GottaLaff , avatar


We called it, didn’t we. OMFG.

Meet the next SCOTUS nom from Trump, should he get in.

Via Kyle Cheney:

BREAKING: Judge Cannon has dismissed the #Trump #documents case, citing violation of appointments clause.

Cannon has issued a 93-page opinion.


WarnerCrocker , avatar

@GottaLaff Reeling. Just reeling.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@WarnerCrocker EVERYthing. Everything is getting worse.

WarnerCrocker , avatar

@GottaLaff Worse than worse.

jenzi , avatar

@GottaLaff We need a time traveler.

ChrisHolladay , avatar

I can see Jack Smith burning a path to 11th circuit.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ChrisHolladay And then what? SCOTUS? Right.

ChrisHolladay , avatar

Its hard to say...She got toasted before.
There is also the fact he was no longer president when he took those documents.
Biden.hsd been sworn in.
Might not be much SCROTUM can do

jcrossonhill , avatar

@GottaLaff Wow! I knew the fix was in but I thought she'd try to be more subtle. I'm sure it'll be appealed.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

3/ Citing prosecutor illegally appointed.


TerpieCat , avatar

@GottaLaff The most unqualified judge ever to sit on the bench.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

4/ Andrew Weissmann:

Cannon dismisses case (saying out loud what she was doing de facto). So predictable, after the Justice Thomas concurrence.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

5/ Me: Now Trump will be “Innocent, Persecuted, Wounded Martyr” Trump at the fucking convention.

locksmithprime , avatar

And "saved by Jesus", as Jesus whispered into his ears just to have him turn his head and avoid being killed.

I am going to be sick.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@locksmithprime Exactly. I AM sick.

kristen_d , avatar

@GottaLaff You were wise to get the fuck out of this Nazi shithole masquerading as a democracy.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@kristen_d Don’t I know it.

jenzi , avatar

@GottaLaff @kristen_d

We're following for you guide to border jumping along the great northern border

rotan , avatar

I don't recognize your (ex-)country any more. How that happen?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@rotan Trump appointed her for a reason, that’s how.

And I’m so glad to be in Canada

thejohnr , avatar


Jeez Laffy... I've got to come join you. I'm a target here in Deep Red Texas.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@thejohnr it’s exactly as i predicted, only worse

goodreedAJ , avatar


Once again (and pretty much on a daily basis lately), I so wish I could join you.


chebra , avatar

@GottaLaff @rotan We are all in the blast radius. And we can't even vote.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@chebra ? Can't vote? @rotan

chebra , avatar

@GottaLaff @rotan Yes, life exists beyond US and Trump will make it shitty for us too.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@chebra I know life exists beyond US, but I didn't understand why you can't vote. You meant, you can't vote in US elections because you're Canadian?

Well I can, and I live in Canada as a US citizen. @rotan

chebra , avatar

@GottaLaff @rotan Not just Canada of course. The whole planet will feel the consequence of your elections. And we can only watch you in horror.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@chebra Well guess what? I watch in horror too, which is why we moved to Canada


JustinDerrick , avatar

@GottaLaff @rotan We have our own fascist racist misogynist shit bag trying to get into office. We’re not immune.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@JustinDerrick I know. I've posted about PP many a time. @rotan

ChrisHolladay , avatar

Hes still convicted of 34 felonies,legally defined rapist,civil court found him.guilty of fraud.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

6/ Of course, he’ll also declare this was “God’s will” and his ChristoFascist SCOTUS will back him up

HistoPol , avatar


OFC. He already did in his interviews:

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@HistoPol Oh I know, he’s done it for years. That’s why I said it

CatHerder , avatar

I've fucking had it with these fascists denying We the People the right to see justice.

Vagrarian , avatar

@GottaLaff OMFG if we don't end up in either a dictatorship or a civil war it will be a fucking miracle.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

7/ Via Kyle Griffin:

Big flag: There is NOTHING in Judge Cannon's ruling that speaks to the merits of the Trump classified documents case. Cannon ruled on a procedural issue.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

8/ Klasfeld:

In Trump's immunity ruling, Justice Thomas all but invited Judge Cannon to find Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed as special counsel.

Cannon noticed.

Her ruling doing so cites that concurrence at least three times.

bradpatrick , avatar

@GottaLaff Everyone go read Morrison v Olson again. Does the Alito court want to go completely off the edge? I mean, at this point, absolute power has corrupted absolutely. If we as a nation don't get this straightened out, we won't have a nation left.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bradpatrick Isn’t that what the SCOTUS MAGAts want?

TCatInReality , avatar

@bradpatrick @GottaLaff
It's time for to use that immunity power the SCOTUS gave him

  • Remove the 6 "justices" who decided the immunity case (cite Article IV guarantee clause)
  • Appoint 6 new justices who immediately overturn the immunity ruling (and likely more)
  • Pardon everyone involved (but not himself)
  • Mandate Garland appoint a special prosecutor to review and determine any charges
  • Say "no one should have this power" and resign.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
TCatInReality , avatar

@GottaLaff @bradpatrick
No, he won't. But I like the idea.

Beachbum , avatar

@GottaLaff @TCatInReality @bradpatrick President Biden is an honorable man. Former guy knows nothing about being honorable. Biden would never be his power. Power has not corrupted him absolutely.

JBShakerman , avatar

@GottaLaff I waited too long to leave.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

9/ Via Kyle Griffin:

If Judge Cannon's ruling holds, the Hunter Biden conviction would have to be thrown out.

WarnerCrocker , avatar

@GottaLaff Well, at least that made me laugh.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@WarnerCrocker I couldn’t even muster a smile

aliza , avatar

@GottaLaff Twist

Ultraverified , avatar


You'd think so. But not likely.

If anything, look for these corrupt clowns to go after Joe Biden again for his classified documents.

Oh. Don't have to wait - the traitor clowns in the house are demanding hearings and subpoenas of half of the WH staff.

Wileymiller , avatar

Remind me again why republicans claim the judicial system is rigged against Trump?

PJ_Evans , avatar

They didn't think of that, did they?

RickDrake07 ,

@GottaLaff Wouldn't it also overturn the perjury conviction of former President Bill Clinton?

starlily , avatar

@GottaLaff Corrupt judge liberally applies opinion from a corrupt justice? Shocking.

anarchic_teapot , avatar

@GottaLaff This puzzles me. Since Thomas was behind the ruling that essentially says the President can do what (s)he likes in their official capacity, then surely Cannon can't use how Smith was appointed to throw the case out.

Fairly sure the fascists didn't think things through. Wasn't Smith waiting for Cannon to do something egregious like this?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@anarchic_teapot yes. But we also know whose side SCOTUS is on.

anarchic_teapot , avatar

@GottaLaff Biden should have added the extra 3 judges while he had time.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@anarchic_teapot Shoulds are meaningless. He did not want to.

anarchic_teapot , avatar

@GottaLaff More fool he.

lillyfinch , avatar

@GottaLaff back to the burning carousel…sparks flying off everywhere

MarkAB , avatar

@GottaLaff I know you hate conspiracy theories, but am I the only one that sees someone like Leonard Leo in the middle of this? He whispers with Clarence (or his clerks), Clarence inserts a random statement opining illegality of special counsel appointments, Federalist Society staff cook up many pages which are presented to Cannon for inclusion wholesale in her document. She cooked up this dismissal in record time.

PeachMcD , avatar


Zero shame whatesoever

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@PeachMcD Shame doesn't exist for them

PeachMcD , avatar



Nor integrity, honesty, compassion, humility... yet somehow has decided they speak for Christianity
All this Episcopalian can do is <sigh>

TFFPrisoner , avatar

@GottaLaff I noticed it as well, when it was mentioned in an article - immediately lept out at me but I naively didn't assume it would have consequences.

PJ_Evans , avatar

I think she had to be reaching for that. It's a GOP claim...but only when it affects them.

ralfmaximus , avatar


If it's procedural, they can refile. Assuming the 11th doesn't reverse this.

RIJim ,

@GottaLaff Is the way around this that the DoJ actually hire Smith and appoint him as a prosecutor for this case and just re-file it?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@RIJim See my latest thread

ericschutte , avatar

@GottaLaff No, I think God did not want him either !!!!

gpk , avatar

@GottaLaff Of course it was also God's will that he got a hole in his ear.

obviousdwest , avatar

@GottaLaff AKA the divine right of kings. So weird to realize the contradiction of this originalism and supposed constitutionalism vs the whole idea of dumping the monarchy. It literally can’t be both ways. And yet they do this. What kind of country are these crazy people trying to create out of whole cloth (and then suggest making constitutional amendments)? What constitution? They are ripping it up.

cdunnpasadena , avatar

It will work on the people it works on. For people like me, it just amplifies his unsuitability. It’s hard to predict what “undecided” voters will think, because I can’t imagine what sort of person would still be undecided. The simplest prediction is they will continue to waffle and then vote accordingly to recent news on Election Day.

lin11c , avatar

I bet they will have mass prayer sessions for him.

LazaroDTormes , avatar


Their timing is perfect.

oldguy52 , avatar


Pardon me, but I have to go outside and scream for a few days.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@oldguy52 I’ll join you

lin11c , avatar


LexyCameron , avatar


OMFG is right!

Will there ever be justice?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@LexyCameron I doubt it, but maybe

SueDiOh ,

@GottaLaff Oh my.

Wileymiller , avatar

Sadly, yes, we all called it, knowing she would hunt for any legal reason, no matter how small, to dismiss the case.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Wileymiller The news never gets better, only worse.

andybrwn , avatar

@GottaLaff @Wileymiller So now he can auction the docs off (as if hasn’t already).

lawyersgunsnmoney , avatar

@GottaLaff Yes we did. Dammit.

tdwllms1 , avatar


Oh JFC... this is appalling.

YouGiveMeFever , avatar

@GottaLaff Obviously the SCOTUS won't overturn that decision. A federal judge in Trump's pocket is priceless.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@YouGiveMeFever I JUST said that to someone. I’m shaking mad

YouGiveMeFever , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm just disgusted myself. Justice is dead.

hu_logic , avatar

@GottaLaff @YouGiveMeFever Wouldn't it go to 11th, which will overturn the decision? So when it goes to SCOTUS they'd have to take up the case and overturn 11th?

GottaLaff OP , avatar
YouGiveMeFever , avatar

@hu_logic @GottaLaff Hopefully that's true.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@YouGiveMeFever @hu_logic Hopefully? THIS SCOTUS? They’ll side with her.

hu_logic , avatar

@GottaLaff @YouGiveMeFever Smith should have called for her recusal from the very beginning.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@hu_logic How? He needs an airtight case to do that, and once he does that and it’s denied, that’s it. @YouGiveMeFever

LazaroDTormes , avatar


Of course she did.

rebelrebel62 , avatar

@GottaLaff Oh, the next few years are going to be bloody hard…

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@rebelrebel62 Unbearably

rebelrebel62 , avatar

@GottaLaff 😢

JonChevreau , avatar

@rebelrebel62 @GottaLaff Hail king Donny for Life: column in National Post today says the failed assassination means 45’s win in November is “inevitable” and likely a landslide. I have no words ….

rebelrebel62 , avatar

@JonChevreau @GottaLaff I feel like we’re going to lose the USA, at least the way we knew it, at least for several years. These are dangerous, dangerous times- I hope that we in the UK can rebuild our relationship with the EU quickly, because the US will soon cease to be our ally.

cainmark , avatar



oreoteeth , avatar

@GottaLaff I knew this would be the outcome and I still find myself equal parts shocked and disgusted.

Invincible_Fall , avatar

@GottaLaff can this be appealed? Total, utter, partisan, incompetence.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Invincible_Fall Of course. Now see my thread.

davesdogmaggie , avatar


Feels like rain. Smells like piss.

DebR , avatar

@GottaLaff Even tho the writing was on the wall, this is absolutely unbelievable. The fascists are on a fast track now and we are headed into terrifying times.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@DebR We’re already there and getting worse

DebR , avatar

@GottaLaff We ain’t seen nothin’ yet. The worst is yet to come.

GreenFire , avatar

I recommend getting the opinion from the lawyers at @MeidasTouch on this development before getting all depressed about it.

"The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith's appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution," McConnell's Loose Cannon in Florida wrote.

This will be the opportunity to appeal we've waiting for I expect/hope.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@GreenFire You actually believe this SCOTUS would side with Smith? Please. @MeidasTouch

GreenFire , avatar

@GottaLaff @MeidasTouch
We'll see. I don't know, but my point is that the case is not over because that Loose Cannon has made her appeal for a position on the Supreme Court.

There's a lot of precedence for the SCOTUS to overturn in order for them to side with Cannon which is certainly possible, but that will take time so the case will remain active as it is being appealed.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@GreenFire I have zero hope.

GreenFire , avatar

That's just what they hope to hear.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@GreenFire That I have no hope that SCOTUS will side with Smith? Of course they hope to hear that.

So what? It’s simple reality. They’ve given him unlimited powers, why do you think they’d change now?

GreenFire , avatar

The way that I see reality is that our SCOTUS is only one co-equal branch of our government.

Yes, they are clearly corrupt. That does not mean that our 250 year experiment is over or I'll continue believing that until I die in a gulag if that's what it comes to.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@GreenFire What does that have to do with what I said?

My hope comment was directed at SCOTUS coming through for us.

I never went beyond that.

Although, overcoming them will be nearly impossible to achieve, considering they gave Trump superpowers. IF he gets in.

Beachbum , avatar

@GottaLaff @GreenFire you know Bibi Netanyahu tried to change the way his Supreme Court worked to get himself off the hook for corruption. Trump didn’t do that. He kept it a secret that Project 2025 would require the Supreme Court to make such a rolling. We didn’t have an opportunity to protest because it was all done in secret.

old_hippie , avatar

@GottaLaff @GreenFire For Scotus to hear an appeal to this, it would first have to go to the 11th circuit which will take some time. Scotus will likely fast track it (which in their world for something like this would mean slow) and their ruling would come way later.

This is a done deal and a major blow to the rule of law.

Another point, Cannon could get deported per project 2025 as she is an immigrant from Columbia. LOL, this would never happen.

WmShakesp3are , avatar

@GottaLaff @GreenFire no court of appeals is going to overrule and remand this based upon the SCOTUS decision unless they go up against the recent ruling which is unlikely because most judges don’t y have the guts to risk getting slapped down by the corrupt and lawless SCOTUS.

mkoek , avatar

@GottaLaff Does that end her involvement in the case? Or will a successful appeal send it back to her?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mkoek The 11th may rule, but then it goes to SCOTUS, and we know how that ends.

Yes, it goes to appeal.

RuamiGrey , avatar

@GottaLaff @mkoek

My hope is that just b/c Clarence Thomas had that opinion, at least 5 of them won't agree. But I'm not going to hold my breath, either :(

Doreen32128 , avatar

@GottaLaff I don’t know how to deal with my anger right now.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Doreen32128 I’m shaking mad

Doreen32128 , avatar

@GottaLaff I feel helpless to stop all this corruption.

fondoffawns , avatar

@GottaLaff We’ll probably have to give him all the confiscated documents back.

tony , avatar

@GottaLaff Trump has the law under his thumb.

He's about to get the power to do what the hell he likes.

At this point there's nothing to stop him.

RodneyPetersonTalent , avatar


Fucking shithole country.

CuriousMagpie , avatar

@GottaLaff I am very frightened at the speed that the US is unraveling.

Deep breath - continue to do what I can.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@CuriousMagpie EXACTLY how I’m feeling.

CuriousMagpie , avatar

@GottaLaff I think I’ve said this before on here (us old folks tend to do that 😉).
I am part of the first generation of Jews in America born after the holocaust and I feel like I’ve been waiting for this turn to happen in the US my whole life.
Hoping I was wrong but not trusting that hope.
I will still stick with Mariame Kaba about hope.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
farah , avatar

@GottaLaff That’s a LOT of pages to say BS

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