OsrsNeedsF2P , to Technology in Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March

Founded in 2005 by web developer Steve Huffman and entrepreneur Alexis Ohanian, Reddit became best known for its niche discussion groups and its users voting "up" or "down" on the content posted by other members.

Disgraceful, disgusting, lying scum. Say his name: Aaron Swartz

Aatube ,

Aaron Swartz actually didn’t found Reddit. He built a similar company that wasn’t gaining traction, and as both of them were under y-comb and Reddit secretly seeded fake accounts, Swartz and y-comb decided to merge into Reddit. Swartz was sort of their first and hardworking employee instead of a co-founder.

IndyRap ,

Reddit doesn't exist without him period full stop. His didn't get traction and theirs didn't work.

Not the same thing.

Aatube ,


girlfreddy OP , to World News in Putin says Ukraine's statehood at risk if pattern of war continues avatar

Alternate headline...

Russian warlorld says statehood of nation he invaded at risk if they don't give up immedately

ChihuahuaOfDoom , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

As an official act, Biden should immediately dissolve the Supreme Court.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

Whatever he does he needs to put this into effect now. The only way we'll get this Congress to reign in Presidential power is if they think it will hinder Biden.

assassin_aragorn ,

This isn't a bad 4D chess move. Trick Republicans in Congress to heavily limit the power of the president to neuter this decision.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , (edited )

Petty politics is basically all they know at this point. Tell them noses are totally woke and they'll start cutting off their own.

ikidd , avatar

That's a funny way to spell "hang".

Delusional ,

Presidential act that states the supreme Court has been infiltrated by corrupt officials, remove them all from office, and replace them with uncorrupt officials with oversight. Don't worry supreme court, you said he could fucking do it if he wants to.

dudinax ,

"And if the new supreme court allows me to be charged for this act, so much the better."

Introversion , to News in Canadians worry US democracy cannot survive Trump's return to White House, poll finds

Many Americans worry too, Canada.

kent_eh , (edited )

Hopefully enough of them...

Scotty_Trees , avatar

I worry how fucked we are. Like are we all gonna get a slim and slender dill pickle unfavorably shoved up our poop cutters OR are we going to get a giant prickly cactus shoved brazenly right up to our colons?

CurbsTickle ,

I think that will depend on how wealthy, white, straight, and male you are. Mostly in that order, but not always.

merc ,

Not enough.

Tens of millions of Americans look at the choice between Biden and Trump and choose Trump. That's insane.

It's nearly half the US population that wants Trump in charge. That's terrifying.

It's also scary that a lot of the Americans who live in left-leaning states aren't all that concerned. They somehow think that because their state is left-leaning and their neighbours share their political views, that somehow a second Trump presidency wouldn't affect them much.

2fat4that , avatar

This is the death rattle of the most entitled, largest, generation in America. They do not care where America will be in 10 years because they won’t be alive and they think it’s hilarious. It’s a geriatric tantrum.

merc ,

45-64 year olds only went for Biden by 1 percentage point in 2020, 49% for Trump, 50% for Biden. And for 30-44 year olds it was only 45% for Trump, 52% for Biden.

This isn't just a problem with old people, even though they're the only group that went for Trump overall. There are still a lot of younger people voting for Trump who won't be dying off for decades. The people who voted for Trump are a slight minority and the minority will be getting smaller over time. But, many of them are hoping that the GOP will break the system so the minority can rule over the majority, even if that means no more democracy.

2fat4that , avatar

I think as long as there are two parties, elections in America will always be close. Add gerrymandering and violently polarizing rhetoric into the mix and you have our current situation. In regards to a solution, I don’t think there is one. America is a country founded on an unwavering belief in individualism. We often overlook the obviously correct decision instead deciding to take the “road less traveled” even if it makes zero sense to do so. Anything to be different! Americans also love to gamble and we view the obvious decision as having worse odds.

themeatbridge , to Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. in US appeals court says kids' climate lawsuit must be dismissed

Those who make non-violent revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

rbesfe ,


Burn_The_Right ,

Trump? Shouldn't you be in court right now?

Rapidcreek , to politics in Trump is disqualified from Illinois ballot, judge rules

Illinois hates Florida nazis.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I didn't even need to click on this. :)

mojofrododojo ,

pause at 27 seconds and you'll see DeSantis's uncle/bro/cousin behind the main guy

Telorand , to politics in Republican candidate Nikki Haley was targeted in second swatting attempt

I don't like Haley, and I will absolutely not be voting for her, but I don't subscribe to domestic terrorism as a tactic.

Unless it's directed at Donald Trump, because he would do no less to anyone, and I would bet good money the hoax callers are his sycophants.

aew360 ,

I’m voting for her in a month in my state’s primary. She hasn’t earned my vote, but seeing how much it pisses off Trump is just too fucking good. She won’t win the nomination, but she can absorb his blows for a couple months and it extends the Republican in-fighting.

I would urge everyone to vote for her in your state’s primary. She’s not gonna win the primary, and even if she did, she won’t win a general election because all the Trumper’s are gonna write in Trump

dudinax , (edited )

Haley might win. It's conceivable, though unlikely, that the SC will follow the constitution and ban Donnie from office.

As someone pointed out in a different thread, she is the leading eligible Republican.

aew360 ,

In a controlled experiment that is bound by the confines of logic, sure. She’s the leading eligible Republican. But in the real world where democracy in America is close to shattering, there’s no way she wins a general. All the prominent Republicans except for the ones who make their wealth off of free trade have endorsed Trump. Everyone in her home state has endorsed Trump. The governor, both senators, every congressman. They would likely flip their endorsements, but this is unprecedented. Trump wouldn’t accept the results. He would blame the RNC, and people like Ramaswamy and Kari Lake would echo his grievances. She won’t win the battleground states that way.

AnneBonny ,

But in the real world where democracy in America is close to shattering, there’s no way she wins a general.

I think they were talking about winning the primary if Trump is disqualified.

dudinax ,

She has very little chance of beating Biden if she wins the nomination, but I was writing about the nomination.

CarbonIceDragon , avatar

Beyond that, Trump is also fairly old too, it's not impossible for him to suffer a heart attack or something before the election, in which case the result would be similar of her winning the primary by default as the next most popular candidate. Maybe not likely, but again, possible

ramble81 ,

I’m actually switching sides in our state primary just to vote for her and not Trump. I’ll accept whoever is on the democratic side as I’ll vote for them in the general election so I want my vote to go to offset any going to Trump in the primary.

Steve ,

Getting her nominated would split the republican vote, guaranteeing a democrat victory.

aew360 ,

AND guaranteeing the end of the MAGA/Freedom Caucus/Tea Party/Q Anon movement that has been fucking up US politics since Clinton was in office

hsinner ,

Sadly, I don't think it'll really stop that group. They'll just find another person to rally behind.

jayrhacker , avatar

domestic terrorism as a tactic

Imagine if we had Police who don't terrorize people based on a phone call directing them to what should be a well known address in their area.

Hairyblue , to politics in Republican candidate Nikki Haley was targeted in second swatting attempt avatar

Doesn't Swatting endanger peoples lives and waste resources? This is criminal. Hope they find and punish who did it.

Also. The right and MAGA don't like you. In their eyes you are not really one of them because of racism.

Sylver ,

And misogyny, don’t forget the misogyny!

spider ,

Doesn’t Swatting...waste resources

Yeah, the same taxpayer dollars they claim to care so much about.

MagicShel ,

Oh taxpayer dollars aren't being wasted as long as the correct people are being hurt.

idiomaddict ,

Not that they deserve fairness, but it’s probably not one of her supporters swatting her

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

It should be an automatic attempted murder charge, even if SWAT realizes it's bogus beforehand. If someone dies as a result, 1st degree murder.

Crikeste ,

A serial swatter was just convicted and sentenced in Washington, I think.

He swatted hundreds of people, got 4 years.

lolcatnip ,

The system can't admit that police are dangerous, so it can't treat swatting as the act of terrorism it is.

Pons_Aelius , (edited ) to Technology in Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March

They are about 2 years too late.

The rise in interest rates and the end of easy VC money has swung the dial back to: Companies actually need to generate profit and not just show user growth to be attractive to investors.

The IPO will not go as spez dreamed for so long.

lemmyvore ,

It would be such a pity if it turns out the protests caused him to miss the good window.

cosmic_slate , avatar

The protests came several months later, I doubt they had any effect. The end of the line was last January.

PugJesus , to politics in Trump voters who are returning to the fold avatar

Lipp says his return to Trump began with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In March 2023, DeSantis downplayed the invasion, calling it a “ territorial dispute”.

“That really made me wonder about DeSantis’s knowledge of international politics and how it affects the United States. It really concerned me,” Lipp said.

So you go back to... Trump? Who has literally praised Putin for the invasion?

Fucking morons.

macarthur_park ,

From the same person in the article:

“Trump has a business background and he’s a great negotiator. He has a strong personality. These conflicts can be resolved through negotiation, and Trump is the right man at the right time.”

They still think of him as the character he played on The Apprentice.

ZeroCool ,

The damage Mark Burnett did by refining the myth of Donald Trump’s business acumen for The Apprentice is incalculable. He single-handedly convinced the stupidest dregs of society that Donald Trump was a brilliant negotiator and successful businessman. When in reality The Apprentice itself was the only successful thing he had ever been involved with.

nilloc ,

It’s so weird, because all that show did was cement how stupid he was for me. It was so fucking moronic.

CharlesDarwin , avatar

I couldn't stand to watch it. I hated donnie for a very long time, and watching that asshat play a Bigly Successful Bidness Man was too much. It was all I could do to keep from rolling my eyes when the watercooler talk would start up about that show.

cmbabul ,

In the past and occasionally now I indulge in pro wrestling, I know it’s predetermined and ridiculous but it’s fun and makes me happy. I think everyone knows this about wrestling at this point.

What I’ve been realizing over the past few years in conversations with people who watch reality TV is that there is a non insignificant percentage of them who don’t see the kayfabe. It’s really distressing

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

This really sounds like someone that was "programmed".

CharlesDarwin , avatar

I curse the day he was handed that game show. It should be called The Artifice.

EmpathicVagrant ,

The reason doesn’t need to make sense, they just want a reason not to support someone other than their golden idol

CharlesDarwin , avatar

Yep. I cannot imagine trying to live in that head.

PrincessLeiasCat , to Technology in Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to step down in management shakeup amid safety crisis

Highly recommend the book ‘Flying Blind’ by Peter Robison on Boeing and the decline of its safety culture after the merger with McDonnell Douglas. That’s when the “business” types who ran the former company into the ground took over both and we see the same results here.

Before the merger, the engineers were in charge and safety was taken seriously. Now, it’s more about stock, etc.

applebusch ,

Long ago the four nations lived in harmony. But everything changed when the business nation attacked. Only the regulations could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished.

afraid_of_zombies ,

We should make a movie about this. The last regulator. The fans will love it

SkyeStarfall ,

I feel like I hear this story repeated over and over and over and over and over.... everywhere.

At what point will we stop letting the business types degrade our human civilization for their egoistic short-term gains?

Blank ,

When capitalism is no longer propped up by the government, masquerading as democracy, so that they, too, can greedily profiteer on the short term gains of a quality product that has been ran into the ground for the sake of a bigger personal estate.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Maybe just learning to live with it would be better. It's cliche at this point. Company thinks big, takes big risks, makes shitton of money and shitton of mistakes. Wall Street takes over and the company circles the drain. We all know it's going to happen. That uniqueness will converge, or made to converge to the mean, and given enough time every company will be an also-ran.

I got into Soylent when it first came out. It said proudly made with GMOs on the label. The recipe was open source and a revision number on it. The inventor was conducting medical tests on himself as a test subject and tweaking the nutrition balance and it was all made by one facility. Now, the proudly made with GMOs is gone, it is closed source, the recipe seems to never change, the supply of bottled comes from a different facility each time I order it. What happened? The company was sold to an established player and they made it just yet another meal replacement drink.

I guess what I am saying is it is probably just easier to accept that this is going to happen. The craftsman of your grandfather is the cheap junk of today.

MushuChupacabra , to Ukraine in Pope says Ukraine should have 'courage of the white flag' of negotiations avatar

They did. The Russians invaded anyway.

Pope, fuck off.

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in Diminished Hamas switches to full insurgent mode in Gaza

It’s like the Israelis watched us do both Iraq round 2 and Afghanistan, and instead of seeing it as a cautionary tale, they were like “hmmm yes this is excellent”

goferking0 ,

All they learned was they have to eliminate or displace everyone then take it over rather than it's a dumb idea

gravitas_deficiency ,

Don’t have to win any hearts and minds if there aren’t any hearts or minds left taps forehead

andrewrgross , avatar

To add to this: Netanyahu has been on trial for corruption for years, and he's been using the war as an excuse to avoid holding elections, which he would lose.

When the war ends, Bibi is going to jail. And would you look at that? He's in a permanent war! What are the odds.

disguy_ovahea ,

It’s that exact reason that the US right wing continues to liken Oct. 7 to 9/11. They believe that disproportionate retaliation is somehow justice.

If Trump wins in November, you can be sure Israel will bomb and pave every last bit of Palestinian territory.

gravitas_deficiency ,

If Trump wins in November, you can be sure that Trump will send squadrons of B-52s to carpet bomb Gaza and the West Bank into dust and call it “assisting Israel with their territorial security”.

Telodzrum , to politics in Texas erects new border barrier as dispute with Biden administration ramps up

If local authorities are usurping the explicitly enumerated powers of the Federal Government, it's time to federalize the Texas National Guard.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It really is. And in the context of what Abbot is doing, it is 100% legally justified at this point.

The incredibly shitty part is that, despite the unambiguous legality of such a hypothetical move, Biden won’t do it, because Abbot might actually use that as a political wedge. Which would be incredibly idiotic in the context of “America continuing to exist” - especially if the TXNG leadership decides to throw in with Abbot, which would effectively kick off a second civil war (which might start “cold”, but almost certainly wouldn’t end that way).

newthrowaway20 ,

We're already in a cold civil war and abbot already uses this as a wedge. So nothing would actually change.

aew360 ,

And then when the commanding general will refuse the order and declare that they serve the Texas Governor, we would have official made Season 1 of Designated Survivor a reality but with a whole fuck of a lot less actual controversy and catastrophe. Just shows how fragile conservatives are when they don’t get their way

RememberTheApollo_ OP ,

Stop paying them. Remove their rank and all support. Courts martial them.

Theprogressivist , to politics in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts avatar

Took 7 fucking months to kick this back to the lower court for a ruling we all kind of expected (can't really trust SCOTUS to do anything good). Exactly why Smith wanted this Streamlined in December.

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