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grabyourmotherskeys ,

Good thing you don't live in a 15 minute city, you'd starve! /s

grabyourmotherskeys ,

When I hear "I got fired for my political beliefs", I think "they got fired for being a contrarian blowhard with no impulse control".

I have chronic sleeping problems therefore I love(d) taking naps but waking up afterwards is absolute hell. What should I do? **Edit: I have found a short-term solution**

I am currently struggling heavily with depression. Which impacts my quality of sleep. Sleep now has never been a talent of mine. So I generally make up for it by napping. I used to absolutely love it. Both the initial and the waking up (feeling well rested). But lately the waking up part is getting more and more difficult. It...

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I have a sleep disorder. I can no longer nap, have alcohol (at all), caffeine after 9am, and so on.

I also love napping and have napped my entire life when possible until recently.

Since I can't nap anymore without ruining my sleep I now sit or lay quietly with my eyes closed and just rest. I set an alarm for 5-10 minutes and snooze for a few minutes over and over until I "get up". I never really fall asleep so (reluctantly) ending this rest period is not that hard.

This doesn't give you that same rested feeling but I can destress, lower anxiety, and so on. This absolutely has led to me sleeping more deeply at night, getting drowsy before bed, etc.

A little like meditation but mostly just taking a break.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

He's a humorist. It's not supposed to be that funny. Just humourous.

Edit - was thinking of Steve Allen. Time to see the neurologist.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

It's going to turn out that a nation of billions can, surprisingly, figure out how to make chips domestically once it is no longer possible obtain them efficiently from external markets. This might take a few years to ramp up but it will happen and the market will be flooded.

Most people I've talked to on forums like this believe it is impossible for various reasons that center around technical competence.

I am no lover of Chinese governmental policies but this attitude is both racist and risky. I am old enough to remember people saying Japam was only good at copying Western inventions, for example. I also remember a few years later when everyone wanted to learn to speak Japanese and The Book of Five Rings was the hot CEO book of the month.

China will figure this out.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Stock split to make him feel important. I'm guessing, of course. Plus he probably thought this make the company more valuable.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Do... do people really buy add-ons for pp to enhance their slide decks?

grabyourmotherskeys ,

With each year that passes since the re-telling it gets exponentially more interesting.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

That's just wild. I'm in meetings with slides constantly and never heard of this. We'll, now I have a new rabbit hole to go down (as in "finding the most ridiculous of these").

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Just do a bit of the inside of a cuff or the underside of a hem.

Back in the day I used to spray my coat with automotive silicone. Doesn't look great but your not getting wet.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

You have this correct which I why it is so ridiculous that they not only agreed to hear this but did so in a way that both allows Trump to avoid prosecution and will result in a legal precedent that he can use to stay in office and commit crimes while there. Pretty great for Trump.

Trump is disqualified from Illinois ballot, judge rules ( )

An Illinois state judge on Wednesday barred Donald Trump from appearing on the Illinois' Republican presidential primary ballot because of his role in the attack at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but she delayed her ruling from taking effect in light of an expected appeal by the former U.S president.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Deep cut but so very representative of right wing people. They have two modes of supporting their arguments:

  1. Rare: drown you in bs arguments (here are 350 made up examples of how the election was stolen) knowing you won't refute each one. You give up, they think they "won". This can come in the form of a 2 hour youtube.

  2. Common: "I don't need evidence, I just know", "I'm telling you that most regulations are bad, but can't give you a single example", or "I am ignoring your obvious question because I have never thought deeply about this and can't face that reality ".

My personal favorite is when they link a article that completely contradicts their point and refuse to discuss that.


grabyourmotherskeys ,

The beginning of backroom concessions to the crazy wing of the party that are so very, very obvious.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

The crosshairs are not figurative. Not sure the general public has understood this yet.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Yes, that's what I mean. Noone in their right mind would choose her. This was a forced choice and an indication that the lunatics were if not running the asylum, at least in charge of a big part of it.

does anyone have "smart glasses"? are there any that are discreet and cannot be heard by others near you?

I was looking at "spy earbuds" but they just don't seem too practical, even the real expensive ones I found are still disposable batteries only and I just don't wanna drop that kind of money. I do however wear glasses and looking online I see they average about $30 for a pair of bluetooth enabled ones. My only question is, has...

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Just to piggyback, this is a common way to deliver audio and is discrete but it drives some people nuts. There are lots of inexpensive bt headsets that use this. I'd try one before I spent a lot of money.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Imagine that feeling on your temple. Some people get mild headaches. I can tolerate it but it kind of feels sore after 30 minutes or so. Personal preference, I guess.

An RNC member is trying to stop the party from paying Donald Trump's legal bills ( )

At least one member of the Republican National Committee is working to slow Donald Trump’s attempted takeover of the organization by pushing to keep the committee neutral until Trump is officially the presidential nominee and avoid picking up his legal bills....

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Not half but a very large percentage. Nothing has made me lose more faith in humanity than this. It's wild.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I have a beloved swatch from the nineties I am trying to expand the band on for my brother (he has MS so I'm trying to help with this as he has a hard time with phone calls, emails, and so on). Even swatch said all they could do was provide a larger band which was the same size (I am out $50 and they are not responding to my emails asking for a refund or replacement).

I'd love advice on this too!

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I'll try that. I spent weeks going back and forth with swatch support sending detailed info and pics, then they sent me the "bigger" band and it was same as what we had. Also out $50 some for the strap. Sigh.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Yes I might but was hoping to resolve this with them amicably first. I work for a high volume ecommerce business and we have customers doing this even as we are working to refund them so I try not use this if I can help it (it's a tiny, tiny percentage of transactions before people start saying we must be terrible at customer service).

grabyourmotherskeys ,

That... never occurred to me. I am not sure if I can personally but if I can't maybe a watch repair place could. Thank you, kind stranger!

grabyourmotherskeys ,

The band (not Jim) was the talent for sure. But as someone who was born in '72, I did enter teen years viewing him as the personification of Dionysus (which he cultivated). As an adult, I have no doubt he was an insufferable ass. :)

grabyourmotherskeys ,

You should probably lock your door when sleeping down the hall from him.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Also the most insincere and cynical line in any speech he's ever given.

Of course, the people he aimed it at don't really believe it either or they'd maybe read the new testament even just a little.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I have signed several of these. If you do it on company time or with company resources, it's theirs. If you do it on your own time with your own stuff, it's yours.

You may or may not be shocked to learn how many "personal projects" get done when people are supposed to be doing the work they get paid for or with resources they are effectively stealing from their employer. This isn't some evil corporate attempt to steal your brilliant work. They are trying to make sure that when you are at work using their stuff you are doing your actual job.

If you have your own things you want to pitch as products you will be giving over the rights to that the minute you work on it on company time with company resources.

If your ideas are good, save money, quit, start a start up, and use your connections to make a good deal with them (sell it to them). Or wait until you are a vested shareholder.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

You could not enforce "everything you do is ours" in Canada. You cannot write a contract that overrides employment law. Seems crazy you could do that but maybe US legislation allows it. I can see this, especially in states that are more "pro employer".

grabyourmotherskeys ,

You are probably very new to working in IT/programming if this shocks you and a clause like this is new to you.

I would ask myself how much a regular salary is worth over the value of a "maybe" idea you are not committed to already.

My personal advice is spend your time and energy honing your skills to increase your leverage with employers. When you are ready to take an idea to market you'll need to understand how businesses work, etc. You can learn that at work. Pay attention to everything.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I really think people think no one will notice. If you are stealing time and resources from your employer, you probably lack respect for them or have an inflated sense of your importance or expertise.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

"I'm possibly the next president and think you're dreamy, Vlad" absolutely emboldens him and killing Navalny sends the message that he heard him loud and clear.

Trump says his criminal indictments boosted his appeal to Black voters ( )

Former President Donald Trump claimed Friday that his four criminal indictments have boosted his support among Black Americans because they see him as a victim of discrimination, comparing his legal jeopardy to the historic legacy of anti-Black prejudice in the U.S. legal system....

grabyourmotherskeys ,

These groups are very insular. At mar-a-lago over cocktails or whatever, you can probably spout of classist nonsense without anyone batting an eye with polite silence greeting really overt racism. I seriously doubt anyone there would stand up and challenge you saying that kind of thing.

But I'm guessing these people go way further behind closed doors. And this is how they think what they say is acceptable. The more insular, the bigger the gap between between what real people think is ok and what the people in these privileged spaces think is ok.

What we need is for someone to leak video of Trump saying the stuff they say in backrooms. If you'll recall there is precedent for this.

Search your favorite way for "Trump leaked audio".

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Next milestone? Circular driveway.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I mean if you want to drive over your lawn to make your dreams come true, I'll support you.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Really, an inability to pay will be far more damaging to his campaign than a criminal conviction or jail time. Let's see how it goes.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Sneakers: $1,000,000 a pair.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

It's a fair point. I think the key in political contests is to win over undecided voters. You will never win over the Maga zombies. You probably won't win over "my family votes Republican" voters. But there's a chance with the almost impossible to understand undecided voters.

The people who thought "Trump is a businessman and we need a better economy" or "Trump is a billionaire so isn't subject to corruption" might see him differently now. Both of these takes are laughably naive but undecided voters tend to also be low information, last minute people. They get a vague sense of things and go with that. Seeing Trump humiliated on a money issue might do it.

That's just one scenario.

In some purple districts the vote margins are really narrow. A few thousand voters going D instead of R can do it. It's why third party candidates are so damaging.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

This take is missing the point a little. The undecided voter is where this matters and you won't see them moving polls. Some districts that affect the outcome are very close calls we where a few thousand undecided going D instead of R can make a difference.

Edit - sorry, was trying to reply to a comment higher up about losing support.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Swiss people are just trying to hide us better so they don't have to engage in small talk with aliens.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I think it's also very acceptable to have full time contractors on the payroll with no end date for the same reason.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

One of these people was trying to do some good and made a verbal fumble probably caused by years of conditioning that got him where he is today and yes, old people say stuff like this by accident. He probably does have racist thoughts that he knows are bullshit but were put there by the shit job older generations have done in building society.

The other guy is a raging psycho who echoes Hitler phrases in his speeches.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

I always take screenshots of the app screens and have them ready to go. Nothing worse than the app deciding it needs to refresh and then hanging just as you reach a scanner.

I print paper copies just in case but rarely need them. Last time I tried to use one the scanner couldn't read it because it was designed to scan phones and passes, not the giant version they send you to print.

grabyourmotherskeys ,

Yes, I'm probably dropping this. Old habits die hard

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