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BruceTwarzen ,

Every single time he opens his mouth would be enough.

BruceTwarzen ,

I'm so glad the pedophile ring is invluding the lgtbq+ community. They are so nice and progressive. If i were gay, the first thing i'd wish for is that the pedos like me.

Local Mom’s Wine Club Cleverly Disguised as a Book Club, Fools No One But Themselves ( )

In a quiet suburban neighborhood where minivans outnumber streetlights, a group of women have been ingeniously disguising their love of wine as a book club. While their intentions may be transparent to everyone else, these winos insist that their guise is a stroke of genius. “It’s a sophisticated literary club that explores...

BruceTwarzen ,

Is day drinking slowly but surely becoming a problem? On tinder, wine seems to be the most important thing for most women i see. Or at least in the top 3. A lot of women have like 4 pictures and holding wine in three of them. A lot can not comprehend that i never drink at all.

BruceTwarzen ,

This is cool and all if your country is flat as a mirror.

Trump loudly booed at Libertarian convention when he asks attendees to ‘nominate me or at least vote for me’ ( )

“Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together,” Trump said. “Because the Libertarians want to vote for me … and it’s very important because we have to get rid of the worst president in history.”...

BruceTwarzen ,

When even the crazies boo you, it's time to think about your life choices

BruceTwarzen ,

Or national hero, depending on who you ask

BruceTwarzen ,

My friend texted me that she went out on the weekend and complained that everyone was wearing trainers and mullets.
And yeah, that might be kinda odd, but i grew up wearing baggie pants and spiked up blonde hair, i don't think i have any ground to stand on.

BruceTwarzen ,

I mean yeah, but antivaxxers and flat earthers also look at this and go: so true.

BruceTwarzen ,

We can't light up a bridge, the political climate is just too rough.

BruceTwarzen ,

The craziest thing about the whole Trump thing to me is that a re-election is even on the table.
Like american politics are usually kinda predictable. When Donnie got elected, i assumed that he's gonna do such an embarrassingly bad job, that after a year or two, pretty much everyone would just shrug and go: well i don't know how he got elected, i didn't vote for that baffoon. And then the new president comes around and he would disappear in obscurity as one of these weird things that happens because haha americans dumb.
But somehow, after seeing for 4 years what a bang up job he did and is still doing, he's still in the race for being president. It's one of these things that i just can not comprehend. I can't watch a single clip of him that makes me believe that he is an actual real person and not some cartoon villain.
To me that is the real story when i see these posts, not the whole x voting for y.

BruceTwarzen ,

God i hate the whole: people clapped for x minutes at cannes. It's auch a circlejerk.

BruceTwarzen ,

Why even invent the car when horse so much faster?

Mosquitoes are swarming around Houston. The future could bring even more. ( )

But “as it gets warmer earlier, we see a larger amount of mosquitoes earlier,” said Max Vigilant, director of mosquito and vector control in Harris County, where Houston is located. “We are getting hotter temperatures earlier.”...

BruceTwarzen ,

Now malaria and bird flu is having a battle royale

BruceTwarzen ,

We gotta make everything reddit. What does the narwhal bacon here? I vote opossum and curry. Is that le random enough?

BruceTwarzen ,

Americans are at war with their history books

BruceTwarzen ,

But look at these shiny guns, now THAT'S freedom

BruceTwarzen ,

I used isopropyl for a bit and found it highly underwhelming. It wasn't great for cleaning and it evaporated way to quick. It has it's uses but not in the house cleaning department

BruceTwarzen ,

Ah yes, the good old take from people who never read a comic book

BruceTwarzen ,

It's stupid because you don't understand it? Aeems like you are the dumb one then.

BruceTwarzen ,

I helped a friend with a bathtub that had similar stains , but it was almost black. I have a high grid polishing sponge for email, but it was too much, so i whipped out car polish and it worked.

BruceTwarzen ,

I don't think i'm a quick thinker guy, but my reflexes are shockingly good. Like i i sometimes knock something over while cooking and i just see it in the corner of my eyes and somehow catch it midair. But in this fraction of a second my inner monologue still goes: i just knocked something over, but what, oh right, i put the soda stream bottle on the counter because i just emptied the dishwasher. Oh no it's also probably the glass one, because i have three glass bottles and only one that is plastic, so this could bet really messy when it breaks, they are also kinda expensive.
And then i somehow hold it in my hand before i fully caught up. Kinda like when you snooze for 10 minutes but have like 2 hours worth of dreams.

BruceTwarzen ,

I used to listen to his podcast. It was never the podcast i was really looking forward to, but it was a good filler. I havend listened to it in like a year or two, and i don't miss it at all. It was kinda just noise after a while.

BruceTwarzen ,

Holy bootlicker batman. Who did they protect in iran?

BruceTwarzen ,

I mean their last connecters burned out, so it's definitely an upgrade

BruceTwarzen ,

The crazy thing is that i i were filthy rich, the only thing that would change is that i wouldn't go to work anymore, and i'd probably invest in some sort of farm/weekly market where you can buy actually fresh and cheap veggies and things like that and i wouldn't have to care if it makes money. So i totally get that aspect of it. But pretending to be a complete hippie and selling that lifestyle while you're clearly not, just seems weird

BruceTwarzen ,

I watched return of the body snatchers when i was around 8. The movie itself doesn't scare me anymore at all, but the feeling i had when i had when i had to run home at night still haunts me.

BruceTwarzen ,

Even stranger than a real priest? That is weird

BruceTwarzen ,

I thought molly cook was her job description

BruceTwarzen ,

There is a brand that makes fake dried meat out of smoked beet. It's absolutely fantastic but pretty expensive. Same goes for fake salmon.

BruceTwarzen ,

Because decriminalising weed takes 50 people working non stop for 4 years.

BruceTwarzen ,

Is this even real? My dad is pretty dam fat and can hardly walk and when he has to pick something up, he just doesn't. His arms look super tiny too, compared to the rest.

BruceTwarzen ,

They are not obsessed with jedi, they are obsessed with making money. Wait what that little shit yoda is trending on twitter? Throw everything away, we need more baby yoda.

BruceTwarzen ,

I used to love the crow. But when i last re watched it all i really remember is that it's not great and pretty cringe

BruceTwarzen ,

Horses are almost the worst, horae people are even worse. My girlfriend has a coworker and apparently all she does is talking about her horse and how unwell it is, and how fucking expensive the hose doctor, acupuncture, hose psychologist and keeping the horse in general is. One day she showed me a picture of her company dinner and i asked her which one the horse girl is. Of course she pointed at the 100+kg ork.
They also shove ginger in their butts to make them walk funny. Again, i don't even like them, but they still don't deserve to be ridden around or drove around in a trailer for hour. I would be a miserable cunt too

BruceTwarzen ,

That's a lot of cash, wouldn't you rather carpet bomb brown people for a minute?

BruceTwarzen ,

God never tells these rich fuckers to donate their money, fascinating

BruceTwarzen ,

What kind of anniversary is 27 years? Wasn't he frozen for 30? Couldn't they wait?

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