Off My Chest

al4s , in Frustrated at the inclusion of NSFW content in the fediverse

I think you can disable NSFW in your user settings - unless the communities you mentioned don't tag their posts properly

orphiebaby Mod , avatar

Yee, I did this first thing. And you're right about how a lot of people don't tag anything properly-- a battle we can never win.

betterdeadthanreddit , in I'm never going to buy anything from Temu

Are these ads in your browser and, if so, does your browser support the extension uBlock Origin?

iamdisillusioned ,

I've started seeing them in a few free apps on my phone.

mugthol , in I opened the door, and there you stood, with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen, and they took my breath away.

I don't know how much time that job takes, but if you ask her out after she completed it, she can just say no without having to see you again and without feeling like she has to say yes because of the ongoing job

RattlerSix , in I opened the door, and there you stood, with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen, and they took my breath away.

"We talked for a few hours on the phone..." Dude, ask her out.

scrion ,

Exactly. I do not typically talk to my contractors on the phone for hours. I think it's fair to assume that this opens the door to at least try giving it a shot without breaking etiquette.

kwking13 , in I opened the door, and there you stood, with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen, and they took my breath away.

Often times we get stuck in the what-if and it comes with a lot of anxiety and worry about trying to find the "right" thing to do or say. But what helps me is asking myself the question, "wouldn't you rather know?"

I've been denied by many beautiful women and I've been accepted by others I never thought I'd have a chance with. The only ones that I regret are the ones I never had the courage to ask. Life's short my friend, don't burden yourself with worry and wonder. Give it a try, just ask her honestly and be ok with whatever the answer is.

If she just wants to help with the house? Great, you have a better chance of becoming friends now that you're not worried about what she thinks of you. If she's unsure or says yes, then just let things develop as they will. Worst case scenario, she doesn't talk to you anymore...sad yes, but at least you can look for someone who wants you back!

cccrontab , in I opened the door, and there you stood, with the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen, and they took my breath away.

You only get so many shots in life. Shoot your shot. If it's a no, accept it graciously and move on.

curiousaur , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

Do you know how much money the blood bank has made off you?

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

I don’t care. Have you ever been in need of a blood transfusion and been told by a nurse that they don’t have one available in your blood type? I have. I almost died in 2012 from blood loss. I am lucky to be alive today. If some other O- donor would have just been there to help, or had donated a week or so before that day, it would have been an easier recovery. I donate because I know someone in a hospital needs my blood donation to survive. A human life is worth more than the few dollars the blood bank actually makes from my donation. Most of the money from the blood transfusion cost goes towards the medical procedure, the actual process of transporting it, and testing the blood to make sure it’s safe. The blood bank needs to keep operating. It’s not owned by some billionaire. I hope you never need a blood transfusion. It will make you change your priorities if you do.

curiousaur ,

It's still exploitation. They're making profit off your generosity. Loads of it. Personally I sell my blood. Still get to help the people in need, but at least it's a more honest transaction.

bluGill , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

as someone who cannot, thank you. I depend on people like you to make up for me,

ParabolicMotion OP ,

You’re so welcome! If it isn’t too personal, and you don’t mind me asking, why do you not donate? Is it a health reason, or a religious reason? I’ve known people who were JW and couldn’t donate. If you’ve had cancer, you can donate after treatment ends. Sometimes people think they are eliminated for life after medical problems arise, but the blood bank is actually pretty relaxed in some of their requirements. They even allow people who have just had a tattoo to donate, as long as they had it done at a licensed tattoo shop.

iamdisillusioned ,

I'm not the person you responded to but for me its anemia and autoimmunity. Plus I have a tendency to faint when drawing blood.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Oh, ouch! I’m so sorry! I hope things improve for you. I know there are ways to combat the anemia and they can keep you in the chair longer to have you avoid fainting after the withdraw the IV, but I don’t know about the autoimmune disease. Is there any chance that will ever be remedied, or are you stuck with it for the rest of your life? Some diseases like mononucleosis disappear.

iamdisillusioned ,

Thanks, its manageable but my autoimmunity is chronic. I get bloodwork done regularly and it's tough to get through those draws. I know there's conflicting advice on whether those with autoimmunity should donate, but I hate the process and never feel well after even those simple draws. I try to make up for it by being an organ donor but I'm not sure that mine will be worth much when I do go!

bluGill ,

I faint after (or sometimes while) giving blood. After a couple times they told me thanks for trying, but they don't want to have to deal with that again so please don't. I could probably do a half donation but they don't take those. I used to donate plasma without problem but there is no location to do that near where I live.

Aganim ,

Also not the person who you responded to, but unfortunately I got turned down by the blood bank because my veins are relatively narrow and have a tendency to roll to the side when trying to poke them with a needle. They had so much trouble hitting a vein with a regular needle for the initial blood work that they told me that giving blood is simply never going to work.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Ah, sorry that happened to you. I’ve known people who had that same problem. They said they left the blood bank with bruises after the phlebotomist couldn’t find a vein that would cooperate with the IV needle. At least you tried to donate! Thank you for trying! I wish every healthy adult would try.

Aganim ,

Thanks for the nice words and thanks for donating!

JustZ , avatar

Obligatory also not the person. I had a relative die from the Mad Cow prion. They say nobody in the family can donate, even though she likely contracted it at work, as a surgical nurse.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Omg. I’m so sorry. I would have donated if someone would have called me. Then again, if it happened between my eight weeks of rest after a previous blood donation, they probably would have turned me away. I think hospitals should allow O- donors to risk a second donation within the 8 week time period if it’s absolutely necessary to save a life.

Death_Equity , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

I can't fix her.

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

Ah, one of those, everyone is broken but you types? How smug. Why don’t you have a mental health evaluation. Be sure to tell them that you think you’re above everyone else.

Also, I doubt this guy that commented before me even subscribed to this subreddit, or even frequents it. He didn’t just stumble upon my post. Comments like that would have him banned long before now. I’m just being stalked by the sheriff’s department, in my local town because they hire men who used to plan on shooting their exes and getting away with it years ago. Small town hicks grow up, realize they aren’t as white as the girl they dated, they become angry and bitter, they earn a badge, and suddenly they take it out on their exes and all of the female population in our small town/area.

Death_Equity ,

Honey, I'm more broken than Humpty-dumpty post gravity, nuttier that squirrel shit after Walnut Fest, and only better than I was yesterday and still don't deserve better than you on haldol on my best day of my best self.

I can't fix you because I am not medically qualified nor mentally sound enough to navigate your shitstorm without sinking into your sea of madness.

I'd tell you that you should be the one to have a mental health evaluation, but I'm sure your last 5150 was recent enough to not be over.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

You probably are benefitting from gang ties that allowed you to have an income. Of course you’d call anyone crazy for pointing out gangs and nepotism in the workplace.

You sound like you’ve had a 5150. I’m sorry that happened to you. You don’t need to take it out on me.

As for me, I’m not a threat to myself and/or others. I haven’t made any threats to anyone. You should read a law book. Around here, men use the 5150 hold to have their ex girlfriends from high school strip searched in front of female and male staff members. I think local law enforcement should all be fired and replaced. They are the 5150. My ex boyfriend used to talk about how he wanted to become a sheriff so he could shoot his exes. He tried to cover that up by later saying it was about paintball. He now works for their department.

wesker , avatar

Jesus. Take my upvote.

callouscomic , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

In a world where cadavers get used for military explosions rather than actual science, ehhh, I'm not so sure most people would wanna know.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

No, there have been several cases in America where cadaver dogs have been used in rural areas to find dead bodies. They use them all the time to solve cold cases, and to locate bodies when a suspect finally confesses and says where the victim is buried.

TechNerdWizard42 , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

Hopefully not all at one time. You'd need a lot of OJ to recover. /s

Congratulations on being a good human. Society applauds you.

LSNLDN , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

I would have wondered if in the USA since you don’t have free healthcare surely they should pay you for your blood ¯ \ (ツ)

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I actually do have free healthcare. Or close to it. I have a free insurance plan because I’m so poor this year. The blood bank can’t pay its donors. They have to employ the people that draw blood and that costs money. The process of the blood transfusions are expensive to the recipients and they get billed for that. It would be nice if tax dollars could at least cover patient costs. I don’t mind donating for free if it saves a life.

Cethin ,

Hell no. It's always made illegal to be paid for it, which has some ethical reasons, but also it ensures people can't bargain and keeps costs down. Average people are only allowed to get fucked by the system. They aren't allowed to benefit from it.

M137 , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations. avatar

"You donated 3 gallons of blood, here have this fugly glass ball"

Sorry but man that's an ugly piece. Well done though! The real price is feeling good about doing something good.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

They have other awards, but a person needs to reach a higher level of donations to earn those awards. I didn’t think this one looked bad. I think it’s supposed to be an ocean wave encapsulated in a glass sphere. There is another one that looks like a red blood drop and a larger one that looks like a blue rain drop. The last one requires 100 donations, I think.

psmgx , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

How many donations is that? I'm at around 15 but don't know the volume

ParabolicMotion OP ,

It’s given at 24 donations. There are eight pints to a gallon. So 3 gallons is 24 pints. I’m at 25 donations now.

The weird part is, I thought I had more donations than that. I asked them to check under my maiden name, too, and they said they did. I did miss two years while pregnant with each of my children, though. I guess it only adds up to 25 so far.

cokeslutgarbage ,

Do you always donate at the same place? When I received my one gallon pin, it was a complete surprise because i know that I had donated more than 1 gallon at that time. But I used to move a lot and would just pop into any random blood drive I saw anytime I was eligible to donate. I received the one gallon pin from one specific bloodbank that I've been going to for years now, and i just figure they dont know about the other places in different states. Since I'm anemic, the phlebotomists tell me to double my recovery time before donating again, so I can only donate 3 or 4 times a year, so it's taking a while for me to hit those milestones. I did get a postcard in the mail from the hospital affiliated w my bloodbank when my donation was used for a transfusion, which was pretty cool.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

That’s cool. No, I have donated in many places. I even donated in Washington, D.C., once. The sites that are not connected to my local blood banks will not pair their rewards and records with those places in California. Even though they are all Red Cross affiliated, they are not truly connected for the donation counts and rewards system. I asked one of the people at my local blood bank and they told me this once.

hperrin , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

From your post history and this post too, it really does sound to me like you have some form of paranoia. It might help you if you were able to see a psychiatrist and maybe go over the stories you’ve shared here. There may be a treatment that can really help you and make a positive impact on your life.

I know some people are really apprehensive about being checked for a mental illness or taking medication or treatments for one, but I can personally attest that it can really help you live a more fulfilling life.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

So you dig through my account history to judge me and you think I need drugs that will make me cease to verbally express my views online? Your first reaction is to deny everything I said as being true without even investigating it? I hope you have the chance to experience discrimination and then I will be sure to drop a comment on your posts to tell you that it’s all in your head. I’m sure the holocaust, civil rights movement, and women’s suffrage all had events that were in people’s heads. Discrimination against those groups today probably just leads to you taking the victims that they need psychiatric drugs so they’ll stop talking about it, huh? Ugh, just stop bothering readers like you with problems, huh? You probably just came here for uplifting news and to browse aww. Sorry to tell you this, but gangs do exist. Nepotism is real. Discrimination happens. It sounds like you’re some privileged person who has never experienced any abuse by other people.

I have two relatives that were murdered in the 90’s and it was never reported. They just buried my relatives’ bodies on a rural piece of farmland. Instead of bringing out cadaver dogs to try and prove I’m crazy, I have been told not to talk about it, and threatened to be labeled as crazy for reporting it. Do you know how easy it would be for those people to prove me wrong if there weren’t bodies buried in that location? They could bring out cadaver dogs, have them search the area, and then publicly humiliate me over a lack of evidence, if my claims were false. They won’t even bring out the cadaver dogs. I have had death threats. I’ve been told to shut up. I’ve had gangs try to make me leave my home state. Those are the type of actions that are taken when groups of people want to cover up a crime they committed, or aided in committing. That isn’t how you try to expose a crazy person.

You think I’m crazy and gangs aren’t real? Find a way to bring some cadaver dogs over here, and I’ll prove you wrong. You might need some meds after what you see.

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