solitaire , avatar

What are your thoughts on polyamory?

If they are polyamorous, it's a no. If they have been polyamorous before but say they're looking for a monogamous relationship this time, also no. If they use the term "ethical non-monogamy" in a positive way, even if they claim they're monogamous, straight in the fucking bin.

jjjalljs ,

It's like the opposite of me. If someone's strictly monogamous, no thank you. I would also be skeptical of someone who's only done monogamy before, but I'd give them a shot if they seemed otherwise put together.

Colour_me_triggered ,

Two part question:

What are you prepared to put into a relationship and what do you want to get out of one?

If each person wants what the other is willing to give, then the relationship is more likely to succeed. Not much else really matters that much.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Do we have problems with pineapple on pizza? Cause I sure don't.

bionicjoey ,

"Do you think your opinion about pineapple on pizza is a personality trait? 'Cause I sure don't"

Nighed , avatar

Humorous questions on the survey probably are though

bionicjoey ,

That question stopped being humourous about 200 dating app profiles ago for me.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Besides missing the extremely obvious joke, the question wasn't even about personality traits, it was about compatibility.

Maybe we can make an extension that puts "/s" after everything for you

arthur ,

"What are your values and political views?"
Compatibility on that subject is quite important IMHO.

Ilandar ,

I disagree with you on politics, I don't think that is important to a relationship if the people involved are able to discuss and disagree about ideas amicably. Unfortunately that seems increasingly less common in our modern society as algorithm-based social media continues to push people further into their respective echo-chambers. Of course, I am not here to tell you that you can't look for that in a partner, I just don't think the concept of political compatibility should universally apply to every relationship or even a majority of relationships.

sping ,

Many political questions are reasonable to disagree on but many others are also ethical ones with gaps that cannot be bridged.

arthur ,

Totally agree.

Ilandar ,

Nah I definitely disagree with that statement. It is absolutely possible to maintain a healthy relationship with someone whose perspective on ethical issues differs to your own.

arthur ,

Someone racist and someone else antiracist?

Ilandar ,

There aren't many explicitly racist or anti-racist people in the world. I think that's a pretty big misconception people have about racism; that it is predominately an individual quality as opposed to a much broader systemic problem. Even then, my personal experiences suggest these views do not have to define a relationship if you take the time to unpack and better understand them. Most racism we see in the world is generally not born out of evil or hatred but rather fear or ignorance, which are universally relatable human conditions.

arthur ,

If both mostly don't care and don't engage in politics, I agree with you or take (and usually that's true for the majority); but in times of crisis, politics impose itself to people and that can be a major issue in a relationship.
And in this century we will have a lot of crisis to deal with.

Ilandar ,

I'm not sure I agree with that either. In my experience it depends entirely on the willingness of the people in the relationship to listen to one another and their ability to understand that disagreements about political issues, current affairs, religions, etc, don't actually have to define them as people and, therefore, their entire relationship. People from opposing sides of politics and life actually have a lot in common because the human experience is a universally shared one. It's all about breaking through the artificial barriers that would keep us separated online and finding those commonalities.

mukt , (edited ) avatar

Anyone who takes politics too seriously is automatically out.

arthur ,

That's also a political requirement.

mukt , avatar

Yes, but more of a mental health requirement.

red_pigeon ,

"What is the greatest value a person should seek ?" and try to understand their point of view. Tell yours and see if they understand it. It doesn't have to be the same, just both need to accept each other's point of view.

My answer - humility

BonesOfTheMoon ,

What are your finances like? I don't mean you need to be rich, I mean you need to be responsible. I tied my finances to a crazy person and I'll never get free and that's my biggest regret.

Cris_Color , avatar

That sucks, I'm really sorry man :(

Wes4Humanity ,

Trump, Clinton, or Bernie

AnnaFrankfurter ,

Which distro you use on your PC and which custom ROM you use on your phone.
If the response is a big question mark on their face then I'm moving to the next person in an imaginary line.

funkless_eck ,

Hannah Montana Linux is the only correct answer if you want to get instantly pregnant.

davidgro ,

I don't know about that... Rebecca Black OS was the first to be Wayland by default, and continues to be a cutting edge test bed for it.

intensely_human ,

What the hardest thing you did in the past year?

tetris11 , avatar

What's a topic you could talk for hours about, and are you capable of summarizing it for a lay person?

(it shows that they're interesting, so when the looks fade with time you still have something to talk about, and it shows they're capable of not just parroting what they hear but internalizing it, and more importantly: coming down to meet you half way, the epitome of compromise through mutual dialogue)

pachrist ,

If you won the lottery, what's the first irresponsible thing you'd do with the money?

No paying off student loans, no buying your parents a house. It has to be irresponsible but not necessarily indefensible. Great icebreaker question.

DavidDoesLemmy , avatar

Great question. I think for me a daily cleaner and cook.

tetris11 , avatar

I'd buy vast swathes of land in the countryside, and just make it a homeless refuge. They can erect a tent town if they want, host festivals, do farm work for money. Whatever, they're protected from the police.

funkless_eck ,

I've had similar thoughts, but also then I was worried about legal liability if there's drugs, violence, arson (not saying homeless are bad - these things happen even amongst middle aged middle class people)

I prefer to become a big benefactor of a charity that does good work and attend the board meetings.

tetris11 , avatar

Oh they might definitely do these things, but mainly they will drive the local rent and house prices down, so it's still a win-maybewin

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

I'd buy a ticket to go to space.

Land_Strider ,

See ya, then o/

tiefling ,

Start an art commune

Jarix ,

Invite a bunch of people i think ill want to stay my life out for pizza. It will be hawaiian pizza. In hawaii.

Ill send drivers, they will only need to grab travel documents.

AngryCommieKender ,

Rebuild my favorite car. A charcoal grey 1986 SAAb 900 SPG, that I heavily modified the engine, drivetrain, suspension, and wheels.

Fat fingered and replied to the wrong comment.

AngryCommieKender ,

Rebuild my favorite car. A charcoal grey 1986 SAAb 900 SPG, that I heavily modified the engine, drivetrain, suspension, and wheels

Edit: nope it's just replying to you even though I see the comment I want to reply to in my browser.

dumbass , avatar

*Does 5 minute long surrealist interpretive dance wile forcing and maintaining direct eye contact*

Me: And your answer is?

Thavron , avatar

I'm imagining the Squidward dance.

tektite ,

"When's the sequel?"

AgainstTheGrain ,

Anything that tests the ability to critically think and analyze.

answersplease77 , (edited )

you mean like the would you switch the train rail to kill less people dilemma?

janus2 , avatar

do you enjoy firing off hypothetical answers into the curious void of psuedoanonymous obscure social media platforms? (if so we probably have something in common, call me ayyyye)

Jimmycrackcrack ,


GluWu ,

What's your favorite flavor of 4loko.

bloodfart ,

God damnit this was gonna be my answer!

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