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GregorGizeh ,

I have a pretty good memory for faces, just really not for names. I know where and when I met someone but I can't tell you their name even if we met a bunch of times.

GregorGizeh ,

Of course Lemmy allows porn, what

It is your instance that is so prudish they defederated all porn instances, blocked the rest, and put up a rule forbidding it. You will need to make an account somewhere else with an instance that doesnt defederate so much.

GregorGizeh ,

Check out

It is a very beginner friendly, gaming focused distro that essentially aims to be steamOS on PC. It even has rollback functionality if you accidentally break something.

GregorGizeh ,

It seems so pathetically small that this is what a politician costs. This is less than 2% of one billion, which in itself is just a fracture of what the rich have to their name. If you're gonna whore out your politics at least have the dignity to ask for more than chump change

GregorGizeh ,

Betting this is someone desiring to monetize some or all of what they are offering. Could be any malicious government too

GregorGizeh , (edited )

I can click my tongue (?) very loudly. Entirely useless

GregorGizeh ,

So you're saying, hypothetical socialist nations would be justified being nationalist? Perhaps we should call it national socialism 🤔

GregorGizeh ,

Obviously, but judging from the downvotes nobody enjoys political shitposting in a political memes community...

GregorGizeh ,

My guy I was not serious, I am both German and leftist, i am well aware of what national socialism is. I suppose I should have been more obvious. Good of you to try to educate though

GregorGizeh ,

What does safe mean in this context? Shielded from non vegans?

GregorGizeh ,

Well i haven't read the article but on principle you can make many things sound more or less dramatic than they might actually be with percentages. If there were 3 people with colon cancer per year (random figure) and now there are 18 that is 500% more, but may as well be a statistic outlier.

That being said I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be either or both. Microplastics are everywhere, we can only hope they dont fuck with our biological processes in irreversible ways (like causing infertility).

GregorGizeh ,

Over here, we look down on Americans instead.

GregorGizeh ,

The above poster isnt really correct. We have an actual saying that is the literal translation: "Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm ". And it means exactly what you suggest, a child being very much like one of their parents in one way or another.

Like father, like son exists as well, "Wie der Vater so der Sohn".

GregorGizeh ,

People dont hate ai, people hate “ai“ llms designed by corporations to produce compliant, inoffensive and soulless art and content, eventually leaving nothing but drab menial labor for us, imprisoned in our corporate shaped minds, unable to express any revolutionary thought any more.

I am very interested in open source models i can run on my local machine. Just not in those corporate creativity perverters dystopian science fiction couldn't come up with if it tried.

E: there are a few ai communities on here too, for example fosai and stablediffusion, I would think you can find like minded people over there, even on lemmy.

GregorGizeh ,

Same here. On reddit I have mostly only been a commenter, I made perhaps five posts over all my years there, virtually all of my 40k karma or so was from commenting.

And while I do that here too of course I am trying to contribute content as well, like asking Linux questions which may eventually help promoting Lemmy through search engine relevance. Of course it doesn't hurt that Linux is probably the biggest common denominator amongst Lemmy users, so the chance for useful replies is much higher than trying to get a niche community going.

GregorGizeh ,

That's a lot of karma lol

glad you are putting those memeposting skills to use here now

GregorGizeh ,

Well ok but is it necessary to show the fake, non explicit sex act? I.e. is the plot furthered by watching b list actress show her boobs for 20 seconds while dry humping another b list actor, of course without actually showing anything explicit?

Implied sex, like the scene tastefully cutting out once they start undressing would work just as well.

Just to be clear, I'm sex positive, let me watch two semi famous people fuck on camera if I am supposed to get aroused while watching. Or make a movie that stands on its own without, that I can watch without ending up with an awkward boner.

I just think that the american, prudish softcore “nudity“ of showing some boobs for ratings is the worst of both worlds, can't watch it as a clean family movie or show but it also isnt explicit enough to make it worth watching when horny.

GregorGizeh ,

I would hope they aren't black, because I really dont want races to exist any more in the future. Intermix until it is all an ambiguous milk in coffee color.

GregorGizeh ,

That's fine as well, as long as the base human is uniformly the same everywhere on earth.

Do you guys really want future humans to still be stuck with racial concepts and divisions? Nation states too I suppose? Fuck that shit. We need to evolve beyond that, and in my opinion that includes modern day ideals of hyper individualism; though I would also argue that a common baseline skin and hair color doesnt mean people can't differentiate themselves.

We are dying hair, tanning skin, wearing varied clothing, applying makeup, and so forth even today.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

Naturally there is a breaking point where collective ownership becomes too cumbersome in relation to what is shared, for example imagine your lightbulbs go to your neighbor when you are asleep or at work. That's just not worth the bother, same for basic tools like a spade or hammer. Collective ownership makes sense for everything an average person cannot purchase or fully utilize on their own, like machinery that sits in a barn 2/3 of the time.

GregorGizeh ,

It doesnt necessarily mean direct democracy on every miniscule detail of societal organization, there would be - as is now - a bunch of well versed administrators, scientists, economists, ideologists and so forth working out the most practical and efficient way to do things.

GregorGizeh ,

The basic idea of shared means is that if you let someone privately own the means you deprive everyone else of that resource, unless you pay them to use the means, and then you are back to private ownership.

You are also creating an incentive not to share your tilling machine freely, because you're now in debt and if you let your neighbors use it for free, why is that fair if you paid for it? Might as well charge them for it, and if youre smart you start lobbying against the others buying a communal machine, because then nobody would pay to loan out yours any more.

Instead the tilling machine is paid for by all local farmers together, meaning nobody has to go in debt or pay for using it. Who gets to use it and when is just a matter of scheduling, and if wait times are too long you buy another together.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

The stock market is one of the hallmarks, but the one thing capitalism can't do without, is the capitalist class, because it wouldn't be capitalism any more. The private people who own the things and earn the profits by sheer virtue of having a lot already.

GregorGizeh ,

I think this is badly worded but supposedly means something like the implicit threat of violence by the people / the proletariat against a system that becomes undemocratic. Essentially the second amendment of the united states rephrased, only that their democracy corrupting agents have co opted that movement.

Now this statement holds a lot of truth and merit by itself, but is obviously also really problematic and prone to corruption and abuse, because who gets to say what is undemocratic?

GregorGizeh ,

They do it because "protect the children" is an easy sale, everyone falls in line because nobody wants to be against something "for the children". Also the reason why the horse gets beaten over every internet censorship attempt.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

I made the switch to Linux just some days ago, and landed on bazzite. It is fairly idiot proof with an option to roll back the entire system and is generally focused on gaming and ease of use.

So far i am having a blast, almost everything works right out of the box, and the things that didn't were very minor and fixable with a bit of web search or asking on a relevant discord. I didn't have to use the dreaded CLI much either yet - maybe 4-5 times - and when I did, I just followed a step by step guide to do something.

My personal recommendation would be choosing gnome as the DE, going with plasma seems more logical coming from windows, but I find it a lot simpler getting used to the differences by using an entirely different ui than windows. Forming new mental pathways is easier than adjusting something practiced a particular way for years.

For reference:

E: meant to reply to the guy asking for better choices

GregorGizeh ,

All good points, I also read somewhere that KDE has slightly better performance. Maybe I'll make the switch eventually too, but for now I am very happy and am discovering desktop computers all over again. Perhaps gnome is a good starting point for linux, with fewer, more streamlined options. And the new ui factor I mentioned, which was ultimately the deciding point for me

GregorGizeh ,

I just want to point out that even bazzite comes with the productivity basics: full libreoffice, Thunderbird, gimp and other graphics software available on installation. VSC has an official (and inofficial) app available as well.

Not saying you're wrong of course, but as someone who uses his computer to game, consume music and media, and dabble in coding and game modding I haven't missed anything so far (am very new to Linux myself). Though I'm sure that a more discerning user may find those essentials insufficient.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

The factory is threatening the water supply of the area, and the planned expansion will decimate the forest. Not to mention that the only reason Tesla is even there is because the politicians did everything short of sucking elons dick to get it. It is only about the prestige of having the hip new car maker (as usual, politicians are years behind the public perception) produce in car country Germany.

GregorGizeh ,

By that logic every comment section under a random newspaper's article is social media. I dont think this forum esque, link feed with comment sections kind of social media that lemmy is, qualifies. Reddit didnt either for the longest time, before they started trying to form a culture and drowned in self referencing humor and repetitive one liner comments.

Posiert diese Vorgesetzte?

Gespräch mit einer Vorgesetzten, die nicht meine aktuelle ist. Mitten im Gespräch wurde erwähnt, dass ich vielleicht eine Versetzung auf einer anderen Station im selben Krankenhaussystem beantrage. Diese Vorgesetzte sagte, man soll das nicht häufig machen, weil sonst wird man als unzuverlässig betrachtet....

GregorGizeh ,

Ist subjektiv, aber nicht ganz ohne Wahrheitsgehalt. Wenn du in einem Jahr mehrfach den Job in der selben Branche (oder sogar im selben betrieb) wechselst fragt sich dein nächster chef sicherlich irgendwann wieso. Und wird dann ggf auch mal deine vorigen Arbeitsplätze kontaktieren warum du so unstet bist.

GregorGizeh , (edited )

Even if it is capped at sub light speeds we could travel all around our solar system in very reasonable timeframes, probably even visit neighboring solar systems without generational ships. Very cool, but this is obviously a very sensationalist headline, so I remain on the fence

GregorGizeh ,

Not sure if that is an option for you too, but I have a scanwatch light myself. It is a hybrid smartwatch, being a classic analog watch with a small black and white display in the background.

The scanwatch products are health focused, allowing the user to track a variety of health stats like heartrate, activities and sleep analysis. It is very energy efficient, requring a a recharge about once a month in my case.

It is noteworthy that the hybrid concept makes some cuts to the smartness of the watch, for example replying to messages from the watch is not possible, only reading them as they come in. It doesn't have touch functionality either, instead you control it with the bezel.

You can configure in the smartphone app which apps are allowed to relay notifications to the watch, giving you the option to filter out most noise that is not relevant to your mom. You can also set up activity plans to track and/or remind her to engage in some moderate activities like taking a walk.

Do note though that the watch asks for a subscription for some premium functions, like workout plans and more in depth health analysis. I don't have that myself either though, being able to generally monitor my activities is enough for me. The watch also relies on the paired smartphone for its gps functionality, without the phone it would essentially be reduced to a classic wristwatch.

GregorGizeh ,

The name itself is also derived from the shah title, many languages use a still very similar name for it. For example, in German it is called Schach, and checkmate is Schach-Matt.

GregorGizeh ,

"Under communism you fix your own damn toilet" is a bit of a hard sale I'd say

GregorGizeh , (edited )

Yeah I'm not saying communities shouldn't be self sufficient where possible, but division of labor and specialized professions have proven to be far superior. People can't be good at everything, a learned plumber with years of experience is 100% more qualified than a random person with a YouTube tutorial like me.

Not to mention that in certain areas being a layman can be outright dangerous, imagine if your upstairs alcoholic neighbor would try to fix his plumbing or electrical wiring. Chances are it will be your problem as well within a week, if the house doesn't immediately flood with sewage or burn down from faulty wiring.

Lastly, I am sure that many people don't want to amateurishly fuck around with their plumbing, they would rather pay someone qualified to do it.

GregorGizeh ,

We are talking about toilets, yes. I only extended to electricity for the example, my bad

But we do seem to agree anyway ✊

GregorGizeh ,

The point was that even a wholly unqualified person who is likely to do more harm than good in the attempt would be expected to do so, not that you would ask them for help.

Why not ask a person who has spent years learning about plumbing, materials, health requirements, for help instead? They usually come with practical experience in the installation and maintenance and also know the most cost efficient way to do all this. In exchange you could provide them monetary compensation for their superior knowledge, skill and experience on the subject.

GregorGizeh ,

Is this the new iamveryrandom kind of post?

GregorGizeh ,

I have adhd, caffeine doesn't do much for me except make my heart race.

GregorGizeh ,

Just my phone pretty much. I dont need my glasses to find my way to the bathroom in the morning, and I dont wake up in the middle of the night to drink water, if anything I wake up prematurely because I need to take a whiz. And then I can take a couple sips from the bathroom sink if I am thirsty.

GregorGizeh ,

We have more cultures, languages, and national identities clustered in Europe than anywhere else in the world. Naturally people want an instance for their own.

GregorGizeh ,

Last time this was posted it turned out to be bullshit. Supposedly especially the last guy is made up

Mastodon Incorporates as a Non-Profit in the US ( )

As a project, Mastodon has operated under the umbrella of Mastodon GmbH, a German company that benefited from non-profit status with the German government. Despite all indications that they were doing everything right, Mastodon GmbH recently had its non-profit status revoked, resulting in the team to seek an alternative....

GregorGizeh ,

Way to go. "Technologiestandort Deutschland“ wie er im Buche steht.

Teenager finds ‘holy grail’ Lego octopus from 1997 spill off Cornwall coast ( )

The octopus is one of nearly 5m Lego pieces that fell into the sea in 1997 when a storm hit a cargo ship 20 miles off Land’s End, Cornwall. While 352,000 pairs of flippers, 97,500 scuba tanks, and 92,400 swords went overboard, the octopuses are considered the most prized finds as only 4,200 were onboard.

GregorGizeh ,

What the fuck, I am 100% positive I have one of those in my childhood Lego crates back in the basement of my mom. Will definitely search for it

E: nvm, skipped past the part that they are only special when fished out of the sea spill.

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