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Adderbox76 ,

"Sorry we can't/won't stop arming the people who are creating the need for aid. But to make it up to you, here's billions in aid spending."

So so so stupid.

Adderbox76 ,

Can we NOT judge a book by its cover, please.

Let's look at what we know. There's a picture of a dude in a camo cap, and a heading that is clearly making fun/criticizing so_called red-necks who honestly think that way. (and rightfully so.)

That's literally ALL we know. For all we know it could be this dude himself who posted the photo and the caption to comment on the people in his town that he sees all around him. He could be as left as any of us and just happens to live in a small town. Hell I grew up in a small town in the most hillbilly province in Canada and I'M a damn socialist.

Just because he LOOKS like your typical Trump supporter, doesn't mean he is.

Furthermore, if you read that caption and thought it was sincere instead of sarcasm, I don't know where the education system failed you.

Adderbox76 ,

The most advanced russian technology...the shopping cart armour.

Adderbox76 ,

It's a scam. Right Wing politicians up here in Saskatchewan have been rolling on about it for at least a decade as a response to the "damn lilbural's and their climate agenda."

It's not viable. It's never been viable. It's a through-line that they can feed their idiot followers to say "look...we aren't bad for the environment, it's just the left telling you we are."

Adderbox76 ,

From my time majoring in Arch, I'd say the rule of thumb is:

"Is the culture the body came from vanished or changed to the point where no one has a personal stake in it."

So for example, vikings are long since gone. Modern northern europeans are generally a completely different culture, therefore not grave robbing. Same with Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, etc...

Indigenous tribes in North America and Australia for example, still very much around and still very much grave robbing (though that opinion is controversial)

Basically, if the existing culture still shows reverence to those ancestors...leave them alone. If the existing culture no longer honours them as ancestors, dig baby dig.

Adderbox76 ,

Actually is.

Law enforcement often employs archaeologists for that very purpose. My professor in Uni for example would go help them out whenever they got a call about a body being found because there just weren't enough murders in my part of the world to justify having someone full time.

The skill-sets are virtually identical, the bones are just fresher. Reading a crime scene and reading a archaeological site are basically kissing cousins.

Adderbox76 ,

likely yes. I was in university in the late 90s. My knowledge is very out of date.

Adderbox76 ,

What part of Israel (or Palestine for that matter) is the "Euro" in Eurovision, anyway?

I thought Eurovision was...Europe. It's not Middle-East-Vision or Western-Asia-Vision"

I'm not saying I have a problem with making it a world event, but at what point do they bother changing the damn name?

Adderbox76 ,

I'm sure with India becoming China-lite, there won't be any problem with Bangladesh becoming India's Tibet....nope. none at all.

Adderbox76 ,

Actually, honestly, yes I did. My bad. I apologize.

In the back of my brain I knew there was something I was forgetting about as I typed and it was on the tip of my tongue.

Adderbox76 ,

No. I believe we are likely witnessing the inevitable answer to the drake equation.

The same lizard-brain instincts that allowed our ancestors to survive (competition, resource hoarding, power centralisation) are fundamentally self destructive to that same society as it approaches post-scarcity capability.

In other words, when you have a society that evolved on selfishness and power imbalances, potential post-scarcity will always see those in power try to artificially create scarcity in order to remain in power.

I used to think we could rise above our baser selfishness when the time came. Now I don't believe we will, nor that its even likely possible.

That lizard-brain instinct to protect what's "yours" at the expense of everyone else is what got our civilization here in a resource poor world, and will cheerfully destroy it in order to maintain that scarcity for the sake of some.

Adderbox76 ,

How were these discontinued if I specifically remember using them in the mid-eighties as catapults?

Adderbox76 ,

It's hard to say. I use a keyword block that auto-blocks any community with "meme" in its title. So it could be dozens, or even hundreds. I've never counted. I have similar keywords for things I'm not interested in like "waifu", "anime", and most stuff adjacent to those topics.

Adderbox76 ,

I don't doubt for one second that Israel is likely planning something like this. But let's be careful about using sources that are just as biased as the ones that the other side uses.

If you're reporting on news from some far-left website while at the same time decrying right-wing bias like Fox News and it's ilk, then you lose the moral high ground.

There's plenty of regular journalism that documents Israel's bullshit without having to resort to non-credible sources. Stick to that or there's no point in fighting because we've already lost.

Adderbox76 ,

I never said it was "too early to tell".

I said, and I'll repeat, there is plenty of evidence and reports to share without having to resort to unaccredited media sources.

That's what THEY do. We can, and NEED to be better.

Adderbox76 ,

Of course I agree.

Adderbox76 ,

Remember when Johnny Depp wasn't a parody of himself...?

Adderbox76 ,

but wouldn't "the sum of all the little bits of x" just be... x? Like what the fuck Calculus?! Speak plainly.

Adderbox76 ,

Comedy has changed in 31 years. So has humour in general, and so has writing.

The Simpsons is never going to be the same as it was over the seasons because that's not how culture works. Meanwhile, the reviews are mostly coming from long time viewers who lament that it's not like it "used to be".

Shows change. Get over it.

Adderbox76 ,

If I remember correctly, the Kingdom of Aksum (based out of Ethiopia and Eritrea) was the third largest empire in the world, and on par with Rome and Carthage in terms of advancement.

When they collapsed, they vanished, unlike the Roman empire, which culturally just kind of splintered off into the holy Roman empire, the franks, etc...

I often wonder what Africa would look like if something like the HRE replaced the aksumite empire.

Adderbox76 ,

They don't care. The purpose wasn't to charge them, since the powers-that-be already know that protesting isn't a crime.

The purpose was to get them off the scene. It doesn't matter that the charges are automatically dropped, what matters is that they drag the protesters away in that moment.

Adderbox76 ,

I feel like if I was one of the astronauts picked, I'd fake the measles or something so I could nope the fuck out of it.

You want to believe that the quality control issues in their aircraft wing don't cross over to starliner, but delays, glitches and multiple other issues in Starliner say otherwise.

Adderbox76 ,

I think a large part of that was that the majority of the shuttles service was spent in a pre-internet world. We literally didn't know the shuttles weaknesses until there were big incidents like Challenger and Columbia.

I was a kid in 86'. And (like a lot of others I'll bet) I was absolutely in awe of the shuttle. I was enamoured thanks to movies like SpaceCamp, etc...

Nowadays, with starliner, every failure in testing, every flaw, every glitch, is presented on a thousand tech blogs.

Adderbox76 ,

I used Crucial brand in both my desktop and my laptop upgrades a few years ago (I don't remember the exact model...mx500 maybe?) And I haven't had a single issue.

Absolutely rock-solid.

Adderbox76 ,

For being a mostly forgotten "failure", it sure does seem like Elysium is truly the path we're on...

Adderbox76 ,

Because self-reflection is hard and most people have been taught that it's equivalent to "hating yourself, your country, etc..."
Taking an honest look at your own faults is inordinately hard for most people, so they would rather double down on their own wrongness, regardless of evidence.

Adderbox76 ,

I'd recognise trailer park particle board walls anywhere.

Adderbox76 ,

big beef has been lying for decades

That's exactly what my ex-wife said.

Adderbox76 OP ,

And for the record, I enjoyed it. It was silly sci-fi schlock. I don't need everything to be 2001.

Adderbox76 OP ,

You're not wrong, by any means. But it was also a pretty fun popcorn flick.

Yes, they could have come up with a better title, but in the modern world, the number of people who know where the title came from is likely a lot less than it used to be as TikTok and YouTube slowly leach away brain cells from each new generation, so why would they bother?

Adderbox76 ,

Up until a few years ago, I honestly thought that the best thing we could do with stupid people (conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, fundies, etc...) was to bring back public shaming. Make them so damn embarassed to believe what they that do that they just shut the fuck up about it for fear of mockery. As a result, at least their children might see them as being the backwards ones and we nip that shit in the bud in a generation or two instead of each new generation seemingly witnessing their parent's idiotic beliefs being seemingly validated in public by being treated with any validity at all.

But then MAGA arrived, and I realized that many of these people simply have no shame, so ruthlessly mocking them won't work.

Can't wait for the billionaires to find the solution ! ( )

Private jet sales likely to reach highest ever level this year, report says

Global fleet has more than doubled in two decades, with more private flights made last year than ever before

Don't forget that climate change is your fault

Sorry for all that emission from our luxury jets

At least plastic straws are banned
Adderbox76 ,

I feel like in the current climate of attitudes towards the super wealthy, they're taking steps to insulate themselves from "the commoners" like us.

Yes I know it's been that way forever; gated communities, etc... heck, even castles if you go back far enough.

But this new private jet thing seems like now even moderately wealthy people, those who would have likely in the past just flown first class, are trying to insulate themselves from a growing mob.

Adderbox76 ,

I love that quote. We need more Sagan's and fewer Rogans.

Adderbox76 ,

The VAST majority of them won't get off their fat-ass any more than they did on J6.

Yes, the J6 crowd wasn't small by any means, but they weren't an "army" in any sense of the word, they were a mob of stupid and violent people.

Civil war requires planning, and most Maga followers aren't capable of anything more complex than ranting on social media.

You are going to be trapped in a room for 12 hours with a mid 2000s office desktop with no internet connection and an external hard drive; what are you putting on the hard drive?

I've got some DOOM WADs I have been meaning to play so I would probably grab Trench Foot, Total Chaos, and the sequel to Ashes 2063, Ashes: Afterglow with a portable install of GZDoom to play them....

Adderbox76 ,

The Island of the Day Before was my first introduction and remains one of my favorites.

Adderbox76 ,

So many good answers already that I agree with. So I'll add James Ellroy and Clive Barker

For Ellroy, the entire LA Quartet remains a pivotal sea change in "hard boiled" crime fiction; taking a lot of the conventions created by the likes of Hammett and Chandler and updating them for a modern audience.

Barker is a more personal choice. But his writing is just so evocative and descriptive that I couldn't NOT mention him. Imajica literally changed my literary life, with Weaveworld being (in my opinion) a less dense, more reader friendly version of Imajica.

Adderbox76 ,

I've said for years that the very last power we have as consumers is the ability to turn off our internet and still be able to use our devices. That is my minimum expectation of any company.

Fridge needs an internet connection, fuck you. TV won't work unless it's connected to the internet, fuck you.

But most especially (and this is why I moved to Linux originally), computer needs to always be connected to the internet even if all I'm doing is opening an office program that has nothing to do online? Go fuck yourself.

The ability to unplug my ethernet cable and still be able to use 99% of my computer with the exception of email and a web browser is the absolutely most basic human right left to us.

Adderbox76 ,

Hmmm. Not really a true "detective" novel and more of a crime novel, but L.A. Confidential by James Ellroy is probably one of my top three books of all time, with the entire L.A. Quartet taking a fair chunk of my top ten.

But my interest in Ellroy got me down a rabbit hole of classic noir detective fiction and my favourites from THAT era would have to be Poodle Springs and Farewell, My Lovely by Raymond Chandler. I'm pretty fond of a lot of Elmore Leonard's work as well. Dashiell Hammet for some reason never really clicked with me, nor did any of the Mike Hammer books.

Adderbox76 ,

It's not federal vs state

It's protected vs sacrificial lamb.

The powerful avoid the mobs by occasionally giving up one of their own to the horde.

Adderbox76 ,

Stock Market Capitalism is just imaginary numbers made up by rich people to convince other rich people to give them money. It's completely ephemeral.

The fact that it can rise or fall with nothing more than a silly antic from one person is proof about how insubstantial and frankly ridiculous the whole scheme is.

Adderbox76 ,

I don't know why, I have zero reason to even think this. Maybe it's my growing distaste for Musk and his bullshit. But something about this whole thing has my "press X to doubt" meter going off the charts.

If I'm wrong. Great. But something in my gut tells me that you don't just go from multiple dead test subjects and a steven king novel's worth of FDA investigations, to suddenly having someone using it perfectly fine with no side effects.

Again, this is all allegedly. I have no proof or evidence either way. It's just my own gut. So don't sue me, Elon.

Adderbox76 ,

One of those three isn't "reading" by any definition of the word.

It's like asking, "How do you prefer to watch movies, in a theatre or in podcast form?"

Adderbox76 ,

It literally says "what is your favorite way to READ books" in the thread title.

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