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YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

Generally medical professionals do not vouch for using milk for tear gas despite it often being touted. The research seems to suggest they are largely the same in providing relief...

TheDoozer ,

I got pepper sprayed in the military. In order to be allowed to wear pepper spray on our belts (for law enforcement), we had to be pepper sprayed and fight someone off.

I found it strange, because it's not like we had to know what it was like to be shot and fight back. It was also one of the worst experiences of my life. Getting accidentally splashed across the eyes with hot sauce ended up not so bad simply by comparison, so I had that going for me.

TheDoozer ,

Think of it like a river. If you were getting washed away down a river, would you try to save yourself by swimming up river to where you were? No, you swim to the bank and make your way back from there.

A rip current is just a river in the ocean.

Edit: meant to reply to Not_Rick

TheDoozer ,

Here's your monkey's paw.

Time goes on, and you overcome a lot of those anxieties with age. You get married, start a great job, buy a house, have a couple kids, and generally start feeling comfortable with life.

Then in a flash you are back in your high school head, knowing that no matter what you do, you'll never get the mix of circumstances just right to do it again, which means at best your kids cease to exist and at worst, you lose everything that gave your life meaning. And you can't share that pain with anyone. And on top of that, you're now mentally a 45-year-old in a teenagers body, and rather than feeling attraction to your peers, they now look like children to you. You're full of confidence, but any attempt to use that confidence feels like taking advantage of a child (even though you are physically the same age).

I think of that, because your wish is a horror story for me. Whenever it's brought up, I think no amount of getting in on the ground floor of k-cups stock or bitcoin, no preventing catastrophes, nothing I could do would make me feel it was worth losing my kids. And worse, making them never exist.

By the way, mine is "I wish for a blowjob." I've got what I need. But I'll always take a blow job (FROM MY WIFE, TO BE CLEAR).

TheDoozer ,

It's the 7 tenets, not ten non-commandments. And they're really good and honestly better to have in the classroom.

Neither should be in classrooms except in relevant textbooks.

TheDoozer ,

Interesting read, thank you for that!

TheDoozer ,

It's the tenets of a religious organization, so public schools should not endorse them specifically.

TheDoozer ,

They've put them in every full set I've received the past several years. So I have a bunch of them now.

TheDoozer , (edited )

A put a hole in the side of a helicopter that left it grounded for a week.

I accidentally tapped it with another piece of the helicopter. I'm happily working on helicopters that are made of metal now, so no more of that nonsense.

Edit: also, honorable mention because it wasn't my fault, but I made a helicopter drop an external fuel tank when it took off... by replacing a light bulb. It was on the button that makes the helicopter drop the external tanks, but there are failsafes so it will only do it in the air. Apparently the internal switch got stuck, so the second the weight was off of the wheels CLONK... and a tank was laying on the active runway. Excellent.

North Carolina Supreme Court Secretly Squashed Discipline of Two GOP Judges Who Admitted to Violating Judicial Code ( )

Last fall, out of public view, the North Carolina Supreme Court squashed disciplinary action against two Republican judges who had admitted that they had violated the state’s judicial code of conduct, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the decisions....

TheDoozer ,

Seriously. He said his defense attorney was inadequate and asked for a different attorney. The judge said you take this one or you decide to represent yourself. And then the defense attorney asked to withdraw.

He never chose to defend himself. He never got the option to continue with his (to his mind) inadequate attorney. They made him defend himself for even questioning if he could get another attorney.

And then instead of explaining or trying to rectify the situation, she just yelled at him and sicced her goons on him.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ ( )

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf (R) received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....

TheDoozer ,

It's not even a "gotcha" question. He seems to be clear that his girlfriend's abortion allowed her to live her best life, and he supported it. So it stands to reason that if he's voting to restrict abortion, that there must be some line between his girlfriend's situation, which he supported, and what he votes to restrict. And asking that question is key to understanding his position (if giving him a whole HEAP of benefit-of-the-doubt he doesn't deserve).

If he wanted to maintain any kind of consistency, he could have simply said "it's legal right now, so it was her decision and she was able to get one, and if there is a financial burden in that I should take equal responsibility. I don't think it should be an option, but I can't make her choose not to when it isn't illegal." And that would be that. Even the "best life" thing could be squared away: "It's never good when a life that should come into this world never sees daylight, but there are, of course, some options that are available that wouldn't exist with a child, and she has those options. Many women have children unexpectedly and have rich, fulfilling lives, even if they weren't what they planned. What I meant by her best life is to say she could continue on the path she found to be best, before she found out she was pregnant."

I'm about as pro-choice as it gets and even I can come up with some shitty justifications for his bullshit hypocrisy. So it's not just that this guy is a hypocrite, he's also an idiot. If you're incapable of explaining your actions and voting, you have no business running for any political position.

TheDoozer ,

I was living in military housing, which were duplexes, and one guy was concerned about the lesbian couple that moved in next to them, asking how he would explain to his young children if they heard sex noises through the wall. I asked him how he would explain straight sex noises to them. He stopped voicing his concerns to me.

TheDoozer ,

How is drag queens existing a "bad thing to happen" to kids?

TheDoozer ,

Well, they sure as hell aren't when they're reading to kids at the library, so how about we "compromise" by not letting children into the 18+ venues when they are sexual?

TheDoozer ,

I want to go to a Denny's now and pitch a fit if they don't serve wine.

TheDoozer ,

I should certainly hope so.

TheDoozer ,

That sounds crazy low, but I also wonder what the spending power is there? I mean, if you take $7/hr in the US and put that in San Francisco, you're gonna have a rough time, but lots of places that's uncomfortable but not starving, you know?

Just from context and reports about conditions of poor Chinese people, I imagine it's worse than our $7 in a rural area, but I don't feel like I can get a clear idea of what that means to a person living there beyond "that's really poor."

TheDoozer ,

You know who I don't feel bad for? The clerk flying a Trump 2024 flag after he tried to go against the will of the people, claimed a fraudulent election, and incited his supporters toward insurrection. And then for the next several years heard lie after lie about the thing that she had expertise in.

This is beyond leopards eating faces. This is still voting for the leopards eating face party after they've already been taking bites of your face.

TheDoozer ,

It was more late 00s. I met my wife on OkC in 2008, and Match and it had been around for awhile at that point. It was still something vaguely embarrassing, and people didn't usually talk about using those.

TheDoozer ,

I'd avoid mentioning it unless you want the ire of the Trickster God.

TheDoozer ,

Holy shit, that took a turn.

TheDoozer ,

I mean, we could go down the list:

Nationalism? Not really. Democrats aren't the ones flying giant American flags off their giant trucks, or pulling "America First" junk.

Disdain for human rights? If we're talking about our own citizens, the Dems have been fighting for human rights. I don't see how the Right (or anyone) could see them otherwise. Outside the US? Oh, absolutely, with their "Gaza is not a genocide" bullshit. But I don't think the Right would consider that bad.

Supremacy of the Military? I mean, not really. I mean, we're still the US, when we lose innovation, manufacturing, and culture, our claim to fame will still be our gigantic military.

Rampant Sexism? The party for women's rights?

Controlled mass media? I mean, they claim it, but if a dem does anything they get shit on, and Republicans get a pass (or desired publicity) way more.

Obsession with national security? The Dems are the ones fighting Border Walls and whatnot.

Religion and government intertwined? I mean, come on.

Corporate power is protected? Yup, got'em there.

Labor power is suppressed? They at least make a show of pushing back on it, but still yeah.

Disdain for intellectuals and the arts? Again, come on.

Obsession with crime and punishment? I wish they had more obsession with punishing corrupt politicians and white collar criminals.

Rampant cronyism and corruption? Well, not as much cronyism, but definitely corruption. But I don't think that's particular of fascism.

Fraudulent Elections? Calling an election fraudulent with no evidence, and in fact evidence to the contrary, is not in itself evidence of corruption.

So, like, two and a half out of all of them. Hardly most.

TheDoozer ,

If it's something you want and your partner doesn't care one way or the other about, it shouldn't factor in.

If you want to make the candles you use around the house, maybe they smell nice, maybe they get used, maybe they're cheaper than store-bought, but that's a hobby.

If you do a bunch of baking, especially for people outside the home but even inside it, and your partner isn't all about you cooking, that's a hobby, and you clean up your own mess. That's not chores (unless you're getting paid).

Chores are necessities to keep the communal house going, not anything that takes effort.

TheDoozer ,

No American (except German History majors, I suppose) hearing the word "Reich" thinks of anything except the third one.

This is like the white dude rolling into a party with swastikas on their coat and then claiming it has other cultural meaning. So what? You and we all know that the reason the reference was brought out is to make you think of Nazis.

TheDoozer ,

boss music starts playing on high-pitched poorly tuned xylophone

TheDoozer ,

So what's the solution here? I've heard a lot of stuff about how stuff should be, but the options are not particularly promising. As I see it:

  1. vote local, wait for change to filter up (counterpoint: that's over a long time range, and for every incremental change it seems like there's a Citizen's United, Roe vs. Wade, and PATRIOT Act working in BIG ways in the opposite direction)

  2. vote Biden and try to push him left (counterpoint: hahahaha.... oh, sorry, I mean yeah, it has worked to a certain degree when it doesn't cost him anything or when literally the rest of the Democratic world is against him like with Israel, and only to a small degree, but major changes? Good luck)

  3. Full on revolution (counterpoint: most of the armed and violent people are on the fascist side and have been giddy over the prospect of Civil War 2.0 since Obama took office)

  4. just hold your nose and vote Biden, press and support the Democratic Party to block ways for The Fascists to get more power... register Republican in super red areas to push them away from Fascism, and generally focus on stopping the Fascists first and if we can get back to where we were in the 90s/early 00s, focus on making those big changes. But focus on stopping the Fascists before you lose everything (counterpoint: that is exactly what the people in power want, to give a unending battle to keep what you have so you can't push for more, and instead lose it all by inches).

  5. Don't vote, let the Fascists burn it all down, and pick up the pieces to make our Utopia from the ashes like the Federation after the Eugenic Wars. (Counterpoint: I need to point out how silly this is? If the Fascists even manage to burn it down instead of doing what Fascists do and expand the crazy and make the world a battleground, the type of people who "rise from the ashes" are rarely the good, Democratic, peace-loving kind. Sorry Star Trek)

I'm not seeing good options, so if anyone can say another option, or how my conclusions are incorrect, I'd love to get new information. But it seems like choosing the best of bad options, and anything but voting Biden (and Democrats) is the path to suffering. As bad as it is, it can always get worse.

TheDoozer ,

Gotta second Henson. Best shave I've gotten, and after buying a 100 pack of the razor blades (for, like, $10) I don't think I'll ever have to buy anything to shave with ever again. I only shave once or twice a week (and do a light pass with an electric razor between), so I use a new blade every 3-4 weeks. Plus since it's double-sided, I get two sets of passes per rinse, which doesn't seem like much but it feels a lot more efficient.

I bought it to not have to buy a crap ton of 5-blade cartridges and nonsense, but my constant razor burn has completely gone away, so it's generally better.

Sorry, not trying to shill, just was really pleasantly surprised with a product for once.

TheDoozer ,

Look, this might be a controversial take, but I don't think Target ever gave a shit about Pride Month, but there were a lot of people who WERE about it so they hyped it and wanted to sell to those people.

It's like the Superbowl. Does grocery stores give a shit about the Superbowl and who is playing? No, but they'll stock up on themed shit and make displays and hype it up because it makes money to sell to the people who DO care about it.

Getting mad that Target carries Pride Month stuff is as ridiculous at getting mad that a grocery store is carrying Superbowl stuff when you don't like football. Who gives a shit? Don't buy it.

Getting mad that Target doesn't carry Pride stuff in heavily conservative areas is like getting mad at a grocery store in the UK for not having a big Superbowl display. They don't have enough people into that, so why would they promote it there?

Does Target have good (or at least not bad) policies regarding LGBTQ+ employees? Do they support LGBTQ+ groups? That's what matters.

If Pride stuff doesn't sell in hyper-conservative areas, it makes no sense to offer them there. That isn't a reflection on LGBTQ+ pride or a position taken about it.

TheDoozer ,

The job I have, I would do even if I was rich. Well, that's only partly true.

I work in aviation in the military, and my job previously consisted of being a flight mechanic doing Search and Rescue, maintaining aircraft, and fixing electronics/avionics on aircraft, and it was awesome, and I'd have done it for free if I could maintain my lifestyle without that paycheck.

The only reason I stopped that stuff and started supervising was because I got too old and broken to continue doing the job I loved, but if you had told me doing this job now (supervising people doing the fun work, occasionally helping them with my arthritis-ridden hands, etc) would be the cost of doing the job I did, I would have accepted it hands down (though in fairness I am looking longingly forward to retirement). And when I do retire, I'll have to find something else to do for work, because I'll probably just die of boredom if I don't.

All that to say, there are plenty of people who don't work just out of necessity. And like the person in the post, just feeling productive and appreciated does wonders to make it worth more than just the paycheck.

Do you need a dentist visit every 6 months? That filling? The data is weak ( )

A 2020 Cochrane review that assessed the two clinical trials concluded that "whether adults see their dentist for a check‐up every six months or at personalized intervals based on their dentist's assessment of their risk of dental disease does not affect tooth decay, gum disease, or quality of life. Longer intervals (up to 24...

TheDoozer , (edited )

You only get one set of teeth

This is demonstrably false.

Edit: I think some people missed my joke. We all (almost all) have a set of teeth that fall out and another set comes in, so it's just funny that they used the phrase "you only get one...." like we use for eyes, or brain, when we, in fact, end up having the whole set replaced once in our lives.

TheDoozer ,

Your premise is incorrect. The burden of proof for quantum mechanics is on the people claiming they exist. They provided those proofs, which is why people believe in them. I haven't studied quantum mechanics, but if you asked somebody who does, they could offer proof or evidence. And if they couldn't, then your claim it doesn't exist (until proof was proffered) would be correct.

TheDoozer ,

You're missing the point. It's not a one time thing. Evidence existed, that evidence was found, and that's what made it change to being accepted.

That evidence still exists, so if you claim dinosaurs don't exist, we can just point to the evidence that still exists. That evidence didn't get spirited away like golden plates to heaven. We're still finding dinosaur bones.

If you claim dinosaurs don't exist, I would point to the wealth of evidence that they do. If you were raised in some religious cult that never taught anything about dinosaurs and taught that the Earth was 6000 years old, and therefore didn't think giant creatures existed hundreds of millions of years ago, it would absolutely be on the person claiming they exist to show you dinosaur bones. Which is evidence.

TheDoozer ,

I think the general mentality is that when a person makes broad, generalized statements about a group while members of that group, who have committed no offense themselves, are part of the audience for that statement, it's tough to not feel that as a personal attack for something they were born as and have no control over.

Don't get me wrong, the "#notallmen" gets overused (e.g. if a woman is talking about violence carried out against women by men, that is not a generalization of all men, that's just pointing at specifically the men that are violent toward women, and saying #notallmen is just derailing the conversation).

But having very reasonable feelings and bad experiences doesn't grant carte blanche to be shitty toward people who have committed no offense. If you're doing it in a close group of other women, then fine, whatever. But doing it in an audience with men (who have committed no offense) tells those men they have no place here, that they belong to the out group. We're not talking about violent men, or misogynistic men, we're talking about men, of which you are a part.

What I think other people have touched on is that in no other circumstance is it okay to generalize a group for things they were born as and can't change (in humans, anyway), except apparently men. And you may call it just letting people have their feelings, but letting that idea go leads to things like the Duluth Model, assuming any violence between a man and women must be the man's fault, and prevents men from coming forward about their own instances of domestic violence against them.

And don't think I don't understand the argument! Pit bulls can be some of the most loving, caring dogs, but they can also be monsters that could end you in seconds. Is it reasonable to by wary of a pit bull you don't know well? Absolutely! Is it a well-trained pit bull's fault that it is physically capable if mass murder? No, of course not, it can't help what it was born as. It just wants loves. So is it reasonable to say pit bulls are scary? Yes. Is it reasonable to say pit bulls are awful, vicious monsters? No. But the difference is, even if you do, the good pit bull doesn't understand that you are calling it a monster. Men do.

TheDoozer ,

Dude, I'm so sorry you went through all that, and that people you told weren't supportive. It's frustrating that domestic abuse support and discussion is so specifically gendered. I understand that the majority of domestic abuse issues have female victims, but that's no reason to dismiss the needs and experiences of male victims (or enby, or whatever).

TheDoozer ,

Yeah, I very deliberately left out any modifier for "majority," as it is exceptionally difficult to quantify the others (for lack of reporting and other social reasons).

It's like the people who claim that sexual harassment/assault went up after programs were put in place, when obviously it's that reporting went up. If we can get better services and reduce the social stigma around domestic abuse against males, it will be interesting to see how those numbers change.

Especially considering that the group that experiences the most physical violence, stalking, and rape by intimate partners is lesbians (with the exclusion of bisexual women, where the statistics get super muddy because they don't do much to specify where the abuse is coming from) at 43.8% (having experienced it). Gay men have the least with 26%, and hetero men following with 29%, and hetero women sitting solidly in the middle at 35%.

I don't know what it is about bisexual people, but instead of getting an average of their same-sex and hetero counterparts, they jump up to 35% for bisexual men and 61% (!!!) For bisexual women. People, treat your bisexual partners better!

So basically, the numbers don't suggest women are the nearly exclusive victims of partner violence that seem to be projected, and men are not even remotely the exclusive perpetrators for partner violence.

Edit: Forgot to include my sources. Also, I was a Sexual Assault Victim's Advocate in the military, if that has any bearing.

TheDoozer ,

Oh, I totally got that, we're on the same page.

TheDoozer ,

Dude hasn't gotten brain damage from an accident or born with it. He's gotten repeated brain damage to entertain millions of people in a game.

I think "bringing light to terribly true things" is an appropriate description for referencing the detrimental medical effects of professional football on the players.

Prototype Anti-Tank Nerf Football Grenade (1973) ( )

“Since a regulation size football weighs 14 ounces, it was considered feasible to make a shaped charge grenade within this weight limitation. In addition, most US troops are familiar with throwing footballs,” according to the Army’s test report for the weapon....

TheDoozer ,

I got tagged in the eye with one of those. Somebody threw it to a pack of us from a ways off, I was in back, and it went right through everybody's hands into my eye. I felt it smoosh into my orbital before bouncing off.

Had a pretty bad black eye for a week.

TheDoozer ,

Did the counter-protester that yelled that get arrested?

TheDoozer ,

Almost invariably, if a question is asked in a headline, the answer is "no."

This is no exception.

TheDoozer ,

Weren't they talking about building a space station orbiting the moon? We've been to the moon. If we're not building a station there, let's move on to next steps. If we are building a station there, why not send equipment and robots down first to prep it while we figure out the logistics of doing something we did 55 years ago.

TheDoozer ,

I feel like a major turning point was

Tap for spoiler

when he first got captured by Peridot and taken on the ship. It opened up the story of a silly boy in a silly town in a silly world to an ongoing threat with past traumas and future looming with danger, and an empire that wasn't just an enemy of the past. And Steven turned into a member of the team with power of his own, not just a child to be watched.

I also found it interesting that as Steven grew, matured, and became more loveable,

Tap for spoiler

his mom became worse and worse the more you learn of her, despite so many people that loved her, and Steven is the one who has to suffer for it. The movie just hammers the point in unequivocally.

Tried using spoiler tag for those that haven't watched.

TheDoozer ,

One of the benefits of my job (military) is my upward movement is almost entirely based on my motivation. A huge portion of the competition (as it is a competition) is a test on both the service at the level you're moving into and your particular specialty. But there's also time in rate (the pay grade you are currently at) and time in service, both of which get capped at a certain point (we call those "dinosaur points") so your chances improve the longer you're in. It also includes award points (medals, basically) and some other things, and finally employee review (the next largest chunk after the test).

So work hard to get a good review and study for a test, and you move up. But that's not always a good thing. I sat at E-5 for a long time because I loved the job I was doing, and I was making decent money (about 60k after taxes), but then I was such a "senior" E-5 that I got to do the job I loved less (being a helicopter flight mechanic, maintaining and fixing aircraft) and the next level up stuff more (managing people, mentoring, supervising), so I just decided I would make the effort and get paid for it (which I did).

As much as people in my service complain about how advancement (promotion) works, every story I hear about how absolutely arbitrary and shitty it is in the civilian world I'm reminded how good I have it.

can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?

the colleague in question feels that only her way of doing things is the right one and expects me to adapt to her way of thinking and her logic. This is tiring and burdensome because I have to force me to stop doing things automatically and efficiently, but think how she wants it done and do it her way. I work worse when this...

TheDoozer ,

Immediately what I thought of.

You have to yell it, though, OP.

TheDoozer ,

I agree that they public schools should teach the history and dangers of communism. And the history and dangers of capitalism. And the history and danger of monarchies. And the history and dangers of democracy (and republics). And especially the history and dangers of fascism.

Those are all important subjects to teach, and there is not a governmental or economic system in current or previous existence that wasn't vulnerable to corruption, inefficiency, or evil in some way. An educated populous is the way to mitigate those vulnerabilities.

TheDoozer ,

I think either you don't understand what they were saying, or you don't understand "all lives matter."

They were saying that it's not just bad for incarcerated people, but a generally bad system that denies rights to everyone. It supports the argument.

"All lives matter" is about deliberately misunderstanding what "black lives matters" means in order to dismiss it.

Two very different things.

TheDoozer ,

I was shocked how easy it was to do my taxes when I was poor (back before the online services even). Just went to the library and spent half an hour filling out a 1040EZ form and dropping it in a mailbox.

It's harder now that I actually have contributions to retirement, back when I owned a house, make considerably more, have two kids and a wife that's going to school, etc. But still took me less than an hour.

And I would argue that if it takes you more than an hour to do taxes, you both should and can afford someone to do taxes for you.

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