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Jimmyeatsausage ,

High humidity can cause them to go off as well. Used to use a cool air humidifier in our kids' room at night and had to stop because it would eventually set the alarm off.

FDA advisors voted against MDMA therapy – researchers are still fighting for it ( www.bbc.com )

Some 13 million Americans struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Existing therapies only bring relief for a fraction of patients, and new treatments are sorely needed, according to psychiatrists wrestling with the scale of the problem. So, there was distinct disappointment when an advisory committee at the US Food...

Jimmyeatsausage ,

There is absolutely reason to pursue second, third, and fourth solutions to medical problems. There is 0 reason to assume that if treatment A is effective in 70% of patients and treatment B is effective in 70% that it's the same 70%.

Braindead take.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

LLMs are not general AI. They are not intelligent. They aren't sentient. They don't even really understand what they're spitting out. They can't even reliably do the 1 thing computers are typically very good at (computational math) because they are just putting sequences of nonsense (to them) characters together in the most likely order based on their training model.

When LLMs feel sentient or intelligent, that's your brain playing a trick on you. We're hard-wired to look for patterns and group things together based on those patterns. LLMs are human-speech prediction engines, so it's tempting and natural to group them with the thing they're emulating.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Less good than helping the shooter before they went over the Rubicon...I think that's the point.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

That's my biggest problem with the whole "burn it all down" mindset so many people espouse on this platform. If we burn down society, we aren't gonna magically have a utopia. We're still, at best, the same as folks during the so-called dark ages. Likely, we still basically tribal hunter-gatherers, and the only reason we have any semblance of modern life is because we put so much work into maintaining and improving it generation by generation.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Jesus gets sad when you get DNA in Uranus, or so they say

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Probably easier than thawing the gasoline in the ice engine, which freezes at -40. And your diesel generator won't run either unless you kept it plugged in to keep the fuel from turning to gel (that process starts at -10).

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Lv 1 charges are pretty shitty...takes my car about 12 minutes to get a mile-worth of charge on a 120v. I could still make it through a week of commuting doing that, but my range was a little lower each day until the weekend when I didn't have to commute. That being said, I ponied up for a 220v outlet in the garage, and the Lv 2 charging is much better. Takes about 15 minutes to recharge from a days-worth of driving (usually 30-40 miles between work and running the kids around to all their activities).

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I had to get an electrician to come run the 220 line for me because I don't trust myself with high voltage electrical work. Bought the charger itself on Amazon for around $300. I installed that part myself. Wasn't too hard, basically jist mounted the converter to the wall and plugged it in.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

My guess is you still die in Russian prison, just more slowly and painfully.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

The best comedians can always pull it off because they know it's about the focus of the joke. I have no idea who the original writer was, but there was a reddit thread about a cishet comedian who did

"You know how I know trans women are women? Because when we have sex they don't finish either"

I love it. It's a joke about trans people, but it works because the butt of the joke is the comedian himself... it even affirms trans identity.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I'll remind my daughter next time she calls me having a panic attack during an active shooter lockdown that at least she still has the right to love who she wants make her own reproductive healthcare choices get IVF if she can't have kids be open and honest about who she is

Jimmyeatsausage ,

If ever there was a case for "more guns = more freedom", right?

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I think the IEDs, suicide bombers, and RPGs made a bigger difference in both cases

Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war ( www.cnn.com )

The military leader of Hamas has said he believes he has gained the upper hand over Israel and that the spiralling civilian death toll in Gaza would work in the militant group’s favor, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing leaked messages the newspaper said it had seen....

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have the same fake man and in the sky. They're fighting over who his message boys were...but that really isn't very relevant in the current situation.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Started on Friday... still coming in waves. I had a breakdown a few weeks ago... just pushed myself too hard for too long...it was probably building up for at least a year. Went to the VA (veterans affairs, for those not in the US, the VA is the sole source of health care for many veterans in the US), and they started making adjustments to my anxiety and depression medications which eventually precipitated into a ER visit. A few days later, they got me hooked up with the mental health clinic where I talked to a provider about going on short-term disability while we're messing with my medication doses until I feel normal again. He says something along the lines "sounds like a good plan, sned me the paperwork."

Queue up to Friday, I get a call from the insurance company saying they got the paperwork from the provider, and it recommends I go back to work. Now I'm out of PTO, disability is denied, and I'm trying to decide whether I lose my job or go back to work on while tettering between "extreme anxiety" and "drug-induced haze" from all the new prescriptions.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Sometimes, you just wanna punch yourself in the dick. It won't fix your problems, but it'll make em feel less important for a few minutes.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

My understanding is most odd us do have these patterns, we just can't see them.


Jimmyeatsausage ,

Well, that comparison in no way minimizes the trauma of slavery.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

It's the only way to defeat the labrenthine security measures that keep people from going into the wrong bathroom.

I remember once at a Cracker Barrel shortly after we had our first kid, my wife was in the ladies' room trying to change a bad, bad diaper. We were expecting a 3 Mile Island, but this was Chernobyl. She hollered for help.

I panicked for a moment but remembered my training. I only just made it past the cross-cutting grid of lasers using some parkour, the riddle guards where one always lies, and the other always tells the truth, and the spike pits with swinging vines over them. I definitely don't remember just fast-walking in there, eyes to the floor, loudly apologizing to nobody in particular.

Once containment and remediation were complete, we enjoyed our meal without incident. The child was especially fond of apple butter.

If I had known I could have avoided all that by simply attending decades of therapy, being abandoned by my family, going through painful binding, and multiple reconstructive surgeries which I had to save up for and purchase myself because they weren't covered by insurance and taking handfuls of pills everyday to try and regulate my hormone levels for some semblance of peace if a body I knew wasn't actually mine...man that would have saved me so much work.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

That's the least wrong thing in the post too...oof

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Just like healthcare...there are very few cases where replacing a societal motivation with a profit motivation results in better service or lower costs.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I agree we should let our populations decline, but it still needs to be a managed process. That's how they should respond; manage the declining population in ways that minimize human suffering.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

No management means millions dying from hunger or preventable disease, entire cities falling into dangerous disrepair and causing danger to remaining people or the animals that inhabit them when we leave, war, slavery, abandoned older gen nuclear sites melting down and probably 100 other calamities I can't imagine.

Jimmyeatsausage ,
  1. Nature doesn't "aim" for anything...including sustainability.

  2. if 1.5 - 2 was the "natural" birthrate, the population wouldn't have ever increased to this level.

  3. I already I agree that there are too many humans. But countries with decreasing populations also have aging populations, which won't be able to feed or care for those people without young workers. Meaning they either starve, start invading other countries with robot armies to capture slave laborers and resources, or...someone manages the decline through immigration policy, tearing down unneeded infrastructure and recycling those materials, etc.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Thinly veiled ad hominem attacks notwithstanding...

Here's a peer-reviewed published study detailing how 30 invasive species have led to the extension of 738 other species. They all continue to grow at unsustainable levels until the ecosystem collapses and a new equilibrium is left in the ruins. They aren't YouTube videos, but I'm confident you can read.


In case you can't, here's another actual scientific article (I hope you'll look. This one has pictures!) detailing how declining populations are also aging populations and the problems that result.


Jimmyeatsausage ,

You're still speaking to me like you're a petulant child.

Decommissioning a nuclear plant is a 15 - 30 year process. If you don't safely shutdown the reactor and manage the spend fuel, you end up with a radioactive hellscape. I'm sorry, but thems the facts.

Humans are animals, and we act like animals. Just like any other species. There are very few nations that have zero population growth...the vast majority are either expanding or contracting. I like kurzgesagt, too, but by your own definition (and theirs), they are extremely simplified explanations of complex topics.

The only evidence I have that economic collapse leads to war is all of human history, but here's some research in that as well. https://www.insidescience.org/news/how-famines-and-epidemics-trigger-wars.

The original post was soliciting opinions about what we should do. Yours was "nothing", mine was "make it as painless as possible." Those are both opinions, and opinions are what was asked for. I based mine on scientific literature, and you based yours on some YouTube videos.

I hope you're as young as you're acting and you've still got time to grow up...otherwise you're gonna end up lonely or burying yourself in echo chambers because you can't handle discussions that don't validate your gut reaction.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

How about managing the fucking economy better

I thought you wanted to avoid managing the process?

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Role a d20 and d4. If the d20 result is less than the caster's wisdom saving throw, collect <d4 result> lemonade (healing item). Otherwise, the caster must pass a constitution saving throw or become blinded and silenced from lemon juice in the face and mouth.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I just tell myself they're all hiding a foot fetish under a thin patina of racism as it's more socially acceptable there to be racist than kinky.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

How science of everyone

For 50 years, science has been telling us that we're well and truly fucked if we don't do something about climate change. We didn't. I don't think the species is gonna die out (thought millions of other species will and are). You're talking like we're gonna be building a Dyson sphere (or swarm) in the next 20 years? Or colonize outer planets? It's science fiction...at least for next few 100 years. We can't rely on a deus ex machina save...we gotta take care of the planet we evolved to live on...if we aren't strong enough for that, I don't think we're getting anywhere near K-II.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Have you considered the possibility that you're a computer?

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I have, completely by accident and with no significant effort on my part, gone 40 years without mass murdering. It almost just happens on its own.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Because, through science, we are constantly improving our understanding of the world, including our bodies. Sometimes, that means things we used to think were safe or acceptable no longer are. We used to shit in buckets and throw it out the window in the morning right next to where the butcher was carving up a carcass on the street. We used to have parties when a kid got sick, so all the kids in the neighborhood got sick at the same time. Recently, we learned more about the impact of the compounds released and their concentrations when we burn natural gas in a confined area.

My understanding is that, while we knew about the compounds released by gas stoves, we either didn't know how high the concentrations were or didn't know enough about the dangers those concentrations could present. Of course, the reactionaries blow it out of proportion and a statement like "Gas stoves might not be safe without adequate ventilation" becomes "THEY'RE GONNA TAKE YOUR STOVE BY FORCE" just like how "cattle produce a lot more greenhouse gases than we thought" became "THEY'RE MAKING BURGERS ILLEGAL!"

Jimmyeatsausage ,

He can't possibly be expected to masturbate to completion with some pathetic tradwife on the screen. He's no beta-male cuck! Only 2 or more alpha males railing each other can produce the kind of testosterone-fueled intensity to make him climax.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Wanted a post-scarcity world but ended up with a post-satire one instead.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

He's not happy, but that's got little/nothing to do with his money. He's doing the same things and experiencing the same consequences as a lot of people who fall into the extreme-right. He alianted his family, he's in trouble at work and he's blaming everyone and everything but himself. Only difference between him and the qanon conspiracy-brain who got fired from the plant in some small town for saying racist shit on Facebook is that Elon's wealth and public status means his life falling apart is a public spectacle instead of a private one. That, and the fact that his meltdown impacts a lot more people.

Money actually does buy happiness for most people (up to about $75k USD annually, at which point the correlation fades). I suspect that happiness is a direct result of not feeling like you're 1 sick day from homelessness, but I don't think the data is there to support why yet.

Edit: $75k, not 7k

Jimmyeatsausage ,

I was born extremely smart. I always tested way at the top of the curve... far superior to all my peers.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

MFer accidentally got "plum" right and didn't even know it...

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Do you know a moth who's good at conversation?

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Per-swipe ads on phones. Free tier: every 5 swipes, regardless of app, full screen unskippable ads (content saved to devices locally so airplane mode doesn't stop it). Then you pay more to increase the number of swipes you get between ads.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Some aspire to greatness, and some have it thrust upon them.

Neither of those apply here, but you'll be fine.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

Even that's not technically accurate. That's the kind of thinking that makes people think a snowball means the climate isn't changing. We'll still have some summers that are marginally cooler than some previous summer, but the average over time is gonna keep going up.

Jimmyeatsausage ,

What is this, a war thunder forum? Stop releasing the secrets!

Jimmyeatsausage ,

"If they aren't already terrorists, I'll terrorize them until they are."

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