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BugleFingers ,

CNC machining. It's manufacturing; I work with titanium, inconel, and on occasion steel.

What happened with Starfield?

I was only caught up with the news to its release date and didnt bother to check on it since then. I don't plan to play it, but rather to check on the headlines and reviews surrounding it since I've heard some negative comments about the game. I know about the recent trends of the gaming industry but I was kinda hoping for...

BugleFingers ,

IIRC it was unfortunately pretty empty, discovery was very limited, and people were mighty upset that it was effectively a load zone simulator. Most things could be fast traveled to but also had load zones 10 feet from where you loaded in.

I'm sure there is more but that's the jist of what I know

BugleFingers ,

I believe the article is referring to interacting with kids, not that the men themselves have offspring. They could be niece/nephews or cousins etc. But showing positive skillsets with the young generally improves attractiveness.

I.E. you see your partner plays well with kids their friends have, V.S. you see them be cold and distant towards those same kids.

BugleFingers ,

I dislike being observed. If someone comments on me in any capacity (clothes, looks, humor, etc.) Whether positive or negative I get uncomfortable.

That being said, currently a bright orange top.

Otherwise I'm a very average looking person who wears mostly black, dark blues, and some greys.

BugleFingers ,

That's exactly how I am, I found out most of it came from my no-clear-dominance eyes. Quick reaction type stuff I usually use my right side, slow steady stuff I use my left side. Archery, shooting, writing, all left handed. Throwing, punching, Frisbee, right handed.

I agree with the unknown comfort with sides when trying something new. Occasionally I'll even end up questioning if the other side is better when I do a very infrequent task. It's like I forgot what hand I normally use

BugleFingers ,

I may have to look into that to some. I've never been good around people, but specifically when they say something it's much worse.

Sort of in a similar vein, I don't like mirrors because it makes me see myself which presents an image that does not match the way I feel I present myself or my internal image of myself. it's less a matter of attraction or confidence so much as a disillusionment.

BugleFingers ,

I have never heard of that, I'll definitely look into it! I was given an ND prognosis many years ago though I did not stay with the practioner long enough after to get a full diagnosis. So it's possible that plays into it.

I've gotten more accustomed as I age, definitely, comfortable maybe not so much. I am unsure if changing my appearance to closer match would change my affinity towards it, but I suppose that may be answered by looking more into the condition itself. But thank you for a name to start with

BugleFingers ,

I mostly just avoid mirrors and pictures as a whole and dress really tame so its not super bad. I could definitely use therapy for a multitude of reasons but I struggle to communicate things without prompt and am quite uncomfortable with the idea of sharing very personal stuff with, well, anyone. I do go through phases of erasing myself (as much as one can) from the internet, and from my own devices though.

I am glad to hear I'm not the only one, though it's unfortunate others do suffer the same way. I do hope you continue to make progress and have it become a non-issue for you in the future

How do you connect with people and make friends without social media?

I'm struggling to figure out how to make friends without having Instagram or any other social media. I have discord but don't use it much. I see all my acquaintances in discord channels and sharing Instagram posts and stuff. It's already hard for me to make friends, but I feel like not having any of the traditional social media...

BugleFingers ,

Dang. The website said there is no groups or events anywhere at any time within 100 miles of me. What do lmao

BugleFingers ,

Trash pandas are friends. Got it

BugleFingers ,

I believe I'm reasonable (most people would believe this of themselves though). I try to be a respectful person. IDK about "nice" though. I would classify one of my friends as a genuinely wholesome and nice person, whom I envy and look up too. The deficiency between him and myself is why I probably wouldn't consider myself nice. I hold myself to the standard that I see from him and I'm not there.

BugleFingers ,

I very rarely have soda at all, on the occasions I do Dr. Pepper because it slightly tastes like cherry. Otherwise it's all more or less the same to me

BugleFingers ,

I have tape or marker covering all the blue lights that I can. So many small electronics have piercing blue LEDs and I just cannot deal. Bring back the old ruby red console lights please!

When did you know a career was either the perfect or the worst match for your personality?

I'm trying to give someone advice on choosing a career that will suit them better than the one they're in and hate. I wanted to get together a list of good questions for them to ask themselves so they can use the answers to compare options like "do you prefer to work sitting or moving around," "do you want to not work weekends"...

BugleFingers ,

The first time I ever set foot in a machine shop I was enamored by the machines. I also don't have to worry so much about customers or socializing. It's quiet socially, not so much decibel-y. Things are pretty straightforward and each machine sorta has it's own personality. You can totally tell when its being just a dick that day, but treat it right and your job is easy.

BugleFingers ,

I don't typically ever have to Buy maps. But whenever I'm touring a new place paper maps are awesome. Especially for cities. I learned basically all of Paris and Barcelona that way. Granted I also had to walk everywhere.

BugleFingers ,

I know currently NH median is 525k. Heard it on the radio the other day

BugleFingers ,

In terms of Nightmares that induce fear: Usually something that is there that poses extreme threat that I'm unable to make out. Often I'm able to make out that it's a beast of some kind

BugleFingers ,

I don't clean shave but I do shave a fair amount away. Usually every couple days. I use a DE razor, it's cheap and incredibly effective. It also produced the least irritation for me.

I usually shave most of it blind in the shower, then the shape/touch-up in the mirror after. Total, maybe 15 minutes. It goes pretty fast once you know what you're doing.

BugleFingers ,

Prime, Alpha, Leader, Lead, Breeder, Spawner, Source, Central, Keystone.

Those prefixes used upon the suffix of: Bee. All seem like potential options

BugleFingers ,

I think it's good for early warning to reach the public. Ideally this would allow the public to support handling it post-haste. Realistically it probably will churn in the news, get a little worse, then depending on how/if it mutates, die off or go full blown and people will likely react similar to COVID. Maybe (and hopefully) a little more responsibly if the lethality stays high.

Do you use both a personal desktop and laptop?

I'm moreso curious if laptop functions have been offloaded to phones. If you have a full gaming desktop, do you see the use case for an additional laptop? or if most people here don't see the need for the increased processing power of a desktop, do you just use your laptop and a phone?...

BugleFingers ,

I have 2 desktops and 1 laptop, all of which see use for various jobs and uses. My mobile currently only has this app really for anything extra. I use an old phone for all the junk apps I need/want.

BugleFingers ,

As someone who has been stood up consecutively 16 times. What a monsterous way to acquire business

BugleFingers ,

I always preface with the fact I'm bad at names. I forget names of coworkers I've spent years with. Even friend's names sometimes. In fact, I does not even have to be a person or animal's name, jus the name of something. Places, objects, locations, etc. I frequent a park that has sentimental value and I couldn't tell you the name off the top of my head.

A friend of mine has a joke that I always get the letter wrong. Usually I'll say "I think it starts with [letter]" and most times it's incorrect.

Usually there are ways around it since I've been told it's rude, but nobody has ever outwardly told me they were unhappy I've forgotten. Typically they will notice I forget other names before it becomes a problem with them.

BugleFingers ,

I almost had kids, my one and ONLY condition with my partner at the time was a stable living situation, aka a house. It's been years since them and its only gettingore unaffordable. I've had to move every year for the past 4 years to not get out priced. Rent has increased 50% since then too

BugleFingers ,

I can put both my hands In a "pray" position behind my back between my shoulder blades. I can vibrate my eyes. Perpetually crack my right ankle. And pull my arm out of it's socket.

BugleFingers ,

That's similar to how I learned! My brother could do it and I was envious and figured it out, he can do it for as long as he wants but my eyes tire after maybe 20 seconds or so

BugleFingers ,

I'd donate a lot of bodies to science

No further comments.

BugleFingers ,

I'm in a slightly more....redneck(?) area and the benefit to open bed trucks tends to be things more akin to landscaping, logging, wood and stone moving, and for those with hobbies; moving smaller vehicles (if they don't own a trailer attachment).

Basically the ability to throw dirty things into a hauling vehicle with good suspension on non-paved areas with easy cleaning capabilities.

It comes down to what you're doing is and what is required for a vehicle. HVAC, House work, some masonry or such you could use an enclosed vehicle for sure.

To your point, handymen and tradesmen will usually use a van or similar. And way more people own a truck than actually utilize it for the proper use cases. But there are valid reasons for open bed trucks too

BugleFingers ,

Ive gotten a sub woofer probably at ~$120 of value and a couple pool sticks (billiards) at ~$200-300 value of which I've never gotten to fully utilize yet

BugleFingers ,

Very bland and slightly off monochromatic. Just like IRL

BugleFingers ,

Being unnecessarily wasteful with food. Not even attempting to save it or tossing all away over some easily resolvable issue like "I'm not hungry right now" Throws in trash.

BugleFingers ,

I do have a crazy ex, it's an ongoing joke my friends talk about to this day. She tried to burn my apartment down because I had a birthday card from my sister. She peed in a solo cup and left it on my floor. She broke all the mirrors in my apartment because I didn't tell her she was pretty that day. Oh, she also threatened me with a firearm because I didn't chase her into the next room to make her feel better after an argument.

I'd say those quantify her as pretty loose in the head. Her parents were great though, we even did stuff without her because they knew how difficult she could be.

Not that you said people can't have crazy ex's, but for real, some people are just a tad unhinged. My other relationships were all fine and handled pretty well all in all.

BugleFingers ,

I was driven mad by the unrelenting noises of society. The clamor, the insanity of humanity. The protagonistic figure decides a more peaceful option is adequate for my type of villainy and offers me quiet respite. A lovely cottage suitable for my hermit-like needs.

With this, I am at peace. I have a home. I have quiet. No quarrels with the world anymore

BugleFingers ,

Hmmmmm, I might have a shiny rock or two. But I think the general public would be the providers of most appreciation awards due to not having me around anymore

BugleFingers ,

Usually minor talents, knowledge, or the like. I.E. I can sew, knit, and crochet fairly well. I also know a decent amount about makeup and hair as well as am able to help apply (make-up) pretty well too.

I spent a decent amount of time helping with those things growing up and helping past partners too. It's fun to help them get all gussied up! They have to do the color matching though. I'm absolutely terrible with that.

BugleFingers ,

Cream of wheat made with whole milk and a dab of salted butter.

Not very sweet but very rich, warm, and filling

BugleFingers ,

And in both real world and that world, you have arch users/wizards

BugleFingers ,

Last night I just finished the second book in "The way of the shadows" trilogy.

So far I've been enjoying it! And I have quite the list of books to go through too

BugleFingers ,

I have not read the Lightbringer series, so I can't offer comparison. But I can say that so far I have enjoyed this series. Some of the interactions I want to resolve sooner than they have but that's also personal preference.

Some stuff is foreseeable but the plot setups are definitely there in a good way. He hasn't really made note of anything and then just not used it yet.

BugleFingers ,

I dream often, usually I am able to remember them if I want to but never really bother unless it sticks out as a great story. It tends to happen when I'm about to wake up and while I'm in that mid sleep twilight zone. (Think of trying to back to sleep after an alarm, that kinda sleep)

I would also like to mention that my sleep in incredibly messed up. I have a sleep condition that causes me to wake multiple times an hour so my rest is awful and I'm eternally exhausted.

BugleFingers ,

Evaluate how much something matters based on 1 day, 1 month, 1 year.

I.E. How upset should you be over [Thing]? Will it matter in one day? One month? One year? That helps perspective a bunch. You can use any variation of time really, the point is perspective

BugleFingers ,

I'd probably buy hummus, buy a bunch of new stuff I've never tried, maybe buy some red meat a bit more often than once a month or so.

I also usually don't buy orange juice for cost reasons so probably that too.

BugleFingers ,

You know, I never actually considered making it myself, I figured I'd need some device or masher etc. To make it, but I'll look into it!

BugleFingers ,

I live in a pretty HCOL area and buy food pretty conservatively. I can look into the BOGO tubs of it though! Mostly I feel its a snack type food and that's where I pinch on foods. The snack, desserts etc.

If I could find it cheap I could probably look into what meals I could have with hummus

BugleFingers ,

You could add additional Plot™ where after the items are collected there is something revealed that requires those 8 items that the museum is More interested in but is dangerous. As an offer for that item (which may not hold any actual magic but holds major historical value) they offer those 8 magic items to the adventurers as a payment from the museum to undertake the (dangerous?) quest.

You could easily make that historical item a representation of all 8 items as a way to satisfy the museums desire for those items as well.

The con to all this is that it would add one additional quest line to the story and might interfere with other Plot™ plans you have

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

BugleFingers ,

Nature is way way more vicious than most people think or believe. Rape, infanticide, necrophilia, cannibalism, etc. Are not entirely uncommon out in nature. It's a vicious race for survival and procreation and anything goes. Raccoons are the same.

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