futurebird ,
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

I decided to find out if any progress had been made on the science behind why some ants are attracted to electrical fields. After filtering out exterminators (it's so demoralizing to search for information on creatures you love and find nothing but people who know nothing about them boasting about how they will kill them all) I found what looked like a blog. But, who the heck is "James Brown"? Never heard of the dude. Maybe he could be my new friend if he likes ants enough to blog about them!

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  • futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    As far as I can tell these people are phantoms. That's cruel on multiple levels. If I was not familiar with this SEO trick I'd spend time looking for them both (to politely tell them about the errors in their blog... which I would assume they would care about since they love insects.)

    But I know what this is now. It's probably the exterminators. To get their page ranks up they need "legitimate" pages... like personal blogs by enthusiasts to link to them.

    They are pretending to be ME😡😳😩

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  • futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    I wish James and Tina were real.

    I hate this so much.

    knowuh ,
    @knowuh@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird seo is soooooooo annoying.

    The internet was supposed to be a platform for sharing information.

    It’s degraded into algorithms for capturing eyeballs and advertising $$$

    We need to reevaluate how we define “value” in our culture.

    albertcardona ,
    @albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar


    "Here is what you need to know" is like a giant red flag, part of a new language and culture that makes marks out of those who don't know it.

    lostwax ,
    @lostwax@zirk.us avatar

    @albertcardona @futurebird it's awful but also useful. If you do know the language "here's what you need to know" is an enormous flashing signpost saying what follows is bullshit and can be ignored.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @lostwax @albertcardona

    It's a phrase targeting the information overwhelmed. A mind vulnerable to being told something that sounds true and feels true ... but maybe isn't true... but even if it is true it's selectively sending you along.

    We all get tired and just want someone to tell us "what we need to know"

    But don't let it be a stranger or a bot! The only person who can say "here's what you need to know" to me is my husband when explaining what flavor of ice-cream he wants me to buy.

    apophis ,
    @apophis@brain.worm.pink avatar

    @futurebird @lostwax @albertcardona if someone wants their spouse to pick up a specific sort of ice cream i'd normally expect them to just say brand and type, an utterance that's comparable to or shorter than "here's what you need to know"

    the latter implies there are so many permutations of acceptable ice cream types, each of which may or may not be available at that particular trip, that you're being given flow charts and formulas to work with

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @apophis @albertcardona @lostwax

    That is exactly what is happening. And he knows how easily overwhelmed I get with shopping so he tries to make it simple... but like me he's really picky.

    barrygoldman1 ,
    @barrygoldman1@sauropods.win avatar

    @futurebird @lostwax @albertcardona brilliant conclusion!

    rivetgeek ,
    @rivetgeek@dice.camp avatar

    @futurebird And just as bad, the ant picture in the screenshot is AI generated.

    rysiek ,
    @rysiek@mstdn.social avatar

    @futurebird ugh, that's obnoxious :blobcat0_0:

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    We are expected to take this kind of BS as "harmless gaming of the system." but I find it incredibly distrustful and hurtful. It's making it harder for people to find each other by putting all these fake people in the way. It's LIES the pages are full of half-true nonsense. It's making people know less and filling their heads with false facts.

    And this kind of page is what you find FIRST. You won't find @alexwild or the formiculture forum.

    You find these mendacious SEO ghosts.

    wmd ,
    @wmd@chaos.social avatar

    @futurebird @alexwild SEO and the marketing as a whole are toxic as fuck. They want to push themselves in your space, without your consent only to gain more power/money. There is not a single acceptable thing about it ...

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @wmd @alexwild

    These fake pages ought to be blacklisted to oblivion. But I don't see any search engines taking this seriously at all.

    Not really in their interest to do that. We need to make more noise about just how terrible these pages are. Fake experts? Fake people? Fake images? Fake facts?

    Information pollution & fragmentation of natural networks of human learning. A rot on the body of human knowledge: any search engine that puts such pages at the top should be ashamed.

    knowuh ,
    @knowuh@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird back in the early days of the internet people maintained curated indexes and “web rings” of mutual trust and respect.

    Maybe we can mine the past to inform the future we want to create?

    kern ,
    @kern@hol.ogra.ph avatar

    @knowuh @futurebird I'll just take the liberty of plugging my foss webring project ​:blob_finger_guns:​

    medley56 ,
    @medley56@frontrange.co avatar

    @futurebird @wmd @alexwild If that crap starts infecting Wikipedia, we’re screwed.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @medley56 @wmd @alexwild

    I live in fear of the day that things that look like academic papers, formatted and written like academic papers start popping up all over the place but they will just be generated nonsense.

    So I will need to go to the journal's webpage (if they have one) and look up the paper to see if they really published it before I read anything (if the journal lets you do that without subscribing)

    And then I'll need to also check if the journal is a real one too.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @medley56 @wmd

    I already do this if I'm doing any serious research, but part of learning is exploratory. Needing to suspect that EVERY sentence could be a lie kills the momentum.

    I'm not a professional scientist. I'm just an enthusiastic amateur. I have a full time job and don't have the time to do all that all of the time.

    I should be able to read a damn blog about ants without being worried a machine is feeding me lies from a ghost.

    MrAdamJohn ,
    @MrAdamJohn@mysocial.community avatar

    @futurebird @medley56 @wmd This is the core of the problem IMHO... Summing up this thread in my own words: There is an erosion of Trust, an undermining of Human connection and an en-garbage-ification of information. I fear the permutations on today's known "attack vectors" and the results that will be manufactured...

    rubinjoni ,
    @rubinjoni@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @medley56 @wmd Are you aware of the (now retracted, fortunately) scientific paper with AI generated illustrations of absurdly large rat genitalia? It was making rounds on the Fediverse a few months ago. Scientific publishing was already severely flawed before AI slop generation became a thing, and it's going further down the spiral. It really boils down to personal reputation, which also has it's flaws.

    BorisBarbour ,
    @BorisBarbour@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @medley56 @wmd @alexwild

    Have you installed the PubPeer browser and Zotero extensions?


    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @BorisBarbour @medley56 @wmd @alexwild

    I don't have institutional access to most journals so many of these systems are of limited value for me. I tend to find pdfs of journal articles I want to read when they aren't behind a paywall or if I can get the author to send it to me.

    Will these extensions help with that?

    Amateurs doing self study like me don't have access to many of the tools that those working in the system might have.

    albertcardona ,
    @albertcardona@mathstodon.xyz avatar

    @futurebird @BorisBarbour @medley56 @wmd @alexwild

    helps https://unpaywall.org/

    Links to PDFs in author pages or institutional repositories help, conveniently listed in Google Scholar search results. Likewise for the Scholar Archive https://scholar.archive.org and @OpenAlex https://openalex.org

    va2lam ,
    @va2lam@mastodon.nz avatar

    @futurebird @BorisBarbour @medley56 @wmd @alexwild yeah the other advantage of working in one's field of expertise is that it's easier to spot fake authors

    nottrobin ,
    @nottrobin@union.place avatar
    amberage ,
    @amberage@eldritch.cafe avatar

    @futurebird @medley56 @wmd @alexwild isn't that day today already?

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @amberage @medley56 @wmd @alexwild

    So far there have been some fake papers submitted to journals and I think a few even got "published" but at time of posting if you find something that looks like a paper that says it's from Journal X it's probably really just that.

    But I don't expect it to stay that way forever.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @amberage @medley56 @wmd

    If you are looking at papers on a controversial topic eg. COVID there is already a lot of fake stuff out there. But on "boring" science topics, things like a description of a new species of ant? One can trust a paper most of the time.

    But, my trust has been deeply shaken and I check now and then, and look for the signs of the rot spreading regularly.

    martin_piper ,
    @martin_piper@mastodon.social avatar
    mansr ,
    @mansr@society.oftrolls.com avatar

    @futurebird @amberage @medley56 @wmd @alexwild People have managed to get SciGen "papers" published.

    DrGeof ,
    @DrGeof@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @medley56 @wmd @alexwild

    Methinks we are already "there".

    kritischelezer ,
    @kritischelezer@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @medley56 @wmd @alexwild Yeah, that is a fear I share. Especially if the real research remains behind paywalls, and the fake ones will obviously be open access. Guess which ones will be shared more. Try fighting fake news then.. I guess, as bad as it is, it is one more argument to make all research Open Access.

    dgoldsmith ,
    @dgoldsmith@mastodon.social avatar
    richpuchalsky ,
    @richpuchalsky@mastodon.social avatar


    I would find and dust off my "why LLMs are horrible for librarians" thread, but there are too many catastrophes these days.

    @wmd @alexwild

    wa7iut ,
    @wa7iut@mastodon.radio avatar

    @futurebird @wmd @alexwild

    I wonder if a non-profit search engine is possible. I can’t believe Google is willing to burn down their brand like this. Also, an opening for curated information services like Wikipedia and Encylopedia Brittanica.

    I was initially skeptical of Wikipedia and I feel a little bad about the article I contributed about hummingbirds hitching rides on the backs of geese (it didn’t last long) but Wikipedia has proven very reliable for what I need.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @wa7iut @wmd

    I make a monthly contribution to wikipedia. I used to have many problems with them (and still do) but I realized how lost I'd be if they ever became like the rest of the web. I need them to be the way that they are.

    nathaliaassaad ,
    @nathaliaassaad@mastodon.world avatar

    @futurebird @wa7iut @wmd
    Me too!
    I use their website almost daily.
    Every time I use my phone to ID a plant, I am directed to Wikipedia to confirm the information. I adore Wikipedia and I feel that I can help protect it with my small contribution. I use iNaturalist to triple confirm or when Wikipedia and my phone ID function aren’t helpful, but they usually help.

    wa7iut ,
    @wa7iut@mastodon.radio avatar

    @futurebird @wmd

    I’ve been contributing too, though annually and recommend everyone who uses it also contribute what you can. They are generally the first place I look for information. The techical articles in the areas I know about have been very good quality. Certainly should be supported. Anything free means you’re the product.

    alison ,
    @alison@mastodon.online avatar

    @futurebird Internet Archive is my pet web charity. These various pages are so important. @wa7iut @wmd

    mistergibson ,
    @mistergibson@mastodon.social avatar

    @wa7iut @futurebird @wmd @alexwild Someone turned me onto this: https://www.ecosia.org/

    they plant trees with ad revenue --> very cool

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd

    I don't have a good feeling about this. "Planting trees" is almost a red flag for me at this point since very few people seem to understand how complex and the real investment needed to plant a tree.

    You can't just spam saplings and expect a forest. A forest is a living complex system easier to preserve than it is to build.

    "planting trees?" Really? What kind? Are they native species? Who will care for them in the critical first years? Who owns the land?

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd

    Tree planting schemes have been used as green-washing more often than they have been sincere or effective means to care for the earth. Some "tree planting" operations are just logging companies who sell the rights of their monoculture fields to companies who want to claim they planted trees. The trees are harvested years later.

    In NYC we planted millions of trees. But they just sent saplings and let amateurs spam them wherever. Years later they have all died.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd

    This is why I'm deeply suspicious of anyone who claims to be "planting X trees when you do Y"

    These are just indulgences of our modern time.

    CatDad ,
    @CatDad@mas.to avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd Here's my sure-fire way to help by planting trees:

    1. Kill a billionaire.
    2. Take all their wealth and invest into green power, repairing damaged ecosystems, etc.
    3. Plant a tree on the billionaire's grave.
    aral ,
    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd Next you’ll tell me carbon offsets are a scam.

    Azuaron ,
    @Azuaron@hachyderm.io avatar

    @aral @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd I do believe there was literally a big criminal bust in Brazil regarding a carbon offsets company that was using the money dedicated to carbon offsets to log the rainforest.

    mmby ,
    @mmby@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd yeah, my family has tried to raise about 2 hectar of mixed forest for about 30 years - it's insane how many of the trees planted didn't make it

    even if they mean well, one planted sapling isn't one tree in the end, it's 90% deer breakfast

    eosfpodcast ,
    @eosfpodcast@universeodon.com avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd Agreed - and it's a PR move for companies as well. "See, we care about the environment." Most don't know much plastic "recycling" programs are a sham as well: https://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/the-passionate-eye/recycling-was-a-lie-a-big-lie-to-sell-more-plastic-industry-experts-say-1.5735618

    Azuaron ,
    @Azuaron@hachyderm.io avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd Definitely be skeptical, there's a ton of outright scams.

    However, my understanding of what Ecosia's doing--unless they're outright lying--is that they partner with different local ecological organizations that specifically aim to rebuild biodiversity in damaged environments. One of their efforts in Brazil is even more about "fighting illegally set fires by ranchers that want to turn forests into grazing land" than it is "plant a bunch of trees".

    RogerBW ,
    @RogerBW@emacs.ch avatar

    @futurebird The old cheatneutral did a good job of pointing out how silly this is. Thanks, Internet Archive! https://web.archive.org/web/20130821081616/http://www.cheatneutral.com/

    nathaliaassaad ,
    @nathaliaassaad@mastodon.world avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd
    I’ve used Ecosia for many years and had the same fears, but they’re a good company. They have different projects. It’s not random.

    ploum ,
    @ploum@mamot.fr avatar

    @nathaliaassaad @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd : the problem is that the use money from… advertising.

    The very goal of advertising is to make us consume more and pollute more than what we really need.

    Advertising money is a very small fraction of the benefits big corpos would not have made if there was no advertising.

    By definition, everything related to advertising is destroying our ecosystem. That’s even the goal itself ( because "consuming" == "transforming ressources into trash")

    sheamusfitz ,
    @sheamusfitz@im-in.space avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd 🌈the more you know🌈 (the more you hate everything)

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd

    I still think the NYC tree planting events were good for the community. People got together and dug around in the soils of their local parks and medians. We noticed the little wild places tucked between the buildings and met other people who cared. I think a better event could feature:

    • identifying insects and wildlife
    • better guides for the local groups
    • planting native PLANTS not just trees
    • weeding species that don't fit
    • housing for bees and ants
    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd

    So if you planed a tree and it died don't feel so bad.

    We can't just spend a day planting trees and call our problems solved. We all need to learn a lot more about the ecosystems we live in.

    mistergibson ,
    @mistergibson@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @wa7iut @wmd I agree --> I'm Co-Founder of this group:


    piratero ,

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd I will say this activities frees more seats at restaurants, plays and movie house, making me reservations easier. Kudos! Please continue!

    Byrdbrnz ,
    @Byrdbrnz@ioc.exchange avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd This is honestly giving me the idea of "natural city tours" that don't just take you to parks or nature preserves, but wander around a city/suburb and point out all the wildlife there -- native and imported. Dole out factoids about each. Add in some kind of identification guide/treasure hunt aspect to get people more engaged. Donate portions of ticket sales to rewilding or other local initiatives to increase native rewilding.
    Idk you've got to meet people where they are to get them to care. Showing them the nature around them, around where they live, might just spark that for some.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @Byrdbrnz @mistergibson @wa7iut

    I love this idea and I'm thinking it could be a great Senior Thesis project for some of our students to develop and give such a tour in our area. This would let me get some professional dev. hours to develop lesson plans for how to make such a tour (and design one myself, to really learn how to do it right)--

    And then who knows maybe they will feel like doing it again when they move off to college!

    I gotta go bug the biology teachers again.

    Byrdbrnz ,
    @Byrdbrnz@ioc.exchange avatar

    @futurebird Yes!! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
    Maybe have them start with their own neighborhoods? There's a lot of life we often overlook in our own streets because we walk by it every day. But definitely consult with the other faculty to help build it out! Hopefully it catches some student's attention and awakens their inner biologist/ecologist!

    InkySchwartz ,
    @InkySchwartz@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @Byrdbrnz @mistergibson @wa7iut I can help with some plant questions too though I'm a geographer with a thing for native plants.

    nev ,
    @nev@flipping.rocks avatar

    @Byrdbrnz @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut in my city we have an event called Jane's Walk (after the urbanist Jane Jacobs) that is a weekend of community-led local walking tours: <https://janeswalk.org/> Topics include food, art, urban planning, history, systemic inequities, and yes, nature.

    I've thought about doing a bug/spider-related walk for years but it's kind of hard to make sure they'll show up, you know?

    alec ,
    @alec@perkins.pub avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd planting trees for the sake of trees, forests, and communities is great. Planting trees for the sake of capitalism, not so much.

    Patrickoldhiker ,
    @Patrickoldhiker@ohai.social avatar

    @futurebird @wmd @wa7iut @mistergibson As someone who lived in New York City 50 years ago, there are a LOT more trees on the streets today. So a good many of them did survive.

    mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd "Those trees you planted— do they happen to be on wood harvesting plantations? Are you literally planting them to cut them down in 30 years?"

    itty53 ,
    @itty53@beige.party avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd

    I'll go one further. All those national drives from India and similar areas to plant billions of trees? It's just free labor for capitalism. They're planting lumber forests, and it's done by volunteers.

    Renewable yeah, but that's just lining billionaire pockets, folks who own thousands of acres for those projects. New growth trees are carbon neutral at best.

    Blort Bot ,
    @Blort@social.tchncs.de avatar

    @futurebird @mistergibson @wa7iut @wmd

    I would much rather see $RANDOM_COMPANY pledging to keep an already alive tree protected and alive for an extra year, than this garbage around planting a tree. You can plant a million trees and bulldoze them all the next day. Or just leave them alone without proper water. It's meaningless.

    Keeping something alive for a specific, defined amount of time... now that's real value, especially if it's part of an already old growth ecosystem.

    violetmadder ,
    @violetmadder@kolektiva.social avatar

    @wa7iut @futurebird @wmd @alexwild

    Google doesn't care about burning down their brand. They have so much power and such a large monopoly they don't need to care about appeal anymore.

    They're burning down facts, communication, news and learning.

    The people who built this botshit want us all floundering and disconnected.

    I keep wondering when they'll try rolling out some kind of Ministry of Truth to "save" us and tell us what's real.

    stevenbodzin ,
    @stevenbodzin@thepit.social avatar

    @futurebird @wmd @alexwild my old blog, a real labor of love that i spent 4 years on but haven't touched in years, is now completely deindexed by google. I search for pages using their exact text and can't find them.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @stevenbodzin @wmd @alexwild

    My blog is also long gone, and a squatter has my domain and wants $7k to give it back.

    I couldn't keep up with the fees when I was in grad school.

    It had tons of pages on math and education ... I can still find most on the wayback machine.

    tseitr ,
    @tseitr@mastodon.sdf.org avatar
    DavidM_yeg ,
    @DavidM_yeg@mstdn.ca avatar

    @alexwild @wmd @futurebird

    I like your phrase “information pollution”, it provides a framework or metaphor that can be applied more broadly than this specific example.

    Like with other forms of pollution we can use regulation, education, social pressure, fines, punishment for different kinds of pollution: litter vs excessive waste vs toxic emissions.

    the_Effekt ,
    @the_Effekt@universeodon.com avatar

    @futurebird @wmd @alexwild

    As a web developer this pisses me off beyond reason. Personally I might copy their images and content and put it on a non-public page on my site.

    If they can use generated content to pull business, I should be able to use it as well.

    nazokiyoubinbou ,
    @nazokiyoubinbou@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @wmd @alexwild Just a thought, but maybe if we remind them that "AI" trained on "AI generated" info actually gets much worse they might take it more seriously. All those fake generated sites feed back into their own LLMs and increases perplexity exponentially. They don't care about what it does to us, but it ultimately affects their bottom line on the product they're throwing every single thing they have behind.

    lufthans ,
    @lufthans@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird search engines have value when they can help us find useful resources and results, when they just find dreck they have no value

    except that search engines are really just eyeball gatherers for advertising tech ... :(

    EVDHmn ,
    @EVDHmn@ecoevo.social avatar

    @futurebird @alexwild
    Ah yeah, my partner does editing, not on bugs, mostly Japanese swords and they are into them. Not a ghost 😆 by nature.

    stevenbodzin ,
    @stevenbodzin@thepit.social avatar

    @futurebird the system is dead

    MennoWolff ,
    @MennoWolff@ohai.social avatar

    @futurebird @alexwild
    It's plain old lying, just like fake reviews.
    Here in Europe afaik, it's now illegal to put up fake reviews of businesses and products.
    It shouldn't be long until this cr@p is also illegal.

    soaproot ,
    @soaproot@sfba.social avatar

    @futurebird @alexwild Agree this is a lousy situation. I'll offer a slightly optimistic and perhaps even polyanish reaction: what do we need to build which routes around this? I'm not sure what it is either, except that the Fediverse (most of what I've seen so far anyway) appears to be some flavor of step in the right direction.

    brent ,
    @brent@thecanadian.social avatar


    Bullshit is an existential threat to civil society. "Free speech" is a giant security hole in the body politic. It has to be more nuanced. A sophisticated society would find a way to encourage sincere discourse, while filtering out noise that destroys it.

    We cannot function if we cannot communicate.

    meena ,
    @meena@scholar.social avatar

    @futurebird it's weird how much those two sound like the same person…

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


    Maybe it's a story of a transition.

    Shall we write an extended fan-fiction universe about the cool scientists we wish existed?

    Haste ,
    @Haste@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird I bet the headshots are AI generated, too :/

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


    Let's hope so. It would suck to have your photo used for something like this.

    indigoparadox ,
    @indigoparadox@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird James Brown is dead.

    Osteopenia_Powers ,
    @Osteopenia_Powers@newsie.social avatar

    For the ignorant (like me) SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

    Wow. Sleazy.

    RinostarGames ,
    @RinostarGames@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @futurebird Wow papa's got a brand new bag... as an entomologist.

    wraptile ,
    @wraptile@fosstodon.org avatar

    @futurebird it is a SEO trick as recently google has been ranking up articles with listed authors. You can basically trace back any thing that's ruining the internet back to Google these days 🙄

    botvolution ,
    @botvolution@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    The profile images are quite "old fashioned" (in current technology terms) GAN generated images, probably from thispersondoesnotexist dot com.

    Once you're familiar with the type and "have your eye in" they become easy to spot even in thumbnails. Any content using them is almost always suspect.

    Note the coincidence of major facial features (eyes & mouth especially).

    Newer tech versions are often much more difficult to spot.

    AmyIsCoolz ,

    @futurebird god I hate those "how to kill ants" articles, just ruins my day...

    mansr ,
    @mansr@society.oftrolls.com avatar

    @futurebird I always assumed ants appeared around wall sockets because the wiring conduits provided an easy path for them to get inside at all.

    va2lam ,
    @va2lam@mastodon.nz avatar

    @futurebird have you seen https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/brv.12804? I saw sections about bumblebees and honeybees but not ants.

    wa7iut ,
    @wa7iut@mastodon.radio avatar
    jencmars ,
    @jencmars@mastodon.art avatar

    @futurebird That AI ant image hurts my soul. ☹️

    Gorfram ,
    @Gorfram@beige.party avatar

    @futurebird The hardest-working man in show business?

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