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dream_weasel ,

What's the point of destroying Stonehenge if humanity survives as a cascading result of stopping air travel? Defacing or destroying Stonehenge is not the lynch pin that solves or even moves the needle on climate change.

Worse, if it WORKS it means the next cause that is perhaps not existential is going to come and destroy something else that belongs to humanity. Weirdly, when nation states destroy heritage sites it's considered a type of war crime, but when it comes up for raising awareness for climate change fuck yeah everyone's in!

dream_weasel ,

While you are correct (and while I said destroy OR deface), the two different posts about this both contain people advocating for actual destruction for the same reasons.

Please read the other posts and alarm your tits to the reality / tenor of the discussion.

dream_weasel ,

I laughed when I wrote it.

dream_weasel ,

Which is, frankly, overwhelmingly stupid.

dream_weasel ,

Perfect! Go find a list of parents with one child and punch those babies. Then figure out which grandparents have the most grandkids and stomp their feet. Next set an orphanage on fire when everyone is playing outside. All these things are exactly as related to climate change as putting beans on art or paint on Stonehenge.

Of course you are exactly right: this is why all the great protests you hear about for civil rights, women's rights, and reproductive rights all started by going where it was safe and fucking up some art and history.

You can have a disruptive impact and not be a totally entitled piece of shit.

dream_weasel ,

This is also not "attacking things" it's attacking people. I can't argue against the fact that it might be effective though.

dream_weasel ,

Same as going to see whales or a rhinoceros. Why not spray paint an elephant? Cut down the biggest redwood tree! I mean there are PEOPLE who are starving!

Relics of humanity AND nature AND all the stuff in nature belong to everybody, not just rich assholes. Wrecking these things to draw attention to other topics is peak entitlement.

dream_weasel ,

I picked living things intentionally because there are people who will put more value on heritage and "stuff" than those lives. For example, if I had to choose between the very last rhino and the Great pyramid, I wouldn't pick the rhino, stonehenge or all of the orangutans is a different discussion. Even any one person weighed against some objects (or other species) is not a cut and dry discussion. It's totally shitty to think you get to pick what's more or less important for everyone.

The first time an activist jumps through a plane engine will get a lot more press and is better targeted, and I don't mean that in a casual / flippant / dismissive way. A spree of vandalism to aircraft engines or supply lines would also do a fine job at a lower cost. People won't stop traveling because one monument gets defaced temporarily or permanently.

dream_weasel ,

You've created a false dichotomy. There is no need to trivialize shared treasures or heritage in pursuit of any cause in order to save anything or anyone. You've decided in some Machiavellian twist that whatever cause you think is truly just is more important than anything other people might value.

It is absolutely important to protect our future, ourselves, and the life we share the planet with, but not by throwing tantrums with unrelated collateral damage. Fight for the climate by fighting for the climate, not by desecrating churches/monuments/art/nature in some weird plight to accidentally piss off the right people and get more TV time.

dream_weasel ,

You break eggs because you need eggs. There are casualties of war because civilians and infrastructure are near the opposing force. There's a word for doing that stuff when it's not necessary: war crimes.

Find me a single revolution that was won or significantly enabled by defacing a heritage site or a priceless work of art as a core tactic.

dream_weasel ,

And I don't want to devalue the cause because we are on the same side of it, but those bits of destruction are still legitimately incidental and not central to the cause.

To put this another way, let's suppose that we stop climate change in as sound a way as we responded to CFCs and the hole in the ozone layer. Two years later, in support of women's rights, St. Peters Basilica is destroyed before lent. In support of trans rights, angel falls Venezuela is irreparably dammed on the cliffs before earth day. To bring awareness to police brutality the following year, the main chambers of the Great pyramid is collapsed.

It is all just stuff. But if your unrelated cause is justified in doing actual damage (which I know didn't really happen yet), why not the next cause? Sure, climate change is an existential threat so maybe there is leeway, but it won't be the last one. I see that you find it important to make sure we protect where we are going, but I also think it's important to protect where we have been. It's not something to be taken lightly or for the sake of "awareness" to destroy our own history.

On the one hand, the roaches may be all that's left to enjoy our history; on the other hand, if the people and nature are all that's left and our history is gone, I find that only marginally better than having not existed at all.

dream_weasel ,

The last reply I will have here is that by messing with unrelated stuff, you ARE NOT guaranteed to solve the problem or even improve it. This Stonehenge business is totally extraneous. It has nothing to do with anything. If it were permanent, it's destruction for its own sake. What is more, it's an implicit green light for more and worse variations of this sort of vandalism or destruction going forward.

If we all make it through, YOU remember you thought it was worth it for the sake of a sound bite and 2 more days in the news for awareness instead of even trying to address the actual problem: airlines, shipping companies, cruise services, coal plants, etc etc etc.

Fucking up history for news hits is stupid, selfish, and ultimately not even particularly effective.

dream_weasel ,

Nope! I think it's stupid and entitled and I'd rather distance myself from it and from you. So happy trails!

dream_weasel ,

Today's vocab word is: licentious. Or if he is actually paying a boatload, profligacy.

dream_weasel ,

What the island halfway down the shaft that's way off the mainland?

dream_weasel ,

Who is this even written for? What a duh article.

If you want to lab around on the cheap then sure get a mini PC, if you need small form factor to do a sane standalone task get a pi. If you're trying to actually get off the ground in self hosted hardware, build a pc (or a server rig) and don't buy rpi or mini PC: that's not in the article, but it's free advice.

dream_weasel ,

Those are just causality casualties then. I've had good luck with performers, but it may depend what you're reading interest is

dream_weasel ,

Nonsense it's Netherlands flag in portrait mode.

dream_weasel ,

The problem is indeed that ballot harvesting is not legal in Connecticut. The problem is the wrong person put the ballots in the ballot box... We should respect the law, but I don't really agree with any law that potentially prevents legit ballots from being cast or counted.

Here's a better article.


dream_weasel ,

I, for one, am willing to make this sacrifice. Specifically to say it's worth it for someone to rewrite a lot of history; I've got a thing going on so I can't volunteer for that even though I really want to darn.

bffr and look up what solidarity is ( lemmy.cafe )

Solidarity denotes the unity and mutual support among individuals with shared objectives, crucial in protests for reinforcing collective resolve. Protests are strategically held in high-visibility, disruptive locations to maximize impact and draw public and institutional attention. This disruption compels acknowledgment of the...

dream_weasel ,

This might be the lamest use of this meme format I've ever seen. It's not in any way the wrong message, but it's insanely lukewarm.

"I'm gonna make you some tasty food." "With only mild spices in it, right?" Is the same vibe.

dream_weasel ,

Definitely seems like she's for some conspiracy stuff going on in addition to just having some stuff going on.

dream_weasel ,

Not super conclusive here. Lean not dangerous? Eh, it doesn't actually matter that much, I like steak and I'm not eating it every day.

dream_weasel ,

We are reading it, we agree with the other guy. You're wrong and also appear arguing in bad faith or with the least possible effort.

If by inaction or dumb action you get the candidate elected that you least support, you have helped said candidate into office. You had the power to choose, and from their perspective you helped them. You can argue that by not supporting a candidate that's all you did, but the pyrrhic "victory" here is just moving the reference frame. Voting is teleological yo: why you did what you did doesn't matter, only the outcome does.

dream_weasel ,

Your anti Biden campaign is what counts here because a) we are all here and b) every voter who reads it is not in California. You want to hate Biden that's totally fine and cool, but leave this hypocritical shit at home. You are an anti Biden loudspeaker around here, not an anti trump voice who likes Biden less.

Most of us see your posts and roll our eyes, but if you sour 10 minds to Biden and your vote doesn't count, who are you helping? Not the non voters, not the voters who feel like you just posted (of which I am one), just the red hat brigade.

If you want to be for trump then do it, if you want to hate Biden do it, but you're yanking our dicks around here and I for one don't like it. Do what you want, but expect this kind of response from the community to keep worsening; not that a downvote ever hurt anybody.

dream_weasel ,

As I rule I don't post because I get too sucked into it instead of, you know, being a good dad lol. Yes I also have not found a Biden volunteer option besides cold calling, so I walk for my state rep in my down time instead.

dream_weasel ,

And however you DO measure it, it's better now than last term.

NOT BEST. Better. That's a reasonable measuring stick.

dream_weasel ,

And obviously trump is the better solution, crayon eater? Two things can be true at the same time: it sucks for regular people but it sucks less now than in 2019.

dream_weasel ,

Right. Fuck, better go back to trump because Biden didn't solve it.

Get the Mexicages back out, remove presidential term limits, let's do a day (TM) of fascism and put anyone who trump owes money back in charge!

I'm not saying this is your perspective but this is the kind of stupid in reading here that starts from the same perspective.

dream_weasel ,


It is, in fact, time to stop being the bigger person and start being the more effective person. I don't care if we set an example, let's get some shit done.

dream_weasel ,

Do I get to pick the starting point? Because if yes, I think Charlotte's web sets a decent example.

dream_weasel ,

Vote. Tell people you vote for that reach out to you that this is one of your concerns and should be one of theirs. Otherwise, we all just do the best we can.

dream_weasel ,

Just 8 or 10 more B and C list celebrities and 6 to 10 more middle of the road musical artists or pro sports players and it will be ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that Joe is a giant piece of NPC shit you shouldn't vote for.

dream_weasel , (edited )

I prefer to think they sang the song over and over again on the round trip and the movie just splices it down to one time through the song.

In reality, these tortured souls rode through the frigid sky with no food or sleep for days on end with only the words of "a whole new world" to maintain their sanity. Their love was obviously forged through shared suffering.

dream_weasel ,

Article somehow casting Biden in a negative light... Is this balanced reporting? No, it's just ozma posting about his crush. Again.

dream_weasel ,

Oh shit! Not the swimmer with the stutter from men of honor! That will cost Biden literally dozen of people.

I didn't forget the s.

dream_weasel ,

Not in the nightstand. That's just the right height and security for any little kid visitor to end up on the news.

dream_weasel , (edited )

Honestly? It would keep him hopefully from having a close enough election to contest it, game it, and potentially evade punishment for the crimes he's actually on trial RIGHT NOW for committing. Then there is precedent for punishing a president and guess who can be next?

Biden does not sit on a button that says "lower gas prices" or "defund Israel" or "hold trump accountable" or any of a whole variety of things in the first place. Can he do more? Sure. Would I trash him because everybody has to do the exact right thing with the exact right issue every time or I'm going to take my ball and go home to let the other guy win and escape punishment for the first time ever? Fuck. No.

Get precedent for punishment, then punish them all.

dream_weasel ,

See last sentence of previous comment.

Nobody has to get away with anything, the only trick is not chasing every squirrel in the park to make sure nothing gets done.

dream_weasel ,

You forgot all the Montero and coin communities! It's a good start though to be sure.

dream_weasel ,

I thought last I heard about this that the bills for this weren't usually called for payment unless you were suing them for something. Could be mistaken

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