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Ziggurat ,


je vais même pouvoir voter pour quelqu'un dans la ville où je pars le dimanche du 30 juin.

À vérifier, mais, de tete, il faut etre inscrit dans le département où la crco où tu reçois ta procuration, mais, ça peu etre différent/avoir changé, j'ai plus été assesseur depuis un bail

How do I explain two years of doing nothing to a university for masters?

Ever since I've graduated on September 2022, I've not had a job. Maybe a crappy internship, but I wasn't provided with a 'certificate', or letter that proves if I've worked for them. That was around October 2022, and I quit voluntarily at the end of January 2023. Since then, I've not worked anywhere as a software dev, be it...

Ziggurat ,

CVs are supposed to be at least 2-3 pages

Where is it the case ? I always heard CV are expected to be kept short, and stay on one page unless you're one of these senior experts with a crazy experience. A young graduate sending a 2-3 page CV sounds at minimum pretentious and would go direct to the garbage.

Now, it seems that "Not being able to find a job" is a great reason to pursue further education.

Ziggurat ,

Je croyais que forfait jours, ça voulait dire une grande autonomie dans l'organisation de tes missions et un gros salaires. Et pour moi le point "grande autonomie" c'est antinomique de horaire imposés

Ziggurat ,

Tinder c'est de la merde, oh je parle pas des multiples rencontres pas intéressantes où au final il ne se passe rien. Non il y a pire c'est lorsque ça marche.

Tout à coup, je me retrouve à devoir faire pleins de place dans mon agenda pour passer du temps dans les bras de celles qui était il y a peu une parfaite inconnue, et qui occupe mes pensées lorsqu'elle n'est pas dans mes bras, envoyer des messages gnangnan dégoulinant de petits cœurs. je flippe un peu devant la montagne à gravir si ça marche, mais je panique à l'idée que ça ne marche pas. Bref tinder c'est de la merde, n'y allez pas du jours où lendemain vous allez vous retrouver en train de tomber amoureux :)

Ziggurat ,

Something worth repeating is that transistors are a direct application of quantum mechanics. Quantum physics isn't a metaphysical thing about half dead cats and working only on a few ultra cold atoms. If you want to explain how a piece of silicium can be conductive or insulating depending on it's polarisation you need... Quantum physics.

Ziggurat ,

Is coralline supposed to be "kid friendly"? It's one of the few books I wasn't comfortable reading in alone in the dark, no way I let a kid read that

Ziggurat ,

Renters rights legislation with enough teeth to make present and perspective landlords, both corporate and individual, think twice before not taking care of a property as though they lived there? (

Isn't it mostly an issue on the US side of the pond (and in other third worlds countries). I believe that most European countries have minimum standards regarding renter right, it's not perfect (and reality is that changing a furnace takes weeks). But every time I read about US feel likes dystopia.

Ziggurat ,

The minimum threshold is tricky. Sometimes due to alliance or political dynamic, a party/list struggle to reach 5%. But banning them from running again seems aggressive. An election even lost without any seat nor a public payment of the campaign fee, is a chance for a party to be heard and put back some issues in the debate. Look at the green who often do low score, but sometimes manage to win

Ziggurat , (edited )


An aww dog with swan wings, shiba inu, flies in the park, at sunset, happy people in the background, tilt shift photography using Bing images creator

*Feel like there is tho possibility to do crazy stuff, but I kept it "simple" and common

(Edit formatting)

Ziggurat ,


  • No need for rain-clothe, or warm clothe

  • Outdoor activities are possible without damaging the gear due to the humidity, and if you like water even outdoor swim became possible

  • Having sunlight up to 22 or even 23 is pretty great, you can have a late dinner outdoor, or get some beers in the parks with your friends. It's also safer to come back home, especially if you ride a bicycle or are a woman.

  • Many people are in holidays, so things are quieter

Ziggurat ,

I am talking about having sunlight up to 22-23 in the evening,
Unfortunately, I don't live anymore in a place with many days above 40. (Which to be fair are great as a kid when you spend the afternoon chilling near the river, but sucks when you're adult and stuck in an office)

Ziggurat ,

Putain con, on va se retrouver avec Mme Le Pen première ministre ? Ça pue. Au mieux ce sera 3 mois en affaire courantes pour se retrouver avec une coalition LR/LREM/PS dite d'union nationale

Ziggurat ,

Best season, weather is nice enough so Ican enjoy outdoor activities.

Ziggurat OP ,

The last summer before the "brexit" I went to scotland, one of the classic hike there is going atop the Ben nevis mountain. Even though in summer it's not a complicated hike, I still bought a paper map to not be yet another tourist lost in the mist, I have a limited trust in mobile phone map in outdoor activity, especially when the weather isn't optimal.

Question was triggered as I stumbled open that map when sorting some stuff on my bookshelves.

Ziggurat OP ,

Forgot that simple trick to get maps :). But actually when I use rpg maps, it's digital and printed and in general not bought (either found online or done)

Ziggurat ,

Est-ce que Maggot Brain et ses 10 minutes (allez 9, il y a une intro) de guitare psychédéliques compte comme un solo ? Putain qu'est-ce que c'est bon.

Sinon je suis récemment arrivé à peu près à bout de Another brick in the wall.

Ziggurat OP ,

Some games do have pregen characters, it's great because you have a character fitting in the story (I tend to prefer games relying on character background and goals rather than on NPC to get the story running). But if not sometimes a classic cliché works better than an big OC

Regarding role-playing, sure there is moment where it gets more sloppy. But in general the whole ambience pushes you

Ziggurat ,

It's not perfect, and an overly complex workflow, but after many attempts, time is running-out so here it is



*I wanted something about the contrast between the youth finishing to party when the workers are already up, think about the Il Est 5h, Paris, s'éveille (I couldn't find english subs for the original)

I started with a naive prompt like A city at night,in an almost empty street, A young girl in clubbing clothe leave the scene at left, while an old man in work clothe walks in opposite direction at the right and got something like a couple with a huge age gap. (And for the lol, that prompt is too NSFW for bing AI)


Not what I want, so I went for inpainting, started with

A modern city, late at night, dawn is coming,in an empty street, A young girl in clubbing clothe walks away, photography in real visionXL getting the lady I was looking for


Used inpainting An old man cleans the street getting an awful old man,


To get a decent garbage man, I went into img2img with A modern city, late at night, dawn is coming,in an empty street, A young girl in clubbing clothe walks away, an old man cleans the street
I feel like I could have generate a few dozen extra images to choose, but I still want to do something this afternoon, so times runs out, let call-it a day.

Ziggurat ,

I might be following the right communities, because I never noted problem with user from .ml.

I start to wonder whether we don't have some person using tankie the same way as mainstream right-winger use woke.

Ziggurat ,

As much as I find the idea great. The killer feature of TikTok is how easy it is to publish a video with filters and musics. Not sure how well a federated application can follow.
Then, there is TikTok algorithm which is a common critic of the app but is how you get a never-ending flow of content which isn't uninteresting enough for you to turn the app off

Ziggurat ,

Bon anniversaire truc merdique qui marche, putain, un an. Sur reddit ce serait un changement de compte, ici, on est encore trop petit pour que ça fasse le moindre sens, on me reconnaitrait aussitôt. (Après, il est pas dit qu'à un moment je ne migre pas)

C'est cool que ça ait pris, c'est pas bien remplis, mais il y a un peu d'activité, en tout cas suffisamment pour y poster de temps en temps

Ziggurat ,

Pas de doc écrit depuis plus d'un mois ? Je vois deux possiblité,
La première, c'est juste que les HR sont des branque, et que ton futur bosse va pas comprendre pourquoi les candidat·e·s refusent de signer un contrat. La 2e, c'est qu'il y a des trucs qui se passent en interne et que au niveau direction ça freine sur les nouvelles embauches.

Bref, je te conseille de prendre un autre boulot

Ziggurat ,

Ach so you miss the point daß people mishe Austria and Australia, and that Hitler was Spraching with an Austrian Akzent. Daß works even Beßer

Ziggurat ,

Even though there is already a !nostupidquestions and a !doesanybodyelse This c/ is still quite small, and doesn't get saturated with questions which belong elsewhere. Somehow splitting the content over 3 communities also get them way more empty than a big active one.

We're still far from the magic reload button we have on that other website which every minutes would see tons of new post.

Advent's Amazing Advice: Don't Say Vecna, A Level 20 One-Shot fully prepped and ready to go! [DnD 5e] ( ttrpg.network )

Welcome back to Advent's Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes fully fleshed-out notes, music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the...

Ziggurat ,

Out of curiosity, as I don't play D&D, does it includes character and their helpsheets?

I fill like that the most complicated part of a lvl 20 OS would be the character creation and management. And I assume that GM who bring their PC that far over a campaign have so much ongoing plot that they can just sit down at the table and let the PC do all the prep work

Ziggurat ,

You do the thing in the fiction; you follow the procedure in the rules. That is true in all roleplaying games, of course, but the nature of moves makes those procedures something you have permission to reference. Instead of being expected to remember some obscure rule on page 348, you are in constant engagement with these individual subsystems.

This is a nice description of PTBA, and how despite their light rules you end up having to follow them strictly why more traditional rpg would let more room for GM interpretation of the rules. because nobody want to stall game to check the exact rule which usually isn't in the section where you expect it.

Ziggurat OP ,


So, trying to have a Filled clock --> Something having immediate/clear consequences happens. And better having a bigger clock with more dramatic effect coming (Bad guys found you and launch a surprise attack) rather than blurry smaller clock (Bad guys heard rumours about you which would only present as a NPC saying do not aks too many questions) make sense said like that.

Ziggurat OP ,

I feel like you misunderstood my question,

I talk Forged in the dark mechanic (FITD) which have a mechanic called "clock". It's a bit similar to long term action on traditional games where you stack success points / failure points until a long term goal is reached except that FITD uses it really everywhere no matter whether we talk about "HP", "opening a door" "being seen by the guard". An So it's not about general "time in RPG" which is also an interesting discussion (especially in a game like Vampire, the threat of the dawn coming can add a lot of pressure to the PC). And like other so called "rule light games" you end-up with large rule books and mechanics that you need to follow.

Regarding the asking question, I am not talking about meta-gaming, but question that would drag attention story wise. Without going asking question about the Kim family in North Korea, if you start asking about the local mafia, it's likely that at some point the local mafia will hear about these persons asking questions. I took that as an example of a threat which isn't immediate (You're spacesuit is running out of air if you don't make it soon to the ship you'll die) but which is present. In a more traditional game, I could use what make sense in the story to plan the encounter with the mobsters.

Ziggurat ,

Cats are smart enough to let their humans work for them.

*sorry, we're on lemmy, let me rephrase :) *

Cats are the OG capitalist who let human feed them, house them and clean their shit while they sleep

What hobbies or volunteer work require creative problem solving from lots of different areas?

I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. When I work on a project I use anything from woodworking and sewing to chemistry and physics to human physiology and psychology. I also like reading up then chatting about random science and history and art stuff. I like working with computers occasionally, and I'll just randomly throw some...

Ziggurat ,

Because you talk about hobby, what about LARP ?

It's creative, is about problem solving, and involves a lot of skills including

  • Sewing and crafting, the community has a huge DIY culture (even though nowadays, there is a few brands doing larp fashion, and it's cheaper to buy and chainmail, than to buy it's weight in steel wire). So getting all these awesome kits is the opportunity to craft a lot

  • Acting : As it's name stand larp is about role-playing, which is basically improvisation theatre with a scenario known only by the director. So you try to put up your best acting to be a realistic, mafia boss, naive kid, or lord

  • Problem solving and social interactions : Larp are a social game, where people face a common problem and need to find a solution, while finding the right balance between their character faction/interest and the common interest. So there is a lot of social negotiation (often around some spiced wine), mystery investigation, and exploration to solve the main problem

  • Combat, in some larp, if you play a fighter character, you may even have the opportunity to fight. On my experience, I end-up fighting in less than half of the game, there is game with no combats, games where my character either can fight or is too busy with other stuff to fight, and some games where I go fighting.

Ziggurat ,

American ?

I really have the impression that on this side of the pond larp gets well accepted. And it offers way more way to be creative/craft than TTPRG. But i understand that if you're used to see people in Short-Tshirt fighting each other with pool noodle in a public park and calling it "LARP" you have a biased view of the scene

Ziggurat ,

Just check the "drachenfest" (Larger larp in the word, in Germany) trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1IQO3xer-Q it's still a "mass larp" so not the most intense/immersive/strange,and tell me if it's still feel "cringe"

Ziggurat ,

Honestly, if someone pulls a knife you're fucked anyway. I like to say that the best sport for self defence is track running. Less risk of being injured, and no risk of dealing with legal consequences of injuring someone.

Ziggurat ,

In the name of Mistress moon, you shall be punished



Sailor moon as a BDSM dominatrix, wearing black corset. holds a whip in a dungeon, cage in the background, red neon lights

Negative prompt

nsfw, Disfigured, blurry, extra fingers, extra limbs

Model CounterfeitXL, with 35 steps

Ziggurat ,

Nom d'utilisateur vérifié

Ziggurat ,

Was it part of itch bundle for gaza? Because I remember seeing a solarpunk game worth to check, but haven't gone further than "should check latter"

Ziggurat ,
Ziggurat ,

Some of the active ones I follow

!imageai : Ai Generated image and weekly challenge, some people are pretty creative there

!forumlibre : French "free/casual chat" community, most likely not interesting for most of you, but if you know some french come

One which is semi active, and would desserve more user

!rpg : I can't imagine that so few people around here want to talk about rpg :)

Some meme communties I don't follow, but sure some of you would like-it

!196 : Lemmy's dump of old meme
!rpgmemes : I am sure some of you like RPG, and like meme, even though it's a bit too much D&D meme
!ich_iel : Some German meme, not always in proper German so not optimum if we don't know German.

Ziggurat ,

Pour être complètement honnête, est-ce que tu es pas beaucoup plus sensible aux critiques étrangères du systèmes Français, surtout quand elle sont un peu trollée et vu d'ailleurs.

Limite, je me suis déjà retrouvé à défendre macron sur le site en r/ et ses commu Europe et World news, c'est pour dire.

Ziggurat OP ,

That's a fair point. In general when not prepared in long term campaign, I have enough running stuff to not need to prepare more.

But reading some other forum, it seems that some people are super anxious about prep and need hours of prep for every game night. Sure sometimes, I am on a creative mood and want to do these hours of prep, and come with a twisted plot, some maps and illustrations. But very often, I can just use all the ongoing stuff to improvise.

So I agree, not such a big deal

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