Frau_Mensch , to random German avatar

Eine an erkrankte Lehrerin erringt vor Gericht Erfolg. Die 61-jährige verlangte vom Land , ihre -Infektion und die folgende Long-Covid-Erkrankung als anzuerkennen. Das Land hatte dies abgelehnt.

violetblue , to random avatar

The Pandemic Roundup is here! Includes scenes from Awareness Day around the world, regional wastewater and case modeling, "living with it" updates, a dire warning for the UK economy, and more.

Get caught up and please share:

danibeckman Bot , to random avatar

COVID-19 will never be like the Flu. Never.
At least not for the brain.
I would love to be wrong; please prove me wrong with evidence and real science!

It is quite simple. can access the brain using several different mechanisms that Influenza cannot.
A: Viral infection of peripheral nerves (like olfactory bulb)
B: Damage of infected endothelial cells
C: Hijacking immune cells
D: Viral opening of tight junctions

Some studies show that some flu strains can use one or other mechanisms, and brain invasion can happen, but it is a weaker and rarer event. The same is true for other viruses.

I have spent hundreds of hours in the microscope looking at the worst viruses can do to the brain, including the Zika virus, HIV, Flu, and others. I've never seen the type of damage SARS-CoV-2 leaves behind after infection with other viruses.

I cannot comment on what happens in other organs, but can be caused by brain damage. It exists and is real.

rbreich , to random avatar

Four years ago, Trump continued his dereliction of duty in the face of national crisis, telling governors they were on their own in the fight against Covid. “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment – try getting it yourselves,” he told them.

Frieke72 , avatar

@rbreich seems like too much people listened / are still listening

MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar
inquiline , to random avatar

"an estimated 17.6 million Americans could now be living with long Covid.

“This should be setting off alarms for many people.. We’re really starting to see issues emerging faster than I expected.”"

eeyam , to random avatar

and fuck you to the expert who wrote this.

I’m tired arguing.. just fuck.

The study mentioned is nonexistent (unpublished, not peer-reviewed nonsense)

CrypticMirror , avatar

They say that about every chronic illness, to try and get out of paying benefits. The thing is, a lot of sufferers were exactly the type of people to say that shit about ME, CF, and a lot of other chronic illnesses, and now they are shocked and horrified to discover how easy it is to be dismissed when you are ill by the healthy. They don't understand why their privilege has suddenly gone away. And I'm having some schadenfreude over it.

statsguy , to random avatar

It's almost as if when you let a virus that can leave people disabled and unable to work for months, possibly years, run rampant throughout the population, you end up with more people unable to work.

Whoever could have seen that coming?

Rasta , to random avatar

The largest group of people afflicted is younger than you think: Those aged 25-39 have the highest rates of long COVID, closely followed by adults aged 40-54"

No, long COVID is not an illness with a certain death sentence, as AIDS was in the early 80s. But those who are sick with long COVID today are facing years of disability in the prime of their lives.

luckytran , to random avatar

“In the earliest days of the AIDS crisis, America ignored the problem, even though people were dropping dead by the thousands.

We’re repeating the mistake now with long COVID. Millions are suffering, but the government has largely turned its back, as new cases emerge with each passing wave.”

Thank you editorial board 👏

pewnack , avatar


As someone who has had for 14 years, I can categorically tell you your government and mine ignored this problem for decades and are certainly going to ignore it again.

Tooden , avatar

@luckytran Just as wasn't a 'gay' problem, is not just affecting the sufferer. is seriously impacting the economy.
Previously intelligent politicians are exhibiting all the signs of cognitive impairment that goes with more than a couple of infections. Antivirals only reduce the severity of symptoms. They don't reduce the damage.

Duusi , to random avatar

Had a peek at our national news.

There is a piece about the rise of type 2 diabetes in young people.

In the diabetes piece there is the typical fat shaming and they only look at two data points, miles apart.

I would like to see the curve from the last four years when we have been hit by this thing called , that causes a thing called , that is known to cause diabetes.

Snowshadow , to random avatar

😷 New Canadian Covid Society aims to address long-term effects

A national non-profit group called the Canadian Covid Society launched on Wednesday, with co-founders saying the organization is needed as public health agencies have pulled back on COVID-19 prevention measures and awareness campaigns.

picardonhealth Bot , to random avatar

Four years of . Over 57,000 confirmed deaths in Canada. 3.5 million people with . Introducing the Canadian Covid Society, by @jvipondmd @chris_m_h @kashprime @rougematisse @ladyscorcher via @canhealthwatch @cancovsoc

oconnell , to random avatar

Hi everyone. I'm going to share a new .

I'm a (they/them) movement journalist in my 40s, currently based in Central . From 2022 until today's layoffs, I was Digital Editor at the @TexasObserver. I've been a writer, journalist, editor since at least 2011, when I got my start on the primordial political blog Firedoglake. My involvement with the Occupy Wall Street movement helped make me a journo and I've always worn my bias on my sleeve. (1/?)


oconnell OP , avatar

And I even got to visit with a group that counts the bugs and other creepy crawly and flying critters every week at one of 's most beautiful nature preserves.

Looking ahead, I've got a very long piece coming out in the March/April 2024 issue of @TexasObserver magazine about the devastating effects of long on millions of Texans. (10/?)

augieray , to random avatar

Mainstream media is slowly paying attention to , but rather than focus on the prevention of infections, their take is always about the need for research. Research will take years to turn into effective treatments! Until then, we need a more serious effort to reduce the infections that lead to Long COVID.

"Federal estimates suggest at least 16 million Americans have long COVID and maybe 4 million of them are disabled by it."

garry , to random avatar

Long Covid ‘brain fog’ may be due to leaky blood-brain barrier, study finds

'From forgetfulness to difficulties concentrating, many people who have long Covid experience “brain fog”. Now researchers say the symptom could be down to the blood-brain barrier becoming leaky'

nikink , to random avatar

Anyone have information on the recovery of someone's sense of smell + taste they lost over covid infection?

I'm aware it could be permanent, but I'm hoping there's some evidence that it returns within x-period generally?

Cotopaxi , to random avatar

Link to story below: New study shows 1 in 4 US adults infected with covid developed long covid symptoms lasting three months or longer. /1

blackfinalboi , to random avatar


Some exceptions made for those slightly over the requirement, contact for more information.

Biology 1&2, Chemistry 1&2, Organic Chemistry 1&2, & Physics 1&2 (all must have labs components). All need a minimum of a B- average in all courses.

If you are not a U.S. citizen, please contact the embassy of your home country to find out how to apply. No exceptions in the case of green card holders.

Email: for any questions!

blackfinalboi OP , avatar

Tell the CDC by Feb 22nd that there should be twice a year update to covid vaccines and no cost access to them! Instructions to formally share your thoughts:

blackfinalboi OP , avatar

Take Action for Free PCR and CDC Data Collection

blackfinalboi OP , avatar

People's CDC Phone Bank Event
Date & Time
Feb 22, 2024 12:00 PM/EST

blackfinalboi OP , avatar

Pandemic Solidarity for the Long Future

A Virtual Convening for Black, Brown, Indigenous,

Asian, and Pacific Islander Kin Who Give a F#ck

March 8-10 2024

hannu_ikonen , to random avatar

I used to think being a doctor meant something, before the preference for Ableism & Normalcy bias (or ignorance) was confirmed & laid bare since 2020.

It still should mean something, but until such time, patient & disability advocates like Hannah Davis are the sole voices of reason in 2024.

ahimsa_pdx , to longcovid group avatar

Opinion piece by Sen. Bernie Sanders, USA Today:

"U.S. is turning its back on long COVID. We'll pay the price if we don't act."

"There is a hidden public health crisis in America that we can no longer ignore. And that is the crisis of long COVID-19
… about 16 million people throughout our country have long COVID-19. It affects people of all ages and from all backgrounds. And we don’t know why."


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