Off My Chest

Duamerthrax , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games

I recently played System Shock 2 for the first time and after some digging, realized the hacking puzzles were pure RNG. Fuck that.

SatansMaggotyCumFart , in I'm pretty sure my older "sister" has locals calling me a mean nickname she created for fat women in the 90's

You really are the best troll on this website.

I wish Lemmy has notifications for favorited posters.

todd_bonzalez , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

That's a whole lot of words to say "I'm a huge racist and wish I lived in a white ethnostate".

Edit: Oh wow, you're a mod.

Hey, @orphiebaby, are you aware that this White Supremacist is a mod of your community? Take a look at her comment history, she's been going on and on today about how refugees and asylum seekers are all criminals and that she's afraid that they'll move near her...

Broken_Monitor , in It's 2024, why do we still have buildings that use lights instead of sunlight during the day?

For starters there’s more than one floor in my house, so the trade offs of punching holes in my roof are only beneficial to a small portion of the house.

The next is the overall costs. Windows that are sealed properly and insulate as well as a solid roof are fucking expensive as hell. This is a luxury feature when building a home and most of us are not making luxury money.

My last thought is control over the lighting. Again, its more costly to install motorized shading (because otherwise you need a long awkward pole or some other weird system) for when you don’t want a beam of light blinding you for various reasons. Glare on a tv is an obvious example. Maintenance on these systems is a pain in the ass compared to changing a light bulb, and these days you can just get LED lighting that lasts for years and never requires a bulb change for relatively cheap.

Actually another thought related to the shade controls is privacy. Depending on how tall neighboring buildings are you may not want the neighbors just peering in, so again you need shade controls. It’s situational, and not everyone is in a situation where this wouldn’t be a problem.

Edit: Another thought is cleaning. I’m not climbing up on the roof to clean those and it’ll look like shit after awhile if I don’t. If there’s surrounding trees dropping leaves this will be a more frequent issue

Monument , in I opened the door, and there you stood, with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen, and they took my breath away.

I’m coming at you with the confidence of a complete internet stranger that is not in your situation, not in your shoes, and not in the same mindset as you.
I say that because I think I could do this right now at this time in my life, with how I currently feel, but I know absolutely, that I would not have had this level of confidence at certain points in my life - heck, even at many points in my life.

But here’s my completely ungrounded in your reality suggestion:
Figure out if you are going to go with another quote. If you are, then commit to yourself not to change your mind on that unless she offers a requote, but well… I’ll explain further down.
Call her up, and give her the rundown. For me, that would look like this - I’d make sure she had at least a few minutes to talk, and I’d say something like “I have a couple issues I’m currently trying to work through regarding this project, and I need your help.” I’d say that her quote came in a bit higher than others, and maybe even make a point to say that you know her work is worth it, but you don’t have the budget for it. If she offers to change her quote, I’d stop her, and say something like “I’m not opposed to that, but before we talk about that, I want to talk about my other issue.”
Next, I’d steer the conversation to the next thing you wanted to talk about. I’d tell her that my other problem is that I really have enjoyed working with her and I’d like to ask her on a date if she was interested, but I’m worried that asking her out might be problematic - I wouldn’t want her to feel beholden since you have a working relationship. I would be very, very clear - that no matter her response, you’ve already left her glowing online reviews, will continue to recommend her to your friends, and if she still wants to offer a revised quote, you won’t show it favoritism if she does go on a date with you.

It’s important that you impress on her that she doesn’t have to go on a date with you to get work. (You might want to say that.) You don’t want a power imbalance there. Heck, I’d even tell her it’s totally fine if she wants to end your personal/professional relationship as a result.

Good luck! I hope you find happiness.

dohpaz42 OP , avatar

Alright. It’s done. It’s been confessed and proposed and stated. Thank you for the advice. I don’t think I would have thought to consider the things you pointed out. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go freak out a little while I wait for her to either respond or ghost me. 😊

nick ,

Let us know what happens!

dohpaz42 OP , avatar

She responded by prefacing her response with how she is usually indecisive, but then follows it up by saying in this case it was easy and that she would like to go out sometime 😃. So now I need to figure out where to take her and when to plan the date.

Thanks again everyone for the support! You all rock!

nick ,

Hell yeah that’s great news. Hope you guys have a ton of fun and really hit it off!

Monument ,

I’m so glad I checked back into this thread. That’s fantastic to hear!
I’m really happy for you!

Podunk , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

Congrats! I just checked my stats because of you. Ive had 15 donations sinch 2018, 12 of which were double donations. i guess i dont know where that puts me on volume. No awards for here, but the free gatorade and pretsels after are pretty good! More than adequate compensation in my opinion. Keep it up!

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Good for you! Keep going with it! Ours doesn’t offer Gatorade. How odd. I find it funny that ours offers soda and coffee to donors, in addition to fruit juices and water. Coffee and soda dehydrate a person. It just seems so counterintuitive.

psmgx , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

How many donations is that? I'm at around 15 but don't know the volume

ParabolicMotion OP ,

It’s given at 24 donations. There are eight pints to a gallon. So 3 gallons is 24 pints. I’m at 25 donations now.

The weird part is, I thought I had more donations than that. I asked them to check under my maiden name, too, and they said they did. I did miss two years while pregnant with each of my children, though. I guess it only adds up to 25 so far.

cokeslutgarbage ,

Do you always donate at the same place? When I received my one gallon pin, it was a complete surprise because i know that I had donated more than 1 gallon at that time. But I used to move a lot and would just pop into any random blood drive I saw anytime I was eligible to donate. I received the one gallon pin from one specific bloodbank that I've been going to for years now, and i just figure they dont know about the other places in different states. Since I'm anemic, the phlebotomists tell me to double my recovery time before donating again, so I can only donate 3 or 4 times a year, so it's taking a while for me to hit those milestones. I did get a postcard in the mail from the hospital affiliated w my bloodbank when my donation was used for a transfusion, which was pretty cool.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

That’s cool. No, I have donated in many places. I even donated in Washington, D.C., once. The sites that are not connected to my local blood banks will not pair their rewards and records with those places in California. Even though they are all Red Cross affiliated, they are not truly connected for the donation counts and rewards system. I asked one of the people at my local blood bank and they told me this once.

GissaMittJobb , in Finally a healthy BMI

Stay strong!

Grimy , in Someone killed a cat outside my door and I'm so sad

Wild cats are very rough on local ecosystems and I think it's generally recommended not to help them in any shape or form.

Aphelion ,

This is such a bad take. Take them to a shelter so they at least have a chance at adoption. If that's not an option available in your area, find out if there's a TNR program that can fix the adults so they don't do more ecological damage by continuing to reproduce.

Lemminary OP ,

Yep, I'm looking into both options! We can't have cats outside like this.

Grimy ,

Sorry, I meant not to feed them but shelter or adoption is always the best. It does seem very cold how I put it.

HenchmanNumber3 ,

They're feral, not wild. Wild cats (servals e.g.) live in wild areas of places like sub-Saharan Africa. You're referring to feral domesticated cats. They're out there because they've escaped or been released and continued to breed or were raised semi-feral like barn cats. We as a society are responsible for them.

timewarp , in Biden is the Democratic nominee against Trump. Get over it. avatar

So you want Trump to win. Got it. Why don't you just vote for Trump then?

PP_BOY_ , in Biden is the Democratic nominee against Trump. Get over it. avatar

Shit sandwich or shit sandwich with sprinkles.

MamboGator OP , avatar

Shut the fuck up, russki.

numberfour002 ,

Saw your comment in the new comment feed. Thought it was rude so I double checked what it was in reference to. Saw who you were responding to. It's a troll account that I'd blocked ages ago. So I'm all for your rudeness on this blessed day.

MamboGator OP , avatar

I had them blocked already too, but unblocked just to tell them to eff off. :)

homesweethomeMrL ,


PP_BOY_ , avatar

This. So much this.

I'm sorry I have only one upvote to give.


homesweethomeMrL ,

Ooh the GRU’s mad now!

PP_BOY_ , avatar

troll account

I only troll like 40% of the time. You're missing some of my legit posts like the Black Pennuis recipe I posted earlier

Today , in Here's how my wonderful week has gone...

Happy birthday. Next week should be better. I did6n't normally advocate not paying bills, but whats the worst that will happen if you don't pay Mayo?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Having to declare bankruptcy due to debt is the worst that I can think of and that's bad enough.

Kolanaki , in I like Nickelback avatar

I do to, but I refuse to put on Something In Your Mouth while other people can hear.

superduperpirate , in I like Nickelback

Hearing Nickelback makes me think of this comedian’s bit about Guy Fieri but with a shoutout to Nickelback.

The bit about Nickelback is just past the one minute mark, but the whole thing is worth a watch.

Today OP ,

Very funny!! Welcome to flavortown!

corsicanguppy , in I like Nickelback

Psst. There's a psychological phenomenon that makes polarized fans more loyal. Nickelback enjoys this part.

And I've got like 7 CDs on my shelf.

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