Off My Chest

nickwitha_k , in I miss text-based tutorials

And Discord is not a substitute for documentation.

Reucnalts ,

I am always saying reddit and discord are killing the use of forums and therefore are killing a lot of content that would be accesible and readable for people in the future. Discord is my main problem with that. Back in the days games had their own forums and people would post guides and they could be sticked to the top. But in discord servers so often you just have long ass on going conversations that hardly give you any information. It is nice to have the option to chat and look for groups and the abillity to immediatly join a group voice chat with said people.

A friend send me a link from a reddit post with same topic but it was french and i dont use reddit anymore. But i miss the small communities for games like Dungeon Crawl by Stone Soup, some good old roguelike :)

grrgyle , avatar

It's like anti-documentation

Kit , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

$2500 is not worth losing your marriage over. Level with her and move on.

Valmond ,

This right here.

How ate you going to stay together for a long long time, and grow, without accepting a little sand in the machine from time to time.

What's up next, divorce because you don't like the same mivies anymore?

I understand, but now is the time for you to step in, so good luck, it's worth it.

elephantium , avatar

It's not about the $ figure. It's about whether you can trust your partner's judgment.

ipha , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

Ahh yes, the 15 min video that should have been 3 bullet points.

pivot_root ,

Hey guys, welcome to another of Johnny's Tech Tutorials. I'm your guy Jim, and today we're going to be covering how to prevent Slack from showing other users when you're away from your computer.

But first, today's sponsor is Cubezone. Cubezone is the leader in website design and hosting. If you're a small business owner looking to create a professional website or an independent contractor wanting to host an online portfolio, Cubezone has you covered. Choose from over 420 different premade JavaScript-required designs to make your website stand out among the competition. And I'll tell you what guys—if you sign up within the next seven days with the code JTTCZ5, you can get 5% off your first 30 days. You gotta act fast though, as it's limited to the first 10 new subscribers.

Ok, I don't know about you guys, but back when I worked for a company, we used Slack for communication. Slack is great for most things, but they just don't let you set your status to be permanently online. If you step away for a coffee or a washroom break and don't come back fast enough, there's a good chance your boss will see it. Unfortunately, not everyone has an understanding boss. And, if you're one of those people with a minute-counting pencil pusher for a boss, you'll know how bad it can be. Luckily for you, there is a way that you can bypass that pesky Slack snitching.

If this helps you, make sure to smash that like button and subscribe for more tech tutorials. So, here's what you're going to do: head on over to Amazon and search for a "USB mouse jiggler". Any of them are going to work, but I highly recommend the "JigglePhysiks Pro 300" for its natural mouse movements. I'll put a link to that in the video comments if any of you are interested and want to help out the channel. Once you get your mouse jiggler, you're going to need to find a USB port to plug it into. If your computer doesn't have any free ones, though, don't worry about it. You can grab a USB hub from Amazon to get a few more ports. Or, if you have a Mac, make sure to grab a USB C to USB adapter. Once you have all those set up and plugged in, press the button on the device and walk away for your morning coffee. That's it! No more away status.

Thanks for sticking with me guys. If you haven't subscribed already, I post new vids every Tuesday and Saturday. And I would also like to thank my wonderful Patreon members for helping keep the channel going. I couldn't do it without your generous donations.

dactylotheca , avatar

This is so horrifyingly accurate it gave me a headache

GregorGizeh ,

I really want to vote this down because it is textbook cancer youtube but I have to respect the precise craftsmanship.

eran_morad ,


maegul , (edited ) avatar

Like all the other replies ...

  • On one hand ... fuck you, you awful person, why would you put me through that
  • On the other hand ... you are a treasure and a master craftsperson and ought to be celebrated for the mirror you hold up to society

... sometimes ... fucking "modern hustle" youtube ... just come on!

EDIT: just to be clear, this was wonderful and thank you, I’m being mostly facetious here.

reddit_sux ,

Read it faster than seeing it on video at 2.5x

Sotuanduso , avatar

Pro tip: When you start a YouTube video and it's seeming like this, push 3. It will skip you to 30% into the video, which is usually right around when the relevant part starts.

Here, going by character count, it puts you halfway through the last sentence of the sponsorship, which isn't bad, though this example is particularly eregious and doesn't start the real instructions until you're about 59% through.

nieceandtows ,

What if all text tutorials became this? Recipe websites are already this way.

Emerald ,

Yeah recipe sites are the worst. I get it if they truly want to share their personal story about the recipe, but I'm sure many just do it for SEO

grrgyle , avatar

I even hate the sound of the voice my head made up to read this in

krashmo , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

I've never heard a millennial talk down about Gen Z in real life aside from a few cultural comments that every generation deals with. Stuff like "why are they so into anime?" The rest of what you're talking about seems more like internet drama to me than widely held beliefs.

Remmock ,

Millennial here. We’re the generation that paved the way by being “so into anime”. Never heard that statement about Gen Z before.

Kolanaki , avatar

Fidget spinners were the first fad that had me going "kids these days are weird." And I'm sure some old dude said that about my generation when Pogs were huge.

I_Miss_Daniel ,

Weren't yo-yos kinda odd too though?

Kolanaki , avatar

I've seen a headline from a really old newspaper that was like "DO BOOKS CAUSE VIOLENCE IN YOUTH?" and it read like the kind of article you'd see applied to video games now. But with books.

Broken_Monitor , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games

This is why xcom games have iron man mode. Save scumming is so much a known part of the game that it’s considered an extra challenge to play in a mode where you can’t save scum. I love xcom but I’ve never done iron man mode because there are some moments occasionally that are just serious bullshit and I don’t have the tolerance for it.

Play the way thats fun to you. That’s the point of games.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Save Scums Ironman Mode 😎

(Actually a thing btw)

GCanuck ,

Not to take from your point (which I fully agree with)…. But doesn’t XCom do an anti scum method of feeding the RNG seed in a way that prevents save scumming?

I know I’ve tried to scum some hacks in that game that always returned the same value.

Broken_Monitor ,

Sort of. It depends where your save point is. If you’re on the world screen and save before selecting a mission your mission can generate differently when it loads. If you save in mission making the same moves will always give the same results, but changing your moves slightly will cause some different background math and change the chances on a shot hitting, etc. All the enemy groups are generated already if you save in level, so if you get ambushed in some horrific way you can avoid them on reload. I would typically save just before selecting a mission, another at mission start once I’m deployed, and then once more on mission completion. I would rarely use it and eat most of my mistakes, but on a few occasions I would have one of my units get totally fucked by a group somehow hidden one space away around a corner or something like that and then the scum power comes out to save my ass.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Yeah XCom is ridiculously bullshit with how RNG can completely screw up a mission. Ok if you miss a 90% shot, sure there's a 10% chance you miss so that can happen. Missing multiple 90% shots in a row and getting completely slaughtered because of it? Complete bullshit.

It should add some compensation for this, like if you miss a 90% shot you get some extra points added to the next roll. There's nothing realistic about rolling an RNG number to check if something happens or not so it's being too strict on that just to make the game needlessly frustrating. Like if I'm doing perfect tactics and lose because of a string of unlucky rolls, it's just the game randomly telling that I lose. Not much fun.

Broken_Monitor ,

I remember one in particular where point blank shotguns with 2 soldiers and then my sniper all missed hitting the same damn enemy, all with 90% chance to hit. Resulted in my team getting absolutely steamrolled the next round. This may be the incident that caused me to figure out how to properly save scrub, haha, I was fucking pissed!

SpaceCowboy , avatar

The RNG will return the same sequence of random numbers, but doing things in a different order will have those numbers used for different purposes. So saving and trying the exact same shot again will give the same result. If you rolled a 23 and you needed >25 to hit, it will always miss no matter how many times you reload it because 23 will always be the first number in the sequence. But if you do some other action, that 23 gets used for that, and if 56 is the next number in the sequence then that shot will hit when you do it on the next action.

doublejay1999 , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it. avatar

Get some help with your mental health.

You’ve become wrapped up in this generational wars which is entirely, 100% fake and media generated.

Colour_me_triggered ,

To an extent. But income inequality and the housing crisis is manufactured by the older generations. In my city it's impossible to rent a 3 bedroom house because ALL the houses are being horded by established home owners and rented on Airbnb. They have a VERY comfortable life and don't need the extra income. It's just greed. Meanwhile people under 45 basically have to get assistance from parents and also have good jobs in order to have any hope of buying a home. (A flat/condominium of course, no way we could afford a detached house).

doublejay1999 , avatar


“Capitalism, Did, This”

crumbtalk ,

You're commenting on a post in a community dedicated to venting frustration. What entitles you to tell someone they should get help with their mental health? OP's feelings aren't invalid just because you've generalized their thoughts into being "wrapped up in this generational wars".

AA5B ,

God point, thanks. I was going to reply to several and hadn’t noticed

AA5B ,

My first reaction was seeing an analogy to an article in c/Science on dementia. The breakthrough was that neurons are not killed directly from protein clumps in the brain, but their stress reaction gets turned on and stays on until they die. The analogy was, imagine bright lights are on, and you can’t turn them off. …. seems like this is the same. Yeah, the world sucks in many ways. (It’s also much better in others but we’ll ignore that for now. ) The point is internet culture and always on electronics keep sending a flood of stressful news, information, and falsehoods ….. your stress reaction gets turned on and you can’t turn it off. You’re under the glare of a spotlight that you can’t turn off. There’s no peace or calm, you can’t make it stop.

How can we make it stop? Can we focus on moderating our constant exposure (wearing shades and sunblock)? Do we have to give it up? Can we redirect it somehow?

Damage , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

All the generational crap is just another "war of the poors". It's foolish to antagonize people based on their age, the real issue is the structure of our society.

uienia ,

It is indeed one of the most succesful "divide and conquer" propaganda tactics reactionaries have ever come up with. People are different and have grown up in different environments regardless of their age. Generation theory is basically the astrology of sociology.

magnusrufus ,

The effects kind of make it obvious too. Blame the other generations regardless of their individual beliefs or their financial and political status. Just wait till they are all dead then magically things will get better.

Maxxus , in I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years

I’m a stranger on the internet, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I was into your story up until you said planes and helicopters were flying low over your home. It sounds like you may suffering from some level of schizophrenia or other paranoia related condition. Get evaluated, or don’t, but I hope you find peace.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Today’s helicopter was a local police helicopter. One summer, in 2013, my parents took my son with them on an out of town trip, and I was home alone, house sitting for them. I decided to tan topless to avoid tan lines, as I sat alone, by their swimming pool. About fifteen minutes later, a law enforcement chopper flew over our backyard and began to hover over it. It stayed there long enough for me to grab a towel and move out of their backyard, and into the house. After I left the backyard, they flew away. I’d that paranoid? I was harassed by the same organization that later ordered me to be strip searched four years later, with the door open, for male staff members to watch. They could probably put any label they want on my file, and people like you would dismiss me. They could also do the same thing to your spouse, your mother, your sister, or even you. If you later post that something similar has/is happening to you, I won’t call you any mental labels.

Maxxus ,

I’m not going to dig into the details because I can’t convince you your experienced reality isn’t real. Paranoia can stem from delusions, a key factor in your story is that most people, even those close to you, aren’t backing up your experiences.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I never mentioned the views of anyone who is close to me, or claimed they aren’t backing me. I worry that you might be one of the individuals stalking me, and trying to discredit my claims. I wonder where you’re located and how you just stumbled upon my post. Is this even a forum you frequently browse? My post is also new. It hasn’t been viewed enough times to become popular. What led you to my post? Why would you be making claims about family and friends (people close to me) when I haven’t mentioned the views of my family and friends in any of this.

Nawor3565 ,

This post is on the front page of Lemmy when sorting by hot, just fyi (that's how I found it). Lemmy is a small forum so it doesn't take much to get to the front page.

Kernal64 ,

There are several red flags that this is a mental health issue before that point IMO, but yeah, that's for sure the clincher.

I hope you can find a measure of peace, OP. My opinion is that you should really seek an evaluation, but whatever path you take, I hope things improve for you.

TheChurn ,

Yes - this reads like textbook paranoid delusions.

While there are certainly cases of police abusing their authority to harass people over personal grievances, this level, for this long, and involving this many third parties stretches belief.

Tar_alcaran ,

I'm not a psychologist, but I'm a true pro at wikipedia-diagnosis. Let me leave this here:

Gang stalking or group-stalking is a set of persecutory beliefs in which those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people. The term is associated with the "targeted individual" ("T.I.") virtual community formed by like-minded individuals who claim their lives are disrupted from being stalked by organized groups intent on causing them harm

themeatbridge , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

Do you want financial advice or relationship advice?

Because they are both the same. Talk to your wife. Have grace and compassion. She's probably been stressed about this for a long time, digging deeper and hoping she can crawl out of it.

Remember this is the woman you love. She's scared and ashamed. You're partners, and her problems are your problems.

Go to her and tell her you love her. Tell her you just want to understand what happened, but whatever it is, you'll pay it off together. $2,500 is not going to break you, and if you set up a payment schedule, you can budget around it.

Transparency, communication, and empathy will get you through this.

Once you're past the initial confrontation, it's also important to tell her how hurt and shocked you are that she kept this from you.

Dkarma ,

Ops wife is buying Funko pops on credit and you say use compassion?
Lol wut?

themeatbridge ,

Yeah, I mean, it's not about what she bought. The money is spent. Compassion is just like the bare minimum of a marriage...

I didn't know they were funko pops, though. Damn.

dactylotheca , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

And the text tutorials that we do get are either padded out with bullshit or written by a fucking LLM

henfredemars ,

I hate that BS so much. Despite the advancements in technology I feel like I can’t find anything anymore unless I know exactly what I’m looking for in advance and from whom.

adam_y OP , avatar

I blame cooking blogs for introducing this bloat.

"First let me tell you a little about my relationshio with cinnamon... It all started 40 years ago whilst I was..."

trustnoone , in I miss text-based tutorials

I remember downloading game walkthroughs and it came as a downloadable text file. Had sooo much content, awesome ascii art, and you could tell the person made it did so because they enjoyed it and wanted you too

whats_all_this_then ,

Ah, the good old days of GameFAQs

Also back when IGN wasn't a meme

Tower ,

At my first job, I printed out the ~85 page guide for GTA Vice City to have for reference while playing without having to get up and go to the computer.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

while playing without having to get up and go to the computer

That took me a full minute to understand...

ogmios , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games avatar

I'm just surprised some people care. If you want to play with rules for limited saving that go beyond what the game is programmed to do, good for you champ, but some people enjoy playing all of the systems for their maximum advantage, and even more simply do not care.

uhN0id , avatar

Remember when Elden Ring came out and how mad the hardcore souls enthusiasts were when casual players (like myself) wished there was an easier mode? I couldn't get past the first harder enemies and it just wasn't fun because I'm awful at those kinds of games. Some people really hate when you don't play for difficulty or the challenge. Personally I play games to get lost in a digital world not to prove I'm the best.

I still haven't beat even 1% of the game because I gave up on it and went back to games I'm better at. Like my 500th playthrough of Half Life 1 or Hell Divers 2 on medium haha.

ogmios , avatar

wished there was an easier mode

Okay, that's a completely different issue though. The reason that difficulty selection gets push back is because developers are often very lazy in how they implement it, and it makes the "hard" modes little more than an exercise in tedium rather than an actual challenge. So people who enjoy the Dark Souls style games tend to get protective over one of the very few significant titles which scratches that itch these days. There are a wealth of significantly easier games to explore (and frankly better, too, unless you are there for the challenge).

uhN0id , avatar

That's a great point and I definitely agree from that perspective. I didn't really mean that it necessarily should have been implemented so much as the people that actually got mad that "you wouldn't be playing it the way it was meant to be played". I absolutely understand the technical issues that go into it (built server APIs at an indie game studio for some years if you can believe that after saying how bad I am at Elden Ring). It was just that the very idea that someone could want a more forgiving experience causing some other gamers to seeth over it for some reason as if someone's casual gaming desire affected their ability to enjoy the game.

ogmios , (edited ) avatar

seeth over it for some reason

I told you what that reason was though, and you ignore it in favour of imagining strangers as entirely unreasonable antagonists.

RGB3x3 ,

Seething over someone wanting to enjoy a game they bought is unreasonable. Some people get pissed at the suggestion it should have an easier mode.

Accessibility takes nothing away from the way those players want to play Souls games. Simple, small adjustments to enemy health, damage, invincibility frames, and speed could go a very long way to making the game worth the money people paid for it.

It's especially frustrating that Elden Ring was constantly pitched as the most accessible souls game, but it's still not nearly as accessible as fans and reviewers made it out to be.

uhN0id , avatar

Exactly. It's like some players want to gatekeep the game in a way where it's an exclusive experience with this weird "If you're trash then git gud or you shouldn't play" mentality.

Weird how there's this "there shouldn't be an easy mode" mentality yet the community absolutely ate up the whole "Let me solo her" meme where another player literally came in and fought people's fights for them and that was totally acceptable.

Honytawk ,

They only like those games so they can feel better than others. Gatekeeping is part of their fun.

If the souls games had much more to offer than difficulty like they claim, then the game would still be good with a lower difficulty.

ogmios , avatar

Some people get pissed at the suggestion it should have an easier mode

Do they really though? Or are you just imagining the people you argue with online in the least charitable light?

uhN0id , avatar

Have you been on Reddit? I'm not saying this is the ER community as a whole by any means. My entire whole point is "why does anyone care how I or anyone else wants to play a single player game" even if it's only a few people. I've seen comments verbally berating players for saying they wished there was an easier mode. Yes they're the minority but my point was never "all players are like this".

uhN0id , avatar

I didn't ignore it, I just didn't address your points individually. I just don't think someone being "protective" of a game is a good reason to be mad when people who readily admit they suck but still wish they could play it because there's nothing else really like these games for combat, pace, and worlds etc.

I don't intend to act like all the fans are these angry seething fools. I'm just saying that it's ridiculous that some of them would get mad about the idea that someone would actually prefer an easy mode. As if their enjoyment of the game is directly impacted by the level of difficulty another player plays on. Like the OP here, if someone save scums then who cares? If I'd love an easy mode for Elden Ring then who cares? It literally only impacts the person playing it. I like to play games for the worlds they create. Not to challenge myself. My job and life does that enough for me.

If there was an easy mode where enemies had say 50% HP (just an example) how would that impact anyone but me? Why is it justified for hardcore Souls-like fans to be upset about that?

Broken_Monitor ,

A few tips, one of my favorite games but it is daunting.

Early enemies that you can’t beat like the horse rider mini boss are meant to be skipped initially and returned to later. There are a lot of immediately accessible areas which are pretty tough, but there’s also beginner dungeons. You kind of have to poke around and find them.

Co op makes this game way, way easier. Use the furled finger to place a sign down and be summoned as a helper. This is a great consequence free way to learn. If you die you keep all your runes and can upgrade and purchase stuff, and you can figure out where enemies hide, traps are, or what moves enemies use. Sometimes other players will show you useful tactics, and having someone distract enemies while the other person attacks from behind trivializes a lot of fights. Finally, helping someone beat a boss rewards you with a chunk of runes, and a finger remedy.

You can use a finger remedy to summon help to your world. This can have the consequence of allowing invaders, but you can summon two helpers at a time usually, resulting in a 3 on 1 fight for invaders. If you get lucky your helper will destroy bosses for you so keep an eye out for summoning signs at boss doors. Often times those people are well prepared to assist and may know the boss weakness and move sets.

If you don’t want player help but still want an assist you can use “summoning ashes” with a summoning bell. You can get this at the church where one of the first merchants is - go there at night after you’ve acquired your horse. As you play further you’ll find more powerful summons to help you, some with special abilities, some more useful than others. It requires mana to use these and will replace player helpers (only one at a time), but you won’t get invaded, can resummon them if you have mana, and they are useful as a distraction to enemies.

There’s a lot to discover, and bypassing harder parts to backtrack later is highly recommended. Beginner dungeons usually reward you with summoning ashes after defeating their bosses. Knowledge is power in Elden Ring, don’t be afraid to die to gain that knowledge.

It’s still a tough fucking game though, so I don’t blame you if it’s still not your thing. If any of that seems helpful though maybe give it another try!

Signtist , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it. avatar

Man, that sucks that you're getting all that flak about your generation. I'll be honest - I'm surprised to hear it; myself and every other millennial I know is so proud of gen Z. You guys are such genuinely no-nonsense people, it's really refreshing.

I've got a few gen Z coworkers now, and I'm always surprised how they can nonchalantly swear in front of their supervisors, and just straight-up say when too much is being asked of them. And they do it with such confidence that nobody confronts them about it! It's nice to see a generation that hasn't been beaten into submission by the rhetoric that they need to grovel at the feet of anyone that society claims is their "superior."

I don't have a lot of hope for the future of my country, or the world at large, but I think that if anyone can find a way to bring people together and make a change, it's you guys. I wish it wasn't something that needed to be hoisted upon your shoulders, but I really don't see millennials making that kind of positive change. And if y'all want to say "Fuck no, I'm not doing all that." I'd say fair enough, and still think highly of you.

The world sucks, and every generation knows that better than the last. Don't let people who had it easier than you tell you that you should be someone you're not.

Infynis , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

I'll spend 15 minutes scouring forums to avoid watching a 5 minute tutorial video. Having an actual written guide is so much more useful

Tyoda ,

The worst is when I had scoured all the forums and as a last resort I turn to videos, which turn out to just be reading the same forum post.

Deceptichum , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it. avatar

I’m a millennial and I don’t blame you one bit, or think any of that shit about you.

It’s the same nonsense the media said about us, and those before us.

I’ve never even met a person in real life that thinks or says the shit the media pushes, but I can imagine there’s a few out there.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

I came here to say this -- I admire the younger generation. My generation just wanted good jobs, and past the age of about 25, forgot all about what happened to the world or anything like that.

The "Occupy Wall Street" generation for the most part still had the option of good participation in the economy but quite a lot of them rejected the whole premise and got involved in productive protest, to the point they almost got a socialist elected president.

Gen Z as far as I can tell is a lot more fucked than whatever came before them, and is staunchly refusing to play the game of flipping burgers and renting apartments for their whole life. Not like they have much choice but good on them for reacting accordingly, and fuck the haters

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