@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world cover
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar



Just a happy Fedora Gnome Linux user & metalcore music lover. Drop Acid, Not Bombs!

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Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Ohhh you just know it was a hard R too....what a piece of scum.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

"The board [the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles] did not elaborate on why it issued a full pardon."

Gee, I wonder fucking why they didn't elaborate on why they pardon a man, who texted his friends he wanted to shoot protestors and then went and actually did it and killed a US military veteran. Fuck Abbott now and forever.


Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Advocating for violence makes you no better than him...

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

blah blah blah, don't listen to the new york times about polling right now, it's all for clicks, not for any actually substances of truth.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I moved back in with my parents. Fuck living alone if it means killing myself with work just to survive. Fuck that.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck this Trump

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Makes you wonder how many people didn't vote for Hillary just because of something exactly like this, makes you wonder.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I pictured way too many dog breeds to this, and embarrassingly I did not consider pugs :P

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

"Might as well do X or Y" ya, I think I'll try telling myself that more with a bit more motivation to actually do it.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I hate to be that guy, but actually it's not just "greed" this time. There was millions of chickens that had to be culled due to a viral outbreak of Avian flu last season and we are just now seeing the effects of that. Don't get me wrong greed does play a part, but the major contributing factor this time around for eggs is not greed, but the system rebounding from the outbreak. I know it's trendy to say greed ruins everything (it can and does), but in this case it helps to have actual context to know what's going on with the overall picture of things. The more you know, ya know.


Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

No need for the tinfoil, that's literally what this is.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I believe they were one of the good guys, but the owner or founder passed away a few years ago, so it's not what it used to be anymore.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

"Can't win a primary without him, can't win a general with him."

Found Beau's Lemmy account! :P

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

My looming thought is* we prevent a dictatorship...for now.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I don't use Twitter and my life is better off.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I might get downvoted to hell for this, but hopefully you hear me out before you do. I knew nothing of politics most of my life prior to 2016. It was never on my radar and most of the time when I did vote it was essentially just how my family members voted. I did not think for myself back then. That was my mistake. And so I voted for Trump the first time knowing nothing outside of the "email scandal". But my own ignorance and laziness to be informed is no excuse.

I have since been on a vigilant crusade of self reflection and self correction to better understand myself. This mistake on my part which has motivated me to spend the rest of my life to be more informed, not just politically, but also with history, economics, social and culture issues as well, the whole nine yards so to speak. Within Trumps first 100 days in office, I knew I made an absolutely huge, huge mistake and I vowed never again. In the years that have followed, I've amassed a wealth of knowledge I previously never had from learning more of the Constitution of the US/Bill of Rights, as well as my states own Constitution, and I've read numerous books on US history from how the government functions, to Civil War to Civil Rights to better inform myself of how we got here.

I've been in horror watching everything unfold since 2016. Not being politically aware/involved before this was my mistake. I've read books from my local library on How Democracies Die to How Fascism Works to better grasp what is going on because having perspective matters. Looking back, I can see the type of media my family consumed affected my decision at the voting booth, but it was my mistake that I never dug deeper or tried to objectively learn the truth of things. I used to be the type that naively thought "both parties are the same" (they absolutely are not), but it was my mistake to remain ignorant for many years.

Shortly after the 2016 election, I was second guessing myself, thought I was taking crazy pills, and everything Trump was saying and doing I was in major conflict with. Prior to 2016, I never read/heard political news, but after 2016, everything I read was political news. Ignorance may have been bliss, but it's no excuse not being informed. That was my mistake. I did a few of those 'which political party are you' type of online quizzes. Turned out my views on social issues, drug issues, prison reform, environmental issues, education, military, etc were aligned 80% of the time with the Democratic Party. Really blew my mind, since I was more or less raised to vote Red. Diving into History and learning about the Republican tactics from the Southern Strategy to Obstructing anything Democrats do, to blowing up the deficit while in office, to only cutting taxes for the wealthy, to saying they support the troops but do nothing for them, to overturning Roe v Wade, among 100 other things they've done really woke me up that I've been misled for so long.

I hope to never make a mistake like that again. My family is all still very pro-Trump, I'm the black sheep in the family, but I don't care what they think knowing what they are still willing to support. Since 2016, I've had numerous debates with my family, almost always civil discussions, but they always move the goalposts...they never move an inch from their Republican entrenched mindset since they watch/listen to Fox News and right wing AM radio every single day. It was my mistake I ever listened to them. I hope to never make a mistake like that again.

tl;dr I naively voted for Trump in 2016 and within the first 100 days instantly regretted it and vowed never again to make a mistake as monumental as that by being better informed. Took an online test, turned out I was always Democrat leaning with my views on issues.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

When Putin took over Russia and turned it into him getting 99% of the votes every election, most people of Russia did not leave. When Putin cracked down on journalists, free speech, and gay/queer people, hell even his own oligarchs aren't safe next to a Russian window, most people of Russia did not leave. When Russia invaded Ukraine, the first and second time, most people of Russia did not leave.

Have Russians bought the Kremlin propaganda hook, line and sinker? What does it take for a citizen to say enough is enough before they leave their country? Do Russians lack the means to afford the ability to leave their homeland, potentially forever from friends, and generations of families? Unfortunately, most people whether it's Russia or the US, simply do not have the means, the finances, the connections, or the resources to leave. A minority of us will have access to this luxury, but for a majority of us, we are simply fucking stuck. And in case it's not clear, I do not support Russia, I hope the Putin regime collapses sooner than later.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

My guy, you do realize you're unironically doubling down on being pro-incest right? RIGHT?

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Gay sex and interracial sex are NOT the same thing as incest sex. You do realize you're advocating for dads to bang their own daughters? Cause that's what incest usually results in.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

"A father and daughter having consensual sex..."

It must be wild living in whatever fantasy world you live in. Ask your mom or your dad if you can bang them, jfc...

Trump Wants CNN, NBC Off Air for Spurning His Iowa Victory Speech ( www.thedailybeast.com )

“ Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at a pair of cable networks not named Fox News for their decision not to air all of his Iowa caucuses victory speech as it happened, suggesting that what they did was so heinous that they should “have their licenses, or whatever they have, taken away.”...

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Not just Fox "News" but all the alt-right AM radio pundits too. While visiting my parents, I overheard his AM radio speaker downplay events by saying that E. Jean Carroll only "claims" Trump did things, while totally ignoring the fact that Trump was already convicted of sexual assault and the judge later confirmed it was indeed classified as rape, and he had to pay her $5 million for defamation, which now there's ANOTHER court case going on that's bad for Trump, but all of those pesky facts weren't mentioned, only that E. Jean Carroll was a vindictive slut. Truly maddening to me when you know the objective facts, I call it Conservative brain rot.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

If he gets even more than 74 million votes this year, I'm going to shit a whole pallet of bricks

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck, this is yet another reminder I really really need to watch The Lighthouse.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

If anyone somehow missed this meme when growing up or are older, it's a CGI comedy movie called Shrek, and the man speaking is Lord , Farquaad who is voiced by the very talented John Lithgow.

Canadians worry US democracy cannot survive Trump's return to White House, poll finds ( www.reuters.com )

About two-thirds of Canadians surveyed this month said American democracy cannot survive another four years of Donald Trump in the White House, and about half said the United States is on the way to becoming an authoritarian state, a poll released on Monday said....

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I worry how fucked we are. Like are we all gonna get a slim and slender dill pickle unfavorably shoved up our poop cutters OR are we going to get a giant prickly cactus shoved brazenly right up to our colons?

Almost half of Haley supporters say they would vote for Biden over Trump: Iowa poll ( thehill.com )

Just under half of likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers who support former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley indicated that they would make a crossover to the Democratic party, saying that they would rather vote for President Biden over former President Trump....

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

The pendulum swings back and forth for the US Presidency, so it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN another Republican eventually gets into the Oval Office. Whether its next year or 4 or 8 years from now, they will eventually get into power again since the Electoral College favors minority rule. We're fucked without massive systemic change.

By all means vote for the party that actually gives a flying duck about rules and decorum, but the Republicans have butchered the political game and there's no going back until they have all the power. They next 2-3 decades are not going to be the future we were hoping for. Look into failing, declining democracies throughout history, or the downfall of Rome, and you'll see a lot of similarities with the current US situation.

You can find it on Amazon, but it's also at most local libraries, but the book "How Democracies Die" by Steven Levitsky from 2018 talks about how democracies throughout history have failed and he also touches on a few ways to save it. Well worth a read if you are into that sort of topic.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

One thing to keep it mind, when he lost the first time, he was still in control of the government so his power and influence was far greater than it is now. This second time around, he has no power whatsoever, he's just another citizen, but it is through his supporters, and the constant media attention, that he wields the illusion of power, but not political power. Objectively, it will be A LOT harder for Trump to attempt another coup since he no longer has all the political levers to control.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Another reason Hitler rose to power was even though the Nazi party only maintained something like ~30% of the government, the other factions of the government couldn't come together and unite against a common enemy, so it was easier for Hitler to cull influence and support. The US doesn't have as many parties as they did back in the 1930's, but within the Democratic party the centrists, moderates, progressives, etc ALL need to fall* behind Biden, as well as most independent voters, otherwise it could very well be game over for democracy in the US.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

For context, I have deleted my Twitter account. But when I did use it, it was exclusively to follow bands/musicians, so I never encountered anything other than musicians and their fans. It was for the most part a nice experience, minus the band mate/fan made drama, but I never followed or cared for that aspect anyways. I never encountered the racist, homophobic, or nazi-like shit most news articles talk about because my bubble was strictly defined to music. I just followed to be informed on the latest band's album news or tour updates and things like that.

But since I'm not a hermit, and I'm AWARE of what Twitter has become, I've left it behind because I don't want to support a single cent of ad revenue to the asshat in charge. I can still get most of my music related news from Discord (which has its own host of problems, but I digress), so I stopped using Twitter and refuse to click any of it's links. And even if I have to click a Twitter link from a journalist or something, I have Nitter Redirect addon for Firefox installed, so at least there's that option as a last resort. Other than that Twitter is fucking dead to me.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

I appreciate that. While it does suck, there was life before Twitter, so I've reverted back to that. The only alternative is to follow artists on Facebook or Insta, but honestly fuck those apps just as much. I do pay/use Apple Music so I do still get notified when any of my following artist release a new album/EP, so in the grand scheme of things, there's not too much of a change I suppose. What is lost though, is the community aspect of sharing show photos or tour experiences or connecting with other like-minded fans. But I'd rather lose all of that than continue to support Twitter, so even tho it's a loss, just out of spite for brain-dead billionaires it kind of feels like a win too.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Federal pardons issued by the president apply only to federal offenses; they do not apply to state or local offenses or private civil offenses. Federal pardons also do not apply to cases of impeachment. Pardons for state crimes are handled by governors or a state pardon board.

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