secret300 ,

I don't think for myself, I just don't blindly agree and support everything I hear if I don't know more. We are not the same

KillingTimeItself ,

and yet since i have radical views compared to the average person (not far right radical, just radical as in they aren't normal lol)

i'm basically schizophrenic as far as most people care, be nice if these fucks could stop being whiny ass posers who piss and shit themselves the second someone goes "yeah but no actually"

if only they got to experience the actual fucking isolation that is carried along with being a "free thinker" these fucks would shut the fuck up about every little indiscretion that ever happens, because their entire life would be a collective indiscretion against all of human society instead. If you can't tell, i'm genuinely offended by these people. They basically sit in facebook groups collectively larping about being oppressed, without actually understanding how any of it works. Nor having experienced it first hand.

it's truly humbling to experience the sheer bluntness of the out group effect of being a "free thinker" i would recommend it to anybody looking to gain more unusual experiences. Assuming you can handle it, shit's rough sometimes.

killjuden ,
grrgyle , avatar

Is that a notch to open beer bottles or something?

Chewget ,


BeMoreCareful ,

It's for sunglasses. I googled it once. I think if you wear your hat backwards with sunglasses they fit better.

DrWeevilJammer , avatar that a cut-out in his hat for his prescription Oakleys?

TheOakTree ,

Yeah, they sell hats made to work with any pair of sunglasses apparently... the brand is called Notch.

MystikIncarnate ,

If I'm seeing this correctly, those are from ESS, aka, eye shield systems. I owned a pair of their ICE eye shields for a while.

They use a bullet resistant material for the "lenses" which can help reduce the impact of some projectiles, in the hope that it will save you from losing your vision from being shot in the face.

I believe their benchmark was some kind of shotgun round at a few meters, probably birdshot or other small/sprayed shot.

I bought them because they're roughly equivalent to most safety glasses, and I was doing work at the time that required such personal protective equipment. Mine came with three "lenses", one clear, one that was amber, and one they called "smoke" which appears to be what this character is wearing.

I liked the eyewear, but I seem to have lost mine over the years. I would buy it again simply for the durability, as driving glasses. However, since I'm not a kid anymore, and I have financial responsibilities, I can't really justify $100+ on eyewear unless it's a prescription or something else I require in order to live.

I assume this guy has ESS because he is a GUN fanatic. So he wears them while being unsafe with his GUNs.

Kolanaki , avatar

"He took a shotgun blast right to the face. Thankfully he had bulletproof sunglasses so his eyes are still intact. Too bad for the rest of his head."

jubilationtcornpone ,

"He went and got himself Dick Cheneyed."

HelixDab2 ,

That's basically just a Z87.1-2020 lens. Any lens made to the standard should protect against impacts. It's technically bullet-resistant, in that it's a polycarbonate lens, but stopping birdshot ain't that remarkable.

The reason you might wear them while shooting is to prevent a stray piece of brass from going into your eye, or spall from hitting a steel target. (E.g., the copper jacket peels off the bullet and comes back towards the shooter as shrapnel. The risk of spall is very low past about 10y with pistol targets.)

MystikIncarnate ,

I'm not a gun person, so I didn't know any of this. It's useful to know. Thanks for sharing.

blazera , avatar

I wanna coin the term Mississippi self-awareness. I've grown up in rural Mississippi, and I credit it for my extremely left leaning political stances. Im surrounded by the awfulness of conservative mindsets. I hear coworkers complaining about fast food workers making too much money, with the knowledge that Mississippi has the highest rate of poverty in the country, and Im seeing why firsthand. The awful state of health, and the constantly espoused home remedies and junk medical advice that their diabetic mama swore by. So much talk about kids not getting hit enough nowadays. The gun worship, the truck worship, the Jesus worship despite not practicing a word of his teachings, yet no one here seems to be aware of the results of all these awful ideas.

Jax ,

So, the term is Mississippi self-awareness meaning a total lack thereof?

homicidalrobot ,

No idea personally, but I spent my youth living in Alabama and there's a common saying they had about Mississippi: thank god for Mississippi. If it weren't for them, alabama would've been the most obese state and the least literate for a few years, though I think they've traded places again now.

SpaceNoodle ,

Mississippi is just Left Alabama.

Same formula, different chirality

grrgyle , avatar

Thanks to Hideo Kojima I understand this comment

Quetzalcutlass ,

Since the U.S. state of Mississippi commonly ranks at or near the bottom of such rankings, residents of other states also ranking near the bottom may say, "Thank God for Mississippi", since the presence of that state in 50th place spares them the shame of being ranked last.[2]

Examples include rankings of educational achievement, business opportunities,[3] obesity rates,[4] overall health,[5] the poverty rate,[6] life expectancy, or other[7][8] criteria of the quality of life or government in the 50 states.[9]

blazera , avatar

Ideally, more people like me.

Jax ,

Oh! I think I understand, the self-awareness born from being surrounded by ignorance?

Swedneck , avatar

same principle as to how people growing up in religious households are more likely to end up atheist i'd presume

samus12345 , avatar

You skipped being a self-awarewolf and went straight to just being self-aware.

DancingBear ,

I get what the meme is suggesting, but it’s something that affects everyone. We are such social creatures that our desire to fit in with the group is much stronger than any number of factors. It’s very difficult to maintain an open mind. Groupthink is not a product of the right nor the left.

DandomRude , avatar
pantyhosewimp ,

I’ve never been so glad to be diagnosed as schizoid.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Can't count the times I've had heard some of the most reactionary, vulgar, and bigoted nonsense from a NYC relative who would not stop to spit on a guy from Alabama if he was on fire. It's the same pig-ignorant racism, you've just got two groups of white people finding new ways to hate one another.

It’s very difficult to maintain an open mind. Groupthink is not a product of the right nor the left.

There's definitely merit to being self-aware. Understanding that you didn't just fall out of a coconut tree, you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you, is important.

But I think there's a reflexive urge towards being contrarian (or, at least, presenting yourself as such) as a shield against the merits of collective wisdom. I see this shit from the more libertarian straining of Americana all the time. People who will insist free markets for heroin would be great, child pornography isn't hurting anyone, and why shouldn't personal ownership of nuclear weapons be legalized? People who will slap a hot stove just because you told them not to touch it.

The Joe Rogan "Mind so open everything fell out" type of person isn't any more admirable than the dogmatic conservative. In many instances, it just leads to the same stupid bullshit - one by being too stubborn to change the views hammered in by 40 years of AM radio and the other by taking bald face lies at face value.

Merely saying "Yes" after you heard a bunch of people say "No" isn't self-aware.

DancingBear ,

I don’t really know what the actual heck you’re talking about this meme is about people agreeing with folks who live in their social networks and community in all the ways…. Get off your soap box

psmgx ,

Dude wears mossy oak in the middle of winter

tsonfeir , avatar

Well, he only has one hat

PugJesus OP , avatar

C'mon. You KNOW he has a red one too.

themeatbridge ,

Probably has his grampa's old pointy white one in the attic, too.

ChicoSuave ,

But the eye holes are all fucked up

SpaceNoodle ,

I watched my wife work all day gettin' thirty bags together for you ungrateful sons of bitches

tsonfeir , avatar

Oh…. Yeah I forgot about that. I bet he got a new one from every klan rally Trump rally.

Adderbox76 ,

Can we NOT judge a book by its cover, please.

Let's look at what we know. There's a picture of a dude in a camo cap, and a heading that is clearly making fun/criticizing so_called red-necks who honestly think that way. (and rightfully so.)

That's literally ALL we know. For all we know it could be this dude himself who posted the photo and the caption to comment on the people in his town that he sees all around him. He could be as left as any of us and just happens to live in a small town. Hell I grew up in a small town in the most hillbilly province in Canada and I'M a damn socialist.

Just because he LOOKS like your typical Trump supporter, doesn't mean he is.

Furthermore, if you read that caption and thought it was sincere instead of sarcasm, I don't know where the education system failed you.

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