
mozz Admin , in What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?
mozz avatar

One of the really notable things about war is that it’s so rare (if you aren’t the US military or else actively engaged in some ongoing conflict), and the rate of people dying and having to be replaced with brand new people is so high, that almost all the time it’s being done for real life-or-death stakes by people who are learning on the job as they go and have no real experience in what they are doing.

A lot of things about military decisions and events don’t completely make sense why they happened the way they do, until you imagine a whole airline being run by people most of whom it’s their first week on the job, and then you say oh okay I get it now; that’s why that happened that way.

Apytele OP ,

Jesus yeah I completely believe you.

Today ,

We don't have time to train people to make good decisions. Let's just train them to say, "Yessir!"

Getawombatupya ,

Perun (youtuber) sums it up- for many militaries there is no organisational experience in actual conflict, outside the pomp and ceremony it's hard to tell what substance exists

mozz Admin , in What is the point of cruel and deadly border policies if employers could just be penalized for hiring unauthorized labor all along?
mozz avatar

You broke the code, I think.

More than once, the anti-immigrant people have succeeded a little too much, and actually gotten all the immigrants away from a given community / given state, and it's created a big catastrophe for the economy and there was a ton of pushback until they made the immigration policy back less strict again (usually, by looking the other way on the hiring side exactly as you pointed out, but still being strict on the coming-into-the-country side, since trying to enforce that side is a lot less effective and basically just accomplishes short-term cruelty without doing much in the long term to stop people from coming in the country).

mozz Admin , in What are some cool/interesting/entertaining accounts to follow on the fediverse?
mozz avatar

@hourlyfops - Hourly fox pictures

@CatsOfYore - Vintage cat pictures

@GottaLaff - Wonderful breaking political news / analysis

GottaLaff , avatar
jordanlund , in What makes your life worth living? avatar

Learning new things and helping other people learn new things.

Did you know the poems of Emily Dickinson can be read to the tune of the Yellow Rose of Texas?

Regarded now as one of the most important American poets, only 10 of her 1,800 poems were published in her lifetime.

TokenBoomer , in Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
yukichigai , in what invisible thing could set off my smoke detector? avatar

Are your smoke detectors linked to each other? Could be faulty wiring in the circuit, or a completely different smoke detector failing and sending out an alarm that triggers the others. The latter happened in my home when I was growing up: the living room smoke detector kept going off a few seconds before the rest of them would chime in, but it turned out it was the one in the nearest hallway that was failing and sending out bad signals. The living room detector was just the next in the circuit.

pelletbucket OP , in what invisible thing could set off my smoke detector? avatar

omg 😭😭😭 The new detector went on off in the living room where the old one did. switched it to the kitchen, put the kitchen detector in the living room, and the new one went off in the kitchen. wtffff

XEAL , in What makes your life worth living?

No worries. No hopes saleman here.

Yeah, some days I feel like pressing a magic "instant permanent vanish" button.

At least I have a good partner in my life and on my new job I spend most of the day hyperfocused creating some scripts to make my tasks easier. I wish they would let me work remotely already tho, because I'm losing my shit after a month of full on-site work.

If I lose my partner, things may turn pretty dark, again.

FookReddit69 OP ,

Having a partner must be nice.

minibyte , in What makes your life worth living?

I was feeling something similar last year. I’ve been following Maslow’s motivational model since then and things have only improved.

d00phy , in which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??

I don’t have kids of my own, but through my time with my step-kids, I’ve learned I would’ve loved to have one or two. I totally understand people who don’t want kids. They can be a huge, expensive hassle. But I feel like I’ve gotten so much more back from them than it ever cost me. Plus they gave me this cup that I drink from every morning.

Droggelbecher , in What makes your life worth living?

There's things to learn that I don't know yet. That's enough for me.

intensely_human , in Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)

It’s useful to do so. It gives a person meaning and purpose in life.

Dead_or_Alive , in which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??

I have kids, it is great knowing that I’ve successfully continued my bloodline like my ancestors before me.

While those that have not procreated will die as failures in the eyes of nature. Their bloodlines will end in 100 years it will be like they were never there to begin with.

Kids are also pretty awesome to have.

MsPenguinette , in what invisible thing could set off my smoke detector?

I think you said elsewhere that they are new and that they are photoelectric rather than the radioactive ones.

I'm purely taking a shot in the dark but I'm wondering if you should try sealing up the hole(s) in the wall that you made to run electric and to mount the detector

My thinking is that dust might be getting caught up in a tiny draft through that hole and it's so close to the source that it sets it off. Cause like, if wind hits the side of the house, there can be some positive pressure in the crawlspace which often also means inside the walls.

I guess maybe somehow there could be some stream or condensation as well. If it's right by the front door and the humidity is high, maybe the hot air from outside meets the AC air and causes a tiny amount of condensation. Or if you live in hellscape temperatures, maybe there could be some vapor generated because of the hot air.

Surp , in which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why?? avatar

I have one kid and it's one of the best things so far life has dished out for me. I love him so much and he's so much fun. I know one kid is my limit though. Enjoy!

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