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TheDoozer ,

I think either you don't understand what they were saying, or you don't understand "all lives matter."

They were saying that it's not just bad for incarcerated people, but a generally bad system that denies rights to everyone. It supports the argument.

"All lives matter" is about deliberately misunderstanding what "black lives matters" means in order to dismiss it.

Two very different things.

TheDoozer ,

I was shocked how easy it was to do my taxes when I was poor (back before the online services even). Just went to the library and spent half an hour filling out a 1040EZ form and dropping it in a mailbox.

It's harder now that I actually have contributions to retirement, back when I owned a house, make considerably more, have two kids and a wife that's going to school, etc. But still took me less than an hour.

And I would argue that if it takes you more than an hour to do taxes, you both should and can afford someone to do taxes for you.

TheDoozer ,

The obvious answer is to live in a yurt, drink rain water, and never use electricity again that you don't make from a bicycle-powered generator.

TheDoozer ,

Fallen branches, leaves, and trees not already needed for any animal habitats or nutrition. The string to hold it together is, of course, woven from your own hair.

Also, no fires, since burning wood releases carbon into the atmosphere, so warmth can only be generated by sewing together carcasses of animals who died natural deaths.

And finally, following a strict diet to minimize gastro-intestinal discomfort lest you release methane into the atmosphere.

Or just make a rope from your own hair and hang yourself with it, as that's honestly the only way you can make no impact on the environment. I mean, don't do this, obviously, but that's it. As long as we exist, we affect the environment, so we should just do what we can to mitigate the negative effects. The perfect is the the enemy of the good.

TheDoozer ,

Somebody posted a picture of a Harry Potter book burning in what I believe was a bird bath.

I commented that it was ironic that two groups so diametrically opposed as those that don't like shitty TERFs, and crazy Fundamentalists that not only believe magic is real, but also Sinful, would protest the books in that way for such completely different reasons.

The person posting said something about "hurr durr mah both sides," some people corrected them that I wasn't saying they were the same, just that it was bizarre that they agree on something at all, much less that... and then the mod removed my comment (I believe the same that wrote the comment responding to mine).

So... sometimes mods here can show poor reading comprehension and remove things for no reason as well.

TheDoozer ,

The way my dog squeezes his body and face into my leg to fall asleep (wiener dog), I'd say no. Keep in mind, we're still warmer than ambient temperature, so it's not like we're not pumping out heat.

TheDoozer ,

Easter isn't even about Jesus. At least Christmas has the name, and some manger imagery, and other Christian-based stuff they can stamp on top of Saturnalia, but Easter is still named after the goddess of fertility with all the accompanying fertility and spring parts, from eggs to rabbits, to little sprouting plants and whatnot.

And I get that the Christians try to associate that spring renewal and rebirth with the resurrection, but I think that's a pretty big stretch to try to make it work.

Easter is not about Jesus. Every time somebody says "keep Christ in Christmas" I want to say "then get him out of Easter."

TheDoozer ,

So if I Koopa dies, do they become two enemies? The bone Koopa and a ghost?

TheDoozer ,

I didn't read this, but did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime?

TheDoozer ,

You know when you're sick and pretty much bed-ridden, and you think "if only I wasn't sick, I would be working out today and doing such-and-such," but then as soon as you feel okay again you don't actually do it or think about it until you physically can't again?

I feel like it's like that. That doesn't mean you should work out while you're sick. It just means that we need to remember when we're well.

(To be clear, what I'm saying is I get it and you're right, but regardless we can't reasonably do it right now. But once we put fascism down, or if it wanes enough to make a reasonable go of it, we absolutely should remember and fix the voting system).

TheDoozer ,

Do you break the law? Yes or no?

The answer is almost certainly yes, but it definitely requires context. Are we talking speeding? Murder?

It's like on a physical health assessment I have to take yearly that asks if I'm a smoker with the options ofa pack a day or more, a pack a week, I quit smoking, or I have never smoked a cigarette.

Sometimes (often!) A simple yes or no doesn't answer the context of the question.

TheDoozer ,

Right? What other possible materials could they use? Prior to plastic, we just cupped our hands and had people pour beverages into them, or directly into our mouths.

Plastics have been revolutionary in keeping our hands and faces from getting sticky. I, for one, refuse to go back to the days of sucking off the tap.

TheDoozer ,

Also, if by any chance he gets convicted prior, he might be the only option not currently in jail.

TheDoozer ,

Enh, he was a little kid, powerful in the force but untrained, and it makes perfect sense (and is perfectly normal) for a kid growing up to get the hots for the older woman. And he may have unintentionally used the force to manipulate her.

Or she's a groomer and he's a child-murderer. Who knows?

TheDoozer ,

That's not really true. Primaries weren't rigged in the Rupublican primaries in 2016. They voted Trump in despite what the RNC wanted. It was the Dem's primary that was rigged (and turned a bunch of people off of voting in the main election, and it seems those people still haven't learned anything).

TheDoozer ,

The superdelegates, which in 2016 made up about 15% of the delegates, were not elected and are not beholden to any voters, they just chose whichever candidate they wanted, and 604 out of 651 went for Clinton immediately, which meant Bernie started off at an immediate disadvantage.

There's this idea that if it's technically possible to succeed, that the system is not rigged (see racism, sexism, etc). But that's ridiculous. If someone starts off at a major advantage over their competition, the system is rigged for them. If, in the general election, one candidate started off with 75 electoral votes because some unelected people just decided they liked that candidate, I imagine we would call that system rigged in favor of that candidate (even if it is technically possible for their opponent to win). Not only that, but starting off at such a deficit for what would already have been considered a close race is likely to make those who might have voted for Bernie just not bother showing up.

So yes, I'd say the primary was rigged against Bernie. And the Democrats seem to agree, because they got rid of superdelegates for the initial vote, because everyone was pissed.

TheDoozer ,

I responded in detail to the comment before yours (you and I posted within a minute of each other), but in a word, superdelegates.

TheDoozer ,

It's not like they didn't know where he lived.

TheDoozer ,

I'm no expert but it seems to me like it's basically the kind of thing that is only technically legal only because nobody has been stupid enough to push their luck.

That has been the Trump administration (and post-presidency) playbook since 2016, and it has worked out remarkably well for them (and shown how flimsy many of our laws are). I say send it and let the chips fall where they may. If the courts end up deciding "yeah, that's illegal" it's not like they can get the shells back, unless they want to remove them piece by piece from exploded Russian equipment and Russian soldiers. They just won't be able to use that tactic again. It's not blatantly illegal now.

MAGA freaks out after Fox News reports Obama in top 10 presidents — and Trump in dead last ( )

Fox News reported on some new presidential rankings which purportedly show Barack Obama as the sixth greatest president in U.S. history — with Donald Trump dead last — and MAGA Republicans were not happy.On Sunday, Fox News posted an article about new rankings by the Presidential Greatness Project, ...

TheDoozer ,

I disagree on both counts. Obama wasn't bad, but he didn't really do anything extraordinary. I guess maybe the bar isn't that high, and "wasn't awful in some way or another" is the mark of greatness in a president.

And at the bottom should be Andrew Jackson. He's our country's Hitler. It's tough to compare worst when you have a genocidal piece of shit in the mix. Trump is a close second, though.

TheDoozer ,

Seriously. If they don't get hooked on Vimes, I don't see them enjoying anything in the Discworld series.

TheDoozer ,

I'm thinking of the mechanics of a shape-shifter being pregnant... like, if they switched genders would the fetus just get stuck inside between organs and die, or would it cease to exist? Would the shape-shifter be able to take on a male outward appearance while maintaining a uterus? Or would they just not shift for 9 months?

Much simpler, I suppose, for the shape-shifter to father a child.

Do you often hear the ringing of switching power supplies and devices when you are in a quiet space?

I'm curious, how many people are aware of these sounds. I have designed, etched, and built my own switching power supplies along with winding my own transformers. I am aware of the source of the noise. So, does anyone else hear these high frequency sounds regularly?

TheDoozer ,

It is never quiet enough in my house to hear myself think without difficulty, so it definitely never gets quiet enough for that.

TheDoozer ,

So I'm in the military, and my unit is particularly pleasant to be at, enough that if there are other military people on here, they might get upset by what I'm about to say.

We have peer group meetings with the Commanding Officer of the base, meaning each paygrade meets with the CO without the people above or below them to hear, and discuss issues. As you can imagine, those in the lower paygrades tend to be significantly younger, and when it got to my paygrade, we were all, almost without exception, millenials.

To give a background, in the military we get 30 days of leave per year (basically vacation), unlimited sick days, maternity and paternity leave (I believe it's at 2 months for Paternity, which is pretty generous by US standards). Additionally, at my unit, we get a four day weekend for every federal holiday, have various "morale days" through the year for fishing derbies, group hikes, etc, and a 6.5 hour work day (cue all military going WTF?!).

At the lower paygrade peer group, a few of them were apparently asking for "more control" over their time off, and being able to take ask for days off with no notice because the weather was going to be good (for hunting, for example). When the CO brought the stuff they were saying up to us, the older, supervisor, millenials, we were facepalming and talking about the fucking Zoomers. But then something amazing happened:

The CO said he could see their point, and maybe we take some of those four day weekends and instead give a few "Liberty Bucks" at the beginning of the year to each person, that can be turned in to get a particular day in the immediate future off (like getting the next day off to go hunting). That actually worked really well for us, because it made those long weekends easier to schedule, and spread out the days people would be out.

And I realized we Millenials were just so happy to have what we had, we couldn't fathom asking for something better... but they could, they did, and got it.

Fucking Zoomers indeed. Keep pushing, y'all.

TheDoozer ,

That second star is forever out of reach.

I never "finish" my chores, I just get to a good stopping point.

Trump Is Losing It: It is unclear whether Donald Trump has forgotten the precise nature of NATO or whether he ever fully grasped it in the first place. ( )

What is clear, however, is that Trump — who ostensibly spent four years as president of the United States — has little clue about what NATO is or what NATO does. And when he spoke on the subject at a rally in South Carolina over the weekend, what he said was less a cogent discussion of foreign policy than it was gibberish...

TheDoozer ,

Remember in 2016 when Republican types were adamant that Hillary wouldn't be tough enough on Putin, and that Liberals were Communists? And that the Liberals would let Russia do whatever it wanted?

And now those same Republicans are outspoken against helping Ukraine, and want to let Russia just have it. Their preferred candidate wants to dismantle the organization of countries that stands as the United front against Russian expansion. Working deliberately and blatantly toward Putin's interests isn't a problem to them at all.

Back then, I thought that if there was a single (decent) principle they actually stand for, that would have been it. Apparently I was wrong.

TheDoozer ,

And the abortion rights thing bit them in the ass, because it galvanized a lot of voters.

I think that dog catching the car moment hit home, and they won't let it happen again.

TheDoozer ,

As a person in the military, I disagree wholeheartedly. Military rates/MOSs are extremely diverse, and most have real-world equivalence (to some degree). A person with skills at stripping down a gun might not be apt for a mail merge, but they'd be good for law enforcement or security. A store keeper, on the other hand, would be pretty good for that. And most non-combat roles would likely be good at passive aggressive email banter. Especially good, in fact, because going to far with the wrong person can have serious consequences, so the "passive" in passive aggressive carries a lot of weight.

Combat specialties in the military account for less than 14% (it's slightly over if you exclude Coast Guard and Space Force, which would bring the percentage down a bit). So while there might not be 1:1 on military and civilian gun-related jobs, there's no reason to expect any given company having a low percentage of vets just because they don't deal with guns.

As a military member whose primary job has been working on the avionics and electrical components of aircraft while also having a lot of experience flying (as aircrew/flight mechanic), as well as general aircraft maintenance management, if I felt like getting out of the military right now, I could easily get a six-figure job with my experience. I know because several of my coworkers have been poached by companies offering exactly that, and they figured out how much they'd make would be worth more in the long run than getting a retirement check for the rest of their life starting when they retire at 40. Also, I can't speak to other branches, but my branch absolutely pushes us into getting higher education/training and civilian certificates. I can (and will) get an Airframe and Powerplant license, as well as several avionics ones before I retire. In my 40s. And walk into a pretty cush quality assurance job at Honeywell or Boieng or Sikorsky or Rockwell-Collins.

All this to say, I think you need to change your preconceived notions of what the military consists of and what training they receive.

TheDoozer ,

There's a reason the operational/combat are considered the "tip of the spear." It's because the vast majority consist of the shaft that supports it.

TheDoozer ,

Within 30 days of the judge's written judgment, Trump has to turn over either cash or a bond.

This always, always begs the question: "or what?" Over and over we hear of what courts decide people "must" do, but when they are rich and/or powerful or honestly just stubborn enough, it doesn't seem to have any teeth.

And I get it, there are a lot of things they can do, but they always seem to scared or complacent to do any of them. It's getting real old reading about what Trump or Alex Jones or whoever "must" do without seeing them actually suffer consequences for not doing it.

TheDoozer ,

I don't get it. Are most trans women gay?

TheDoozer ,

Oh, wow, he starts looking like a normal human around 110%. Going back after that makes it way more uncomfortable.

TheDoozer ,

Some states still require you to be on the grid, and pay a connection/distribution fee, even if you are providing more energy than you're using.

When I was looking into installing solar when I lived in New Jersey, they said we weren't allowed to have a home battery system to store the solar power, either, due to the potential danger of utility workers on downed lines from unexpected loads (somebody should introduce New Jersey to the magic of diodes).

TheDoozer ,

Fair enough, good point.

But there are plenty of failsafe options that could secure power from the house if no power is coming to the house.

TheDoozer ,

I think the border is in crisis. Our shitty policies make it incredibly and unnecessarily difficult for people to enter the country seeking asylum or a legal means of getting citizenship. I would say the camps of people stuck on the other side of the border, prey to criminals who would rape, steal, and murder (not to mention the asylum-seekers vulnerable to those they are seeking asylum from) are the biggest part of that crisis.

So I'm not sure if I'd be considered part of that 75%, because my solution is to make the system more efficient in letting people in and started with paths to citizenship. Then there wouldn't be masses of people at the border.

TheDoozer ,

Oh, no, definitely agree, that's why I say I'm not really what one would include in that 75%.

TheDoozer , (edited )

I was threatened with a ban because I commented on a Harry Potter book being burned, saying that it was ironic that crazy Fundamentalists (who believe magic is real and evil) and people who don't support TERF assholes somehow share this one, random cause.

The reason for the removal and the threat of a ban was something to the extent of "Hurr-Durr, mah both sides" which... oh, my head, the bad reading comprehension there.

It was not on any LGBTQ+ or trans specific instance, either. It was, like, memes (edit: it was 196).

Point is, there's dumb people who want to abuse power everywhere, in every group, and always will be. Even the best causes and best groups. Especially in the worst causes and worst groups, though. I'M NOT BOTH-SIDES-ING, DON'T BAN ME.

TheDoozer ,

I'm glad you found it funny, because apparently a mod didn't.

TheDoozer ,

Time for another game of.....




(it's causation)

A 13-year-old used a ‘Help Me!’ sign to escape after being abducted. A Texas man has now pleaded guilty to kidnapping ( )

A Texas man who kidnapped a 13-year-old girl in San Antonio and sexually assaulted her multiple times while driving her to Southern California last year pleaded guilty to a federal kidnapping charge Friday as part of a plea agreement, the US Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California said....

TheDoozer ,

Hell, if she got pregnant they'd make her give birth and probably give him partial custody.

TheDoozer ,

I bleed and hurt if I pee sitting down (urethral stricture, had some stuff done, but looking to probably get stints installed), so I pee standing up even if I do have to poop.

Side note, I had no idea how truly awful most urologists (at least in New Jersey) were until I had to get this addressed. It took two years and three doctors (in two different urology systems with many locations, one of which was clearly more of a cash grab than actually giving care), and it was only when I wad getting a vasectomy done an hour and a half away from my house (closest doctor with more than a 2-star rating and with no horror stories) that he was horrified the previous doctor said "make an appointment if it gets worse" in response to blood and pain when urinating.

The first two also seemed to refuse to accept that my 10-year married ass didn't have an STI despite multiple tests from multiple sources to the contrary and me adamantly expressing that it wasn't a "burning" pain, it was a "tearing" pain.

Sorry, long rant, but yeah, some of us can't really pee sitting down.

TheDoozer ,

The worst was having to self-cath twice a day for a month, then once a day for a month, to try to stretch it out. It worked...for about 3-4 weeks. Then it slowly started coming back. Not what I would call a good return on investment.

TheDoozer ,

I can't imagine how long it would take to get my issue addressed if, after finding I didn't have an STI, they could just fall back on "irregular period" or "cramps."

TheDoozer ,

That look says "What is this shit, we need to move."

TheDoozer ,

It's interesting that only one out of the lot of them was (at least within the last 6 months) gay. All the rest with same-sex relations were bisexual (at least within the last 6 months).

TheDoozer ,

...within the previous 6 months.

TheDoozer ,

Democrats are remarkably good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Stupid shit like this is what hurts the actual elections because they either throw temper tantrums about not being first, or try to force people to toe the party line in completely unnecessary circumstances.

They did this in 2016 by forcing Hillary down our throats (she may or may not have won a legitimate primary, but when all the super delegates preemptively go for one candidate, it kind of tells their voters to suck a dick, they'll decide what's best), and look what happened. Now they're in another race where it's the Dem's election to lose, and they're fighting to do so.

The Dem's motto should be good plan, terrible execution.

TheDoozer ,

We had gotten rid of our TV remotes and when we had to upgrade our phones, we didn't realize that feature was gone until we got home and tried to download the TV remote app we were using... which was unavailable on our phones. Because it lacked the hardware.

We were upset.

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