simple reason:

It seemingly has no -- Stakes?


With every other conspiracy, whether it be related to 5G or Fluoride in the Water or Vaccines or whatever, there is someone who is consolidating a shit-ton of power or wealth through their conspiring, y'know?

But with Flat Eartherism.... ? Like. Imagine you got control of every educational institution. You use it to convince people the planet is the wrong shape. And by doing that you gain.... -- What exactly? It just seems pointless? We know what people do when they have power to manipulate people on that level, because history tells us. And they generally don't bother with the shape of the planet.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It's almost like having your only strategy be "we are slightly better than the alternative" leads to the alternative racing you to the bottom and you being shit as well.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Imagine 8chan, but instead of nazis they are left-wing.

The worst assholes you'll ever see, but this time they have a class conscience, which makes them 1% better, but still utterly insufferable.

How should I change my polite behavior to be more accommodating?

My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit...

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

If they are short do you use "Short <king/queen/sovereign>" instead?

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Because "hehehe penis" is more fun than an actual understanding of psychology.

VinesNFluff , (edited )
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

First time I switched it was because I had a piece of trash for a computer and making it work with Windows was easier said than done. It was truly amazing how smooth that machine would run Ubuntu while crying to run Windows XP (t'was a long time ago) I knew about Linux before then because my father was an oldschool geek and had messed around with old Linux distros that came on magazine cover discs, so I was somewhat familiar with the idea of Linux. Still had a lot to learn.

Eventually I got myself a "real" computer, and because I'd be using it for gaming and this was before Proton was a thing, I had it run Windows. But good god it was hard to go back. And the first thing that made Windows a pain in the arse to me was something surprisingly simple: This was the Windows 7 days, and Microsoft had yet to figure out what a Dark Theme was. It wasn't until Windows 10 that one was added, and even then, it took quite a few updates for it to appear across things like the file explorer and such.

Enshittification kept happening and such, but I couldn't exactly drop windows at the time, I'd spent a fortune on a gaming PC and it was my only games machine. I longed to go back to Linux (even set up dual-boots for some time but didn't stick with them) but couldn't justify it vs the loss of most of my library.

Then Proton happened and things were good again. It took me a bit longer to actually take the leap, but when I did, I was so happy.

... Ironically, nowadays I only boot into Windows for work reasons. Specifically Adobe reasons. What a time to be alive that all my games and chat applications and (...) are all on Linux and Windows is basically a quarantined zone for After Effects. Life is good.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

We call these 'landlords'

Or in most fantasy settings, just 'lords'

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


It's like a Raccoon but it speaks either Spanish or Portuguese (that is to say, native to South America)

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Well it got some politicians and corporations to do some performative "we stand with them" gestures. That's the same as enacting meaningful change in the criminal system and in systemic racism, right? /s

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Because the world already ended in 2012.

We are living in hell.


(... Those are brazilian song lyrics, translated. Don't take them TOO seriously)

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

More like the recording industry unto itself is the reason it is a threat at all

If artist's entire livelihoods weren't 100% dependant on business parasites who have, since time immemorial, been looking for a way to get rid of them and just keep making money without those pesky artists asking for like. Payment or respect. Then AI would just be a funny little invention that might have even been welcomed by artists as another tool in their toolkit.

Expand that for writers and the television industry. Illustrators and the publishing industry. Etc. Etc. Etc.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

The school where I did the equivalent of elementary/middle school education had a strict "absolutely no hats" rule.

I have no clue why, but if you were caught wearing a hat (or cap or...) you'd get into trouble. First time a warning and you take it off. Second time they take the hat away from you and return it after seven days. Third time you get suspended.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Oh I understand it alright.

I understand that you guys are FUCKED, and since my country is in the US's sphere of influence, eventually so will we be fucked.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I'll dunk on Americans, but only and exclusively when they are ranting about how EVIL other international powers are.

It has little to do with your election cycle and lots to do with the fact that your CIA destroyed my country's future twice, both in lived memory, one I was already an adult for. You could say I have a vendetta. :3

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Assuming they don't know what you'll be doing after?

Say "found a new opportunity."

You could be headed into unemployment and that'd still be a businesslike and no nonsense reply.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Personally, I feel like you can have fun on fedi, but it all depends on the accounts/communities you follow. My Sharkey feed AND my Lemmy feed are both full of memes, fandom nonsense, and shitposts. If you only follow serious communities and people that talk about serious news, you'll have a serious time.

That said, one thing that I thought was unpleasant about the fediverse, and then realised was a feature rather than a bug is... The fact that you can run out of fediverse content. After 2 hours on Lemmy, I have functionally read all of Lemmy (or, well, all the communities I care to read), and maybe 1 more hour to join conversations I'd like to join.

Compared to the seemingly infinite content stream of The Other Sites (tm), this initially struck me as bad and weird, but then I realised... I actually prefer it this way. Doomscrolling a fedi site/app is actually not possible, and that has done wonders for my mental health.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It's true but while no padding would be ideal, I'll take busywork padding over NES style "overwhelming difficulty spike" padding any day.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Oh I play retrogames alright

But in emulation, with save states and rewind. And fuck any pretentious retrogamer that would call me a faker for that.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Are we 100% sure those are even persons running the accounts, and not LLM bots trained on the worst Twitter Threads imaginable?

What non-FOSS software have you been unable to quit?

For me, Google video search, Google books (Internet Archive is good, but doesn't always have the same stuff), Adobe InDesign (but in the process of learning LaTeX), and Typewise. As for the Google stuff, I liked Whoogle a lot, but almost all their instances seem to have been blocked or shut down. Also, apologies if this is...

VinesNFluff , (edited )
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Can't speak for any country but my own (Brazil)

The reason WhatsApp is such a thing here is an interesting little historical path.

See, texting never really took off here in Brazil. Because phone service providers would charge per individual message. And while the charge was like 5 cents per message, that shit builds up. So unless you're rich... You won't be texting.

So when smartphones, and with them, data plans (that offered very little data, around 4 gigs is the average nowadays, it was a few megs back then) came around, internet-based messaging services became our texting. Because if you have, idk, 512 megs of data in your plan, that's not a lot but it is more than enough for messaging over an app.

WhatsApp was the one that got popular, no idea why.

It was popular with the youths(tm) first in the early 10s, then families hopped on, dragged in by their young-adult kids no doubt, and then... Everything! Because once the Boomers had learned how to use this one app, every business under the sun realised it could serve their purposes as well. And eventually... So did the government.

You want to order pizza? WhatsApp. Want to contact a government agency? WhatsApp. Want to schedule a doctor's appointment? WhatsApp.

Now, I got my friends and family on Telegram, largely because Telegram has nicer features (still closed source though grumble grumble) but I still need WhatsApp for work. It's how I talk to everyone: The team, the boss, the contacts, etc.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


Or playing old console games.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

They don't need to kill "every" lemmy/masto instance to kill the ecosystem. You just need to absorb enough of it that the only people left outside of your perversion of the ecosystem are certified weirdos.

E-Mail was (and still is) an open standard anyone could use. But after decades of getting EEE'd, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone using an E-Mail Not provided by the corporate giants, even like, other enterprises have rolled their e-mails into the Google/Microsoft ecosystems, and ALSO if you have an e-mail address that is outside those domains, normies who are inside the corporate ecosystem will have trouble communicating with you as your address will get autoflagged as spam more often than not.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I will concede on the "we are all weirdos" bit. Fair point.

because Fediverse users are so paranoid of even vaguely coexisting in an interconnected vicinity

(this is a good thing, megacorps corrupt all that they touch, actually by your own metric, if fear of Meta is what keeps the fediverse safe, than I say the best defence is for us to never stfu about it)

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Definitely on that first one. Normies are all inside the GoogleMetaAmazonMicrosoft panopticon. If they are old they might still have a Yahoo Mail, but that's as spicy as it gets.

As for the second bit -- All evidence I have is purely anecdotal. My ProtonMail account works fine and no one ever complained about not getting mail from me, but I have heard stories of people who use mail accounts not from GMail/Outlook getting flagged as spammers and having trouble chatting with the normies (tm). Or having trouble creating accounts on sites because their e-mail is considered "not valid" by whatever system they put up on the shitty-ass site.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

You being incorrect and stupid is not bait.

VinesNFluff ,
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

"No! I refuse to open more than one site! If it's not on this one site that I have decided amounts to the entire threadiverse then it doesn't exist, how dare people make me think? The absurdity of it all!"

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