Nonilex , to random avatar

is supposed to rule this morning on ’s claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election.
The decision will determine whether & how special counsel ’s case against Trump can proceed — although it’s unlikely a trial would happen before Day. But the ruling could also set an important for how to prosecute presidents for their actions in office.

FinchHaven , avatar



The elected of the may attempt to coerce the elected of the United States to overthrow an election at the and that is now considered an official act of the

Got it

DemocracyMattersALot , (edited ) to random
RevPudDudley , avatar

@DemocracyMattersALot Try to imagine what it would take before 17-20 GOP senators would join in to vote him out. Unimaginable

skykiss , to random avatar

Damning Evidence Blows Up Trump’s Espionage Crimes

Documents with classification markings discovered in Trump’s private quarters months after prosecutors had subpoenaed them and the FBI conducted its own exhaustive search of the property. Investigators had “strong evidence” that the former president “intended” to hide classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort, according to newly released court documents.

He told his staff to avoid security cameras when moving boxes.

And his espionage continues.

JeffDanielswpg , to random avatar
ThomHartmann , to random

Is it time to use the words “traitor” and “treason” to describe Republicans in the Congressional Putin caucus?

SammyGalen , avatar

@ThomHartmann In 1968, stole the election by committing treason, with no one objecting. In 1980, stole the election by committing treason, with no one objecting. In 2000, stole the election by committing treason, with no one objecting. The time to use the label of was long ago, and is accurate for now.

GottaLaff , to random avatar

via Anna Bower:

JUST IN: Judge DENIES ’s motion to dismiss the classified case based on the presidential records act.

In the same order, Judge Cannon also denies the special counse ’s request for a prompt ruling on jury instructions prior to trial.

She calls the special counsel's request "unprecedented and unjust."🤦🏻‍♀️

RevPudDudley , avatar

Judge Training Wheels used the word "unjust" toward prosecutors?
Jack Smith is being "unfair" to her?
Stop, you're killing me

Rasta , to random avatar


"Before we discuss raising taxes on the poor & middle class, adding $1 trillion to the deficit, taking health insurance away from 13 million, raising premiums by 10%, defending treason and swearing in a pedophile, let's begin with a prayer."
~Jack Ziegler, TNY


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  • uspolitics Bot , to random avatar

    Trump Launches Fresh Attack on Judge’s Daughter After Gag Order

    TheGayPrognosticator ,


    He’s making a mockery of the judicial process.

    He believes that the law doesn’t apply to him.

    He believes that no Judge has the guts to jail him - and so far, he’s right.

    It’s time to clip his wings.

    Confiscate his aircraft.

    Confiscate his passport.

    Throw his diapered ass in jail for .

    Treat him EXACTLY the same as anyone else.


    DemocracyMattersALot , to random

    Congratulations to NBC for snagging a seditious conspirator!

    lowqualityfacts , to random avatar

    Trump has less than a week to arrange a $454 million bond. There are 331.9 million US citizens. If each American spends only $1.37, then we can all buy a cheap chocolate bar to enjoy while we watch the State of New York seize Trump's properties.

    RevPudDudley , avatar

    I have a dream, of a monument to prominent Republicans -- a mountain of refuse and filth, to which every American can contribute something, and [those individuals] will be under it.
    [nominations are open]

    GottaLaff , to random avatar

    Threats and Cheating, Inc.

    Via Acyn:

    : Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country.

    DJ_2280 ,


    Good we have a huge supply of body bags for the unwilling.

    jamusb , to random avatar
    skykiss , to random avatar

    "This is objectively correct.Trump is the very worst—the actual bottom of the barrel—of the human beings our country has birthed.You can tell me that he is tied with some others ...Manson, Dahmer, and but as a Trump biographer I’m not going to have any difficulty arguing that no one exceeds Trump in being despicable. Keep in mind that the death toll from his actions during the pandemic will never be equaled by any serial killer or terrorist because it would be logistically impossible." s.a.

    He is responsible for the death of many thousands of Americans.

    Donald Trump is a horrid, malignant, narcissistic sociopath. He’s one of the worst exemplars of the human species I’ve ever witnessed. Period.

    GottaLaff , to random avatar


    Via the hellsite's Kentucky Fried Electrician

    No one gives this man any credit. He is the first “billionaire” to sell sneakers where 100% of the proceeds go to a rape victim.

    RodneyPetersonTalent , avatar


    Related and quite serious:

    Let me get this straight. In a 33 year old and ballet student working in a Beverly Hills luxury hotel holding both American and Russian citizenship is arrested for while visiting her family after donating $50 to and supporting them in social media. While in the United States actual treasonists and traitors are elected to Congress and the Presidency.

    MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

    Today in Labor History February 19, 1807: The authorities arrested former Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr for treason. They alleged that he was behind a plot to create an independent country in the southwest of the U.S., but had to acquit him for lack of evidence. Some believed he intended to take Texas or all of Mexico, but accounts vary as to how many supporters he had (anywhere from 40 to 7,000). In 1808, he traveled to England and attempted to garner support for a revolution in Mexico. The Brits kicked him out of the country. Prior to all this, while still vice president he had killed Alexander Hamilton in an illegal duel. He was never tried and all charges against him were dropped. Gore Vidal wrote an historical novel, “Burr,” written in the form of a memoir by Burr. The novel undoes the traditional hagiographies of America’s founding fathers, portraying them as the greedy, self-serving and often times incompetent men they really were. It was the first in his Narratives of Empire series.


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  • wdlindsy , to random avatar

    "Hur’s description of Biden as 'well-meaning' has generally been ignored or interpreted as a condescending pat on the head. But in an election against Trump, it’s deadly serious. The special counsel investigations have found that while Biden acted with good intentions, Trump acted with bad intentions. And that’s why Trump, not Biden, got indicted."

    ~ Will Saletan


    phaedral , avatar

    @wdlindsy Decision 2024: A life-long servant of the people or a life long

    tomcapuder , to random avatar
    GottaLaff , to random avatar


    Via Ruth Ben-Ghiat:

    Information warfare in action. Smear the target to destroy his credibility

    Aaron Rupar:

    On Newsmax, Dr. Rich McCormick, a GOP Rep. and member of the doctor's caucus, casually diagnosis Biden with dementia

    phaedral , avatar

    @GottaLaff It's a good sign that this is really all the Rethuglicans have going for them: Biden might put a non-white-non-male in the White House. Meanwhile

    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the US, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk,”

    ~ NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg


    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    Jay Kuo quotes Lawrence Tribe on Trump's invitation to Putin to do whatever the hell he wants with NATO nations:

    "This is an announcement by Mr. Trump of intent to commit what Article III defines as 'treason' by giving 'aid and comfort' to an 'enemy."


    wdlindsy OP , avatar

    "Trump really has admitted an intent to commit treason should he win reelection and should Russia attack, all because he claims NATO members didn’t spend enough on their militaries. But ever since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, NATO members are now spending far higher on their defense. So why raise this point now, if not to send a clear message to the Kremlin?"


    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    "One candidate is old and makes verbal flubs.

    The other candidate is old, makes verbal flubs, faces 91 felony counts and wants to be a dictator.

    If you focus only on the age and the verbal flubs, the two candidates are about the same, right? In fact, the one who doesn't face 91 felony counts has a brain that’s three years older than the other one, so the 'younger' guy is better, right?

    Um, no.


    phaedral , avatar
    slcw , to random avatar

    These don't seem to be aware that the explicitly prohibits member states from leaving the union. There is no legal mechanism for Texas to declare its independence from the . So, what we're talking about is armed rebellion, and criminal charges for those who participate. These people are all about law & order until abiding by the law is inconvenient to their desires. Then, they're freedom fighters. 🙄

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

    Today in Labor History January 25, 1787: Daniel Shays and 800 followers marched to Springfield, Massachusetts to seize the Federal arsenal during Shays’ Rebellion. The Massachusetts State militia ultimately defeated them. They were trying to end the imprisonment of farmers for debts, confiscation of their lands and other attempts by the wealthy to make the poor pay for the Revolutionary War. The authorities convicted and hanged many of Shays’ followers for treason. Shays, himself, fled to Vermont. He eventually won a pardon. The U.S. Constitution, written in the wake of Shays’ rebellion, was designed in part to prevent other similar uprisings by the common people against slave owners, bankers, landlords and businessmen.

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