Off My Chest

ICastFist , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

The worst part about video tutorials: you can't CTRL + F, search, specific things. You can't jump straight to your problem. The best you can do is skip to a point where it may be what you actually need to know.

For game walkthroughs, you could just ctrl-f the spot you needed to know about. On a recipe, ctrl-f "boil at" or "bake at" to check the correct temperature and time. On programming, ctrl-f the function name or part of the line you suppose might be where your problem is.

Video? Gotta remember the fucking timestamps. Google doesn't help by pushing youtube at every opportunity and downplaying every small blog, either.

Fades ,

auto-transcripting tech has come a LONG way. I use it all the time for referencing things I've heard in a podcast and want to share or w/e

adam_y OP , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

This was the video that caused me to post:

Empricorn ,

Yeah, I only made it 37 seconds in. Unless you're live-streaming, edit your tutorials! People wouldn't complain about the time/length of videos as much if they were short and to-the-point. But I guess that would affect ad revenue...

Off-topic: round keys on a keyboard just feel wrong to me, and I wouldn't trust someone who uses them...

adam_y OP , avatar

Seconded on round keys.

popcap200 , in I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit

Can she afford to look into ADHD treatment? Does she have health insurance? IMO it's totally worth it.

Maalus , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games

Okay, cool?

dual_sport_dork , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games avatar

INB4 someone mentions the bit from Rick and Morty.

wesker OP , avatar

Additional off my chest:

I've never intentionally watched an episode of Rick & Morty, and I never will.

Rhynoplaz ,

So, I know the fans can be obnoxious, I get that, but just hear me out.

Like you, I wasn't interested in watching it, then somebody posted this clip on Reddit. I watched it and thought, damn, I gotta check this out.

Im like 4 seasons behind, and I'm in no rush to get caught up, but maybe someday if I'm bored. If you have some personal vendetta or point to prove, then nevermind my comments, but if the popularity just turned you off, it's not all bad.

wesker OP , avatar

I appreciate your assessment and it seems fair. However, there's something about the writing and characters that I really don't like and can't get into.

snooggums , avatar

I watched for a while, but dropped it as I liked everything about the show except Rick and Morty. The way those to talk is just annoying between the burps and the whining.

So yeah, I can relate to not getting into it.

Rhynoplaz ,

I can totally see that. Everybody's a real piece of shit on that show. I just put it in the genre of Seinfeld or It's always Sunny, a bunch of assholes being assholes so we can laugh at them.

Honytawk ,

The burps and whining mere diminished once Justin Roiland got kicked from the team for calling underaged girls in Morty's voice.

It is a lot more tolerable in the last season.

Euphorazine ,

One of the best parts of that episode is Mr. Poopy butthole is in every scene of the intro sequence

dual_sport_dork , avatar

...And hasn't been in any episodes prior. He's obviously the original prime parasite, right?


Guadin , in I’ve become self-centered instead of self-absorbed avatar

That's going to be a long path. Start with small steps to train yourself. Set weekly goals/reminders of what change you want to see.
Start by forcing you to actively listen and engage in the conversation. Train yourself to remember what the other person said. If you don't feel like helping, ask yourself why (after the conversation is over) and actively decide that your reason is valid and you indeed don't want to/can't help. If the reason is not valid, offer to help. Also, start conversations with other people as small talk. That way, not all conversations are about what people need from you.
Train yourself to stop seeing conversations as something where you need to solve people's problems. If they are not actively asking your help, maybe they don't need it. Maybe they're just offloading some frustration or see you as a friend with whom they can share personal stuff.

Not all talked about problems require a direct solution from yourside. Sometimes people just want somebody who symphatizes with them and feels with them. And that's enough and the only thing they want from you.
Unfortunately, being a human means all interactions are selfcentered from the startingparty point of view. So view them as part of life.

SatansMaggotyCumFart , in I’ve become self-centered instead of self-absorbed

The amount of I’s and myself’s in this makes me uncomfortable.

stoy , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

I need to start donating blood again, I have donated 27 times in my 36 years, but stopped during the pandemic as I lived a year on painkillers due to messed up feets and knee.

It has been two years since and while I am on high blood preassure meds, I feel fine to donate.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I hope you can donate again soon! The blood bank needs donors. You might want to ask them about your blood pressure medication first. It might be on the medication deferral list.

stoy ,

Oh yeah, there is a long list of questions about your recent medical, sexual and travel history and you are required to answer before you may donate blood.

I did travel to Spain back in March, so I'll have to check how long I need to wait...

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

You’re fine. I’ve been to Spain, too, and spent 2022-2023 between France, Ireland, and Scotland. They only care if you traveled to a region with a malaria risk. When I visited Africa I had to take a break from donating blood because my plane landed in Ethiopia to change flights after visiting the Seychelles. Ethiopia is a high risk for Malaria, apparently. Spain should be fine!

stoy ,

I just checked the rules and they seems to have been updated, there used to be a rule for traveling to our neighbours, Norway, Finland and Denmark, and other rules for different parts of Europe, but seems to have been loosened a bit, now it only talks about areas with malaria.

Eh, I'll find out when I get there.

I hope they still have the lovely colab with a local hospital so you can have them send a teddy bear to a child in hospital rather than get a gift for yourself, you still get pins for giving 10/25/50 times though.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

That’s interesting. I didn’t know they had an option to send a gift to a hospitalized child, instead of being given an award. Maybe they do both and they just don’t coordinate it with blood donor awards. I know our local blood banks do a lot for the hospitals.

They also have rules for needle sticks, too. Someone in Ireland ran up to me on the street near the Liffey River, and stuck me in the right upper arm with a sharp. Apparently, gangs of locals try to scare away tourists and travelers who stay too long in their country. I was under a government protection act there, and had to stay longer than a normal passport allows. Anyway, the local hospital did a lot of blood draws on me later to make sure everything was normal. After I returned to America, I read the literature for deferrals on blood donation. They say you have to wait several months after being stuck, or accidentally stuck, with a sharp.

stoy ,

WTF, we have gangs here in Sweden (as you probably have heard), and they are horrible, they build bombs, blow up houses and shoot people, but it is mainly aimed at rival gangs, I have never heard about using needles to attack others, much less outsiders.

And them wanting tourists not to stay too long, do they have a list of how long you have stayed in Ireland?

So many questions....

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

I’m still looking for the article that talked about the local protests against immigrants and refugee seekers. Early this year, the locals set a female refugee seeker on fire in the street, in Dublin. Perhaps one of the locals thought I was a Ukrainian refugee when he stuck me with a needle. I’m pale, but I’m actually most of a mix of Scottish and Irish, though. Maybe It was personal. I shave my head. Maybe he hated shaved heads?

Spiralvortexisalie , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.


gndagreborn , in Finally a healthy BMI avatar

Congratulations :). Your hard work is certainly paying off!!

nadiaraven , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

I'm a 36 year old millennial in the middle of getting my social work degree. I'm here to try to make a difference, and I want to be on your generations team. Of course take care of your mental health, and part of that is finding a way to take action any way you can, big or small, to make things better for you and the people around you. I'll be trying to do the same. I know it can feel impossible when it's hard to see the results, but change has happened before and I belive it can happen again.

ArugulaZ , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it. avatar

I mean, hey, that's how Gen X was viewed. Lazy slackers with no faith in the system. You're in good company.

awwwyissss , in I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.

I feel your pain. I've lost faith in humans. I saw a post on here saying something like "I actually think people are great", and just thought wow, ignorance is bliss.

Thankfully older generations are dying. You said some disparaging things about your generation at the beginning of your post, and that's not how I see you. I see hope in your generation. I'm excited for you to grow up and take over from the shitheads running the show now.

For what it's worth, remember that older generations have heavy metal and other pollutants in their brains. Also, it takes time for societies to change.

klemptor ,

remember that older generations have heavy metal

Fuck yeah we do 🤘🏻🎸🎙

and other pollutants in their brains

...oh. :(

awwwyissss ,

Maybe it's both!

randomdeadguy , in Loud engine and street cars


jjagaimo , in Parents won't stop talking about friends' appearances

Ask them unconformable questions in response and don't give them an actual response

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