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What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?

Here, for a while at McDonald's there was a 🍔 called "the 1955" and it was the best, big pieces of onion, an special sauce, buns and big piece of beef with bacon (for Europe standards anyways) it disappeared once and came back for an encore only to be removed again and never return.

Snapz ,

It was actually the steak bagel breakfast sandwich at McDonalds... until that garbage institution actually brought it back defector! It trned out to be a weaker approximatation with different/less seasoning on meat and different sauce, but close enough for nostalgia

Snapz ,

He's incompetent! But if he isn't...

He's cheating and taking PEDs! But if he isn't...

He's a genius playing 4D chess to take away your guns and make you a gay!

Snapz , (edited )

You can't say it with all that umpfh if you're actually paying attention. It's more accurately, "they'll do more than I expected, but they won't do enough, even with the clear mandate to do so".

You're either not paying attention or taking a lot of progress for granted when making the initial statement.

You're second half of the statement is correct though, we vote as adults to hopefully salvage democracy enough to be able to retain the use of it to challenge and push a functioning, rational person to actual progressive outcomes. Biden administration in a second term, with no professional work (or likely that much life) ahead of him, has the potential (talking potential) to do some amazing, "fuck it" things in pure pursuit of a lasting legacy with generations to come - Expanding the Supreme Court, Actual debt reform, Medicare for all, full legalization, "ma bell" style monopoly breakup of a giant tech conglomerate or several. Who knows where he could be encouraged to go with a nothing left to lose term and a strong vocal, public in the streets pushing him with protest and threatening his last chance to seal his legacy as a "president on money" sort of POTUS. Coin flip on if any actually meaningful change, but the great news is that if the coin lands on tails, we're not living the Handmaid's Tale first hand.

Snapz ,

I don't know about the first link, but from headlines you are talking about adelson, federalist society, koch and uline... You're representing as "they've already started" but along with the mercers, these are the oligarchs that have been finding trump's entire political career and a long history of bullshit prior to him as well.

There is no "started" here. Same cabal working to dismantle democracy for decades.

Snapz ,

Nobody gives a shit, you're not doing enough to punish trump for his obvious, literally filmed and recorded crimes.

This is the equivalent of the cops celebrating after bearing peaceful college protesters while pissing their pants and freezing while the uvalde kids were slaughtered and psychologically tortured.

You're focusing on the non victory and ignoring the failures. Cowards.

Snapz ,

"My grandpa got lung cancer from the asbestos factory and died and he was fine with it. People were tougher back then. Nobody wants to die anymore!"

Coke—and Dozens of Others—Pledged to Quit Russia. They’re Still There. ( )

After Vladimir Putin’s troops surged over the Ukrainian border in February 2022, the Coca-Cola Co. was among the first multinationals to pledge it would quit Russia in protest. Aiming to avoid the inevitable headaches of complying with expected Western sanctions on the Kremlin, Coke asked its partners there to pull its cans...

Snapz ,

Okay, but can the dead soldiers bones be somehow processed and sold to create a meaningful return for shareholders?

Snapz ,

"But the pillow executive moved forward with an appeal anyway."

God damnit... I truly hope that history looks back on this period of time as the outrageously ridiculous and overwhelmingly disappointing failure that it is. Fuck, man... God damnit, this is so FUCKING stupid.

Snapz ,

The votes were IN the computers all along?

Smartmaticsonite... I was WAYYY off!

Snapz , (edited )

Well said - I've said this since he first ran, but his truest instinct is to nuke the entire world a day before he dies to avoid even the chance that people laugh at him when he's dead.

That said, he will die thankfully and I hold out hope that we will collectively raise the money to buy the land he's eventually buried in, raise the body and live it to the middle of nowhere where we to turn it into the only public restroom within 50 miles of the closest mega truck stop - that our money also subsidizes to run a 24 hour all you can eat $2.99 fried fish, stuffed cabbage and chilli buffet.

Snapz ,

Another headline omitting the relevant trump connection

Snapz ,

Repeat the headline, don't interpret.

Actual headline from independent was, "Texas Megachurch pastor who sat on Trump faith board resigns after admitting molesting girl, 12, in the 1980s"

You left out her age and trump mention. So why didn't you just title that as headline? Also, why not change it now? This is Lemmy, you have that option.

Snapz ,

You did here. You're being asked to change it back after weirdly omitting her age as a preteen minor and his obvious connection to trump.

Snapz ,

You do realize you could change it to match if that's the case?

And you do realize that you're also arguing two opposing points and embarrassing yourself?

Snapz ,

Cool bro... everyone us impressed and clapping hard.

Snapz ,

And if you could please just go ahead and change that to "the anarcats" that'd be great... Thank you.

Snapz ,

Cool. We've done something important here today.

Alright, the world, takes this and run with it...

Snapz , (edited )

gop constantly lowers rural healthcare access and education funding, which is then claimed as "underperforming schools" and used to rationalise the privatisation of education through charter schools. Those schools are paid for by vouchers. Eventually tuition will rise if these schools can gain majority away from public schools - this is done intentionally for two reasons:

  1. To gouge those who will pay higher cost for education in short term

  2. To provide an opening for, you guessed it, religious schools with the available funds to subsidize tuition and become the cheap/only school option, becoming all that the shrinking value vouchers will cover in some areas.

This both creates a pipeline to indoctrinate desperate families with religion they wouldn't otherwise seek AND becomes a way to launder tax money directly into the church.

These peoplee are such a fucking cancer on decent society.

Snapz ,

You got an ouchie on your feefees, bud?

The child presents as "gee whiz, aww shucks mister" and then his words are increasingly harsh and abrupt (coincidentally, they are also true). The juxtaposition in the child's presentation is objectively funny.

If the precocious little guy was here right now, he'd probably be eating a giant novelty lollipop and asking you if you brush your teeth every time you get done licking those boots.

Snapz ,

Doesn't actually seem like you think at all, just react - likely because you or someone you know is a cop and you're either in denial of the bigger known reality of cops at scale or you simply lack the basic empathy to consider any experience outside of your own first hand account of the world.

Snapz ,

"Everything I don't like or understand is lefties!!! Objective, verifiable reality is lefties!!! The consequences of my own actions are lefties"

Snapz ,

I'm going to guess, reading between the lines here... "Just yesterday I had a conversation (that I didn't have) with a real person (who doesn't exist)"

Snapz ,

I don't think it's every cop's dick, I think at the most it's every other cop... Scary enough to give yourself a built-in breather and time to wipe up.

Snapz ,

Look at you telling on yourself left and right... Just showing your whole ass.

Snapz ,

Just playing all the hits aren't you? Just keep on embarrassing yourself, bud. You're on a roll!

Snapz ,

I'm glad you linked source. Counter to what I perceive your intentions were, it actually shed light on how dishonest you had been in your representation of that previous comment as a part of the bigger conversation you'd had in that other thread - I'm only left to assume that you had hoped that nobody would read the source conversation in full and would instead see the basic presence of the URL and accept your own POV as fact.

Frankly, I think you should be a bit ashamed that you tried to misrepresent ALL OF THAT INVOLVED CONVERSATION in the other thread with little-no larger context presented. All for an attempt at some minor "win" in this unrelated thread?

To the dishonesty, YOU are actually the one who introduced the original premise of the "middle class being murdered" and in response, this person (in a bit of a passionate response, sure) engaged to reinforce a point they had been otherwise making throughout that fuller conversation - that American "success" in capitalism is zero sum, it always thrives on the backs of a set of conveniently ignored victims (throughout the third world especially). It IS something that we in the US conveniently ignore each and every day in the perceived "success" of capitalism, like averting your eyes and stepping over a houseless person to buy an $8 coffee. On a human level, yes, that is a horrible indefensible choice many of us make consistently to preserve a higher level of personal comfort when we could choose to do otherwise. The quiet guilt that the "wonders" of capitalism rightly have is why reagan had to make that famous speech where he told yuppies something akin to, "You don't need to feel ashamed for owning your own fancy, personal swimming pool"

I don't agree with every position of that other poster, but there is definitely nuance here worth discussion every day - especially as the people who probably benefit the most (are a global level) from this broken system.

It is a truly rare thing that you get someone actually educated and involved enough with a counter position to engaged in meaningful debate - for you to then betray that here by trying to reduce that entire interaction to your singular misrepresentation of a flawed point that you originated yourself ONLY makes the reader walk away with a deeper consideration of your opponent's positions and a dismissal of your own assertions.

Snapz ,


Officer, I'm moving towards sobriety while driving.

Snapz ,

Upward mobility

Snapz ,

The idea that you can actually move above your station through the course of your life, when the biggest predictor of wealth/prosperity starts and stops with the zip code you're born into.

Snapz ,

Why the fuck are they working SO HARD to not name the company? Found it, company is called "Done Health"

"Ruthia He, the founder and CEO of Done Global Inc., was arrested in Los Angeles and will make her initial appearance at 1:30 p.m. PDT/4:30 p.m. EDT in Los Angeles. David Brody, the clinical president of Done Health P.C. (collectively, Done), was arrested in San Rafael, California, and will make his initial appearance at 10:30 a.m. PDT/1:30 p.m. EDT in San Francisco, California."

Here is an article:

Florida Governor DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking rain ( )

At this point, it's fairly common for significant rainfall events to have attribution studies showing that they're a result of the higher temperatures that fossil fuel burning has given us. Whether or not we end up with one for this particular event, it's something that we know will be more common if we keep on extracting and...

Snapz ,

"Weatherz are woke libz!!! Rain is a Chinese Jewish CRT and if you ingest the water, Hunter Biden did the chemicals in it so you're a trans! If trump could diarrhea in this water, even up high from his gold helicopter, floods would all melt and turn into enough nachos for everyone and beer and we'd have a second super bowl, but instead DEMZ locked him in prison for being Jesus and making a most BEAUTIFUL phone call!!!" My penis don't work guud and it's frustrationing cuz I want to use it for gay and not tell anyone else at church!!!!"

Snapz ,

Oh, here we are again in the hands out, crying for help and funds portion of the "no guv'ment!!!" and "we're gonna sucede!!!!" crowd.

Is your raised truck not high enough for you to take shelter from the floods in? Can't you hang your wet clothes to dry from the "rolling coal" pipe you have? Can you use those 27 trump flags made of asbestos as a blanket to warm you?

Maybe as you're waiting for the "guv'ment" to come rescue you like a frightened fairytale princess, feed you with taxpayer dollars and repair your uninsurable without "guv'ment" help homes.... Maybe you could just float on your back in the water while you wait and think about your stance on climate change?

And remember, as your elderly neighbor's dead body floats by next to you, you can always use all your left over "Joe Brandon, I DID THAT!!!" gas pump stickers to put over their eyes and mouth to keep them closed.

Snapz ,

Walled garden, overpriced exploitation of that locked ecosystem ($5000 monitor stand kind of shit), green bubbles/blue bubbles, dominating all tech with their middle of the road/copycat approach where Android was eventually saturated with same type of execs and "gave up" on differentiating until everything was the same sealed back glass rectangle without MICRO SD expansion memory, leading the charge on "brave" feature killing enshitification like removing the headphone jack, plenty more...

Snapz OP ,

Yeah, feels like that or some sort of mock speak miming that the actor does so they can then dub over during post production in Italian, French, Japanese, etc.

I feel like there's something like that in older 2D animation as well, right? Where they'd animate a character's mouth to generally move so that when an actor added voice later it was convincing "enough".

Snapz ,

Oh, here we are again in the hands out, crying for help and funds portion of the "no guv'ment!!!" and "we're gonna sucede!!!!" crowd.

Is your raised truck not high enough for you to take shelter from the floods in? Can't you hang your wet clothes to dry from the "rolling coal" pipe you have? Can you use those 27 trump flags made of asbestos as a blanket to warm you?

Maybe as you're waiting for the "guv'ment" to come rescue you like a frightened fairytale princess, feed you with taxpayer dollars and repair your uninsurable without "guv'ment" help homes.... Maybe you could just float on your back in the water while you wait and think about your stance on climate change?

And remember, as your elderly neighbor's dead body floats by next to you, you can always use all your left over "Joe Brandon, I DID THAT!!!" gas pump stickers to put over their eyes and mouth to keep them closed.

Snapz ,

"Weatherz are woke libz!!! Rain is a Chinese Jewish CRT and if you ingest the water, Hunter Biden did the chemicals in it so you're a trans! If trump could diarrhea in this water, even up high from his gold helicopter, floods would all melt and turn into enough nachos for everyone and beer and we'd have a second super bowl, but instead DEMZ locked him in prison for being Jesus and making a most BEAUTIFUL phone call!!!" My penis don't work guud and it's frustrationing cuz I want to use it for gay and not tell anyone else at church!!!!"

Snapz ,

Finally, a headline they overtly mentions who appointed the judge. So many headlines you read should actually say "trump-appointed" judge and could provide you so much immediate context.

Snapz ,

Coward cop man, threatening a human life in defense of property/profit.

Snapz ,

You elect Biden to live another day to fight him, you vote for trump and you shoot yourself in whatever genitals you have before we go full dictator for life, immunity for all crimes (and none of those things for you)

Snapz ,

If you thought, "that looks fun" you're a sociopath and walking proof of the impact of Republicans dismantling mental health care infrastructure in the US for the last several decades

Snapz ,

Nothing can replace the original Swype for me. I want something new, but all alternatives are deficient

Snapz ,

One of the biggest thing is the actual swipe detection success rate - I have tried heli and others and I find that you need to swipe slower and more precisely for words to register. Also, when wrong word is detected, Swype will typically have the right word suggested in bar above keyboard for a one tap correction, not the case for me on others where no word is often the wrong word is suggested to correct. For example, almost like some of them suggest too literally and lack context - this is tough to describe, so bear worth me, so I try to swipe the word "she" let's say, and the board detects "the" and the suggested words to correct have more of a relationship to "the", so think "then" "them" "theirs" maybe, but the logic isn't starting with other derivations of three letter words ending with "he" that have relevant letters near the "T" on a qwerty keyboard (which Swype feels less likely to do in my experience).

Otherwise, there are customizing options and other UI choices that I prefer with Swype. It's definitely gotten worse over the years since it stopped being actively supported, but I'm so glad it's still functional in some capacity. I wish everyone with FOSS skill would really deep to replicate the Swype experience with the APKs still floating around.

Snapz ,

You think it had anything to do with those planes breaking apart in the sky?

Snapz ,

I'm just not sure you seriously believe that there's any chance they "put all of that back into keeping prices on goods lower". That's not the reality we live in.

If anything, maybe they will discount shrimp by $1 for thirty days for a headline (and then of course they'll quietly raise the price of blueberries by $1.50 for the rest of that year).

They won't just not profit when they can and they won't not "get revenge" on the consumer for saving.

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