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meep_launcher ,

That was like reading a Dr. Bronner's shampoo bottle

meep_launcher ,

I remember space camp! I was in 5th grade and they had a 2020 mission to Mars simulator. We all died.

I like to think there was a two way mirror with researchers on one side taking notes. "Don't send a team on 5th graders to Mars"

meep_launcher Mod ,

Portugal is red because it was stained with an abundance of port wine.

meep_launcher ,

Awww for a second I thought the title of the post was the title of the article. Way to get my hopes up 😮‍💨

meep_launcher ,

"I'm sorry I'm home late darling, you'll never believe what happened at the bar"

meep_launcher ,

Agreed, there are lots of instances, and that may be one thing that allows Lemmy to actually have space for different political leanings. As I understand, conservative circles are not very large here, but that can change, and smaller communities generally are healthier. Check those out and recruit your pals- be the change you want to see in the world!

meep_launcher ,

I'm doing my part!

meep_launcher ,

On Malcolm Gladwell's podcast Revisionist History, he talks about Brown v BoE, and what's interesting is that the opinion from the SCOTUS was that "children should have equal access to quality education no matter their skin color". The argument was that black run schools were worse because "black teachers were naturally worse than white teachers". The result was that when schools were integrated, the black teachers were disproportionately let go and the schools kept all the white teachers.

This is a big reason black students didn't receive the support they needed as they had to deal with teachers who were now biased against them.

meep_launcher ,

What I find so interesting about painting people you disagree with as a monolith is that it naturally makes the argument you are against contradictory.

One group of people cheers Uber and you disagree with that.

Then another group of people (granted there will be some overlap) decry Uber later on.

These are two different people, but when you treat them as one, you're bound to see your opposition as being contradictory at best and contrarian at worst.

meep_launcher ,

My brother in christ it takes literally one Google search to see how utter bullshit this take is.

One that struck me is how Biden handled monkeypox. Under Trump, monkeypox would have been a "gay disease" that would have not been taken seriously at all. The Biden administration took it seriously and now I've completely forgotten it was a thing.

Go take your lunch break Dimitri.

meep_launcher ,

I posted an entire fucking list. The letters in blue will send you to another website with that list if you click it. It's amazing what they've done for internet formatting these days.

meep_launcher ,

Only addressing your point on what downvotes mean as a reflection of understanding:

Idk about you, but I have had posts/ comments in the past that have had massive downvotes, but I also am confident in those takes because I've either studied them for my degree or I'm a professional in the field and have first hand experience. Sometimes the mob is wrong.

For instance, I am a music teacher, and understand how difficult it can be when two kids come to you crying after some incident, and while trying to manage a whole classroom I have to make a judgement call on who and how to discipline within 30 seconds. When I've said "hey I'm sorry your teacher punished you when you were the one bullied, but they also didn't have the resources and frankly we're not omnipotent, this is more of an issue administration has power over" I got down voted to hell.

That said, when my takes have consistently been downvoted to hell over a period of months, I would likely take a deeper dive. My degree was political science, and I had a harsh take on FDR, and while I still feel he's a bit overrated, I recognize I was leaning into him deeper than needed.

meep_launcher ,

Aww man, wish I caught that. Why didn't the Biden administration help the LGBT community 40 years ago!? He really wasn't a great president in 1984. /S

Look, his recent record shows the kind of administration he's running, and what we could expect in the next 4 years. You may remember he (and Obama) said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman during the 2008 debates. Then, you may remember under the same administration, Gay marriage was federally legalized. It's not like he's going to go back to his pre-2008 stance in November.

meep_launcher ,

in spite of that administration

Wtf are you talking about? Do you not remember DOMA being repealed which was crucial for gay marriage to pass? Here is a quick list for you to use as evidence that the Obama administration was hostile to LGBTQ people.

plenty of pro-gay politicians in 1984

Wtactualf are you talking about? Yes there were a handful, but being gay was ESPECIALLY a political death sentence then. Saying this just erases the fraught past we've had, and doesn't recognize the INSANE amount of progress we've made.

Also if you read my comment you'd recognize that argument is moot, as his current administration is what is important.

You gotta go and audit your history YouTube channels. You're getting some wacked info.

meep_launcher ,

Man you keep missing the point of looking at the current administration.

Go take your break before Putin sends you to the gulag.

meep_launcher OP Mod ,

Ah thanks! I didn't know where to find the original meme from the Tumblr post that I had snipped from my friend's Instagram story and then uploaded to imgur so I could post it on Lemmy.

meep_launcher OP Mod ,

Oh those are my next 2 stops before LinkedIn an Slack.

meep_launcher ,

That's the thing, Trump has been strategically quiet on the issue. He wants to make sure the spotlight is on Biden, even he is leaning into calling him genocide Joe.

Trump knows this is a hot button issue, and if he were to speak out more on what his policy would be on it, he would very much unite the left against him. Letting Biden take the heat ensures the left is fractured.

meep_launcher ,

My cousin always posts about how he'd be loyal to you forever but if you cross him he'll kill you. Usually it's text on top of pictures of skulls or bugs bunny with a gun so you know he's serious.

meep_launcher ,

There is action happening, and there is hope

And there are some pretty cool things happening under the surface

I see it as damage control while these grassroots attempts at major system changes take hold. We're holding off the assault while we wait for the calvary to come, but they are coming. We just have to not blow their chance.

meep_launcher ,

I slightly disagree with you here so obviously YOU are the fed!


meep_launcher ,

I'm here to rescue you with an ice pick

meep_launcher ,

Folks who think Biden and Trump are the same are folks who are privileged enough to not be effected by the outcome of this election. To them they are the same because roe v Wade didn't affect them. Student loan debt forgiveness didn't affect them. Socialized healthcare didn't affect them.

And if it did, it just goes to show how strong the tankie propaganda machine is. It's all or nothing with these people and history has shown that line of thinking is soaked in blood and betrayal.

meep_launcher ,

Call this a hot take, but I don't think we are a secular nation. We are de facto a Christian nation. This isn't a good thing.

If you look at the laws we have, from no selling alcohol on Sunday (the Lord's day), to anti-lgbtq legislation, to what our social conservatives draw upon for their arguments, it comes back to Christian fundamentalist politics.

If you are Muslim or Jewish, you are much more at risk of being the target of hate crimes than a Christian.

The separation of church and state is something we are still trying to do. Even Jimmy Carter, a deeply Christian man, pointed to Christian fundamentalism being the greatest threat to America.

"Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what is God's" -Mark 12:17 why do I need to use the Bible to say why we shouldn't have to use the Bible

meep_launcher ,


meep_launcher , (edited )

I think there needs to be an understanding on the difference between "de facto" and "de jure". Just because something isn't a law doesn't mean it's not followed.

Just because we consider ourselves a secular nation, just because the founding fathers considered us a secular nation, just because freedom of religion is written into the constitution, doesn't make it so.

Christian fundamentalists have time and time again proved victorious over the separation of church and state. They have quietly, or more often quite explicitly, made sure their religion exerts power over us in our every day life.

It's not like this hasn't gone unnoticed though. There are plenty of supreme Court cases where they have sided against the Church citing the separation of church and state, but as we have seen recently with the supreme Court, there is no hard backstop to keep them from reversing past decisions to side with a Christian interpretation of the constitution.

Ultimately, they have made us a de facto Christian nation, and we need to stop it.

meep_launcher ,

What do you call a tax on alcohol and cigarettes?

When can you buy alcohol in the state of Utah? Or even the great alcoholic city of Chicago (hint: not before 11am on the Lord's day)

What phrase is printed on our money of who we trust?

Yes, a judge will call you out if you explicitly cite the Bible, so instead just cite a law that is based off of a biblical viewpoint of the world.

Again, these are not de jure laws. It is de facto. It's the worst kept secret of our country. Convincing us otherwise is a brilliant play by y'All Qaeda.

meep_launcher ,

Fair enough but no need to resort to name calling. Leave that for reddit.

meep_launcher ,

Totally agree. The idea, and what we should be, is a secular nation. My take is that the christo-fascist takeover isn't coming- it's here. We are no longer on defense, we have to take back the country from these numbnuts.

meep_launcher ,

As a born and bred Seattleite, I consider Wisconsin east coast. I also consider Montana east coast. Idaho? Not Midwest. East coast. Spokane? East. Hawaii? So far west it's east. Everything is east.

meep_launcher ,
meep_launcher ,

Yup. I was pretty darn confident on November 7th 2016 too.

meep_launcher ,

That's what's wild- Adam Smith has been totally whitewashed by modern capitalists. They want to believe he is the exact opposite of Karl Marx, but their boy actually has many similarities with Karl that they choose to ignore. Kinda like how they ignore the parts of Jesus's teachings that don't vibe with their free markets and guns for all.

meep_launcher OP Mod ,

Take a look at what community I posted this in and it will make more sense

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