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AI and ads, Google's two favorite things, take targeted marketing to creepy new heights ( )

Love it or hate it, there's no changing the fact that AI is disrupting the internet as we know it. A lot of this perception can be explained by Google's priorities around its AI efforts, with the company looking to quickly monetize these tools and integrate them into its vast product portfolio. Now, Google is highlighting two...

Pronell ,

Maybe by utilizing the vast powers of AI, Google will be able to figure out I don't want to watch fucking ads!

Pronell ,

I'm still a big Marvel fan but Dune has actually gotten me to the theaters.

I'm looking forward to watching both the other movies you mentioned... from my couch.

Pronell ,

A few times I've been there for friends and helped them through rough times just by being someone to talk to.

But I also helped my best friend and roommate by paying most of the bills while he developed his IT/engineering skills. He's got a good career now but struggled for a few years.

Then I took someone in a couple months ago and she's staying in my attic now. That's going well, my wife and I get along great with her. Hopefully it'll all turn out well.

Pronell ,

Thank you! This last one was really a leap of faith, someone I barely knew at all who needed a place to stay. We've all been lucky!

Pronell ,

I feel like this was Jack Black's big break. He wasn't all that well known of a performer at that point.

I knew him from Mr. Show and I'm sure I'd seen him in bit parts but this role was just huge for his career.

Pronell ,

And for Seinfeld, of all people, to say something that is so... dumb.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is essentially Seinfeld on crack. You have a cast of bad people with little redeeming qualities who are actively becoming worse people. And it's a massive hit that's been running longer than Seinfeld's own show.

In addition, what the hell, man? You are the cleanest, most white bread standup I've ever seen. I paid to see you do a ten minute bit on raisins that killed. You do not DO edgy comedy, so shut the fuck up.

Pronell ,

There were three women who were best friends, took their breaks together, etc. And in the Christmas season they wore matching knit sweaters and would walk down the hall side by side so it would read "Ho! Ho! Ho!"

But one day when I was leaving the break room, they approached... and one was out sick. Before I could stop myself I asked "Where's the other Ho?"

Might've gotten a visit to HR from it if I hadn't looked so shocked at myself.

Pronell ,

They're pro-worker!

They're open for business!

What? Not them! They're the wrong people!

Pronell ,

More or less agreed. Between the two there is a vast amount of content available. A huge boon for either side. Why take a side?

I tend to prefer Marvel but of course I grew up with Superman and Batman.

Pronell ,

And what's the word in German that means everything you just wrote?

Pronell ,

You gave us nothing about the movie, why you're suggesting it, or why we should watch it.

Pronell ,

Yeah, I can't say why others downvoted you but one was mine and it's removed now!

How can I write SA without writing SA?

Hi. Im a trans writer doing my lore for writing dark phantasy. I am inspired by many dark phantasy like Berserk and A Song of Ice and Fire, but mostly from real world history and in many parts of the world is very horrible to live as a women. How ever SA is part of some characters background but I I dont feel good actually...

Pronell ,

You can not tell the reader what happened but instead show a character's reaction to it. Let the reader fill in the details you suggested but did not explicitly write.

You can also 'cut to black' in a dangerous situation, again asking the reader to fill in the blanks. If/when they see the character later, what's important is that they survived and escaped, and again the details you offer help the reader fill in the ones you didn't.

Third technique is to have characters dispassionately discussing what is to or already has occurred and show that they are unconcerned with the dirtier aspects of the war or culture in question. Now the brutalities you've suggested are both anticipated and accepted by certain powers.

I've had similar problems writing for my d&d campaign. I want dark forces, but I also want a place of justice that is in danger. Something for the players to defend.

And I've never had to turn to SA. Yes, it happens in the world but I'm not going to turn to it for shock value.

Once I got dark enough to write about what a hag did to be 'gifted' a mortal child, and it was incredibly effective to be so gory and explicit after being vague about so much prior.

Holding back the details can be frustrating, but then making the reader swim in them after all the hints is a good payoff. And if done well you still aren't writing the assault itself but the preparation and aftermath, which is still bone chilling enough.

(In my game one of the characters was the hag's son, which he had only recently learned. The payoff for him was learning exactly how he was conceived.)

Pronell ,

I've done a lot of self-forgiveness in recent years, so a lot of the simpler and sillier ones I don't think of as embarrassing anymore.

Could be the time I flipped a guy off after he cut me off and I missed a light. He saw me in his mirror and started freaking out and swerving, almost hit a curb.

I didn't mean to ruin his day. Just letting off steam.

Either that or the time I drove on the shoulder to avoid a car stopped in the middle of the road. When I merged back she had started to move and we collided. Totally my fault.

I only realized later that due to her age, location, and stickers on her car from a nearby Catholic University that I'd probably hit a nun.

Pronell ,

Big fucking news for the IBS/D crowd, and I'm one of em.

Pronell ,

Last time this came up it was a treatment for people who had genetic issues growing teeth in the first place.

This isn't for replacing teeth that were lost in adulthood.

Pronell ,

Toothlessness does not mean a lost tooth. But if I'm wrong, I'd be glad to be wrong.

Pronell ,

Where's the fun in that?!

Pronell ,

I know, I was just making a joke. I like my animals being a little wild, but that's how I train mine. I like when they climb onto my shoulders.

Pronell ,

Amusingly, the phrase Crypto Fascist does and does not apply here.

Why Megadonors Are Unfazed by Donald Trump’s Guilty Verdict | Money flowed into the former president’s re-election campaign from Wall Street and Silicon Valley following Thursday’s historic conviction ( )

With the billionaires backing him, it's going to be on us as individual Americans to make sure Trump doesn't end up in the White House again. That means not just voting but talking with people around you, volunteering and donating

Pronell ,

And they are so damned short sighted.

Trump wants to be Putin.

He wants his half of the US economy. Including half of what they have now.

And they fund him while being obsessed with the pennies he will save them.

Pronell ,

When I was in high school I was up way too late playing D&D and dreamt I was the general of an army.

In the shower I was questioning how we'd all get clean in time for school.

Pronell ,

I did that and my wife got annoyed... then started wearing my socks. Now we buy more and just use athletic socks

She's still got her colorful, playful ones that are a pain in the ass to match up.

Pronell ,

Click on all the squares that contain YOU.

Pronell ,

While tripping on a large dose of LSD, I decided to practice with my new and incredibly sharp wood chisels on a block of pine.

Amazingly I didn't cut myself at all.

My friend found a stop motion animated clay Don Quixote, where the clay work was rough and you could see thumbprints. It was the perfect vibe for tripping and carving, the gouges I was making in the wood looked like the clay, and bit by bit I made that block into a volcano.

In order to do that I kept twisting my right arm (I'm left handed) clockwise, and when I came down from the hallucinogens, the nerves in my arm went dead. Hand just slid off the keyboard.

It was fine twenty minutes later. And that's my story, the best acid trip I ever had. Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them.

In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

Pronell ,

Thank you, that was a long standing problem for me, and it got a lot easier to just put myself out there and see what would happen. Not just romantically but socially in general.

It served me well.

Pronell ,

It meant my Dad never played Scrabble with my mom ever again, that's what it meant.

Across two Triple Word tiles, no less.

Pronell ,

I completely forgot he was in Requiem for a Dream. That redeems a lot of other bad roles.

Pronell ,

When you're in that deep, a honeypot is just getting laid. Why overthink it?

Pronell ,

Someone else on here - might've been you - turned me on to them and now I've been alternating between Pinon and Chocolate Pinon. So tasty!

Pronell ,

I appreciate you trying to attribute the artist. That's a good instinct to have, glad to see it in practice!

Pronell , (edited )

Assuming a D&D 5e game, I load Kobold Fight Club and click until I find monsters I can build a little story around.

A while back (including enemies from Tome of Beasts) I got Spawn of Akyishigal and Giant Ants, and after a few overland battles they found a beleaguered anthill.

By the next session I had my dungeon made and some lore surrounding it.

The giant anthill had carved its way into an ancient tomb of an orcish warlord who had managed to seal the Demon Lord of Cockroaches with her in an attempt at everlasting life. The actions the players take can result in her rising as a Mummy Lord or in Akyishigal being freed.

All from going "Hey, these enemies work well together."

Here's a link to it:

The Mirrored Tomb of Yeskarra

Pronell ,

Because the Evangelicals believe that Israel must be in existence at the end of the world of the Antichrist cannot rise and Jesus can't come back.

They don't give one fuck about the history of their own faith, let alone about the Jewish people. It's just pieces on their dominionist gameboard.

Pronell ,

My fighter against an assassin who we suspected killed an NPC in the first session.

We are down in the mud, grappling. I fumbled my sword and he got me good (crit), leaving me quite vulnerable. The other party members were nearby but not in range.

I pulled out a dagger and got a crit of my own, ending his life with less than 5 hp left of my own.

Later that night I realized that dagger I'd killed him with was looted from the NPC's pack. I'd gotten revenge on her behalf, using her own knife against her murderer.

Pronell ,

No, this is big. Someone committed to the cause looked at the evidence and reconsidered her opinion.

This can be useful to get through to some that they have been manipulated, that they have been made terrified of education for unfounded reasons.

Anyone converted away is a win, even if not statisically significant.

Pronell ,

It's gotta be exhausting to work in a workspace, warehouse, or factory, not knowing which it will be day to day! At least they arrive knowing the random workplace is ventilated!

Pronell ,

$265 each per year. That's wild.

My wife got a used car with a Sirius in it. She used it for the free trial but we don't do talk radio so it seemed completely pointless.

Pronell ,

Every time I see his name I can't help but think that in college his assigned email address would probably have been

Pronell ,

I took the opposite tack.

You ain't shit, Pythagoras! You just wrote it down, you didn't figure it out, you absolute fucking fraud. We're taking your immortality back!

Pronell ,

All you can reasonably do is help him get in touch with resources to help him recover.

And then, if he gets sober and starts to get his affairs in order, you can be supportive.

But his multiple severe challenges coupled with the fact that he has a family who could be supportive of him if he had been supportive of them lead me to warn you to limit your exposure here.

It's too much and you'll get overwhelmed, even if he's able to cope.

But being a supportive friend, knowing he has someone in his life who hasn't fully written him off can still be valuable.

Pronell ,

I kinda want to make a d&d scenario based around it, a nonsensical bubble plane located in the back of a store. A little Mechanis, a little Feywild.

Pronell ,

I haven't and may look into it!

Pronell ,

Can't be based on the books so it's probably the based on the game, LOTR: Gollum.

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