Linkerbaan , avatar

"Israel is the most moral army in the world".

Much like flat earth, Zionists have crafted an entirely alternate reality to justify their Nazi-like worldview by making up new lies daily to justify their previous lies being debunked.

The amount of mental gymnastics Zionists perform to pretend israel is following international law is absolutely breathtaking. For every debunk of their lies they come up with a new lie until the lie is so advanced that you need to sit through a 6 hour debate with Norman Finkelstein until they admit that "they actually don't care about international law anyways and it's antisemitic".


Time Cube.

Pretty grim, but also pretty amazing if you smoke drugs about it.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

I haven't been able to find this theory again because searching for it brings up the moon landing conspiracy, but some people think that there's a second, fake moon which is why the moon rises and sets twice a day.

Zagorath , avatar

which is why the moon rises and sets twice a day



tetris11 , avatar

That's no moon....

Chadus_Maximus ,

There was no one responsible for JFK's assassination. His head just randomly exploded on its own.

Bytemeister ,

Nuh uh, it was a body double clone that he operated remotely, and JFK accidentally hit the contingency plan button, detonating a small explosive charge in the skull.

Revan343 , (edited )

He tried to hold in a sneeze

win95 , avatar

That avril Lavigne was replaced by a clone is so incredibly silly and I honestly thought it was a joke first, but people are really obsessing over it. She recently did a podcast and acknowledged the conspiracy and laughed about it, what fueled the believers even more.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

They think they same about Britney Spears


Nah there was some weird yellow shirt conspiracy shit IIRC. Turned out to be kinda true as well.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

No, my wife has shown me the tiktok videos. There's definitely a clone replacement conspiracy for her too.

CanadaPlus ,

That's like asking who the craziest person is. Like, there's so many to choose from, and they get less and less well known as you go nuttier and nuttier.

BreadOven ,

Oh, not 1080p haha.

krolden , avatar

Lol you removed my comment I guess I am on to something

Vej OP ,

Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Only admins can I think. But I definitely did not remove a comment.

Urist , avatar

Alright, glowie...

Vej OP ,

Shit, I think I know that reference. Is it the glow in the dark cia one?

Urist , avatar

I believe so (like you wouldn't know) ;)

OozingPositron , avatar

You just run them over with your car, that's what you do.

NigelFrobisher ,

The Mandela Effect is pretty wild, but it’s also the most explicitly mental-health issue adjacent of an already “are you sure you’re ok?” field.

tetris11 , avatar

There's an addendum to the theory where essentially you keep walking through worlds forever, quantum erasure style, never dying from your perspective, merely getting older and older.

Thing is, if this was actually true, we would see old people everywhere (as observers of their non-erasure).

Chadus_Maximus ,

But what if you are the main character but everyone else is not?

tetris11 , avatar

It would mean then that of all the infinite worlds you walk through, the Simon that you meet is never the main character Simon.

It's possible, given the nature of infinite infinites, and assuming a full hierarchy of universes... I just find it unlikely.

Surely two main characters will walk each other at some point, and given an infinite lifespan, surely one of them is bound to be alarmingly old.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Flat-earthers, and I see it as the most unhinged for one simple reason:

It seemingly has no -- Stakes?


With every other conspiracy, whether it be related to 5G or Fluoride in the Water or Vaccines or whatever, there is someone who is consolidating a shit-ton of power or wealth through their conspiring, y'know?

But with Flat Eartherism.... ? Like. Imagine you got control of every educational institution. You use it to convince people the planet is the wrong shape. And by doing that you gain.... -- What exactly? It just seems pointless? We know what people do when they have power to manipulate people on that level, because history tells us. And they generally don't bother with the shape of the planet.

heftig , avatar

They're usually also Biblical literalists, who believe that their infallible God-authored Bible says the Earth is flat ("four corners", covered in a dome, etc), thus the globe is an attack on Christianity. The worldly institutions are all controlled by the devil, who wants Christians to doubt their Bible and their belief in God.

arxdat ,


Ifera ,

To keep us from going to the moon, which is both a projection, but behind that projection is the actual gold reserves.

To keep us from reaching the ice wall, or beyond it, to the outer realms and to the hollow earth(According to my source, it is easier to climb down the outside of the ice wall to reach the hollow earth than to dig through the earth's cortex) (And yes, according to my source, the flat earth is floating on top of the hollow earth).

Oh, and to keep the aliens and the secret elite safe and out of reach. Also, Epstein isn't dead, he was extracted by the powers and moved down there as well, so he doesn't tell anyone about the horrors under our feet.

Source: My nutty aunt.

Ragnarok314159 ,

So are the Ice Walkers on the other side of the ice wall? Those dudes were scary.

Or maybe it’s more Viking Lore Ice Giants. Even more frightening.

CanadaPlus , (edited )

The point, for believers, is just to know stuff the sheeple don't and feel superior. It's a smug club, they could have picked anything to be contrarian about. It's unfortunate that they've picked a very measurable thing, so they occasionally self-own with experiments. It doesn't change their mind, though, because being right isn't the point.

fadhl3y ,

I make a YT channel about bizarre conspiracy theories. I keep coming back to the people who make videos claiming that 5G is actually a deadly weapon on their 5G Iphone 16. Nobody has more cognitive dissonance than these guys.

Buddahriffic ,

It's amusing seeing some of the ones that were only even really plausible (and I use the term loosely) for a brief time hold traction after that time has passed. Like the 5G ones where even if you ignore the whole technical side of it, it was a possibility before it was deployed but now it's out there. If it was turning people into zombies or whatever, it would be doing that right now. Or if not, then what are they waiting for?

Or covid vaccines. Yeah, when they were first being sent out, there were potential unknowns and it was possible that they were RNA coded to do who knows what instead of just giving improved immunity to covid. I have no idea how I'd even check on something like that other than seeing what happens when someone is injected with it. But lots of people were injected with each of the vaccines. And though some issues popped up, I don't think there was an evil plan to give like less than 1 in 100 generally minor and temporary heart issues that the actual virus also gave (but generally worse). But I still see profiles on tinder that say they prefer someone unjabbed. What timeline do they think this conspiracy is operating on? "Get a covid vaccine and you'll likely be dead within 100 years!"

And the funniest (saddest?) part is that there are real conspiracies. Like there's clearly a push to turn the world fascist happening right now as the billionaire class positions itself to control how society transitions into a world where not nearly the same amount of labour is required. There's been a group aiming to suppress information about climate change and our way of life's role in it. Russia and China both aim to no longer be 2nd fiddles to the western world, which itself isn't the benevolent ruler it likes to pretend to be. Science closes in on solving aging but the amount of people who read this message and will have access to it are likely under 1% (unless some kind of eternal servitude setup is developed). Almost everything about our society is set up to funnel wealth to the privileged few and conservatives almost openly sabotage public services whenever they are in power. Police brutality won't get fixed because the ruling class benefits from the enforcer class being hated by the general public--otherwise they might band together and then the rulers would be fucked. Oh, and as much as conservatives like to bitch about immigrants (illegal or not), you never them suggest going after those who employ them unless it's the tech companies who follow the legal route. All the illegal immigration talk isn't about stopping it but about gaining more control over them while continuing to exploit them.

You don't need lizard people or aliens for a good vs evil kind of narrative. Elon Musk being human doesn't make him a good human or anyone's friend.

win95 , avatar

Sounds like you make content I'm interested in. What's your channel called?

fadhl3y ,

It's called Mind of Steele. If you subscribe please say hello!

SEND_NOODLES_PLS , (edited )

I know it pales in comparison to most others here, but that Star Wars theory about Jar Jar Binks being the ultimate Sith mastermind instantly popped into my head.

LowtierComputer ,

Why unhinged?

CapeWearingAeroplane ,

I've never thought of myself as a conspiracy theorist, but if jar-jar being planned to be the actual phantom menace, but later being taken out of the role because fans hated him counts as a conspiracy theory: Count me in! I think the arguments are compelling to say the least.

tetris11 , avatar

I'm just imagining a Usual Suspects type reveal where JarJar straightens his slouch, combs back his ears, looks Obi-Wan dead in the eye, and says: "You're in quite the pickle now, old chap."

corsicanguppy ,

ohhhh, that would've been epic.

Ragnarok314159 ,

I still think Yoda is a Sith Lord. What better way to be a Sith Lord and bring complete chaos to the galaxy than to take over the Jedi, redefine who they are over the course of your existence, and support the slave masters rather than help the slaves.

Darth Plagueis saw through it all and eventually put in place a series of events to destroy Yoda’s empire.

corsicanguppy ,

I love the Darth JarJar theory. It has a valid argument -- and he could've melted steel beams! Checkmate, those-other-nutballs!

Seasm0ke ,

The UPS driver for my old office building told me trumps not racist or even appealing to racists , he wants to build the wall because there's an underground supercomputer in Mexico thats going to open a portal to hell and flood the world with demons.

Epzillon ,

When is this movie releasing? I'd love to watch it

PsychedSy ,

I mean, it's a rip off of Doom.

ouRKaoS ,

Demons: Oh no. A wall. Flies over it

Ragnarok314159 ,

This sounds like something from a Tarantino movie where the demons start pouring in, but there is a fence. Since there are no fences or walls in hell, none of the demons understand it so they turn around and go home.

tetris11 , avatar

Exactly. Would you want to touch something with flies all over it?

Know_not_Scotty_does ,

The fast food chain Dairy Queen is different than those branded "DQ". It is not a real Dairy Queen unless it is written out fully and does not use the DQ logo on the store. I will not elaborate further nor eat at DQ. There are still a few real stores in really small towns.

DrPop , (edited )

Great now I have to check out my Dairy Queen.
Edit: it's a damn dq.

tetris11 , avatar

Don't you mean your Donkey Qong?

Know_not_Scotty_does ,

I'm sorry for your loss.

corsicanguppy ,

real stores

You say real, I say old. Potato-tomato, tomahto-potahto, let's go have some real snacks.

Know_not_Scotty_does ,
You know what, you are right. How could I have been so silly?

This one is in on the whole thing, don't trust anything they post

Parabola , avatar

Stalin single-handedly starved 8 million+ Ukrainians, Russians, and Kazakhs in the 1930s to stop some nationalists.

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