fkamiah17 , to random avatar
barney , avatar


Holy shit, what kind of a sick Jew-hating fuck would argue that it's not antisemitic when a masked mob boards a public subway train, and then screams in unison "raise your hand if you're a Zionist"???

Watch this fucking video. Does this mob shouting in unison look like one protester "jokingly remarking"??

This filth from The New Republic is totally unacceptable.

nus , to palestine group avatar

It's important to never use bigoted phrases, even if unintentional.

and are war criminals; and it's fine to call Biden bloodthirsty - but you should never say it about Netanyahu, or any Jewish leader.

When the phrase "bloodthirsty" is leveled at conservative Christians, it has no meaning. But when speaking about Jews specifically, it evokes blood libel accusations, it's a reference to centuries-old :

@israel @palestine

nus , to palestine group avatar
nus , to palestine group avatar
RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

Outcry as vandalism targets homes of Museum officials
Mayor Eric Adams says police investigating actions that crossed over into ‘overt, unacceptable


Nonilex , to random avatar

Authorities are investigating reports of vandals targeting the homes of the 's director & some board members after Comptroller Brad Lander posted photos of red paint-smeared doors & hateful speech.

"The cowards who did this are way over the line into , harming the cause they claim to care about, & making everyone less safe," Lander said.

Vandalized home of Brooklyn Museum director

plink , to palestine group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Reminder: Killing terrorists to free hostages is good, actually.

plink , to palestine group avatar

from #WashingtonPost
[Bias alert - WaPo usually favors Israel]

Death toll from #Israeli hostage rescue adds to legal scrutiny of #Gaza war

The daytime raid in the #Nuseirat refugee camp freed 4 Israeli hostages and killed at least 274 #Palestinians: Gaza Health Ministry.

#SolidarityWithPalestine #NotAntisemitism
#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael

#Israel #Palestine #USPolitics
#news #press @palestine @israel

TruthSandwich , avatar
DropBear , to palestine group avatar

From a 93 year old (old enough to have lived through the times of the Holocaust and the founding of Israel) Jewish Australian:
"The impression I formed then, and which has been confirmed by subsequent events is that there was and is a deep, shared psychosocial illness infecting Israel but not Jews more generally."
"Let’s not confuse and generalise the attitude I and others have identified as underlying the conflict between Israel and Palestine with being anti-Semitic. This blurring of a clear boundary has been used inappropriately and misleadingly by many."
"... the human slaughter in Gaza and the enormous waste of resources on armaments to further that genocide could be stopped by refusing any more aid to Israel."


DropBear OP , avatar


both just forms of racism.

DropBear OP , avatar

One discriminates against people because of who they are @paninid the other discriminates in favour of people because of who they are. They're two sides of the same coin.


DropBear OP , avatar

To use your preferred terminology then @paninid One hates a people because of who they are. The other loves a people because of who they are. And yes, in practice, that "love" does exclude the "other".

Still two sides of the same coin. Still racism. @NickSchwanck

wdlindsy , to random avatar

"Over the weekend, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was stumping for Donald Trump in Las Vegas, Nevada, when she compared the convicted felon to Jesus. 'The Democrats and the fake news media want to constantly talk about "Oh, President Trump is a convicted felon."' Greene told the crowd, before launching into what the Bible might characterize as 'blasphemy.'"

~ Walter Einenkel


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"'Well, you want to know something? The man that I worship is also a convicted felon. And he was murdered on a Roman cross.' Greene added. A member of the crowd can be heard yelling 'by the Jews,' which seems to match the brand of Christianity Greene subscribes to."


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"A quick fact check will tell you that besides our concept of 'felony' only dating back to 14th century England, Jesus was arrested and executed by first century Romans. Another quick fact check would show that the scholarly consensus is that Jesus was likely crucified for proclaiming himself 'King of the Jews,' and not for falsifying business records in order to hide hush money payments to a woman he had an extra marital affair with."


heretical_i , to israel group avatar

Garbage . What exactly does "nationally representative sample" mean?
'The American Jewish Committee, using '..a nationally representative sample of 1,001 Jews aged 18 or older. Online interviews were conducted..."'

"Poll: Majority of Jews back over , call 'serious' problem" @israel

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Writing History June 10, 1928: Maurice Sendak, author of “Where the Wild Things Are,” was born in Brooklyn, New York. A little boy once sent him a card with a drawing on it. Sendak was so moved he sent the boy another letter with his own personal “Wild Thing” drawn on it. The boy’s mother sent Sendak a thank you note saying that her son loved the card so much he ate it. Sendak considered that one of the highest compliments he ever received. Sendak was an atheist Jew who lost numerous family members in the Holocaust. He was also gay.


plink , to palestine group avatar

Thousands Protest Genocide in 'Red Line' Rally

"We as the people are drawing the red line today to say enough is enough," said a protester from the . "It's time for an arms embargo, and it's time to end this."

@palestine @israel

TruthSandwich , avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar

@omar_bayramoglu @plink @palestine @israel

Trump wants to nuke Gaza. Biden feeds Gazans and wants Hamas to end the war it started by accepting the ceasefire deal that Israel has already agreed to.

Attacking Biden with lies only increases the odds of Trump regaining power and replacing democracy with fascism.

You don't care because you're not pro-Palestinian, just pro-Hamas, like that idiot in the photo.


plink , to palestine group avatar
TruthSandwich , avatar
8124 , to random Assamese avatar
DropBear , avatar

The term "antisemitism" used to be powerful. Zionists have neutered it. Quite sad, really.

"... formerly an anti-Semite was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews and due to their Jewish nature and their race… Nowadays an anti-Semite is somebody who is hated by a certain type of Zionist. Like one of the important Nazi leaders, Göring, said, “I determine who is a Jew.” And so the Zionists determine who is an anti-Semite. And as I say, I’m proud to be one of those."
Dr. Hajo Meyer, Holocaust survivor.

faab64 , to random Swedish

Micael Grenholm : Nu har jag polisanmält Jimmie Åkesson för hets mot folkgrupp!

Aldrig tidigare har en partiledare försvarat användningen av och idén bakom termen "folkutbyte", ett begrepp som kommer från den nazistiska miljön. Åkesson kopplar samman sitt försvar av denna nazistiska term med en argumentation för hur det svenska folket med "gemensam historia" (dvs. etniska svenskar), ersätts på grund av "demografiska förändringar" som Europa ska "bygga murar" mot - det vill säga ickeeuropeiska folkgrupper.

Lagen om hets mot folkgrupp förbjuder att man "uttrycker missaktning för folkgrupp eller annan sådan grupp av personer med anspelning på [...] nationellt eller etniskt ursprung". Då Åkesson uttrycker missaktning för samtliga ickeeuropeiska folkgrupper och vill bygga murar mot dem för att förhindra "folkutbyte", en idé hämtad från den nynazistiska miljön, har jag polisanmält honom för att bryta mot denna lag.

Svenska kommittén mot #antisemitism skriver:

"Att SD är ett rasistiskt och antimuslimskt parti som utmålar alla svenska muslimer som hotfulla extrema islamister och icke-svenskar är inget nytt. Det är inte heller första gången man talar om ett 'befolkningsutbyte'. Förra våren twittrade Richard Jomshof t.ex. på liknande sätt att 'Svenskarna är på väg att bli en minoritet i sitt eget land. Det pågår en islamisering.' Den föregivna 'islamiseringen' knöts i samma tweet även ihop med #gängkriminaliteten.

Det var dagen efter att #TV4:s Kalla fakta avslöjat att SD-toppen Mattias Karlsson medförfattat ett manifest där det bland annat påstods att en 'elit' vill ersätta svensk kultur med 'radikal islam'. Manifestet är utgivet av Insamlingsstiftelsen för svensk konservatism, vilken enligt Kalla fakta är kopplad till #SD.

Som #SKMA tidigare påpekat är det en högerextrem konsprirationsmyt att s.k. 'eliter' orkestrerar ett #befolkningsutbyte som förvandlar 'vita' eller europeiska majoritetsbefolkningar till en minoritet och verkar för att undergräva eller ersätta kulturer. De s.k. 'eliterna' avser i denna typ av #propaganda inte sällan judar eller en judisk konspiration, men ofta även vänstern och/eller liberaler."

Vi kan inte acceptera sådan här retorik i samhällsdebatten!

#Sverige #Antirasism #Politik #StoppaSD #SDärRasister #JimmyÅkesson #SVpol

DropBear , to palestine group avatar

A recovering Zionist speaks:
"All I had to do was re-embrace the belief system I came from, ignore, or dismiss the evidence and the new perspective on Israel’s history that I was learning, ..."

"The editors placed the sensibilities of the Australian Jewish community, and their own fear of an imagined backlash against the journal, ahead of the suffering of the Palestinian people."
And that continues. Even as Australian Jewish voices speak out against the genocide, the belligerent bullies in the Jewish community prevail.

"You cannot be a ‘nice’, ‘caring’, or ‘enlightened’ settler-colonialist. Settler-colonialism is by its very nature brutal and genocidal."

"The Palestinian people did nothing wrong. Their ‘big crime’, for which they are being eliminated is that they happened to live on the land that the Zionists coveted for an exclusively Jewish ghetto state."

figstick , to palestine group avatar
inquiline , to random avatar

Did I share this here earlier? Over 1300 Jewish faculty urge against turning "Antisemitism Awareness Act" into US law:

"Criticism of the state of #Israel, the Israeli government, policies of the Israeli government, or Zionist ideology is not – in and of itself – antisemitic. We accordingly urge our political leaders to reject any effort to codify into federal law a definition of #antisemitism that conflates antisemitism with criticism of the state of Israel"


MikeDunnAuthor , (edited ) to random avatar

Today in Labor History June 4, 1939: The U.S. blocked the MS St. Louis from landing in Florida. The ship carried 963 Jewish refugees who were fleeing the Nazis. Canada also refused. As a result, the ship was forced back to Europe. Over 200 of its passengers ultimately died in Nazi concentration camps. The ordeal is also known as the Voyage of the Damned. This event has been depicted in numerous books, including Julian Barnes’s novel, A History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters (1989); Bodie and Brock Thoene's novel Munich Signature (1991); and Leonardo Padura's novel Herejes (2013). Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State at the time, and who led the fight to turn the refugees away, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1944. It was one of the worst Nobel prizes ever awarded (along with Henry Kissinger (1973), who facilitated bloody dictatorships in Chile and Argentina, genocides in Bangladesh and East Timor, and carpet bombing of Cambodia. Or Elihu Root (1912), the U.S. Secretary of War who oversaw the brutal repression of the Filipino independence movement. And let’s not forget Shimon Peres, Yitzak Rabin and Yasser Arafat (1994), who jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize despite their histories of human rights abuses. Or Aung San Suu Kyi (1991). Or Mikhail Gorbachev (1990), who sent tanks into the Baltic republics less than a year after winning his “peace” prize, killing numerous civilians. Or Barack Obama (2009), who began assassinating civilians with his drones and arresting more immigrants than his predecessor, George W. Bush, not long after winning his Nobel. Or Woodrow Wilson (1919), an outright racist and apologist for slavery, who sent troops to occupy Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and to “intervene” in Cuba, Honduras and Panama, and who oversaw the Palmer raids that led to over 10,000 arrests and over 500 deportations of union leaders, peace activists, socialists and anarchists. Or Menachem Begin (1978), who four years after receiving his “peace” prize launched the bloody invasion of Lebanon, and who refused to fire Ariel Sharon, even after the Kahan Commission found Sharon culpable for the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

When the slaughter finally stops in Gaza, perhaps they’ll give Biden a Nobel Peace Prize “for bringing peace” to Palestine. They might even include Netanyahu, for “going against the right wing of his government” and signing onto the peace plan.

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