tzimmer_history , avatar

The biggest challenge in 2024 is to get enough people to actually listen to what Trump and those around him are openly, consistently, and explicitly promising to do once they get back to power.

It is utterly deranged, and discounting it as just rhetoric would be a disaster.

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

If there are people around you who believe “it won’t be that bad,” people who are annoyed by what they perceive as liberal “alarmism,” just read this out loud to them a few times and force them to actually reflect on what Miller is outlining here. It’s utterly terrifying.

Onceoday , avatar

@tzimmer_history Most sane people have a pretty different understanding of what it means to be "unfriendly."
Trump is a clear and present danger to the US and the entire world.

Beachbum , avatar

@tzimmer_history What is the Project 2025 mandate?
Expansion of presidential powers

Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the DOJ, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and other agencies.

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

Let this one resonate a while: No meaningful checks on abuse of the Insurrection Act, which Trump is constantly promising to invoke; no reliable safeguards whatsoever.

Please read the whole piece by Ron Brownstein: These are the stakes in the 2024 election, outlined with sickening clarity.

jlroberson , avatar

@tzimmer_history And that's what he means by "dictator for the first day."
And then he would continue to be. The most ridiculous, horrific, and in fact CHILDISH abuses of power that anyone ever dismissed as impossible are absolutely the first things he'd go for.

PacificNic , avatar

@tzimmer_history That would be open civil war. I'm beginning to believe it's coming no matter what.

nomdeb , avatar

@tzimmer_history Given that the man has no fixed beliefs about anything except how to scam others and protect himself, methinks his lashing out in such a ridiculous way is related to his fury at "the elite" for not even accepting him when he became POTUS. He has desperately wanted their approval at least ever since his dad told him they were Queens, not Manhattan developers. So he just breaks things. He's deranged and very emotionally damaged goods.

iwein , avatar

@tzimmer_history we know by now the percentage of stupid, and the outside evil influence in the USA are ample to make this the gravest risk of pulling total societal collapse forward in time.

We're all really scared, so can us peeps please educate yourself and put your democracy in order?

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

I’m getting a lot of “Trump promised to build The Wall in 2016 and that never happened, so this is all just more empty threats from a bunch of clowns” comments.

A lot of people simply do not grasp how fundamentally different the situation going into a second Trump presidency would be.

noyes , avatar


Most of what Republicans wanted to accomplish during the Trump Administration was accomplished with Biden in the Oval Office. I don't even know what they want now because Biden let them get most of what they've wanted over the past 40 years. His idea of leadership has been to give Republicans and fascist techbros what they want while telling Democrats that they're the ones winning. It doesn't feel like winning, it feels like being a fucking doormat.

mhanson101 , avatar

@tzimmer_history it's silly to me how quickly people forget the utterly toxic and precarious environment that existed during his first term. Maybe it wasn't as pronounced to others and I'm projecting. I'm quite concerned though.

sidereal , avatar

@tzimmer_history Man the wall was like, mostly already built by 2016 too. Everything about Trump is fake.

“In May 2011, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) stated that it had 649 miles (1,044 km) of barriers in place. An additional 52 miles (84 km) of primary barriers were built during Donald Trump's presidency.“

I really wish more Americans would realize that the wall was already built by the time Trump was elected. It was mostly built by Democrats. Living in this country is surreal.

lupus_blackfur , avatar



Would that I had more than just one boost to give...

This requires ultimate amplification.

tzimmer_history OP , avatar

We need to grapple with the fact that the Right - through “Project 2025”-style planning, preparing, staffing, and because of a different environment (SC, fully Trumpified GOP, ubiquitous threat of violence) - would be in a position to translate more of that rhetoric into action than during Trump I.

paninid , avatar

I don’t see clear-eyed takes on what people should do when the Face-Eating Leopard comes to town.

TonChryso , avatar

@tzimmer_history At least we have clearly established how Hitler could rise to power. Back in the day you had to fight your way through a book’s worth of turgid prose to understand what was going on. Now you get the receipts electronically beforehand and people still can’t be arsed to prevent the worst.

strong_sue , avatar

@tzimmer_history Glad you mentioned it. Whoever the GOP nominates will follow it in case anyone thinks Nikki Haley endorsed by Koch would be a better choice than Trump. Fully Trumpified Heritage Foundation too. Wonder how far back they will roll back rights 1850?

Runyan50 , avatar

@tzimmer_history @samlitzinger These “deniers” know the score. They just avoid defending their position by dodging the issue. Some people kid themselves their whole life about racism, inequality and even genocide. They slip on their constructed reality like comfortable old shoes every day.

ciggysmokebringer , avatar
toriver , avatar

@tzimmer_history When the party of «states’ rights» approve of a candidate that wants the federal government to wage war against states you know it was never about states’ rights but just about the party.

nomdeb , avatar

@tzimmer_history They said we were being alarmist about abortion. Now women are dying. It's real. Take these extremist authoritarians seriously.

nearnorth , avatar


and if we weren't keeping the local cops of every major city department fully paid and well-trained at things like destroying encampments then the neighboring state's wouldn't stand a chance, but governors and mayors are doing exactly that

gavinisdie , avatar

@tzimmer_history states Invading other states on day one, another reason to not vote for trump

Richy222 , avatar

@tzimmer_history Don't Fall for it

mickymorse ,

@tzimmer_history The "suckers and losers" I see are the criminal gop.

ZhiZhu , avatar


The once published an article saying that wasn’t really that bad. He was just using as a way to attract followers & keep them excited about his campaign.

The NYTimes more recently published an article saying that isn’t really that bad. He is just using threats of & as a way to attract followers & keep them excited about his political campaign.

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  • MeeMee , avatar

    @tzimmer_history “Brown Shirts”, yep, they are prepping for a coup.

    tleekeene , avatar
    pauliehedron , avatar

    @tzimmer_history It always makes me chuckle when the right thinks no one else but them has firearms. :blobcatgun:

    heiglandreas , avatar

    @tzimmer_history The troubling thing is that far too many people are actually listening to what Trump and those around him - and a lot of others in other countries - are openly, consistently and explicitly are promising.

    And they can't wait for it!

    farseen , avatar


    That will happen as soon as Biden stops genociding.

    IntentionallyBLANK , avatar

    Project 2025 is all the excuse I need to never vote Republican, ever.

    obscurestar , avatar

    @tzimmer_history Trump has now ordered the GOP cult to anoint Laura Trump as chair of the RNC.

    Just straight up dictatorship stuff is more or less all that pours out of his mouth. Sadly the chuds seem to have been sold post-apocalyptic fantasies where somehow they'll be The Road Warrior instead of a pit slave sampling the pig feces for their master. :/

    wannabemystiker , avatar

    I don’t know what the hell is happening to National Public Radio (NPR) but according to one of their commentaries, today, “… it's possible that the comment [by Trump about encouraging Russia to go after “delinquent” NATO allies] was just a throwaway line at one of many rallies he will hold before the election."

    What the hell is wrong with you NPR?!😡

    craftycat , avatar

    @tzimmer_history I suspect that an even bigger challenge will be to get normal people to realise that people who vote for a terrorist support terrorism. They're not complaining about alarmism because they think he's lying about aiming for dictatorship. They know he's not, they just don't want to be judged for supporting it.

    junesim63 , avatar

    @tzimmer_history Unfortunately, describing his plans as 'deranged' also doesn't serve your purpose. These plans are calculated, follow a template used by previous fascist leaders and are well thought through by his far right backers. None of us should be complacent, as you say, but we are up against a well oiled machine that is far from deranged.

    Quarky , avatar

    @tzimmer_history What a repulsive revolting man. In Europe we detested this clown being reported when he was President. His criminality is a shame for thé USA and he should be convicted.

    zleap , avatar


    What I don't get is that people in the US are still behind trump despite this language are they so deluded, they will be rounded up against their friends and family.

    Once you remove immigrants who have vital skills, what do you then do to maintain the industries that use those skills. Or does Trump and friends not think that far ahead.

    If you consider that Netanyahu wants to do the same in Gaza, people don't see that either.

    havvyhh2 , avatar

    @tzimmer_history first, I believe Biden will win 2024. But as you say, people seem to think that if the unthinkable happens, we can still rely on various of pur institutions - namely the courts - to hold the line. Such wishful thinking will be quickly disabused...first will be invoking Insurrection Act & martial law....according to the law...but that's the end of "per the law". Then the purges will begin, & deportations, and the packing of institutions w/ thugs & friends.

    xs4me2 , avatar
    ferralcat ,

    @tzimmer_history npr literally has an article up today that's basically "he's probably just exaggerating. You can't believe anything that wacky fun guys says"

    eupwh0ric , avatar

    @tzimmer_history Just put Trump in the psych ward already omfg

    copter_chief , avatar

    @tzimmer_history Deploying red state national guard into blue states to enforce the deportations sounds like Trump is calling for civil war.

    jwcph , avatar

    @tzimmer_history Nonetheless it is, in fact, being dismissed as retoric almost every day, by mainstream press outlets... it's the centrist curse & it's going to get us all killed.

    gooba42 , avatar

    @tzimmer_history Bets on when the GOP adopts the term "Republican Guard" for their armed minions?

    lin11c , avatar

    @tzimmer_history Indictments of insurrectionist traitors in Congress would be nice.

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