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A middle aged man with children on the other side of the planet dreaming of writing for a living instead of the daily grind. Highly political, liberal, atheist, and have no patience for religious proselytizing or conservative trolls.

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@spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar
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  • spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    "He can't persuade women to want him, so instead he turns to coercion. His fascist ideology is more of the same. Unable to convince most Americans to support him or his politics, he seeks out ways to impose himself on the country anyway, through lies, fraud, and, eventually, an attempted coup."


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    It would be a damned shame if word of this got around.

    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar
    spaceghoti , to random
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    spaceghoti , to random
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    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar
    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar
    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    It's worth reminding people that even though he did a good thing for Ukraine, it's possibly too little too late, and not for noble reasons.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar
    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar
    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Of course the Trump tax cuts were a giveaway to the rich. Republicans were told to pass it or abandon all hope of receiving further campaign donations. And naturally, they passed a bad law that made the rich richer and everyone else poorer. It did not provide any of the benefits Trump promised it would to the rest of the nation.

    But he'll try to pass another one just like it if he's returned to power.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    I find it interesting how much overlap there is behind RFK Jr's third party campaign and the Trump campaign. They both have the primary goal of bringing down Joe Biden.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Peter Turchin introduces the concept of the "wealth pump," by which the elites funnel money and resources away from the poor and up to the very top. It's an accurate description of the changes to modern society around the late 1970s and early 80s. Turchin predicts the outcome of this "wealth pump" will be violent revolution if the elites don't voluntarily turn it off on their own.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar
    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    "If he [Trump] were any other person, he would have been sentenced to prison many times over with no real hope of release: Sexual assault. Decades of fraud. Attempted extortation of a foreign leader. Stealing classified documents. Flagrant acceptance of what very much looks like bribes. Attempting to overthrow democracy. Inciting a violent riot that got people killed."


    spaceghoti OP ,
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    @CelloMomOnCars You know, it's honestly worth a try.

    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez calls out Republicans for their corruption and hypocrisy, and I'm here for it. I can see this woman one day making an excellent President.

    She turns thirty-five this year. Are we ready for a thirty-nine year old President? It might be worth exploring.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    We already know he's sold national security secrets to foreign interests and bragged about classified information in front of guests. How much more dangerous is he when he's this desperate?


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Diaper Don's spokespeople are blaming the free market for his inability to secure a bond for his fraud appeal. Curiously, there is zero acknowledgement of the fact that he was CONVICTED OF FRAUD and has a reputation for refusing to pay people who work for him.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Of course Republicans are going to stop inviting Democrats to deliver the "State of the Union" address on their watch. Biden embarrassed them and looked good doing it. Naturally, these self-styled "tough guys" aren't going to stand for it.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Did Diaper Don threaten the entire nation if he doesn't win in November? No...but also yes. Because that's how crime bosses express their wishes.


    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Good for Schumer. I'm not a fan, but this is the kind of leadership we need. It's a shame we couldn't get it from Biden.


    #politics #uspolitics #gaza #gaza_genocide

    rbreich , to random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar
    spaceghoti ,
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    @rbreich Without intending to dip into conspiracy theorizing, it might not necessarily be stupidity, per se. It is certainly ill-advised, but we have to remember that this is a man who considers himself above the rules and above the law. He clearly has impulse control issues, his degrading speech patterns suggest possible mental decline, and I don't think anyone could argue that he's been a narcissist for most of his life.

    But one alternative explanation could be that he knows how to sell. What he's selling right now is hatred and victimhood to his base. "Look at how they're treating me!" is what he howls to the press and on social media every chance he gets. His base eats it up. He doesn't need to convince the entire nation, he just needs to convince the enough people in the right places to attempt another electoral win like he did in 2016.

    Here's hoping the American people won't fall for it again.

    wdlindsy , to random
    @wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

    "Stories about Biden’s age swamped the media [with Hur's report]. Judd Legum of Popular Information found that in the four days after Hur’s report appeared, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal together published 81 articles about Hur’s assessment of Biden’s memory, suggesting that Biden was sliding into dementia and should not be running for reelection."

    ~ Heather Cox Richardson



    spaceghoti ,
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    @wdlindsy I still say Garland should have fired him for the political hit job of his report, and then resigned. And since none of that happened, Biden should fire Garland with cause.

    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    Why would there be a demand for lab-cultured meat instead of traditional animal husbandry? Could it have to do with the way millions of acres of natural land are razed to make room for grazing? Or the way their emissions are contributing greenhouse gases? Oh well, let's just straw man a reason.


    wdlindsy , to random
    @wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

    "The oldest president in history just gave the fiercest State of the Union address in history.

    Joe Biden proves once again that age is nothing but a number. …

    After weeks of media coverage stoking concerns about his mental acuity, Biden’s ferocious speech and gleeful, unscripted engagement with unruly Republican backbenchers undercut attempts to make his age the central issue."

    ~ Bill Scher

    Operative words: media + stoking. Add shameful.


    spaceghoti ,
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    @wdlindsy It's absolutely shameful that the media was breathlessly boosting the "Biden is too old" narrative without looking at his Presidential record and drawing the obvious conclusion. Biden accomplished more in his first hundred days than The Other Guy did in his entire administration.

    spaceghoti ,
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    @wdlindsy Once again, introducing a private profit motive has corrupted an essential public institution. It's time to restore old regulations on the industry.

    spaceghoti , to random
    @spaceghoti@universeodon.com avatar

    I haven't eaten at a Chik-fil-A since I learned about their Christian Nationalist founders fifteen years ago. I can't tell you what to do, but I will ask who you support with your money.

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