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Pronell ,

Or it's an announcement: Fuck you, we are doing it anyway and we don't care about telling you where, when, how, much it cost, or who is profiting.

Pronell ,

Sure. I'm an American looking in from the outside and it just... seems like something Sunak would do given his track record.

Pronell ,

Holy crap is that a bad look.

Two organizations I would ideally support in a staredown and it sounds like the ACLU is in trouble.


Pronell ,

I'm not being complacent but I can't see Palestine meaning more to the average American than abortion rights. In the end Roe v Wade being struck down will decide this election handily.

I hope, mind you. And my heart hurts about Palestine. I also hope we can do better.

Pronell ,

That's fair. I think and hope the economy will stay strong through November.

This is the longest stretch of low unemployment of my lifetime. I hope that counts for enough and the wage growth comes through enough.

I'm doing okay but my wife and I are dinks so it's a little easier for us.

Also: great fucking movie and book.

Pronell , (edited )

That's quite abrasive. Never tried it personally but I'd worry that on glass it'll leave more scratches and lead to an even foggier look.

Pronell ,

Agreed, and I hadn't heard about the new treatment. That's just fantastic!

Top official from China's Xinjiang says 'Sinicisation' of Islam 'inevitable' while rights groups accuse Beijing of widespread abuses of Uyghurs ( )

Xinjiang's top Communist Party official said on Thursday that the "Sinicisation" of Islam in the Muslim-majority region in northwestern China, where Beijing is accused of human rights abuses, is "inevitable"....

Pronell ,

Sinicisation - make Chinese in character or form.

Some define that as cultural genocide.

Pronell ,

He has the support of Sanders. And me. I consider myself a progressive.

Pronell ,

I consider myself pretty far left and I find a lot of people here both insufferable and unable to hold a discussion without insults. And that's coming from people to the left of me.

It's hard, and I'm quickly going back to not talking about politics online. I'd hoped Lemmy would be a little better.

It also annoys me to no end that I have to defend Biden from people who have no political perspective.

Like the crime bill they attack him for that passed both houses with large bipartisan support.

It means NOTHING to retrospectively say the country was on a wrong path. He can't fix having done that, he can only do better. And by my liberal standards he's done fine.

So apparently this almost socialist is a moderate here. What the hell?

Pronell ,

It really does.

I try to be calm and provide supporting evidence as well as agree with the people I'm disagreeing with when I can.

I don't get many replies. Just downvotes, which is annoying as I really do want discussion.

Pronell ,

Yup, I've written about it here before.

One of my old druggie friends (I'm a stoner, always have been, and have stayed away from the dangerous stuff) apparently sold some stuff tainted with fentanyl and a girl overdosed.

He's in jail for murder. Not his first time in, he's proud of his time behind bars, and will likely go full Aryan Nation this time.

Most of our friends have written him off. I play d&d with them a couple times a week.

Another one went to jail for stealing from Walmart repeatedly. Kept telling me he'd never get caught, and when he did, he had meth in his pocket.

He got out, got clean, and was staying in a halfway house nearby. I gave him some yard work to do for cash. He ripped me off, stole some cash.

He returned it when I called him on it, and he's still doing well and sober, but he's been cut off as well.

I hope he keeps his shit together. He's got kids out there that need him.
(The other one, in for murder, doesn't, at least not that I know of.)

Pronell , (edited )

Murder via fentanyl is accidental at best but foreseeable.

He didn't mean any harm. But he didn't avoid doing it either.

He's an idiot, but was never a malicious one back in the days when I really knew him.

Pronell ,

I agree, and was surprised at the verdict.

Pronell ,

Keeping it strictly in D&D terms, I'd give it a Legendary Resistance that can be used each round as a reaction. Each time it's used it also consumes one of the multi attacks.

In this way the enemy avoids being crippled but is still weakened for the round and the players get less bruised for it. It feels they've earned it rather than wasted a resource.

Narratively it's rearing back to avoid a blow so it can't bite this turn, or a claw parries. Maybe the spell that was supposed to entangle instead damages a wing, halving flight speed.

Turn those resistances into opportunities to strike back.

Christian nationalism's support is strongest in rural, conservative states ( )

In states including North Dakota, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia, half or nearly half of residents support the view that Christians should dominate all areas of American society, including its laws, according to a new survey about the influence of Christian nationalism by the Public Religion Research Institute, based on...

Pronell ,

Fascism, wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

Pronell ,

I thought that just made you invisible to security cameras...

Pronell , (edited )

Neat. Makes sense. An asteroid isn't usually one chunk of rock but several chunks conglomerated.

You think you might break it up but you rearrange it instead.

At least that's how my dumb ass read it.

Pronell ,

Then leave. Nobody is forcing you to continually steep yourself in the wrong viewpoints.

I personally don't think he's a rapist but I do think he needs to be in prison for dumping all that classified material.

If that makes me brain dead, I don't want any part of what you consider dialogue.

Pronell ,

Then he should be found innocent rather than hide away for a decade.

People fucking died because of the information he just dumped out there. But no, we are not allowed differences of opinion.

This isn't supposed to be an echo chamber!

You think I'm wrong then convince me, don't insult me. If you think the First Amendment applies to dumping government files... make that argument in court and good luck, but don't fucking condescend to me in an internet forum.

Pronell ,


Make that argument in court.

I know there are lots of people who disagree with me. I'm okay with that. But I'm also in no position to make a difference here.

What he did wasn't publishing. He dumped sensitive data. In my opinion.

It's just silly to think he doesn't have to deal with the trial. If he is innocent, let the fucking system decide that.

I can think that Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange did brave things and still think they should stand trial.

In Assange's case I think he went way way too far, but was still brave.

I'm mostly annoyed by all this yammering that there is one true opinion here and that everyone else is deluded, as if this wasn't a huge event with ongoing consequences.

Nuance is important if you're gonna understand anyone's viewpoints.

Pronell ,

So I assume this attack was reported by the perpetrators, as spam on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit are far far worse problems.

The Majestic Birth of Graphical User Interfaces – Xerox Alto and the Alto Trek game ( )

Can you imagine a time before the Graphical User Interface, when you could only operate a computer with abstract-looking text instead of using simple menus, and it was unheard of to use the oh-so-common mouse? A time when computers were harder to learn, and even harder to master? Well then, join us on our splendid trip where...

Pronell ,

Well my first computer was an Apple IIe, so yes. And I still prefer command line interfaces, even if they're in a GUI environment.

But I suppose that was a rhetorical question...

Pronell ,

Almost by definition that's a parody.

But that's also an extremely fine line.

Pronell ,

I was just being silly as this is about spoofs and not parodies.

Pronell ,

Reagan was loved by the country at the time and was extremely effective at implementing his agenda.

All of it is monstrous to me as well, but to compare him to Trump, who didn't even try to implement much of an agenda and literally had ZERO party platform for his second term... it makes a little more sense in that context.

Pronell ,

You need a group that plays games like Pandemic, where the whole table is working together - although some games in that genre do include saboteurs.

I got to the point with my friends where I'd refuse to play some games like you describe, very long games where you can get screwed over early on and never have a hope of recovery.

My current favorite is Terraforming Mars, where everyone is cooperatively terraforming the planet but also trying to outperform the other corporations. It's less about actively attacking each other and more taking advantage of opponents weaknesses and missteps.

Pronell ,

I imagine they've got a toast mallet.

Pronell ,

For better or worse we have a two dominant party system, which totally breaks down when one party decides to go it alone and only advance causes they can win with their votes.

That is a weak party, so divided internally they don't dare compromise externally.

If we don't have at LEAST two functional parties, it all falls apart.

Pronell ,

I'm not arguing with that, but it's the system we have. We can modify it, improve upon it, or let it completely fall apart and be replaced with One Party Rule.

Could Taylor Swift tilt Florida blue? It’s Democrats’ wildest dream. ( )

“Florida Democrats don’t know why Taylor Swift is naming an upcoming song on her new album ‘Florida!!!’ or the reason she chose to hold three concerts in Miami less than a month before the November elections,” Politico reports....

Officer resigns after hot mic moment disparaging migrant worker in criminal justice council meeting ( )

A police officer resigned from the Vermont Criminal Justice Council and the Bristol Police Department on Wednesday after saying “you’re fucking here illegally” as a migrant worker testified before the council that morning....

Pronell ,

The notoriety probably got him a better job offer elsewhere.

Pronell ,

See? Very rarely.

But we play D&D online together twice a week or so and keep up with each other in a discord.

Married, almost 50, no kids.

Record waiting times for cancer treatment in the UK whilst King Charles begins treatment within days of diagnosis ( )

In other news: water is wet. I think we all knew that Charles wouldn't have to go through the same pains us common British folk do in regards to accessing healthcare. But nonetheless I think it's important to continue to highlight these ever growing class divisions in the UK, such as those between people who can afford private...

Pronell ,

I work for UHC.

I think they're a decent company, considering the industry.

I've made a nice and fairly comfortable career here.

Burn it all down. Give everyone healthcare.

I'll find another job.

Pronell ,

I'd survive 37 seconds in that world.

Possibly less if there's grease on those stairs.

Roman Dodecahedrons: A Mystifying Archaeological Find ( )

Much about archaeology can be described as trying to figure out the context in which objects and constructions should be interpreted. A good example of this are the metal dodecahedrons (twelve-sided shape) which have been found during archaeological excavations at former Roman sites. Since 1739 over 115 of them have been...

Pronell ,

There have been several other articles about these in the past few weeks.

One of the most common suggestions is exactly that, used for knitting fingers for gloves.

Another I saw that made sense was for securing tent poles, with the nubs being used to secure the canvas to the ground.

Pronell ,

Fair enough, I was just passing on what I'd read.

Pronell , (edited )

This is a Forbes article that shows as coming from Google. Just worth mentioning.

Pronell ,

I'll give a hopeful one:

Many years ago I was in a hopeless and hellish state. Unemployed, sleeping on a cot in my parents basement, my health failing me, and recently bankrupt.

I was suicidal but not to the point of having ideation. "You should just kill yourself" was a common refrain of my internal monologue.

Then I read something on reddit like "How long would you stay friends with someone who talks to you the way you talk to yourself?"

So I started on a serious effort to remove that from my thoughts. It was 2008, and Obama was running against McCain. I liked them both but was definitely in Obama's camp.

I tried replacing "You should just kill yourself" with "You should just kill John McCain."

And it worked! That shocked me out of that self hatred long enough to start to laugh it off.

A little time went by, I met someone, got a job. The someone convinced me to get surgery for my issues. (a hernia but I didn't think fixing that would even help the overall stuff I was fighting)

We have been married almost a decade. Nine years in the house I got her when I got a better job. I work from home hanging out with all our animals.

Things CAN get better. There's never a guarantee but it's worthwhile to not give up. You can climb that mountain, dig that tunnel, whatever you need to make that journey through the darkness.

And I left a LOT of shit out of that story.

Shouldn't hulk be able to defeat thanos without any additional power (eg:infinity stones,weapons) because hulk can get stronger as his anger grow and it's almost limitless and thanos's power isn't ?

My understanding is thanos didn't use any power of infinity stones in the infinity war fight and hulk wasn't previously injured very badly . He almost seemed to easy to be knocked down why ? Shouldn't he have grown stronger because he is angry because everyone is dying and he is getying beat up ?

Pronell ,

Hulk has rarely been treated consistently from one project to the next.

In his Edward Norton movie they went to great pains to show its the heart rate that makes him change, then threw that out the window when he was recast.

We just don't know the rules on this incarnation of the Hulk. We don't know that he will always get stronger.

And I'd have loved to see two entities fly out of Banner-hulk's body when The Ancient One stops him. But we can't have a good Hulk story until the rules are defined and true character growth can happen stemming from that.

DM question - level reset?

Hey everyone! Just trying to figure out if what I'm thinking is a good idea or the worst idea ever. My group is only two sessions in. They started at level 5. I have them going into a supposed-to-die battle wherein they wake in hell and have to figure out how to get out (yadda yadda this is where the real story starts). I was...

Pronell ,

If it's really mostly about the one magic item, I suggest a different course of action entirely:

Pull the player aside. Tell them it has to be weakened for now, but give them a longer term quest to make it better. Most players will love the extra involvement more than overpowering the rest of the group.

Pronell ,

I meant bring it back to the power it was and then some, help it scale with the player.

One of my players has two pieces of Fraz'urbluu's staff. He knows he can become a lot more powerful with more pieces but that it comes with consequences he would rather avoid.

It's all a deep part of his personal plot and he loves it. Granted it was never something I took from him and nerfed.

Pronell ,

Many years ago, Family Guy had Brian run over someone in a car. In a panic he asks "Oh my God, are you Stephen King?"

The reply is "No, I'm Dean Koontz," so Brian puts the car into reverse and runs him over again.

My friends never understood why I laughed so hard at that joke.

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