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peto ,

"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?" -Andrew Ryan, a very smart man who went to live under the sea and I am sure nothing bad ever happened to.

peto ,

Entirely possible trump is lowballing the bribe.

peto ,

It's post-humor. That means you will get it in 3-15 working days.

peto ,

Bold of you to trust the performer knows how to say the words.

peto ,

At a certain point people are going to have to accept that there is something wrong with the barrel.

peto ,
peto ,

For them the problem with fascism is that it is poorly marketed, rather than it being abhorrent.

peto ,

As I said, their problem isn't that fascism is bad, it's that they don't like the word, or anything that looks like 1930s fascism. For them it's a marketing problem that needs a marketing solution. How do we sell it to a country that hero-worships a generation that made war against it and first hand saw the evils it produced. Folk hate being called a fascist even if they fully support all the policies.

peto ,

It is a lot like watching two people fight I think. You don't have to like either of them to enjoy watching them beat each other up, but it isn't any fun if it is just one person battering the other.

peto ,

I wonder if he also trimmed out some of the love thy neighbour or thou shalt not coverts. Or at least the bits in revelation that mention him.

Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled ( )

Basic blender went bad (motor ran but spindle wasn't rotating). I wanted to disassemble to see if it could be repaired. Three of the four screws were Phillips head. I had to cut the casing open in order to discover why I couldn't unscrew the fourth. It was a slotted spanner.

peto ,

At this point I think at least a modest tamper kit should be in a household the same way a screwdriver was previously.

peto ,

I'm pretty sure I've seen chewing gum advertised this way.

peto ,

This is why I like finest as percentage of turnover like what the GDPR does. Even the big shits pay attention of you are willing to make the fines actually significant.

Or we can just start nationalising businesses that break the law. No compensation for the leaches, just now the company serves the state. Lots of folk have no problem imprisoning and nationalising the labour of human criminals.

If we are going to suffer states we should at least make good use of them.

peto ,

If it isn't on your shelves (or server) it isn't your library, it's someone else's access.

peto ,

I think the non-cropped version with the corporate sponsors shows it better.

This oppression was brought to you by Nissan.

peto ,

The idea that AI-created music should just go into the public domain is I think the wrong kind of thinking. It is not simply that AI has no access to copyright, AI has no access to moral rights either. My understanding is that it didn't actually create anything.

Now if an artist uses an AI as part of their work, they are doing some creating, but the AI has no more role in the process than a set of speakers. No one extends their creative credits to their amp. Moog don't make music no matter how important their instrument was to the sound. If I make a random hole puncher and feed it's output into a player piano the machine isn't making art.

peto ,

Extorting Boeing seems like a dangerous game given what happens to people who speak bad about the company. They know his name now too.

peto ,

But is God the Incarnate wholly God-nature, or is he partly God-nature and partly man-nature?

peto ,

So does that mean Jesus wasn't human?

peto ,

I'm talking about natures rather than labels though. Or does God only have the definitions humans ascribe to him?

peto ,

More accurately a superposition of both.

peto ,

The persistent thing I get from right wing folk is that they can not, on a fundamental level get their head round the idea that some people think differently to them. They fear the loss of their power because they know what they do with it, and fear someone else having it. They say other people are triggered because of the unreasoning fury they respond to cognitive dissonance with. They are worried about people 'making children gay' because they will happily imprison and torture people until they present cis/hetero. They make women cover up because they know that any excuse to rape would be enough for them. They support the police because the threat of the police is the only thing keeping their neighbours safe from them. They are scared of the feds because they know what they have used the feds to do.

Don't trust them. Especially when they think no one is watching.

peto ,

If we lived in a socialist utopia we wouldn't have to criticise landlords. Your arguement doesn't even rise to the level of sophistry.

peto ,

Country music doesn't have to be bad. Which means that the recent stuff is a deliberate stylistic choice. Do with that as you will.

peto ,

The Laundry Files by Charles Stross are rather good. It's a Cthulhu Mythos like world, seen through the lens of espionage, bureaucracy, and computer science. The magic starts off fairly low key, but as the books progress it becomes a bigger and bigger component of the characters. Human sacrifice and the maddening effects of magic are fairly consistent themes.

peto ,

I think the issue is where the energy to heat the reaction vessel comes from. The video shows green sources, but that isn't the only way to do it. The thing is, this is ultimately an energy storage tech rather than an energy generation tech. You need excess capacity to make it work, and if that means you have to make up for a shortful with conventional generators elsewhere, you aren't actually saving anything.

I don't know if the previous poster is right of course, but the planet is an almost closed system, and there really is no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to energy.

peto ,

They aren't legal combatants, it's all fine.

peto ,

People seem to forget that the demon core killed far less people than it was intended to.

peto ,

I suppose in that sense it was unfortunate they didn't let it get to the rule of 3.

Ideally when the experimenter is explaining how that core has already killed twice before.

peto ,

I think it's a different bomb at that point.

Yeah, yeah Ship of Theseus but I think when you melt down, mix with other things and then recast you've it's a new thing. That or all they succeeded in doing was making several haunted a-bombs and that strikes me as a bad move.

peto ,

I don't hate conservatives, I just don't want to support that kind of lifestyle.

peto ,

I quite like shop in the sense of workshop, and I also rather like y'all.

I also often refer to whisky as scotch, though I feel like that is as much about making myself understood.

peto ,

Do you use hood for actual cars or is it strictly when you are talking about non-car things?

peto ,

Fair enough, I was curious as I quite like these things where the figurative language gets orphaned from its literal meaning. Giving future etymologists something to enjoy.

I feel like this would be a really great basis for a forum-based RPG. ( )

I really miss old roleplaying forums where instead of being more "gamelike" you would more write a story together and the rules were more of a self governing expectation that people wouldn't try to take over a story for themselves (which didn't always work as intended). I remember being on one's for everything from warriors to...

peto ,

The folk at RRD make some good stuff, though I'm not familiar with this particular system and I really need to stop buying new ones.

I think I'd probably look more towards Free Kriegspiel Roleplaying principles rather than anything especially solid. The games you described functioned more like a Braunstein than anything else and what you need (and as I recall, was something those forum often games lacked) are high trust independent referees with an interest in making the game good, rather than simply fun for their friends.

It would be interesting to see if that kind of thing could work under an OSR/NSR style of play though, the ones I have had experience of were much more s-game or neotrad orientated. You also might want to look at the west marches campaign model if you haven't come across it.

peto ,

Vacuum is another good one, or anniversary.

peto ,


peto ,

Man, this must be what it feels like to be a teacher, all the time. It's cool though, much better than I can manage.

peto ,

I heard more than a few US states decided to expend a law on requiring it because taught, your grandson might be a victim of such a policy.

peto ,

I think going by the colour scheme he's Emperor's Children, who are easily most likely to be topless.

peto ,

When you are that deep into Slaanesh worship, who is to say what is kinky and what isn't?

peto ,

He came and went and took all the good people with him.

peto ,

I wonder if the public perception and use of libraries would be improved if they weren't these strangely silent book temples and were instead places of public learning and conversation.

peto ,

I really don't know how this still surprises anyone.

peto ,

I think it's a cultural conditioning thing, they are brought up to think that forgiveness is an act of mercy, a decision to not seek to punish someone who has wronged them. That it is something that someone would/should ask for, rather than it being an act of letting go of negative emotions.

Being told they should forgive someone means to them that they are in a position of power and have been wronged.

peto ,

Now's a good time to learn then (when they will forget your mistakes.)

Rather than specific dishes, focus on techniques. Learn to make pan sauces and your food immediately goes up several levels. Be generous with herbs and spices (those little pots you get in supermarkets are not supposed to last long). Serve white rice on the side and mix noodles in to the dish (pasta is a kind of noodle). Learn to make stock and bone broths, if you cook a whole chicken you can serve the best cuts as part of the meal, save the rest for a stir-fry or sandwiches and you can use the bones and connective tissue to create a broth that you can freeze for later. Vegetable soups are also great and can use up all sorts of bits and pieces. In cold weather you can put them in a thermos as a hot packed lunch.

If you want to make something sweet, store bought rolls of filo pastry can be quite good these days, add some fruit, fresh or tinned, and cook.

Experiment, most importantly. If you don't know how to cook with something, find people from where it comes from and see what they are doing with it.

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