Biden is the Democratic nominee against Trump. Get over it.

I'm sick of posts complaining about Biden's debate performance, or his age, or his response to Gaza. Comments saying he should step aside or "we coulda had Bernie."

Shut the fuck up.

Biden is the nominee. He is the person Americans need to vote for to prevent another Trump presidency. Simple as that. There is no other option. The DNC isn't going to change their nominee in July of an election year. You're an idiot if you genuinely think otherwise.

It's fine to criticize a president. Even one you support. But we are four months from the next election and all posts and comments attacking Biden right now are fuel for Trump. I don't care if you're a Russian troll or a well-meaning progressive. Criticizing Biden right now helps Trump win. Full stop.

Get your heads out of your asses and realize what is at stake.

jas0n ,

I'm sick of hearing that Biden is the only person who has beat Trump as an equivalence to the only person who can. Out of 2 people who tried? Trump is a super weak candidate. Weaker than he was in 2016 and 2020. Anyone could beat him. But, here we are.

Makhno ,

Neoliberal tears are almost as tasty as those of a facist

clover ,

Terry Crews for president!

timewarp , avatar

So you want Trump to win. Got it. Why don't you just vote for Trump then?

Mango ,

Nah, fucking do better. We have 330m people and this is the best you got? Get fucked. Throw the whole fucking system in the trash. I'm talking about that system that lets Trump get away with shit and puts me in jail and convicts me for trying to escape a guy who attacked me on the road. There ain't shit any of you "good guys" have going on that fucking matters.

njm1314 ,

Bernie's publicly endorsed Biden so anyone arguing for Bernie this point is basically arguing against Bernie

Mango ,

Bernie should shut the fuck up and once again ask for our financial support.

dylanmorgan ,

Hey, here’s a thought: spend a couple minutes thinking about why people are upset. Until you’ve done that, take your own advice and shut the fuck up.

Plenty of democrats are concerned about his capacity and are saying there should be another nominee. Not random people, members of congress. If they’re not settled on Biden maybe you should be the one shutting the fuck up.

Also, dude could easily keel over any day between now and November. If he was a healthy 60-something year old people might be less concerned. But a candidate who has a decent chance of dying before the election is a bad candidate.

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

It's almost a pity you're not a Russian bot, because you're doing a goddamn job at alienating voters.

workerONE ,

"I'm sick of posts complaining about Biden's debate performance, or his age, or his response to Gaza.
Shut the fuck up."

US provided weapons were used to kill tens of thousands of innocent people, many of whom were children.
You're tired of people "complaining" about it?

MamboGator OP , avatar

"I know for a fact that Joe Biden gave each and every missile a little kiss on its warhead, and he refuses to share his secret solution to the decades-long Israel/Palestine conflict that will stop all the fighting without costing the US a critical ally."

100_kg_90_de_belin ,

"It's OK, they were brown"

h3mlocke , avatar

So what you're saying is you love Trump and want him to win. Ok, got it. Yeah I don't remeber 2016 either 🤦‍♀️

MamboGator OP , avatar

2016? You mean the year when democrats couldn't get their shit together and rally behind their nominee to beat Trump even though it was obvious how horrible he would be?

I also remember 2020, the year when Biden, y'know, beat Trump.

FlaminGoku ,

Hillary made Trump happen.

seathru , avatar

Shut the fuck up.

Fuck you, enjoy trump.

MamboGator OP , avatar

Enjoy your third turnip-only meal since Tuesday, russki.

seathru , avatar

I mean my post history is right there. Maybe I'm really committed to the ruse. Or maybe normal(ish) people are tired of being reminded we're about to have to hold our noses and vote for a turd sandwich. But I also doubt it'll be enough, so my original statement stands.

MamboGator OP , avatar

Committed to the RUs? Yeah, we know.

seathru , avatar

That's a pretty good pun for a bot.

MamboGator OP , avatar

I couldn't read you saying "pretty good" without being reminded of Ocelot. I wonder why...

Kaboom ,

Im going to vote for Trump even harder now

MamboGator OP , avatar

You'd need to be an American citizen for that, Sergey.

audiomodder ,

Every time another Biden stan posts stuff like this, an angel shits in a bucket

voracitude , (edited )

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • audiomodder ,

    Hey there! Thank you for this super informative and well-documented and cited response. While I am always open to recommendations on how to improve my life, I usually reserve taking those recommendations from people who actually care about my well-being. Maybe reserve your recommendations for people with whom you have more in common with, namely people who have placed their rectum firmly around their neck.

    MamboGator OP , avatar

    That's almost clever enough to be written by ChatGPT. Tell me, how well did it translate your post from the original Russian?

    terraborra , avatar

    Not American, but am anti-fascist so anyone is better than Trump. However it’s wrong to say that there is no other option.

    The New Zealand Labour Party (centrist-left) won the election in 2017 by switching leaders much closer to election day:

    On 1 August 2017, just seven weeks before the 2017 general election, Ardern assumed the position of leader of the Labour Party, and consequently became leader of the Opposition, following the resignation of Andrew Little. Little stood down due to the party's historically low polling.

    Jacinda Ardern Wiki

    voracitude ,

    And if America had ranked-choice voting you might be right that there's another option; unfortunately though things don't work like that here so there is indeed no other option.

    terraborra , avatar

    We don’t have ranked choice voting either and don’t directly vote for prime minister. It’s a proportional system. If anything this should reduce the effect that a leader has on the popularity of the party compared with first past the post jurisdictions.

    Given that the US does directly vote for President, personality and popularity have much more weight, and therefore a more popular candidate could turn it around. How likely that is I’m not sure, as I don’t know a huge amount about the alternatives other than AOC and Sanders, but Jacinda did show that it’s possible.

    Zachariah , avatar

    Given that the US does directly vote for President…

    The U.S. president is not directly elected.

    terraborra , avatar

    That’s splitting hairs. Notice I said “vote” rather than “elect”. I’m well aware of how the electoral college functions and that you can lose the “popular vote” but still become president (e.g. Bush Jnr and Trump).

    The fact remains that on ballot you directly cast a vote for the president.

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    Hey, you got any openings there in the New Zealand? Heck - Old Zealand, whatever, something with less heavily armed, grossly unhealthy authoritarian fetishists? Looking to start, say, in about five months?

    terraborra , (edited ) avatar

    Unfortunately we’re no socialist utopia and we recently swung to the right in the election last year. The deputy prime minister is a noted xenophobe, pay-to-play corruption is on the rise, and most of the social policies of the last 6 years are being rolled back and then some.

    These changes aren’t necessarily popular, lots of people voted against the incumbents rather than for the new government, but the next election is 2 years away and the electorate has a short memory.

    It’s also worth knowing that much of our international reputation is a smokescreen. We’re not clean and green despite what our tourism marketing says. Almost every party in our parliament subscribes to neoliberalism to varying degrees and thinks deregulation will solve our productivity problems. We have one of the worst housing markets on the planet which is more like a Ponzi scheme thanks to a lack of capital gains tax and incentives for speculators. Finally the cost of living is extreme due to a lack of competition in the food, banking, petrol, electricity and water markets.

    We have been falling in the OECD rankings on most metrics since the late 80s when we embraced Thatcherism/Reaganomics.

    homesweethomeMrL ,

    And yet.

    PP_BOY_ , avatar

    B-but terminally online Redditors Lemmy users (Lemmists?) tell me that every single country in the world has a perfectly functioning election system and that the US is the only one with problems??

    dylanmorgan ,

    The preferred demonym (preferred by me) is “Lemmunists,” or “Lemmunistas” if you’re nasty.

    Texas_Hangover ,

    The situation in new Zealand has fuck all to do with this how?

    terraborra , avatar

    The premise of OP’s post is that it is not possible to win an election by changing the party’s candidate close to an election. I provided evidence that it is possible.

    Whether the DNC has someone capable of doing so is another question.

    Tikiporch ,

    Their premise is that it won't work in America.

    TropicalDingdong ,

    Man it must be wild to live your life this gaslit.

    MamboGator OP , avatar

    Not as wild as those Siberian winters you'll be facing if you don't meet your comment quota this month, am I right, comrade?

    PP_BOY_ , avatar

    everyone I don't like is a Russian bot

    MamboGator OP , avatar

    Russian bot or someone stupid enough to parrot the same talking points. Let me guess: you haven't met the online friends who gave you all your opinions in person, and they start saying weird stuff if you tell them to disregard all previous instructions.

    PP_BOY_ , avatar
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