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FilterItOut ,

Nuclear-Spearman: Huuuun, where's my atl-atl?!?

Honey: I put it away! Don't you think about running off doing no nuclear-do!

FilterItOut ,

I can't remember the name of the book now, but in high school we read a 'true' story of child abuse. I'm sure it was edited to both tone down and turn up certain elements, but it was pretty much a brutal shock to people who are mostly from decent families that love them. Whether the kids were rich, poor, or middle class in my school, just about everyone there could at least return home to parents that didn't commit those horrors.

I remember the diapers, the exposure to the elements, and the way the other children were pitted against the abused kid, and honestly? It was the emotional abuse that was the worst to read.

FilterItOut ,

Bird dogs don't kill the game birds. They retrieve them. It's why there are entire breeds called retrievers. Some other bird dogs flush the birds so you can shoot them in the air, preserving your so called "sportsmanlike" ways.

FilterItOut ,

I believe it. There once was a time, that may or may not be a memory, where the bartender would serve you if you could walk up to the bar and order. You also needed money, but a bit of bartering with scrounged flotsam from the quay could cover costs.

FilterItOut ,

It's because these are two idiots trying to sound smart. I have used pre-2015 searches, because sometime between 2009-2016 is when SEO in general started being used. The AI generation just kicked it into high gear. Stuff before 2015 at least appears to offer information that isn't just reworded lists of advertisements.

FilterItOut ,

Yes, but if you listen to the 'reviews' now, all you're getting is the regurgitated product description compared to the product description of the other contenders. Except instead of the two sentences that were the original description, you get a five sentence opening about the topic, Somewhere between 12-15 sentences about the product that don't add anything relevant (repeat)^ (for each product), and then a conclusion that's random, arbitrary, and probably influenced by money.

At least with the older models I can see real information if I can find real reviews. If I have to extrapolate from there to today, I'm still better off.

FilterItOut ,

Hopefully it brings consequences. Every time a bullet is fired, it is required (and I guess that must be in quotes for police officers...) that you be responsible for that bullet's consequences. If you shoot at a legitimate threat, but hit the bystander, you should get charged. Cop, not-cop, firefighter, good samaritan with a gun, whatever. Charge them.

FilterItOut ,

Just look at the two paragraphs: "To be sure, millions of these petrified Americans believe the Democrats have gleefully allowed the “woke” left of their party to systematically destroy everything or every institution they depend upon for quality-of-life issues. Be those pertaining to energy independence, higher education, housing, the financial system, the supply chain, border security, the military, the medical and pharmaceutical industry, the media or entertainment. The woke left now dictates — with the blessing of Democratic politician enablers — that all must now be viewed and run through the distorted lens of identity politics.

But when these same millions of hurting Americans turn their eyes toward a Republican Party that promises to reverse all the damage being done by the left, they see only out-of-touch elitists doing the bidding of the corporate elites, while breaking every promise made."

If that isn't the to-the-t playbook of 'both sides' in a more wordy format, I'll eat my hat. It also manages to place the blame squarely on the democrats for their 'wokeness.' Somehow they've broken higher education, the financial system, the supply chain, 'border security,' the military..... good god, what hasn't been destroyed by ThE demOCraTS!

FilterItOut ,

'Reasonable' is decided by a jury, ultimately. You can argue all you want, but this happened in Texas. Good luck convincing a jury the grandfather was unreasonable when half of them likely don't even lock up their guns.

FilterItOut ,

Aye, the first time a blue jay tore the head off of a smaller bird in its nest was a real head turner for me.

FilterItOut ,

Isn't alex jones still avoiding paying his settlement, and simultaneously making money off of it? You may not hear of him as much, but his former listeners are still throwing money at him.

FilterItOut ,

Skating's rad. Longboarding is sweet. Rollerblading is tiiiiight, yo.

Just get the protectors and you'll be fine. Elbows, knees, helmet, wrist guard, and (depending on your age, if you're older than 12 you'll want) ankle reinforcement. If you really want to go all out, hip, back, and tailbone pads are cheap and still not constricting. Are you going to look goofy? Sure. Is everybody else just as goofy? They're wearing clothes, aren't they? Of course they're goofy. Just make sure the helmet covers the parts of the head that are going to get hit, not just the top.

FilterItOut ,

It definitely wouldn't. There have been several recent 'proofs' of the level of scrutiny we face where serial killers are getting caught before they ever get to the famous numbers in the 'serial' part. That one fella recently, as an example, where the police released video of a man with a limp walking near a crime scene, and they caught him at victim #3. In the 90s, it likely would have taken dozens of victims before we caught a lucky video like that.

FilterItOut ,

It might be true that the ones you meet online are very vocal, but there are a lot of people in person who will sing his praises, put flags on their car, their house, and everything else they can reach. They'll deride any 'liberal' and come up with every straw man they can to lampoon for the amusement of the circle around them. I see them when I visit family, when I converse with people at the local park, and even in casual conversations in the workplace. They are everywhere, and it's crazy how comfortable they feel with being open about their vitriol.

FilterItOut ,

Texas is not deep red. Texas politics is deep red, and is set that way by gerrymandering and toooons of voter suppression tactics. Texas is about as close to going blue as you can imagine. In 2020, the democrat governor candidate got 43.9% of the vote. That's pretty dang close for being "deep red."

FilterItOut ,

Huh. Is the only reason he didn't post his own bond because he wanted it to earn interest in the interim? Fucking millionaires and their money games.

FilterItOut ,

I wish beyond wishing that O'rourke would have just shut the fuck up and deferred about coming after people's guns in Texas. I really wonder if he could've squeaked a victory and Texas would be quite different today. Guns are a losing issue. Even more so than abortion or 'the gays!', guns bring single-issue voters out from everywhere.

FilterItOut ,

That and the slow version from the MtG promo video for the nicol bolas fight in ravnica war of the spark.

Column: Jack Smith's latest push to get Donald Trump's Jan. 6 trial moving before the election ( )

"Given the importance of the trial schedule, the key practical question is whether the court focuses solely on Trump’s case or endorses immunity in other instances. Smith’s gambit is a fallback that would let the court order the trial to proceed even if its opinion extends to broader principles of immunity."

FilterItOut ,

They're not the best, they are just flinging shit at the wall and the corruption is deep enough that the shit penetrates it and sticks. 'Like dissolves like' and all that, but with stickiness. I also seem to remember something about the recent ones have all been paid in advance.

FilterItOut ,

Maybe... I still remember the national news piece about D&D being evil, and the national furor over satanic cults existing inside of day cares that had plenty of news coverage. Fearmongering isn't a new millennium thing, it's just gotten prolific due to the ease of the internet.

FilterItOut ,

To be fair to the dude, I didn't know this either until a teacher taught by teaching us about peanuts. How many of us know much about most of the things we eat?

FilterItOut ,

Think of the children!

I'll believe they're thinking of the children when they use that phrase to make laws that agree with the environmental groups and governing bodies.

FilterItOut ,

I have a friend who has, give or take a couple, wrecked vehicles more than 20 times. Most were minor, barely involving damage to the vehicle he was driving or the vehicle/object he hit, but a couple were catastrophic. I think the majority were because he has roadway hypnosis/narcolepsy. I've had him fall asleep mid sentence talking to me when he was a passenger. A perfect candidate to have that license taken, right? The two ways I know of to take a license involve driving while intoxicated or a doctor personally notifying the licensing agency about a person's inability to drive. Believe it or not, most doctors have a vested interest (because they want clients) in not personally notifying the agency. However, there is no set path to revoke a license for simply being a bad driver.

Donald Trump posts $175 million in civil fraud case, halting collection of massive judgment ( )

The bond Trump is posting with the court now is essentially a placeholder, meant to guarantee payment if the judgment is upheld. If that happens, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee will have to pay the state the whole sum, which grows with daily interest....

FilterItOut ,

I'm sure between the random bullshit filings and the supreme sucker's court, it'll last until late january....

FilterItOut ,

So you're saying that if we can get a vaccine made, we may not have to put up with the anti-vaxxers for much longer? What do you want to bet they'll have 'anti-shutdown parties' or something similarly foolish?

FilterItOut ,

Jesus, that dude shaped a lot of peoples worlds. I honestly don't know if I was scared of the drain at the bottom of the public pool because of him, because I know that I didn't read his short story until I was in college, but I wonder if it had already started spreading around in the secret and sly ways of the school hallways, before text messages were ever imagined.

FilterItOut ,

He was beautiful in his descriptions of food. I saved some of the pictures that came out of his recipe book.

FilterItOut ,

Iain M Banks was making transgender the norm before some current republican politicians were born. I can't help but think that some of my ease with accepting them came from his amazing writing about a culture that could be anything they want, from child to adult, male to female, furry to electrons whizzing in hyperspace.

FilterItOut ,

Didn't it have the crazy taxi game, and one of the original rainbow six games? I still remember discovering a particular bug with a submachine gun and flashbangs that would reset a match. So satisfying if my friends started winning a little too much...

Since you asked for updates- I had a big setback.

I went to the neurologist this morning and after all of his tests, he said he couldn't find anything neurological that could be wrong with me. He thought it might be behavioral, but that wouldn't explain the morning heaving. He sent all of my records back to the gastro doctor and we'll see what they say when they get back to us....

FilterItOut ,

All I can think is that she has a completely different personality as a therapist.

I am sorry you're having to experience this. It is a horrifying behavior that is very, very common among people with different social groups, and especially professions that 'serve' or help people. Doctors, EMTs, nurses, therapists, even cops or firefighters... I've seen it in all of them. They are exceptionally kind and caring until they clock out, and then are vehemently demanding of perfection, calculating in their coldness and disdain, and nearly psychopathic about other things that they find irritating in those they help while on the job. They completely suppress or sidestep their feelings about the issues while on the job, and let it all out on the people who are close, like family.

I know you're having advice chucked at you from all directions, and in the last big post you said you had tired of that, so ignore everything after this if so and I'll put it in spoilers.


I knew of an individual who had issues (not similar to yours, but hauntingly parallel, in some ways) that were not responsive to medical interventions. The only thing we could do for him was seek psychological therapy for the depression that was plaguing him due to his health. Some of the physical symptoms were alleviated, and some became responsive to medications. While not completely healthy, the easing of the psychological illness altered the psychosomatic symptoms that blended with the more typical physical causes, enough that they weren't masked and making the overall effects much, much worse.

I would really, really avoid your mother, who seems to be a negative spot in your world, and see if professional psychiatric/psychological intervention could help at all. I'm not saying you're crazy, or it's all in your head. Psychosomatic illnesses are real, and a horrible thing to suffer. They are definitely not something you can "just stop thinking that" away. I'm also not saying that's what you have, but if no other doctor has suggested therapy while they continue their work in diagnosing you, maybe consider it.

FilterItOut ,

Look, if a raccoon can get down my esophagus to the sphincter, he's welcome to the acid bath.

FilterItOut ,

The others have pretty much answered about it, but specifically, it's a very intense, very personal therapy, with some sessions lasting up to 8 hours. It's typically one-on-one with the therapist, who will be observing every behavior and rewarding behaviors that are desired. I haven't heard of any that do it around here, but I am sure some therapists 'punish' for behaviors that they do not want to see again.

As was noted in the other replies, it can be extremely demeaning to reduce a person to their behaviors alone, and a great abyss lies next to the feet of any therapist that easily conceals abusive or immoral practices... and those feet are on a slippery slope of scree.

FilterItOut ,

I seem to recall a statistic about Russia's monthly or yearly oil seepage from their pipelines being greater than the deepwater horizon spill. It's terrifying to think about how much contamination there must be globally from similar nation-states or corporations who simply lack any concern. People should be losing their minds. Maybe if we had crucified the exxon incident waaaaay back when...

Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software ( )

Wow it finally happened. So glad I switched to steam running on linux mint last week. I refused to install helldivers because it wanted to install some no holds barred god level permissions anti-cheat software. Windows 11 was the last straw for me. Good times.....

FilterItOut ,

That was a strange path my mind took as I read the title, thinking it was a satire piece about competitors trying to sneak in cheats... Like, the "Anti-Cheat Police Department" couldn't be anything but a laughingstock.

FilterItOut ,

What edition are we in? Because "I roll to disbelieve!" tells me that an illusion is all in the mind... >.>


FilterItOut ,

For the AC/DC part, I usually try to tell people it's like a water wheel that's been inserted into the hose of water. DC is it spinning one way constantly, while AC is it spinning back and forth. The wheel is turning pretty much the whole time (again, we can try to not be super specific with the way we do phases with AC), and thus you can use it to do stuff on AC or DC.

FilterItOut ,

I used to help people apply, and it was hellacious when there was animosity from one parent due to a divorce. It could really fuck things up for the poor kids.

FilterItOut ,

This. So much of this. I can't even convince family members to not go and socialize with dozens of others while they are sick! Five years ago, I would have bet my life's savings and every appendage I have that I would get the correct answer if I asked someone whether illnesses spread through contact with or being near a sick person.

FilterItOut ,

Meanwhile psychologists just name things as exactly blandly as they can. There's a neat phenomenon where a relationship can immediately be viewed as deeper and more connected, merely by one of the individuals sharing deeply personal information. It even works at the very first interaction. In other words, if someone tends to overshare, or blurt out info about themselves, we measure their blirtasiousness and its effect on relationships. Not even kidding. I think the folks who came up with it were Scottish, which is why the blirt rather than blurt.

FilterItOut ,

What are you talking about? I constantly explain the calculus of the flow rate in the push IV drug I'm giving by going through the (pi)r^2 * h of the syringe, with emphasis on the dh/dy. All my patients love hearing it. They constantly thank me as I finish giving them the dilaudid.

FilterItOut ,

Not if it's a whole pie.


That is a whole pie, right?

FilterItOut ,

Yes, but remember that you're dealing with MBAs who make it their sole purpose to save pennies. Pennies saved on a few million cars equals more than their salary, which means they keep their job. So fuck a few people dying.

FilterItOut ,

I mean, as someone else pointed out in a comment here, they literally have it in the terms that they can track your sexual activity...

FilterItOut ,

Well, if they were stinky I'd probably be upset. If their hands were sticky, I'd be upset. Repeat for the other social offenses. Otherwise, sure, go for it. We all need a case of mistaken identity in our lives.

FilterItOut ,

And then there's the portion of the population who live with their parents, and are trying to figure out how to spend less time with them. ;)

FilterItOut ,

But penguins are flightless bird?

That's his point.

I love gen-Z's attitude towards corporate culture ( )

i recently lost my job and it's horrible being in the 'unemployed' class -- you're made to feel worthless, you have to take advice from people, perfectly well meaning of course, that are basically encouragement on digging your own grave - i love being in the position where i have to do some fake elizabethian courting ritual...

FilterItOut ,

I doubt Gen Z has any different feelings about schmoozing with others than the other generations. There always have been, and likely always will be, 1. people who mildly dislike trying to make acquaintances who are useful (a large minority), 2. people who generally like making acquaintances and are okay with using them (the majority), 3. people who absolutely love schmoozing and will seek out the 'best' acquaintance for their purpose (a small minority), and people like us, who detest everything about the concept (a very small minority).

I bet every person reading this who has a large pool of coworkers can name a person in each of the categories, and probably a bunch in category 1/2. Your category 2s are planning the holiday party and smile the whole time they're there, a category 1 will hang out in a specific corner with specific folks, category 3s are the ones who whispered in the ear of the manager about having a party, and 4s just don't show up.

FilterItOut ,

Aye, but that's just another part of the learning lesson, right?

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