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Riven ,

Yea being a cna is tough and underpaid. My ex is one, takes a couple months of study and passing a test. I, with a highschool degree made 6 dollars more than her when her job was 3 times tougher. It's criminal. She worked harder and longer hours in a dangerous place with people who could and would harras and harm her. The harrasment was mental, verbal, physical and sexual as well. Fuck boomers.

Riven ,

Holy hell if you aren't right. I recall her getting all of those things at her work too and a measly 40 cent raise lul. All those banners and pins and lanyards and little gift bags if tiny hand sanetizers and candy. I think she made like 16 here in cali at the time, I recall hearing there's a laaw that was gonna be passed or already passed to get them up to like 20 or 21 at the minimum. Crazy to think that's what mcDonald's employees earn here now while plenty of cnas in other parts of the state earn less still.

Riven ,

That's how I found out I might be a little attractive. Lots of stories about apps being ghost towns and it being hard to talk to people. I didn't struggle much to talk to people, went on dates and found my now fiancee that way.

Riven ,

Yea as much as we hate marketing it's necessary to some degree for us to even know that things exist. How do you think new medications for yet untreated diseases get spread? Those companies pay a ton in marketing to get the meds out into the world and in the hands of doctors. Lots more people would be dying of stuff we have the cure for if they couldn't advertise meds.

Directories for specific products would be good though.
If I need a kitchen gadget I can go to a directory of kitchen or food goods and look around. Between that and word of mouth we would be covered.

Riven ,

Does it increase per property owned though? They can't keep passing on the tax increase to the tenant if at a certain point they own 1000 houses and now their tax on the last one is 7 times higher than the rent on it.

That's what we should be doing any house after your second gets increased a ton per house. Make it untenable for people to own rental properties. I don't mind someone having a vacation house or two if they can afford it. But nobody needs 10 vacation houses, they're rental or investment properties at that point so fuck them.

Riven ,

Yea see that's the problem right there. No of these companies provide any of that to their chickens.

Riven ,

Yea but then you'll be supporting Walmart. So there's that.

Riven ,

Plus one to samurai Champloo and arcane. Really all of your list is top notch and worth a watch. Samuel l Jackson is amazing in afro samurai. Dudes super into anime and hentai lul.

Riven ,

The biggest tragedy of the anime vs the Manga is the art. Boichii is fucking world renowned for how he draws anatomy and it's a huge focal point in his works and they just missed the whole mark there. Reminds me of how they fucked up junji itos works too. If anyone is interested in actual good low budget animations check out komicant communicate, they do so much with so little that you don't realize it's lower budget.

Riven ,

I don't usually mind the low quality stuff but it irks me when the art is absolutely amazing and adds to the panels only to get butchered by cheapskate companies adapting it terribly. It's a tragedy for junji ito cause those ten hours of etching the shadows in any given page do actually matter to add to the horror and the feeling of wrongness. Only to be spit on by shit executives not giving a fuck and just having the animators use a fucking paint bucket to shadow.

Look at this image. The right side is a demon who you wouldn't wanna meet and the left is just a granny with bad ache.


Riven ,

I love that it was fun more than mortifying. I've been there and thanks to the type of person I am, imanaged to make it reassuring instead of morifying for my partner. It's a human reaction, perfectly normal.

Riven ,

How does one get into that line of work?

Riven ,

It would actually be easier to just set massive taxes for anyone that owns more than 2 houses. I don't begrudge anyone who owns a house and a vacation house but fuck anyone who just owns rental properties, and if you can afford to buy a third house then you can afford to pay a ton more in taxes to keep it. The more houses you own the higher the taxes go, just make it untenable for people to own rental properties and the rest sorts itself out.

Riven ,

I could see 3 since your parent could pass away and give you a house but anything more for rentals is a fuck you.

Riven ,

I saw someone wearing a Maga hat at their kids highschool graduation this past week. I just can't fathom how someone is so cringe that they can't put politics aside to be happy for their kid.

Riven ,

Doesn't help that Sinclair owns a ton of media so it's in their best interest to just waffle about and shit talk dems.

Riven ,

Interesting. So if you wanna get kicked out just wear a Mohawk and fake ear piercings to make it clear you're punk.

Riven ,

I found out my ex of 12 years was cheating in a similar matter. For some reason she liked taking screenshot of conversations, I had set up Amazon pictures auto backup on her phone at her request cause she was afraid of losing 16 years or pictures. One day I was looking through the backups cause my phone was also set up and I was looking for an old picture I no longer had on my phone.
I ended up finding plenty of screenshot of her texts with an old school boyfriend she had been cheating on me with for almost 2 years.
Nothing physical as far as I could tell but I can't say for certain it didn't happen, emotional cheating is just as bad for me anyways.
I also saw that some screenshot were from Instagram and I knew her tablet was logged in so I checked and it was all there. Worst part was, that she would often be texting him when we were together doing things and basically telling him she wish she was there. Worst 3 months of my life while I got my ducks in a row so I could leave without issue.

I found out she met him at least twice on her yearly trips back to her home country.

Riven ,

Ah so ukrains not meant to pay it back but it's gonna get paid back by the interest on the Russian money held in international banks. Thanks for the explanation and this is definitely a step up of what I thought it was.

Riven ,

I'm leaning toward a projector hooked up to a mini pc for my next living room 'tv'.

I only ever use mine for movie nights or special occasions anyways so it's always dark when I use it.

Any other regular viewing I usually do on my pc.

Riven ,

That's what I was thinking about doing. I've already been doing a little research. I'm either gonna do standard wireless mouse and keyboard just on my couch or coffee table or one of those wireless keyboards with a TouchPad built in as a mouse replacement. I've also seen tiny Bluetooth wireless keyboards meant for phones but they also work with pcs.

I'm not planning on any crazy streamio RSuite setups as I don't torrent often and definitely not for shows I watch. Standard mini pc running Linux is all I'll probably do. Firefox with unblock serves me well on my main pc and it'll do here as well.

Riven ,

Good call I hadn't heard about them, I'll check it out.

Riven ,

I don't really have any intention on using any of those programs to emulate regular TV watching once I have the mini pc and projector running. Not because I can't set it up because I've done it before but I've found that regular Firefox with unblock is good enough for me. I know what I wanna watch and I know where to go to stream it for free.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely check out the media player button. I'm still doing research on what would work best for my use case.

Riven ,

It couldn't hurt tbh. Maybe provide some sources of other major Hitler 88 sympathizers. Worst case scenario they don't care and best case they change their name, maybe they'll publicly support lgbt with flags or what have you in order to show they're not dog whistling.

Riven ,

More proof that the party of fiscal responsibility isn't actually about that lul. They're terrible businesspeople coasting on daddy's money and abusing laws to make their money.

Riven ,

I was about to suggest this. I'm not an expert but I've seen the inside part of different type of money accepting machines and they seem relatively easy to adapt, at least from a layman's point of view.

I know commercial washing machines are relatively easy to fix yourself as an owner since that's sorta how they're sold, I don't suspect this part of the vending machine is that much harder.

Riven ,

Yea I wasn't expecting it. I saw the other comment saying it isn't true breathing but fuck I would at least try and put them out of their misery. Even if he was functionally dead already.

Riven ,

I'm not worried about jack black but I am about Kevin. I don't think Kevin has the chops to pull of that character.

Riven ,

I was talking about this to my girlfriend when the first trailer dropped. Honestly they should have done an original story and named the movie borderlands 4.
Make it cannon to the games and it would have fit perfectly with how absurd borderlands is. That way you can craft a bespoke story that fits in movie for instead of having to worry about adaptation.

Riven ,

Gonnaa be wild when he gets that mean up to 1 or higher. It'll seem like every president did at least one felony.

Riven ,

I've been saying this about the polls for ages. Anyone even slightly left leaning is more likely to be slightly more tech savvy and more prone to not bother wasting their time with polls because of it.

Riven ,

Right, those 62k he did earn would have been gone and him probably homeless as soon as his health issues got worse. It's a reality for a lot of Americans. Also those 62k he earned were thanks to all the education and experience he was able to get thanks to his privilege. Most people aren't fortunate enough to have his level of education and experience to help them even get to 62k. I make 25 percent less than that and still feel fortunate of where I got to since I came from absolutely nothing.

Riven ,

I've seen a video of that being done in the war. Don't recall if it was the Russian or Ukrainians doing it.

Riven ,

The issue with that is that you're still making money on a human right. That property is gonna gain value and eventually you'll be able to sell it for more than you bought it for, all on the back of the tenants. Unless you're planning to give the tenants the house when they pay the value of it but at that point there's no reason for you the own it to begin with.

Riven ,

I'm saying landlords are parasites and there's no way to excuse what they do as a good thing or necessary.

Riven ,

Dude sorta same. Not to that extent because I mostly don't need to interact with staunch reds in my area but when it happens I do the same. This past week I did it by telling them that I don't watch news on TV period because both sides just want to make you made with fake news to sell you ads. Then I mention I use multiple neutral third party news sites online for my news (which is true).

I actually like using their terms against them too, calling them snowflakes and insinuating things about them. Works especially well if in a neutral non confrontational term.

Riven ,

It isn't even just him. Mukbangs or however they're spelled are huge on social media. I don't get it, I love food and watch street food videos often as background but I don't understand wanting to watch someone else eat insane amounts of food. At least with street food videos you're only watching as someone prepares some good looking food, and for me, I use it to get new recipes or ideas for stuff to cook.

Riven ,

I would have abused my mod power to temp ban you for the lazy title alone.

Riven ,

Fuck this is painfully on point. Both as someone whose worked in customer service and IT.

Riven ,

Similar thing for online polls. Tech savvy people would lean left and we tech people, by in large, wouldn't bother wasting our time on these polls. Meanwhile the people who do usually lean toward a certain side.

Riven ,

Biden should go on AOCs twitch to do an interview. That'll get people's attention.

Riven ,

Now is she actually gonna do something about her colleagues misleading her or continue being complicit due to willful ignorance?

Riven ,

Not to mention some of us don't have kids nor want any lul. Carson a fucking bozo.

Riven ,

Every American has factually gaped their mom. True story.

Riven ,

I've used both the normal and nightly builds and have never had an issue beyond nightly just crashing and closing like twice years ago and I was still able to open it with all my tabs intact.

Riven ,

Same, I've had it crash like twice years ago and didn't even lose my tabs. Everything was fine.

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