TheAnonymouseJoker ,
  • Misophonia (slurping, chewing, degenerate behaviour)
  • Lack of hygiene (eating with unwashed hands, fingering your nose, scratching your butt, dropping things on floor and eating with same unwashed hands, 5 second rule is mental illness)
  • Overwhelming disregard for facts over feelings. Emotions are good but in a limited capacity, and cannot overtake logic in general.
  • Brand fever, capitalism culture worshipping.
  • Disrespect for your mind, body and soul. If you are fat or unhealthy, do not exercise, are constantly on social media drip feed rotting your brain, you do not exist.
  • Emotional copers. Just get shit done.
  • Solve your traumas before coming. I am not a part time therapist doing freelancing for you.
  • No drugs, no smoking history. Minor to no alcohol.
  • No past adultery, and a disgust for infidelity.
Mesa , avatar

^This guy dates.

MeDuViNoX , avatar

So, if I meet all other criteria, but I quit smoking in 2017 I'm out?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Pretty much. I need no factors that will result in potential neuro disorders or other problems carrying into my spouse or offspring in the future. Observing a family member's death from alcohol, and another with Alzheimer's from a history of alcohol and smoking, has made me consider these things strictly.

MeDuViNoX , avatar

I guess that's fair, best of luck.

Xantar ,

Incapacity to discuss random topics just for the fun of it. Taking herself too seriously.

corsicanguppy ,

I married an Irish/Scottish girl. I should have seen the gorgeous red hair and green eyes and run for the hills, but no.

She'll debate anything, any time, anywhere. Trump during a commercial? Sure. Abortion over a muffin? Totally. Raisins (scourge or sweet snack?) in an airline security line? All day.

Find yourself a good scot and you'll converse until you die. Violently.

Xantar ,

Red hair green eyes and conversable ? You might have unlocked something in me.

Xantar ,

Talking abortion over muffin is unironically the most hilarious idea I've read today.

Sas ,

I don't see the problem. Sounds like an awesome person

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

If they aren't vegan.

Reddfugee42 ,

Or, hear me out: if they are

Nevoic ,

Yeah fuck people who are against animal abuse and actually live out their principles.

Like you could at least say "preachy vegans". This is still problematic, because it ignores that everyone is preachy about issues they understand are immoral (we're all preachy anti-racists, anti-rapists, etc.)

But just saying "vegan" is wild.

Reddfugee42 ,


grrgyle , avatar

Horniness mismatch. You'll never synch up exactly, but if you aren't at least in the same ballpark, everyone just comes away frustrated.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

That's what polamory is for! I would hate to miss out on an emotionally meaningful relationship just because pp goes hard to often or pp not go hard often enough.

LucasWaffyWaf ,

Never tried myself, but I've two sets of pals that are in poly relationships. The best advice they gave my curious mind on the topic is "If it's not a hell yes, it's a hell no." I'm still curious about trying some time, but it's certainly not a "hell yes" for me.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Hmm yes that might be good advice. There is definitely a lot of work to be done on oneself if someone has only been in mono relationships.

radicalautonomy ,

If it's not a hell yes, it's a hell no.

A very common phrase is polyam circles. I'd recommend reading literature by and for polyamorous people if you still find yourself curious, but hesitant. Thorntree Press has a good selection of books to choose from. Also, seek out polyamory groups in your area. There are FB polyamory groups in just about every major city that usually aren't too hard to search for, and those groups will often have a monthly munch which would afford you the opportunity to ask questions of a variety of people who live that relationship style.

nutsack ,

that's not trivial that's really important

Fizz , avatar

For me its probably someone who uses tiktok.

During my last relationship my ex started using tiktok and for the few weeks she used it i had to listen to the dumbest "facts" as well as borderline malicious relationship and life advice. The bad misinformation is nothing compared to the repetitive nature of the music. She stopped using it on her own accord I didn't force anything.

I still live with someone who is a heavy tik tok user and almost every time she says "i saw this tiktok.. " I know I'm about to hear some dumb bullshit.

The app manipulates people, wastes their time and is full of undeclared product advertising. For my sanity I cannot date someone who thinks it's OK to use that app.

CookieOfFortune ,

My partner totally asks me questions she hears from TikTok trends. Man vs bear, etc.

Fizz , avatar

There's some funny questions for sure. I laughed when I got asked the Rome question and I said probably every day.

Reddfugee42 ,

That's just describing all social media. One of mine would be somebody who hates tiktok because it's trendy to hate TikTok when it's not really any different from any other social platform.

Fizz , avatar

I have a low opinion of most other social media platforms but to me tiktok is on another level.

Reddfugee42 ,

Honestly curious what aspects of the platform (not the content, which is platform agnostic) make it stand out for you

Fizz , avatar

Short content, endless feed, catchy music to grab attention, watching a tiktok counts as liking it algowise which promotes attention grabbing. Owned by ccp. There's probably more but that's off the top of my head.

Reddfugee42 ,

I asked about what aspects of the platform, not the content which is platform agnostic. You literally didn't give any aspects of platform. You talked about the content, which is platform agnostic, and then you lied about its ownership.

Fizz , avatar

Most of my points are about the platform not the content.

Short content - tiktok had a min video length until recently. Because of this the average video is 30s

Endless feed - tiktok has an endless scrolling feed

Tiktok has an algorithm that serves you videos you are likely to watch. This promotes attention grabbing content. This also is a repeating cycle since you are served attention grabbing content then if that content grabs your attention tiktok serves you more.

It is owned by a Chinese company and Chinese companies are beholden to the ccp.

xilliah , avatar

Have a tidepod, it calms the nerves.

Nevoic ,

I don't use tiktok, but some people have unusually based tiktok feeds. They can get direct footage from the genocide happening in Gaza, for example. I never get that recommended on YouTube, despite my very obvious socialist leanings, watching pro-Palestine content, etc.

This is the actual reason tiktok is being banned (if they don't sell) after the election. One of the largest lobbying groups in America, AIPAC, in probably the most well-funded policy categories (pro-Israel policies) backs most of Congress. They've determined tiktok has far too much influence on American youth, and has made the Israel/Palestine divide a young/old divide more-so than a left/right divide.

There's already a strong correlation between political leaning and age, which is problematic for the future of the fascist movement in America, but this issue falls outside the norm. You'll find a lot of young conservatives calling for an end to the needless killing of civilians. They won't call it a genocide because admitting Israel is a genocidal apartheid state is too far for them, but they can at least admit killing tens of thousands of children is not the right path here.

That kind of extremism (e.g not greenlighting any amount of culling of "human animals" Israel feels it needs to do) is unacceptable to the pro-Israel lobby, and they're not used to getting this kind of pushback from the American public.

Fizz , avatar

I completely disagree. I don't think giving young people short snippets of war footage is a good thing at all. It doesn't help them understand the conflict and warps their perspective.

They are at their most malleable and being shown extremely emotionally charged content. That's not a good thing.

Nevoic ,

Yes, genocides are emotional. Watching children being blown up is something that should upset you. That's actually happening in the real world.

Emotion isn't the only thing that should inform your decisions, but pretending like you shouldn't be upset at watching kids being blown up, or begging for their parents, or whatever else have you is just foolish.

Fizz , (edited ) avatar

I don't think you understand what I was trying to get at. I don't mean to say that genocide isn't emotional and that we shouldn't be upset by footage.

My response was saying that i think serving that kind of content to younger users who aren't intentionally seeking it is insane. Tiktok algorithm pushes extreme content to it's users which partly why I don't like the app.

I think its fine for people my age to consume that content so my point originally was more that the content is dumb and I couldn't be with someone who thought it was good content.

mitrosus ,

Understood. Serving emotional content is the social media stunt to grab attention. News is not The intention. And without enough context, it increases polarity in our society. Tiktok is a master of this tactic.

Nevoic ,

When we say younger, we might just be talking about different age groups. I imagine 16-30, and in that age range you're not likely to come away with severe psychological scarring, but you will be deeply upset and that's a good thing (we shouldn't ignore genocide, we should be upset by it). Being upset leads to change.

If you're talking about like 10 year olds watching it, sure I can agree. They can't really do anything about it. They can't go out and protest, or advocate for change, or vote, etc. Plus they're much more likely to have genuine scarring. Issues sleeping, night terrors, trouble concentrating, etc.

As for "that content is dumb", I assume you're talking about tiktok in general. And again, for some people it's definitely not dumb. People get served different things. Tiktok isn't a platform trying to do good in the world, like any other social media platform it's trying to drive engagement. However, it's one of the few social media platforms outside of the U.S media interest groups, and that's why the U.S is either banning them or forcing them to sell.

The end goal is to censor all of that raw footage of genocide, because it changes views. When you can hide behind rhetoric and not show how horrific the mass bombings are, you get a lot more leeway. That's good for Israel, and why AIPAC and other Israel lobbies are the main forces behind this push in the U.S. In the end, the ban is bad for humanity (will allow the genocide to escalate without public backlash), but will be good for Israel and U.S elites.

Fizz , avatar

When I say younger I am mostly talking about 12-18 but also certain people in the 18-21 range. I think after that you are emotionally capable of understanding and dealing with the evils of the world.

In response to the dumb content yeah its just content i find dumb from my point of view thats what I rate it as a trivial thing that I would turn down a partner for. Im sure for some people its riveting content but for me its trash and I dont want to be with someone who thinks it isnt.

I do not see "the only non US platform" as a good thing. Considering the country that runs it doesnt allow foreign social media and isnt exactly the bastion of free speech and moral authority. Id rather the devil I know(america) than the one I dont (china).

For the last point I agree that censoring footage of the war benefits isreal and it does sway peoples views. I dont think there is much censorship of the footage its pretty easy to find. From what i've seen people post the footage to youtube and then cry censorship when its taken down. But that is clearly against yt TOS and anyone sane would expect that to be taken down. Maybe there are better examples of censorship I havent seen since I dont follow tiktok,facebook,insta,reddit.twitter,mastodon.

Nevoic ,

20 year olds are not generally getting night terrors from watching disturbing content on tiktok. They're not losing sleep, or coming away with genuine psychological scarring. We don't need government regulations to control media content for the sake of literal adults. And children in theory should already have their content moderated by the correct degree by parents, not the government.

It's just content I find dumb

If you watch anything on YouTube that you don't think is dumb, there is stuff on TikTok you also wouldn't find dumb. I don't use TikTok either, but I think you genuinely underestimate how much content there is, and overestimate how uniform that content is.

Considering the country that runs it (...)

ByteDance already stores U.S user data within the U.S, allows third party firms to scrutinize its data privacy policies far more than any other U.S media group, and has come back with a clean bill from groups like Citizen Lab (a Canadian research lab). No U.S userdata goes to the Chinese government.

Government officials know this, they're just putting on a show. Leaked phone calls have made this clear, the actual issue is the lack of policing around the kinds of content served. ByteDance is not aligned with U.S foreign policy interests like Meta/Google are. They are more than happy to showcase the horrors of the apartheid, genocidal state of Israel, and that's having a real impact on the literal more than half of Americans that use TikTok.

It's clearly against the YouTube T.O.S

Videos against YouTube's T.O.S of the October 7th attacks have been on the platform since October of last year. They're much more strict about removing videos showcasing the much larger-in-scale violent acts done by Israel than anything done by Hamas. TikTok isn't. This isn't a coincidence, and the U.S needs TikTok to fall in line here.

If they don't young people will continue to hold extreme views, like bombing tens of thousands of children in an open air prison that has been violating the GCIV since 2007 is somehow problematic. They need the American public to have the understanding that Palestinians are simply human animals; they're savages that need to be put down. Not unlike native americans.

Towards the end of the culling, when enough of the population has died to no longer pose a threat, they'll give them small territories like the U.S did with native americans and feign sympathy. Imperialism hasn't changed.

pelletbucket , avatar

everybody's feed is an echo chamber. each person has access to something like 1% of the total videos posted, so two feeds will be unrecognizable. all the videos I get are about how to help Palestinian families, or short history documentaries, or a published linguist talking about interesting words, this guy who collects license plates (I don't care about license plates but his channel is great), this guy who collects stamps and helps people evaluate the sets that they find in grandad's closet (I don't give a shit about stamps but the history that he talks about alongside them is great). the Green Brothers, if you're still into them. plus all the major news outlets are on there, as well as quite a few politicians. woodworkers, clay artists, stonemasons, glass blowers, all showing their art daily

I've been blocking anybody who does undeclared advertising for like a year, and they just don't show me that shit anymore

fubarx ,

Misuse of the oxford comma and bad speling.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Misuse of the oxford comma, and bad speling.


fubarx ,

Check again. Swipes left.

AzzyDev ,


Mesa , avatar

"Misuse of the Oxford comma, bad speling and taking jokes too far."

fubarx ,

1 out of 3. Swipe left.

Reddfugee42 ,

How can one misuse the Oxford comma?

pingveno ,

Not giving a fuck about it.

TexMexBazooka ,


I just can’t do it. They’re trashy and they smell terrible. Almost universally friends/partners I’ve had the smoke cigarettes ash wherever they want- like my patio or door step. I had an ex that would chain smoke, ash in front of the door, then put the cigarette out and leave it on the steps.

So now everyone that walks by sees our entryway covered in ash, cigarette butts, and burn marks. Just looks and smells like shit.

That same partner kept an ash tray in the patio. It filled up with water when it rained, and she just… left it. So now the patio smells like soppy wet shit too.

Ever since then cigs are a deal breaker for me. If you don’t respect your body how can you ever respect your environment or relationship?


Reddfugee42 ,

Massive red flag about multiple issues from hygiene to risk-taking to basic scientific literacy to propensity for addictive behavior. The list goes on and on.

ShadowCatEXE , avatar

100%. I get headaches really easily with the smell of cigarette smoke. Absolute no go from me.

maculata ,


Vanth , (edited ) avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • azalty , avatar

    Bro said he is close with his ex-partners 💀

    Vanth , (edited ) avatar

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  • RBWells ,

    If you have one crazy ex, you have one crazy ex. If you have all crazy exes, you ARE the crazy ex. But if you have no crazy exes but a bunch of relationships that didn't work out I'd want to make sure you aren't their crazy ex.

    BugleFingers ,

    I do have a crazy ex, it's an ongoing joke my friends talk about to this day. She tried to burn my apartment down because I had a birthday card from my sister. She peed in a solo cup and left it on my floor. She broke all the mirrors in my apartment because I didn't tell her she was pretty that day. Oh, she also threatened me with a firearm because I didn't chase her into the next room to make her feel better after an argument.

    I'd say those quantify her as pretty loose in the head. Her parents were great though, we even did stuff without her because they knew how difficult she could be.

    Not that you said people can't have crazy ex's, but for real, some people are just a tad unhinged. My other relationships were all fine and handled pretty well all in all.

    Reddfugee42 ,

    It's a much bigger red flag if they hate everyone they've ever broken up with. That's just childish. So your shit didn't work out? Shake hands and walk along. They still have the good traits that made you consider them in the first place.

    azalty , avatar

    Yea sure, but you don’t have to be close to them and still be friends. Just move on

    Reddfugee42 ,

    No one said you had to. Straw man.

    radicalautonomy , (edited )

    It's a much bigger red flag if they hate everyone they've ever broken up with.

    "And what's the common thread here?"

    I find it very promising when someone I date, when they reflect on a past relationship, is willing to admit the mistakes they made which led to the breakup and highlight the positive steps they've taken to rectify those shortcomings to become a better person and not cause future partners the same hurt. Very sexy, that.

    Reddfugee42 ,

    Exactly. There's a big difference between recognizing mistakes and projecting all failures on the other person.

    chahk ,

    Treats servers badly. Both in restaurants and in IT infrastructure.

    grrgyle , avatar

    That's not trivial at all!

    Talaraine ,

    Driving slow in the left hand lane

    DavidDoesLemmy , avatar

    That's where you're ment to be if you're slow.

    cristo ,

    You drive on the wrong side of the road, for you its the right lane

    DavidDoesLemmy , avatar

    If I drove on the other side of the road I would have a lot of accidents.

    Reddfugee42 ,

    I was going to say only criminals drive slowly in the left lane, but then I saw. Carry on!

    cobra89 ,

    I'm assuming they're North American.

    tiramichu ,


    When someone carelessly throws their trash on the ground, that says a huge amount about their respect for other people, their feelings about the environment, and even their views on social equality.

    It's a tiny thing, but an immediate dealbreaker.

    People who throw their trash on the ground are the same people who yell and get mad at minimum-wage staff, while those staff hold back tears. They are the people who take more food at a buffet restaurant than they could ever even eat. They are the people who think the world and everyone in it owes them whatever they want, but without ever giving anything back.

    I bet we all know a person whose car looks like a scary biohazard of old drive-through cups they haven't cleaned yet, but I'd much rather date that person than someone who throws it all out the window.

    cheesymoonshadow , avatar

    I think whether or not they litter and whether or not they return the shopping cart are two good ways to judge someone's character.

    LarkinDePark ,

    Eats with their mouth open or similar mouth noises. It's not misophonia, you're just a degenerate scumbag and I will end your line!

    CalcProgrammer1 , avatar

    Mixes spaces and tabs in the same line

    Mr_Fish ,

    That's not a trivial thing, that's a war crime

    taladar ,

    So really any tab user in any language requiring alignment then?

    AzzyDev ,

    oh gosh how is this the worst one /j

    maculata ,

    Some programs aren’t sophisticated enough and require this to make satisfactory alignments.

    0_0j , avatar

    Motor mouth

    2kool4idkwhat , avatar

    Uses spaces instead of tabs.

    Coconut1233 ,

    Spaces are kinda better, because tabs are not consistent across editors/platforms. Just please use the tab key to indent, don't press the spacebar x times like a monkey

    2kool4idkwhat , avatar

    I prefer tabs because they aren't consistent

    I personally find 2-space indented code harder to read than 4-space. If I'm working on someone else's codebase which is indented with 2-spaces then I have to cope. But if it's tab-indented then I can just edit the setting in my editor to display a tab char as 4 whitespace chars

    SorteKanin , avatar

    The problem is that when you then want to align stuff, you have to use spaces. So you need to use tabs for indentation and use spaces for alignment. This is actually the perfect, objectively best way to do it, but because it requires a deliberate mix of tabs and spaces, it's too complicated to use for a large project with lots of maintainers. You just need a single maintainer doing it wrong to ruin it.

    There is also the issue that you'll often see the code in a place where you can't control the tab length, i.e. printed in your terminal by some program that doesn't have an option for that, or viewed on the web, like GitHub.

    Nevoic ,

    As someone who has primarily used spaces, I still use the tab key. I sincerely hope most space users understand that your editor can expand your tab key into spaces, and people aren't genuinely going around spamming their spacebar 2->16 times for various indentation levels.

    halfway_neko , avatar

    i'd probably use tabs if they weren't so massive by default.

    do people actually use 8 space wide tabs? if so, what for?

    SorteKanin , avatar

    Most editors have them at 4 by default.

    halfway_neko , avatar

    oh. i guess i'm using the wrong editors then :P

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