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lemmyreader ,

That brings back some memories of a former US president.

And to answer OP question :


Yes, more younger politicians. Make retirement age 50. And more diversity as well, less white males.

Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs ( mastodon.sdf.org )

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15741608...

 We offer customers a choice around these practices. If you want to exclude your Customer Data from helping to train Slack global models, you can opt out. If you opt out, Customer Data on your workspace will only be used to improve the experience on your own workspace and you will still enjoy all of the benefits of our globally trained Al/ML models without contributing to the underlying models.
lemmyreader ,

You can try to follow the build instructions like mentioned in another comment but be aware that you are trying to build for a platform which has as far as I can see no official support compile instructions for the software. YMMV.

lemmyreader ,

Making people unhappy

A marketer I know has a mantra, that successful sales are all about dissatisfaction - making people aware just how their situation sucks, and then offering a way to relieve the pain.

Interesting read.

Weird ( s3.eu-central-2.wasabisys.com )

It’s weird how when the Department of Transportation is using the bike lane, they give themselves an entire car lane for protection....

Group of people in high-visibility vests working on a flex post marking the bike lane with tools and equipment. There’s a cone marking the adjacent car lane as closed.

Help required, Certain VPN does not connect and times out

Can someone help, i have been having trouble connected with my home universities vpn, for past 15-20days, it is an openvpn connection, so i have been using networkmanager-openvpn to import my config files, and they have worked previously, but for last 15-20 days i get connection timed out, all certificates used are correct, i...

lemmyreader ,

Not sure if this applies for your university VPN but with VPN providers an important part of making a successful VPN connection and use it browse the Internet, is that the DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf are correct. You can check and see any difference of the content of that file, before and after starting the VPN connection.

16 years of CVE-2008-0166 - Debian OpenSSL Bug ( 16years.secvuln.info )

Today, 16 years ago, Debian published a security advisory announcing CVE-2008-0166, a severe bug in their OpenSSL package that effectively broke the random number generator and limited the key space to a few ten thousand keys. The vulnerability affected Debian+Ubuntu between 2006 and 2008. In 2007, an email signature system...

lemmyreader ,

You want to try something interesting but want to dual-boot. That last bit could be difficult or "impossible" but using a VM or running from USB stick are options.

  • https://www.haiku-os.org I've run it from USB stick on some older laptop.
  • https://chimera-linux.org FreeBSD user-land with a Linux kernel.
  • https://nomadbsd.org FreeBSD which can be run from USB stick with persistent storage. Has a version with ZFS support.
  • https://nixos.org Very interesting concept.
  • https://www.gobolinux.org GoboLinux is an alternative Linux distribution which
    redefines the entire filesystem hierarchy. Doesn't seem up to date but quite interesting. If I remember well you can have different versions of software installed at the same time. Let's say (making this up) Bash 1.1, 3.1 and 5.2
  • https://bedrocklinux.org Bedrock Linux is a meta Linux distribution which allows users to mix-and-match components from other, typically incompatible distributions.
lemmyreader ,

Yes. Haiku is quite light weight, small and snappy. One drawback is that it has not yet multi user implemented (everything still runs as root! But so do old DOS flavors :-) ) but imho it is fun to play with and check which software packages it has (it has several emulators packaged).

Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner ( files.mastodon.online )

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15315562...

From the official stackoverflow account: We’re thrilled to announce we’re partnering with @OpenAI to bring best in class technical knowledge and the world’s most popular LLM models for AI development together! This groundbreaking partnership with OpenAI will drive our mission to empower the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.

Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner ( files.mastodon.online )


From the official stackoverflow account: We’re thrilled to announce we’re partnering with @OpenAI to bring best in class technical knowledge and the world’s most popular LLM models for AI development together! This groundbreaking partnership with OpenAI will drive our mission to empower the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.

Would Lemmy Benefit from Implementing Polls? ( slrpnk.net )

A popular way of dealing with discussions, and familiar to most people, I assume. As far as I see it, adding a poll system to Lemmy is a good way to enhance user engagement. I'm not really aware if this has been a topic before or not, tried looking it up but didn't see much juice on the topic, so thought I'd spark it up....

lemmyreader ,

I'd welcome polls implementation on Lemmy but maybe this is difficult with federation ? I wouldn't mind instance only polls.

kbal , to Linux
@kbal@fedia.io avatar

Update available! This version is very old.

Xscreensaver has apparently been checking for updates and is disappointed that it hasn't had one for 14 months because Debian is too stable. Can anyone recommend a linux screensaver which would work with xfce and can be trusted to never do that?

lemmyreader ,
lemmyreader ,

Well, if you read some more of jwz's blog posts about the horrible security bugs that others have added while creating derivatives of Xscreensaver you might think twice before doing so. https://www.jwz.org/blog/2021/01/i-told-you-so-2021-edition For me a screensaver is no longer about trying to prevent dead pixels (or something like that) but being able to safely lock the screen when being away from it for a while.

lemmyreader ,

Guess only North-Americans will worry about PixelFeds names :-)

lemmyreader ,

Mastodon is about micro-blogging, with text, images and videos. PixelFed is only about images which can have a short or longer description. There's Loops, a work in progress, which will enable short videos for PixelFed. If you would follow others on PixelFed from your PixelFed account you'd only see images.

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