Shardikprime ,

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing agaisnt the state

OccamsRazer ,

Lawrence W Britt is a journalist who wrote the original version of this list in 2003 for a secular humanist magazine called Free Inquiry. It's been used mostly by the left since then, but oddly also by the far right in some cases.


Did you add the underlines? I need to determine who to chastise for missing two that are also obvious issues in the US right now.

Viking_Hippie ,

It was Danish-American entertainer Eddie Skoller.

You're gonna have a hard time chastising him though, given that he's been dead since August.

synae , avatar

Yea it's kinda hilarious those two are skipped

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

How about "powerful and continuing"? That's another worrying thing about the US.

kiku123 ,

When everything is underlined, nothing is.

psmgx ,

ITT we rehash Umberto Eco.

The actual essay about this isn't much longer than the meme that was posted, and wiki covers all of it including links to the actual essay:

clark , avatar

Rampant sexism

Does this indicate fascism is largely a male thing? Or have female fascists oppressed men as well?

BakerBagel ,

Fascists try to enforce what they view as "natural" hierarchies. The obvious one is that their race is superior to the other races, but also that the male role is strength and leadership while the female role is servitude and homemaking. Because of this, female fascists tend to go all in on the racial and class based hierarchies, since that pushes poor and minority women under them. Thats why you get women such as Mary Sophia Allen who was a hard core suffragette turned fascist in the UK. When she saw she wouldn't get equal rights as men, she pivoted to trying to crush Indian and African women in the UK.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Fascism is greatly concerned with overt displays of power, "honor," physical strength as a core value instead of reason or integrity, that kind of thing.

That's not fully incompatible with femaleness, but it does tend to work out in practice as a male-dominated system that features subjugation of women, of a piece with its subjugation of anything else that's vulnerable in any way.

njm1314 ,

I think it'd be fair to say it's typically male. That doesn't mean women don't Embrace fascism though.

samus12345 , avatar

The (usually white) female version of an Uncle Tom.

BmeBenji ,

It really pisses me off how right-wingers will look at this and believe they can honestly identify left-leaning politics as fascist by all of these indicators

Wes4Humanity ,

Most of them apply to the Democratic party as well as the right wingers I'm afraid. So it's easy for either side to point at the other saying "you're the fascist" while ignoring the fascist things their team is doing.

TheDoozer ,

I mean, we could go down the list:

Nationalism? Not really. Democrats aren't the ones flying giant American flags off their giant trucks, or pulling "America First" junk.

Disdain for human rights? If we're talking about our own citizens, the Dems have been fighting for human rights. I don't see how the Right (or anyone) could see them otherwise. Outside the US? Oh, absolutely, with their "Gaza is not a genocide" bullshit. But I don't think the Right would consider that bad.

Supremacy of the Military? I mean, not really. I mean, we're still the US, when we lose innovation, manufacturing, and culture, our claim to fame will still be our gigantic military.

Rampant Sexism? The party for women's rights?

Controlled mass media? I mean, they claim it, but if a dem does anything they get shit on, and Republicans get a pass (or desired publicity) way more.

Obsession with national security? The Dems are the ones fighting Border Walls and whatnot.

Religion and government intertwined? I mean, come on.

Corporate power is protected? Yup, got'em there.

Labor power is suppressed? They at least make a show of pushing back on it, but still yeah.

Disdain for intellectuals and the arts? Again, come on.

Obsession with crime and punishment? I wish they had more obsession with punishing corrupt politicians and white collar criminals.

Rampant cronyism and corruption? Well, not as much cronyism, but definitely corruption. But I don't think that's particular of fascism.

Fraudulent Elections? Calling an election fraudulent with no evidence, and in fact evidence to the contrary, is not in itself evidence of corruption.

So, like, two and a half out of all of them. Hardly most.

Wes4Humanity ,

identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
Dems support the US to the detriment of other nations pretty consistently... Iraq and Afghanistan for example.

Dustin for human rights... Recent protests against genocide ring a bell? And that's just in the US itself.

Supremecy of the military... I don't see many Dems voting or speaking against increasing the bloated military budget

Sexism... I'll give you this one, but I don't really think people like Clinton are fighting sexism, they're just warping it

Controlled mass media... Self evident

National security... Didn't they just agree to continue Trump's stupid ass wall? Aren't they still locking up asylum seekers?

Religion and government... They pretty much all lean into being Christians (but at least a few of them aren't Christians)

Corporate power... Yep

Labor... Yep

Intellectuals and the arts... As long as they agree with them... Again see recent protests

Crime and punishment... Has Biden closed down the for profit prison system? Did I miss that?

Corruption... Obviously

Election fraud... The Clinton Bernie primary was pretty fraudulent in my book

I think you're confusing the Dems being ever so slightly less fascist than the Republicans, with them being not fascist

aodhsishaj , (edited )

But you say it can't happen here

Edit: changed it to literally every place you can find the podcast so as not to discourage those that have issue with certain platforms

psmgx ,

Lol I Heart Radio is a Clear Channel company and one of the largest Republican doners

Viking_Hippie ,

Which is a big part of why the people behind It Could Happen Here and Behind The Bastards broke away from them and started their own company.

aodhsishaj ,

I'll add their direct link too, however iheart and apple are the two podcast links most people have access to.

Viking_Hippie ,

Personally, I use the Pocket Casts app to both find, follow and listen to podcasts from any publisher or lack of same. It's free, it's easy, and the only interaction with awful corporations that want to sell my data is some easily skippable ads 🙂

spizzat2 ,


Mmm... Doner

aodhsishaj ,

Lol there's no ethical consumption within capitalism. We're all trying out best, focus on mutual aid and praxis more than smugness, no?

programmer_belch , avatar

Trum is already venerated as the second coming of crist, I think politics and religion have intertwined enough

ID411 ,

Also UK right now

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