Off My Chest

vladmech , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

Oh man that’s rad! I got a little pin….
Which obvi not why I do it, but yours is way cooler haha

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Nice! Was it for donating one gallon? You should have a one gallon license plate frame, too, if you did. If they forgot to give it to you, they’ll probably mail it to you.

vladmech ,

Just a pin for 1-4 gallons, and then random shirts and windbreakers here and there!

jawa21 , avatar

OP got a cool trophy, but you got things that are legitimately useful - I'd argue that's better.

stoy , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

I need to start donating blood again, I have donated 27 times in my 36 years, but stopped during the pandemic as I lived a year on painkillers due to messed up feets and knee.

It has been two years since and while I am on high blood preassure meds, I feel fine to donate.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I hope you can donate again soon! The blood bank needs donors. You might want to ask them about your blood pressure medication first. It might be on the medication deferral list.

stoy ,

Oh yeah, there is a long list of questions about your recent medical, sexual and travel history and you are required to answer before you may donate blood.

I did travel to Spain back in March, so I'll have to check how long I need to wait...

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

You’re fine. I’ve been to Spain, too, and spent 2022-2023 between France, Ireland, and Scotland. They only care if you traveled to a region with a malaria risk. When I visited Africa I had to take a break from donating blood because my plane landed in Ethiopia to change flights after visiting the Seychelles. Ethiopia is a high risk for Malaria, apparently. Spain should be fine!

stoy ,

I just checked the rules and they seems to have been updated, there used to be a rule for traveling to our neighbours, Norway, Finland and Denmark, and other rules for different parts of Europe, but seems to have been loosened a bit, now it only talks about areas with malaria.

Eh, I'll find out when I get there.

I hope they still have the lovely colab with a local hospital so you can have them send a teddy bear to a child in hospital rather than get a gift for yourself, you still get pins for giving 10/25/50 times though.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

That’s interesting. I didn’t know they had an option to send a gift to a hospitalized child, instead of being given an award. Maybe they do both and they just don’t coordinate it with blood donor awards. I know our local blood banks do a lot for the hospitals.

They also have rules for needle sticks, too. Someone in Ireland ran up to me on the street near the Liffey River, and stuck me in the right upper arm with a sharp. Apparently, gangs of locals try to scare away tourists and travelers who stay too long in their country. I was under a government protection act there, and had to stay longer than a normal passport allows. Anyway, the local hospital did a lot of blood draws on me later to make sure everything was normal. After I returned to America, I read the literature for deferrals on blood donation. They say you have to wait several months after being stuck, or accidentally stuck, with a sharp.

stoy ,

WTF, we have gangs here in Sweden (as you probably have heard), and they are horrible, they build bombs, blow up houses and shoot people, but it is mainly aimed at rival gangs, I have never heard about using needles to attack others, much less outsiders.

And them wanting tourists not to stay too long, do they have a list of how long you have stayed in Ireland?

So many questions....

ParabolicMotion OP , (edited )

I’m still looking for the article that talked about the local protests against immigrants and refugee seekers. Early this year, the locals set a female refugee seeker on fire in the street, in Dublin. Perhaps one of the locals thought I was a Ukrainian refugee when he stuck me with a needle. I’m pale, but I’m actually most of a mix of Scottish and Irish, though. Maybe It was personal. I shave my head. Maybe he hated shaved heads?

milicent_bystandr , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

Good job! And thank you.

ParabolicMotion OP ,


Podunk , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

Congrats! I just checked my stats because of you. Ive had 15 donations sinch 2018, 12 of which were double donations. i guess i dont know where that puts me on volume. No awards for here, but the free gatorade and pretsels after are pretty good! More than adequate compensation in my opinion. Keep it up!

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Good for you! Keep going with it! Ours doesn’t offer Gatorade. How odd. I find it funny that ours offers soda and coffee to donors, in addition to fruit juices and water. Coffee and soda dehydrate a person. It just seems so counterintuitive.

brossman , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations. avatar

i get a certificate after every gallon but who gives a shit about time i got a stick of bologna after a single blood donation, that was the best.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Really? Where is that donor center? I have never seen a donor center in America that gives out meat items as a post-donation snack.

Podunk ,

Sounds like the midwest tbh. 🤣

Spiralvortexisalie , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.


terribletortoise , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

Very cool!

I was recently donating while a guy celebrated his 200th donation!

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Wow. A person can only donate about 6 times per year, since whole blood is allowed every eight weeks. How old was the donor? I mean 33.333… years of donations, right, and that’s if he never missed a chance to donate. If he started donating in high school at age 16, then he would be about 49 to 50 years old, right?

terribletortoise ,

It wouldn't have surprised me if he was in his early 60s.

One of the ways you can get your numbers higher is with platelet donation. A donation via plateletpheresis can occur every few weeks. They basically take blood out, process out the platelets and pass the blood back into you, which results in less of an impact to the donor vs a standard whole blood donation.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

My blood bank has a separate donor reward list for platelets and plasma. They’re always in need of that, too. I can’t donate for that, though. I’m O-. They told me they want AB+ for either platelets or plasma, I think. I think my ex boyfriend said he used to donate for that. I think they take A+, too. It’s weird to be the universal whole blood donor type, but not be able to give to any other cause for donation (platelets or plasma).

HotboxedSubmersible , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

This post made me realize I have never donated blood. Might do it just because.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Please do! Millions of people need blood transfusions everyday.

BigMikeInAustin , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

Tired of Latin people and you are thinking about moving to Texas? Ha ha.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I’m not tired of Latin people. I’m tired of gangs and their discrimination. Did you not read my whole post. Who has received most of my blood donations? Most likely Latinos/Latinas.

Kolanaki , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California avatar
ParabolicMotion OP ,

So you post a meme of a special snowflake whose nepotistic ties led to his fame and fortune, in an attempt to prove me wrong. No, I’m not crazy for thinking people like this don’t have the talent and qualifications for the jobs they have been handed. I guess that’s why some TV shows are just inane time slot fillers that no one watches.

cerement , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California avatar


ParabolicMotion OP ,

Thank you. That’s where my grandfather was born and raised. I think that might be a good option for me.

ParabolicMotion OP , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

I feel really bad for the rh+ white girls, now that I’m older. I even feel sorry for the girls who bullied me on the volleyball team. Once that church was done with them, they probably pawned them off onto their “church friends” from Africa, and tried to sell it as some type of “humanitarian work”. I bet those girls have some gang ties they never imagined having. Those family connections probably don’t lead to any job connections like the rh+ gangs have here.

DarkNightoftheSoul , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California avatar

Every time I read you its just this weird shit bro.

You give paranoid schizophrenic vibes fr no cap.

get that checked out homie

ParabolicMotion OP ,

You sound like felon with the language you use. Maybe you should get that checked out. You also sound uneducated. I doubt you earned a degree in psychology. You would need to pass a test in English before reaching that point.

Cryophilia , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

So where the hell am I supposed to go?!?

Detox clinic?

criitz , in After the past nine years, and having a family, I think I'm sick of California

Sounds like the common experience of any non-white American, honestly. I hope you find resolution!

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