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numberfour002 ,

The sky at night. I hope that there aren't a lot of clouds and that the moon moves closer to the horizon so I can see some stars. It's going to be super hot during the day, so I anticipate being inside for most of it this weekend. It will be nice to go out after sunset and enjoy some nature. Ideally I would like to sit out and enjoy the stars after dark and listen to the sound of crickets and frogs in the background.

numberfour002 ,

This is not to disparage or discourage OP in any way, but when (and really if) people say something like "X is not a houseplant" they absolutely don't mean you can't grow such a thing indoors at all regardless of how much equipment and effort you use. That would be stupid, and easy to counter, since indoor greenhouses are a thing as are heaters, humidifiers, air conditioners, fans, and artificial lights.

By the time you're injecting CO2 you're well past the point of what would be considered typical indoor growing conditions. Let's be honest. I think we can mostly all agree that if there actually were people who said "you can't grow X indoors", those people likely meant under standard household conditions.

numberfour002 ,

Is this one actually dead or is this another one where the news has jumped the gun?

numberfour002 ,

Lightning is striking again

Lightning is striking again and again and again and again

numberfour002 ,

I can't even go to Walmart no more without running into people I know. Back in the day I never did myself up before going to Walmart because I never saw anybody there that I have acquaintance with. Now everybody is shopping there and I feel like I have to get dressed up or I don't fit in. Sometimes even put on lipstick and you know how the prices on that has gone up. I'm on a fixed income and the best shade that compliments my skin tone but doesn't break me out costs almost $10 when it was $6.99 before COVID.

numberfour002 ,

If it were maybe 15 years, I could very quickly identify some changes that would easily change the entire trajectory of my life.

At 10 years, it's hard to say since by today's perspective, I've had my life in reasonable order and heading in the right direction for the past decade. So there aren't a lot of options to make different choices I'm certain would help me gain things personally. That being said:

I would make a more concerted effort to leave the job I had in 2014. It was a regrettable decision to stay as long as I did and a very toxic work environment for me. I could have made more money almost anywhere else and by that point I had met all the important and amazing people that worked there during my reign, so I wouldn't have missed out on those friendships.

I do have much better employment skills than I had 10 years ago and most of what I know and do would still apply back then, so I guess I could make use of that to climb the ladder a bit faster and/or earn more money sooner in my career.

I suppose one day to day "exploit" would be that I'd know in advance if any specific purchase was a good decision or not. For instance, I'd know that the car I was going to buy ended up being a fantastic choice or that the piece of crap bookshelf was only going to last me a year before it started to disintegrate at which point I would have to replace it. This could be useful for saving money, since at the very least I could avoid purchasing the stuff that I know would not last or live up to expectations.

I did not have a lot of money back then and certainly not enough to make good use of any stock market foreknowledge from today turn into a big payday. I don't keep up with lottery numbers. I'm not a sports person, so I wouldn't / couldn't make any money off that kind of betting.

If I were motivated enough, I might try to teach myself some music / music production skills and then start releasing my own version of popular songs from the future that haven't been released yet. Maybe I'd luck out and end up with a lucrative music career! Or similarly, I might try to figure out the patenting process and then start patenting ideas for stuff that had not yet been invented, then do my best to become a bit of a patent troll.

There's a slim chance I could save the lives of some relatives, but honestly that's hard to know. I had one family member die suddenly of a heart attack and another that died of an accidental drug overdose. I also had a friend that ignored people's advice to go see a doctor and ended up the problem she was having was cancer, which she passed away from. Apparently, one of her doctors even told the family that if she had gotten treatment a little sooner, things could have turned out quite differently. We'd been telling her to go for at least a year, but if I could go back I would try a lot harder and be more persistent.

numberfour002 ,

Where I live, the big 3 are mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise.

If I had to limit it to the "big 3" you listed, I would have to go for mustard. There are so many different types and of the options listed, mustard is easily the healthiest (or can be the healthiest) since a basic mustard is going to be low in sodium, sugar, and fat while also containing healthy phytonutrients.

Mustard is also much more versatile than folks in my part of the world give it credit for. It seems like a cultural thing / learned behavior rather than based on actual taste preferences. For instance, a fairly bland yellow mustard actually goes well with french fries. A spicy mustard (the types that are almost like horseradish) goes well with a variety of roasted veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower. Honey mustard works well with chicken in various forms. Lots of cheeses pair well with different types of mustard. I could go on, but I'll stop here.

Since the majority of folks are discussing condiments that aren't in your "big 3", I would say that my actual favorite condiment is hot sauce. I'm not a connoisseur by any means and I don't have refined tastes. I don't even like super spicy hot sauces. But I do use hot sauce of some type with almost every meal and I go through a lot more of that than mustard or ketchup. Granted, hot sauces tend to be high in sodium, so I try not to go overboard.

numberfour002 ,

It saves the government and courts (and by extension tax payers) a whole lot of time and money. There's no need for a normal trial and all the extra crap that comes of that (like appeals). It also removes/reduces the risk(s) of a death penalty sentence (much more expensive than a life sentence), further trauma for the victims as well as their friends and families, and avoids the extremely unlikely but still possible chance that the accused is found not guilty or uses some other legal maneuver to avoid real consequences.

numberfour002 ,

I'm old and unlucky enough to have had many bad sexual experiences, for better or for worse. Unfortunately, by modern standards, I've definitely had some questionable experiences where I was taken advantage of (i.e. intoxicated, emotionally vulnerable, etc) and which would likely fall into the non-consensual category these days, so I'll leave those out, since they were the worst by far.

I've had plenty of bad experiences that were totally on me, so for the sake of my own ego, I'm going to disqualify those.

The worse consensual experience I can recall at the moment was awkward and a bit weird. The guy was persistent and braggadocios while pursuing me. He was nice looking and we got along fine online and in phone calls, so when the conversation came up about meeting up for nothing serious, I was okay with that.

We hung out awhile before getting intimate and he was nice enough, nothing seemed off. It's almost a stretch to call what we did together "sex", though. He wasn't able to get an erection. Not a problem honestly, there are still plenty of ways for two guys to have fun. We basically just snuggled together in bed.

At a certain point, though, he just started saying weird or off the wall stuff. I do not know if he had taken some drugs or if he was experiencing a mental health episode. It was like he was hallucinating that he could see the night sky even though we were indoors in his room with the curtains pulled, since he kept talking about how pretty the moon was and things of that nature. And he would ask me the same questions over and over so I know for sure something wasn't quite right.

numberfour002 ,

I assume you live in a cool-cold climate and/or in the southern hemisphere? Violas/pansies wouldn't perform well at all this time of year in my part of the world, it's far too hot.

numberfour002 ,

We know most of them by terms like "that woman from Nurse Jackie" and "he was one of the Doctors Who" so I get this.

numberfour002 ,

AFAIK ................................. "Anal Fucking And Interracial Kissing"

numberfour002 ,

If doing inappropriate stretches at the pool is wrong, then I don't to be right. But mostly my opinion is based on the assumption that she's got a hell of a bite so I don't want to get on her bad side, which looking at this photo, I'm guessing is her left side.

numberfour002 ,

Nobody brings that much marinuanans to an elementary school and even if they did they aren't giving that shit away free to the kids. Shit costs money.

numberfour002 ,

You know this I hope, but let me state it in case ... you can change your socks. It's perfectly legal. And you can dry them, too.

numberfour002 ,

Could be that he's the type to shoot the messenger, and nobody wanted to be told "You're fired" for letting him know he's got tp on his feetsies.

numberfour002 ,

So, most assassin bugs are actually be beneficial insects. It's a large group of true bugs, and most of them feed on other invertebrates.

As a@athairmor pointed out there are some types that feed on human blood and spread potentially deadly diseases. But these are the exceptions.

You should be concerned if you live in areas where the parasite carrying types live.

And you should be concerned if you are harassing/handling other types of assassin bug because many of them have very painful "stings" (it's not actually a sting it's their version of a bite, since they have needle like mouths they can use to jab in defense). So long as you leave those types alone, you generally won't end up on their list.

numberfour002 ,

Short Answer: No. But it really depends on context.

If the context is that this will prevent police from digging up a body as part of an investigation into a crime, this will not work. On the off chance that the police are even aware the plants are endangered, there will be legal avenues for relocating or otherwise disturbing the plants. A criminal investigation involving a human body is something that is going to qualify in most parts of the world.

Overall, it's an idea that sounds smart or funny, but when you break it down, it's not particularly likely to work out.

You can't just plant any ole endangered plants over or around the site. You would have to select plants that are endemic to the area and which specifically are adapted to the conditions at the site where the body is buried. If the endangered plants aren't native to the area, then they aren't going to be covered by any laws that would make them illegal to dig up because it would be clear that they aren't wild plants. And if you don't match the plants to the specific conditions at the site of the body, then they aren't going to survive and thus would offer no protection from being disturbed. Also, endangered plants are usually endangered for a reason, it's not going to be as easy as digging a hole and plopping a potted petunia down into it. You'd probably need to provide some degree of after care to ensure the plants survive long term, which is going to substantially increase the chances of the body being discovered. And that's all assuming you could even acquire the endangered plants that would work for this purpose or that there are any such plants.

numberfour002 ,

But there have been more hurricanes per season, and we’re getting hotter summers and colder winters.

There have also been recessions and pandemics. I only bring them up because they're specifically mentioned in the Gay Agenda, article 69, section 666, paragraph 13.

numberfour002 ,

Store bought multivitamins aren't even guaranteed to rule it out. For a myriad of different reasons, you can still have deficiencies even if you take a multivitamin. So, maybe it's worth a try, but if it doesn't work, that doesn't mean there couldn't still be a deficiency.

numberfour002 ,

Almost any store that sells general canning / food preservation supplies will have food grade citric acid crystals. If you're in a part of the world that has Walmart, Target, etc, then those types of places will usually have it. Grocery stores often have it. Sometimes it's considered a seasonal item and is only stocked during times of the year when people are doing lots of canning (i.e. spring through fall).

numberfour002 ,

Bleach can be rinsed away with water depending on the composition of the board.

numberfour002 ,

Except that butterflies don’t actually eat anything

[citation needed]

die after a couple of weeks.

Really depends on the species.

numberfour002 ,

Susan Bee Anthony, Susan Bee Anthony II, Susan Bee Anthony III, Susan Bee Anthony IV, ..., I could go on but I would not want my fingers to get sore and tired.

numberfour002 ,

Even with the faded coloring, that burger looks at least an order of magnitude more appealing than the last Whopper I've seen. Granted, it's probably been 10 - 15 years since I've been to or eaten food from a Burger King, and things might've changed.

numberfour002 ,

Translated for the hard of hearing:

Master Lock closed down. I used to use Master Lock all the time when I was a little child.

I take mashter-lacka goomp een naste lots a naste liddum puzzles yah puddum.

numberfour002 ,

This is second hand info, but everyone I know who has ever worked for him basically hates him. He's a raging asshole, difficult to work with, and just a horrible human being on a personal level. I've never met him myself, but the people I'm referring to are all pretty awesome, wholesome people so I do trust their judgment.

numberfour002 ,

OH NO So what's a good way to cook edamame for people who aren't used to eating it?

numberfour002 ,

If it hadn't been for hydrogen, oh. I'd been married long time ago. Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from hydrogen, oh.

numberfour002 ,

It's mostly only the males that don't get along with each other. Given enough space, females can be peacefully kept together in sorority tanks. Similarly, a trio or harem (i.e. one male with multiple females) is typically safe as well and the fish get along just fine, given a large enough tank and appropriate stocking.

Also, most reputable breeders and sources of information will tell you that 5 gallons / 19 liters is the minimum suggested tank size for a happy and healthy fish in optimal conditions. While they can certainly survive in much smaller bodies of water, it's not ideal and in some cases it's actually harmful.

numberfour002 ,

Just thought I'd mention that there are species of fish and other animal groups that are all female or close enough to it that their populations do not rely on males to propagate. For example, Amazon mollies. I couldn't tell you if any species of betta are capable of parthenogensis, but as a general statement "If you would have only females, the entire fish species dies out" isn't universally true.

Although it's possible that female bettas want strong males, I'm certainly not a female betta and don't want to get too far into the territory of anthropomorhpism and there are certainly other possible motivations and processes going on than simply wanting "strong males".

But really, all this seems to be veering oddly away from the original topic and my first comment, so I'm just going to leave it at that.

numberfour002 ,

I can't speak to growing or shrinking in terms of number of users and I try not to bring "feels like" into this since that's subjective. However, anecdotally speaking, I've been noticing signs of a down turn over the past month or two. Perhaps just a seasonal thing, perhaps due to some other cause such as the upgrade to 0.19.X.

The most telling thing to me is that I'm seeing fewer comments during my active hours. One of the ways I browse for active discussions on Lemmy is to sort by "New Comments' and switch to the view that shows comments instead of posts. So, I do the sort/filter, view the results, looking to see if there are any interesting comments or topics.

Historically speaking, other than a weird bug that would seem to pin some slightly older posts to the top of the list, everything on the first page would be somewhere between seconds to several minutes old. It was incredibly unusual to see anything over 5 minutes old on the first page and also very unusual to see any of the same comments if I refreshed the page.

More recently though, it's more common to see comments that are 5+ minutes old on the first page of new comments list. It's also much more common for me to reach the bottom of the page, hit refresh, and then see some of the same comments in the list after it refreshes. And I don't exactly speed run through this page -- I check out the post titles, if it's an interesting topic, I'll often click through and read more in the post, sometimes I'll even respond to comments directly, then return back to the new comments, etc.

As I mentioned, it could just be a seasonal slowdown. Perhaps the 0.19 upgrade results in a slowdown or backlog of things that show up on the new comments list, I know other things have changed like the fact that I can no longer view anything except the first page of results. Others have suggested there are fewer posts/posters, but that what gets posted "feels like" it's higher quality, but I'd counter that with the fact that what I "feel like" is that's not actually the case based on what I'm seeing in the new comments list.

numberfour002 ,

Let's chill out with the microaggressions. Dead people are still people, they have feelings, and they have every right to chew on hotel ice flavored with Sprite if that's their prerogative.

Negative electricity prices registered in nearly all European energy markets ( )

"Spanish consultancy AleaSoft Energy Forecasting recorded negative hourly electricity prices for all but one European energy market it analyzed during the first week of April, including in the Spanish and Portuguese markets for the first time. It also registered an all-time production record for photovoltaic energy in Portugal...

numberfour002 ,

In simple terms with caveats and nuances ignored, at times there can be so much power being produced during times of low demand that the electric companies / systems will lower prices on electricity to incentivize its use. In some cases, the amount of power being generated exceeds demand so much that prices can go negative, and they essentially pay others to use it.

There are many reasons for it, and I'm hardly an expert, but essentially some power sources are unpredictable or unstable (ex: solar power is only generating during the day) and others can't be shut down quickly/easily in response to demand. So, this is one way to deal with excess electricity production.

numberfour002 ,

My experience wasn't quite that bad, but still sucked. It took about 4.5 hours to get to my perfect spot. I left within an hour or two after the eclipse was over, and then it something like 8+ hours to get home due to excessive traffic.

It wouldn't have changed my choice, but I would have appreciated a warning that post-eclipse traffic could/would be extreme because it wasn't something I had even thought about. Figured it might be a little heavier, but wasn't expecting that much.

So this time around, I've mentioned it to folks who are planning to travel to see it.

numberfour002 ,

I don't think moldy even applies here, this cat was a thing on the internet back before we even knew it was all powered by tubes. At this point it would be more appropriate to call it fossilized.

numberfour002 ,

Honestly the past few months of daily "possum memes" on here has me convinced that North American opossums are my spirit animal.

numberfour002 ,

Florida voters. Does it need any more of an explanation? You don't get a shot because you're not in the "in" group (assumption based on the fact that you're posting here and asking that question specifically). Unfortunately, it could be worse. Much, much worse. But that's irrelevant.

numberfour002 ,

There's nothing stopping me from writing a $480 million USD check either. Cashing it, on the other hand, that's a you problem.

numberfour002 ,

Her milk shake brings all the bugs to her arms.

numberfour002 ,

The problem I have with the whole "birds aren't real" thing is that bird-drones are expensive, very expensive. Think about all the "birds" you've ever seen over the course of your whole entire life. Think about how much it would cost to build and maintain that. I'd hate to see the bill.

numberfour002 ,

Interesting, like, I approach how you wrote it.

numberfour002 ,

Companies aren't mailing taxes, tax documents, or 401k/insurance/benefits docs to someone just because they applied for a job, though.

numberfour002 ,

Like that other comment asked: We are you living in Japan in the 90s?

numberfour002 ,

No. Sma Snug.

That's slang for "It's My Snuggie", a nod to the world famous brand of wearable blankets that have sleeves.

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